Rick X Reader

By ruby_emolife

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Rick x reader More

chapter one: how they met
chapter two: lawnmower dog
chapter three: a quest
chapter 4: the backstory
chapter five: Rick potion no. 9
chapter 6:raising gazorpazorp
chapter 7: close Rickcounters
chapter 8: risksy business
chapter 9: a rickle in time
chapter 10: autoerotic assimilation
chapter 11: total rickall
chapter 12:
chapter 13: the ricks must be crazy
Chapter 15: Look Who's Purging Now
Chapter 16: it wasn't a date
chapter 17: wedding squanchers
chapter 18: attempt to save rick

chapter 14: Big trouble in Little Sanchez

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By ruby_emolife

Y/n's pov

I woke up to find the space next to me empty again. From what I could tell Rick's been trying to avoid me since a few weeks ago. After that night morty barged in on our kiss. It only bothered me slightly since I couldn't continue to play our little game we'd always played. I decided it was time to roll out of bed and grab a cup of coffee. 

As I walked down the stairs, I noticed everyone was at the dining table. I sat down in the empty chair, Rick looked up from his plate for a second but gave me a bored expression. Morty started talking about how a lunch lady at their school was found dead with two holes in their neck. Rick nonchalantly said it must have  been a vampire.

"Wait vampires are real?"

"Of course they're real summer," rick commented.

Summer somehow got the courage to ask rick a really specific question, that I didn't really see coming. She wanted him to go to her school as a teen and find the vampire, like their own adventure. 

"That's weirdly specific Summer. I could do that but why would I waste my time doing that. You should be ashamed  "

I watched as Summer looked down at her plate disappointedly.

"That's right Summer be ashamed," Jerry said absently playing on his tablet.

This started a fight between Beth and him but we all ignored him. Rick asked if they've ever thought of going to marriage counseling. Beth of course said that it didn't work. Rick decided that he'd take them to an off planet couples counselor with a 100% success rate.

That's surprising he wants to save someone else's failing marriage? He wouldn't even save his own, something's up.

The three of them got up and went to the ship. I had the kids get ready for school and drove them there since public school transportation sucks. 

Once I got back from dropping the kids off in their parents car, I found Rick working on something in the garage. I sat at his work bench and watched him work on making hyperbaric fluid capsules. He looked up at me after finishing the cut he had been making in one of the metal bars. 

"What," he said gruffly.

"So you're really gonna do it?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Nothing...you want help coding the program for the mind transfer?"

"How generous of *eugh* you," he said sarcastically. 

"Okay asshole, I wont help you then. See you in a few days. Really hope the kids dont get the blood drained from their bodys by that vamp."

"Alright, alright. I see your p-point."

We worked in silence and soon I finished setting up the program and the electrodes to go with it. I decided to help him on fixing the capsules in place. He made several but I'm not complaining. Once we had finished he started to make the actual fluid that would need to be after the body was contained. I took a dna sample and made a few bodies he'd asked for in his clone synthesizer. We were finished by lunch time and I helped him transfer his mind over to the morty aged version of himself. We ate a sandwich and then left for the high school. 

Once I dropped him off I went back home to take a nap.

*time skip to after the kids and rick return* 

The kids and rick seemed happy with their hunt and summer was even carrying a pink duffle with bloody wooden stakes in it. 

"Looks like you guys had fun."

"Yeah grandpa Rick was so cool."

"Oh my god, Toby Matthews just texted me. He wants to know if we can have a party, but he'll only come if Tiny Rick is here," Summer squealed.

After some internal debating, Rick let them have a party at the house and stayed in his young teen body. I headed back up stairs for a bit to chill in Rick and I's room. I decided to go over my blueprint of my watch version of Rick's portal gun in my project journal. 

Summer walked in and asked for help on her outfit. I helped her out as quickly as I could and took my journal down stairs to the garage. I could see the party was already starting to pick up as I passed through the living room. I got a few flirty comments on my way through which I ignored. Rick was standing in front of the garage door with a red cup in his hand and a small scowl on his face.

"What was that," he sneered.

"What was what? The stupid kids hitting on a seventy something year old in a twenty seven year old body? Not that you should care, but I don't really care much for dumb kids hitting on me."

"Good b-because y-you're *eugh* mine," he said getting closer to me. 

"You DONT own me Rick. Now move twerp, I've got work to do."

"Make me B-bitchh. I'm tiny Rick!"

