Brad Simpson love island 2020...

By thevampsbradx

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A song writer and a PE teacher enter the love island villa in hope of finding love but will they? More



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By thevampsbradx

You wake up wrapped up in Brads arms, he gently rubs your arm up and down relaxing you

"Morning darling" he says with a raspy voice

"Morning handsome" you reply a you look up at him with a small smile and you lift the covers up to your face making him chuckle and lower then slightly and peeks down

"Stop!" You whine playfully

"I can't help it" he tells you and you lower the covers down but still covering your bare chest while you talk.

The producers then tell you that you've got to get out so you pull on the lingerie again and put the robe on.

You both walk back into the bedroom hand in hand making everyone clap and cheer.

The boys pull brad outside while you talk to the girls

"So" Paige says

"So" you reply

"Spill" Siannises says

"Did you guys do it?" Jess asks making you blush

"AHHH!" The girls squeal and that's when all the boys some back in but then you hear the crying of babies making you give brad a confused expression but you both go and run.

You both run and see cots with little plastic crying babies in them.

Brad takes your hand and leads you to your baby

"We've got a boy!" You gasp as he hands you the baby and then you, Siannise and the Luke's have a look at the clothes they have for the baby before changing the baby and Jess comes over and taps your baby

"That's the cutest baby ever" she says as you're holding it

"Must've got my genes then" you say with a wink as you look at Brad 

"Shut up" he says as he starts tickling you

"Ah stop!" You squeal but he keeps going and you almost drop the baby but luckily Brad places his arms underneath yours to strengthen them

"Okay no more tickles until the baby is gone" he says and you nod and Brad takes the baby from your arms and it starts crying so he passes you the baby back making you laugh, you rock the baby slightly and it stops crying which causes you to smirk at him.

After a while you give Brad the baby so you can get ready

After you put your bikini on you but on an oversized white T-shirt that belongs to your brother and then you sit on the sun loungers with Brad and your baby

"Do you feel like a proud dad?" You ask

"Yeah" he replies laughing

"I'm sorry I didn't know, I'm sorry it was so unexpected. I mean it happened very quickly like it was fast to arrive" you say playfully making him laugh

"Nah he's cool" Brad says and you take the sunglasses from his hair and place sit them on the babies face making him laugh again

"I feel like a footballers wife like I've got a baby I'm all glam and I've got a good looking dad" you say with a small giggle

Siannise and Luke T come over to join you both and then a pram ends up in the pool, luckily no babies were in the pram.

"This is Barnaby" Brad says

"Little Barney bear" you coo

The two Luke's then go down to the gym and they take the babies with them so you just sit and chat to Siannise and Paige

"I think it's really sexy when a boy has a baby" you say to them

"I was just about to say that like looking at Luke T, I find that so attractive" Siannise replies

"Yeah it's so attractive" you reply

"I fancy him even more" she tells you

"Any boy with a baby is Mmmh" you moan

Somehow both Luke's and brad end up running around the pool racing while pushing the babies in the pram

"Brad go faster!" You squeal While Siannise tells them to stop and she takes the baby making you laugh.

"Was that what you were like last night?" Paige asks making you gasp playfully

Later on Siannise gathers you all around and she starts a stretching class with the babies.

You sit down and brad sits behind you wrapping his arms around while you lift the baby as Siannise instructs.

Later on you all have to put the babies back so you place the baby back in the cot and Brad picks you up bridal style

"Now I've got this baby" he says as he pecks you lips while walking up the stairs still carrying you.

You then go and sit on the grass with fin, Paige and Luke as you get a text

"I got a text!" You shout gaining everyone's attention "mummies and daddies, your parenting challenge is now over. The couples who took the best care of their babies and therefore winnings of today's challenge are... Mike and pricilla!" You shout making everyone cheer "fin and Paige, Callum and Molly and Luke M and Demi and Brad and Y/n also passed this challenge." You read out

"How the hell did Brad and y/n pass?" Fin says to paige making you give him a glare playfully

"Luke T and Siannise, Jess and Ched and Jamie and Natalia failed. As more than half of you passes, you will be rewarded with a party tonight. # wet the babys head" you read causing loud cheers to erupt

You and Paige then head up to get ready for tonight

"Damn girl look at you!" Paige whistles

"Look at yourself!" You reply while you curl pricillas wig that she puts on mike making you all laugh.

Brad comes up to the dressing room once you're all ready and takes your hand as you both head outside

"You look unreal!" He says as he looks at you smiling

"As do you" you reply with a wink and then you all have a drink and a little dance but that is interrupted when you hear the sound of a text

"Oh no" you say and you all look to see who's phone it was

"It was mine," mike says "All Islanders most gather around the fire pit immediately" he says creating a cold atmosphere.

Brad wraps his arm around your shoulder and you take hold of his hand as you head down to the fire pit and you sit down around it when fin gets a text

"Demi and Luke M, Jess and Ched, Molly and callum, Natalia and Jamie and pricilla and mike you were voted by your fellow islanders as the least compatible couples and are now vulnerable. Please all stand up" he reads and all the couples mentioned stand up, you hold Brads hand and he rubs his fingers over your nickels trying to clam you down.

You then get a text making you sigh

"The public have been voting to save their favourite couple, the couples with the least votes risk being dumped from the island tonight. The two couples saved by the public will now be revealed in no particular order." You read and you look up at Paige and fin who are smiling at you nervously

Pricilla then gets a text

"Demu and Luke M" she reads

Brads arm wraps gently around your waist as you wait for the rest of the results.

Siannise then gets a text

"The second couple safe is... Jess and Ched" she says and you smile at Jess and she returns the smile.

Paige then gets a text

"Molly and callum, Natalia and Jamie and pricilla and mike you're all at risk of being dumped from the island. Please stand In front of the fire pit"

Luke M gets a text once they've all stood infront of the fire pit

"The couple with the fewest votes from the public and therefore dumped from the island is... Natalia and Jamie. You must now say your goodbyes and leave the villa. All other islanders must remain at the fire pit" he reads out so you all stand up and hug the pair saying goodbye.

They then head up the stairs and you all sit down except those left standing.

Luke T gets a text once they're completely out of sight

"Molly and Callum and pricilla and mike you are still vulnerable. But only one more couple will leave tonight. Which couple stays and which couple is dumped will be decided by your fellow islanders" Luke reads out making you all groan and cover your faces with your hands.

Jess gets a text

"Each couple must now decide whether to save molly and Callum or Pricilla and mike" Jess reads

You then turn to chat to brad as you make your decision.

Up first is Siannise and Luke T who saved Mike and pricilla.

Followed by Paige and Fin who saved Callum and Molly.

Next is Jess and Ched who saved Mike and pricilla.

Luke and Demi save mike and pricilla.

Up next is you and brad, you tap brad so he knows you want him to speak so he does and reveals you both chose to save Mike and pricilla who mouth a thank you. However this meant Callum and Molly are going home.

You stand up and hug molly

"I'm so sorry" you whisper

"It's okay" she says and you hug Callum

"I'm so sorry" you whisper to him too

"It's okay it's not your fault don't feel bad" he says

You all help molly pack before Callum walks in

Once they're gone you all head upstairs and get ready for bed and that's when Jess notices nat left you all a note on the mirror with lipstick which wisdom 'love you guys Nat' with a small heart beside it making you all Aww.

Once you're all done you jump into bed you have a cheeky kiss with Brad before he wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly to him.

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