"Ugh you're a tiny asshole who's a giant pain in my ass is what you are," I growled shoving past him.

Once I was finally in the garage I started rummaging around in the drawer Rick cleared out for me. I found my matching watch that was like the one I'd given Rick when we were younger. It could use a few upgrades. Phone compatibility for one and I still have to figure out exactly how I'd make the portal gun concept small enough to fit in a watch. I decided to start on the upgrade first since it's got the simplest solution. I writ new protocols and rewit the some of the software. Once that was done I let it update itself and sync; while that was going on I decided I could find a way to incorporate my own version of portal fluid for the portal aspect of the watch. 

I was in the middle of placing the (f/c) portal fluid when I got distracted by whatever was happening on the other side of the wall. I set down the dropper and decided to check out what all the commotion was, can't have them trashing the whole house. 

I walked into the kitchen to get a drink and walked to the living room entrance. Rick sat in the front on a stool with a guitar in his lap. I watched him sing something "off the top of his head." That shit was depressing as hell and obviously a cry for help. Morty didn't seem to notice but that's probably since Jessica was giving so much attention. Summer was a bit concerned but she didn't directly come to me so not my problem. 

I was on my way back to my project when Rick rounded the corner and gave me a smirk. He pulled me forward and pulled me down into a kiss. I heard a few whistles and 'yeahs.' I could feel my blood begin to boil. 

"You little perv. Leave me the hell alone," I said pushing him off me and going into the garage. 

I sat back down at the workbench and started putting the (f/c) portal fluid into individual containment units. Each containment unit was a small vial that probably had enough fluid for two round trips. I had to modify the watch so it could shoot out the portal and house the vials. It took a bit of time, but I decided to call it a night after I placed the new modifications in place. 

I headed up to bed after putting everything in my drawer. As I was walking through the house, I noticed that the party had started to die down. I saw Summer talking to a few girls and Rick looked like he was coming over in my direction. A prickling sensation ran up my spine and I decided to head in Summer's direction to avoid the tiny asshole. 

"Hey Summer," I forced a smile.

"Hey y/n, what's up? Come to enjoy the party?"

"Sure, just for a bit. I had some work to do in the garage, but I think I should head up to get some rest in a while."

"Oh ookay."

"Alright so I wanted to see if you'd be okay with me bunking with you tonight?"

"Oh my god of course you can. We can make it like a sleep over!"

"Ugh sure, if you want."

"This is gonna be so much fun, come on girls let's go up to my room."

Summer dragged me up the stairs, her small group following close behind. I saw Rick follow to the foot of the stairs but he was gone just as fast. We stopped by the room I shared with Rick, and they rummaged through my clothes. I grabbed a oversized flesh curtains shirt, my charger, and headphones, before getting the girls to stop and go to summer's room.  

Somehow I ended up with a makeover, luckily it was only one hour. Most of the girls left in that hour and soon enough Summer was feeling tired. I had Summer get ready for bed while I did a round to see if anyone else was still in the house. Luck for me no one had overstayed their welcome and morty was cleaning up the little amount of trash people had made.

"Morty, honey go to bed. I'll get a couple of meeseekes to clean in the morning, your parents aren't due for a couple of days."

"Thanks y/n," morty sighed tiredly. 

I walked back upstairs and changed into my oversized shirt. Plugged in my phone to charge and tried to fall asleep. After about half an hour of trying and I decided that I might as well put my active mind to be productive. I grabbed my phone and headphones before going down to the garage. It was surprisingly empty so I sat at the workbench and took out the watch I'd been working on. I listened to music as I worked.  

Rick's POV

I somehow managed to sleep for a while. The room felt so cold and dark, I hadn't realized how used to y/n I'd gotten. I'd avoided her for the most part physically,  talking had been minimal almost forced. I saw her go into Summer's room earlier, so I guess she decided to sleep there tonight. 

I looked at the time on my phone, 5 am. I guess I could go to the garage and find something to work on. I went downstairs to the garage and heard yelling coming from the garage. When I went in I found y/n on the floor screaming out as if she was in pain. She was screaming my name. I froze for a moment, wondering what it was I could be doing to her in her dream. Then I heard it...

"Rick, run! They're coming for you."

My blood ran cold hearing her say that, it was so vague but we'd lived our lives on the run for years. I walked over to her and tried to wake her up. I barely put my hand on her shoulder when her hand grabbed onto my neck and her eyes shot open, bionic eye glowing. 

"y..y-y/n," I clawed at my throat. This body was a disadvantage

In seconds she released me and i was gasping for breath. Fuck I'd be so turned on right now if the situation was different.

"I...I'm s-sorry Rick. I don't know what happened." 

"I know that, you fucking psychopath."

"What are you doing up and why are you still in that body?"

"Because I f *eugh* feel like it."

"Alright then well," she sat up and leaned her back against the wall, "totally up to you what you do. Your life, your decisions on whatever the fuck you're trying to accomplish with this little adventure of yours."

"Yeah, what do you know idiot."

"Nothing, honey," she said sarcastically. "Just don't hurt those kids in the process. As much as we'd both hate to admit, we both know they're not so bad and we'd do anything for those little shits."

I looked at her for a moment and then I noticed it. I had the clearest view of her panties. I got closer and straddled her, before attacking her lips. One hand supported me against the wall next to her head, while the other went down to play with that needy button of hers through the fabric.

Y/n moaned and bit my lip causing me to break the kiss.

"Damn. What the hell y/n I thought you liked this thing we had going on."

She let out a low hum before she grinned at me like the psychopath she was, "i may but not in that tiny body you're in. You aren't playing fair Rick."

"W-what? you like *eugh* that old man better? You got some sorta- sorta old man link or something?"

"Course not but I'd rather have an old man to tease than some prepubescent kid. I don't care if you transfered your mind, it still feels borderline pedophilic. And your true feelings show themselves alot more than when you're at your normal body, we should check that out later once you get your head out your ass."

"You bitch, I-I'm fine. You don't k *eugh* know what you're talking about."

"Sure I don't Rick. Try not to kill yourself you tiny asshole. I'm going on a solo adventure once the kids go to school."

The garage door opened slowly. Speak of the damn brats.

Morty and summer peered in but quickly covered their eyes at the sight of me on top of y/n.

"Ugh calm down you idiots. We're decent and just talking. What are you two doing up," y/n sighed pushing me off before standing up.

"Sorry y/n. I couldn't find you in my room when I woke up so I got worried."

"Rick's not b-bothering you is he y-y/n," Morty stuttered.

I saw a small smile form on her face,l

Haven't seen her smile like that since before she came back into my life. Looks like she's starting to stabilize. Fucking psychopath..

"don't worry so much kiddos. Rick came to check on me since I fell asleep working down here."

"Oh okay, but I thought you slept in my room," summer pushed further.

"I tried but I couldn't fall asleep so I can to work on some of my own projects. Anyways since you guys are up go get ready and I'll make breakfast. What time is it anyways?

"It's 6:30," Morty sighed.

"Perfect then shoo you two. I'll start breakfast and I'll drop everyone off."

Morty and summer shuffled out of the garage and to their rooms to get ready.

She smirked at me and lunged at me as soon as the door closed. I didn't even have time to react before she had me against the wall with a hand around my throat.

"Rick," she cooed, that smirk never leaving her face. "Don't do anything that'll piss me off when I get back or I'll make sure I punish you for it. You take care of our grandkids you little shit," she lightly squeezed, not enough to leave a mark,"you like this don't you Rick. My hand wrapped around your neck, that small squeeze that gives you a rush."

Somehow a low groan escaped my mouth and gave her the satisfaction she wanted. She let go and exited the garage with that stupid smirk of hers.

God was she the hottest tease. I hated the fact that my pubescent body betrayed me the way it was and it was still notable as I could feel how restricted I felt in my boxers.

I waited a few minutes until I could compose myself to go out and get dressed. Once I finally did so and sat at the table, Morty and summer were already there and eating breakfast.

Y/n came out of the kitchen with a hot plate of food in each hand. She set one down infront of me along with a cup of coffee, just the way I liked it.

Was she always this caring?

She sat next to me and began to eat before breaking the silence. "I'll leave a few meals made and the money your parents left me for food incase you wanna order pizza. I'll be leaving you three alone for a couple of days. Summer's in charge, so don't make me regret the decision or I'll have a punishment for each of you," she said with her scariest look, a look she'd mastered while we were touring as a band, but quickly smiled as she finished, "you can all reach me on my phone if you need anything or if something happens."

"Where are you going y/n," Morty asked shocked.

"I'm going to put my newest project to the test and probably visit a few old friends. Rick have your watch on you incase I need a life line, though I doubt I'll need it."

We all continued to converse about random shit until y/n had us shuffle into the car and took us to school.

****Time skip to dance night****


Summer called me during my visit with bird person. I had to cut our conversation short and we both said our goodbyes before I portaled back to earth.

Summer had called me from her school dance about how worried about Rick she was. He'd stormed out of the dance after causing a big scene and spilling juice on her new top. Knowing how reckless he could be I sent the kids home to look for him while I got there.

Somehow the three of them had beat me to the house and they were wrestling on the floor. Must be the time difference between bird person's home planet and earth.

"Just put the stupid wires on my head, I hate being a teenager, " Rick screamed out.

I watched the kids work with a smile on my face. Real problem solvers today these two.

Rick returned back to his normal body and showed us his project. Well the kids I knew about the clones but just didn't really put much thought into why he'd decided to go through all the trouble. I knew he had a secret agenda with this "kind gesture" towards his grandkids.

"Operation Phoenix is not the fall back I thought it would be," he said grabbing an axe and swinging it around, killing each clone we'd made.

"For the love of God get dressed," summer said covering her eyes.

Oh damn does he look hot covered in all that blood.

"Oh shit. I gotta go pick up your parents, they have been blowing me up. One last swing for the road."

He left in the ship and the kids went to the living room. I grabbed a meeseeks box and had a few meeseeks clean the mess while I went to go talk to the kids.

"Good job you two. See you didn't even need me, you pair of problem solvers. So since you handled yourselves so well I'll treat you two to one gaget each from my personal collection."

Summer picked a fashion belt that could change colors, I'd got it at an alien flea market when I was twelve. It also had a hidden knife in the buckle. Morty had picked a ring that happened to be a tazer.

"Careful morty, it's a tazer ring so try not to hurt yourself."

"Thanks y/n you're the coolest," the two smiled and hugged me.

"Sure kids, no problem."

Just as they were letting go I heard the front door open.

We all turned and saw Rick, Beth, and Jerry looking at us confused. Then a small smile fell on Beth's face.

The kids greyed their parents and showed them their new trinkets.

"Look y/n have us these, mine is a tazer ring."

"What. No, you two can't have those you could get hurt," Jerry protested.

"Oh come on Jerry don't be such a buzz kill. Those used to be mine when I was like eight. Anyways I let them pick something of mine as a reward for their good behavior."

"Of course they can keep them. Why wouldn't they be able to keep something their grandmother gave them?" I flinched when she said that. "I'm glad they didn't give you too much trouble," Beth smiled.

"Grandmother," Jerry, Morty, and summer questioned.

"Yeah. Y/n's Beth's biological mother," Rick shrugged before heading upstairs.

"I'll let your mom explain it," I said following Rick.

I entered the room right after he did.

"Need something?"

"Just coming to check on you. How's that old body treating you?"

"I can feel my bones rubbing against each other," he said flatly.

"You should take a shower to clean off the blood," I said looking him over slowly.

"Like what you see?"

"Maybe," I hummed.

"Of course you would you psycho."

"You're one to talk."

He stepped closer and I tried to step back but I was literally at the door. He pushed me against the wall his hand wrapped around my throat as he attacked my lips. I moaned a little as he broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, "not so strong now that I'm taller than you huh y/n. You like that? When I squeeze my hand around your throat."

"Fuck Rick," I gasped out as I felt him reach a hand down into my pants and push my underwear to the side and started rubbing against my folds.

"What's wrong y/n? You want some help with that? You're so wet."

"N-no," I gasped as he inserted a finger into my wetness, at the same time he tightened his grip on my throat slowly, "r-rick."~

"What was that baby? You want more?"

"S-s-stop i-it...Rick," I struggled.

Rick smirked and slid his finger out quickly and let go of my throat.

"Oh fuck," I breathed out panting.

"Miss me that much? You know what I think? I think you need a good fuck," Rick laughed with that shit eating grin.

"Fuck off Rick. Go shower."

"Try not to think of me while you pleasure yourself while I'm in the shower," he barked out with a laugh as he left.

Shit. I was losing this game of cat and mouse. Maybe it wasn't so bad to lose to him this one time. I'd be able to get off at least.


Hello lovely readers hope you're enjoying the story so far. Spring break has arrived so as a special treat I have worked extra hard to try and get this out as soon as I could. Hopefully I can get another chapter in before the end of the break. I hope the chapter didn't seem too pushed in the Rick x reader game of fucks. Anyways see you next chapter

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