Shut Up and Kiss Me || Ethan...

BแปŸi mercurygrant

49.5K 794 667

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Intro: Synopsis and Warnings
2: What's a Girl Worth?
3: Dogs Are Great Wingmen
4: Inspect Her Gadget
5: Sacrifices Need to Be Made
6: All's Fair in Love and War
7: Green With Envy
8: There Never Was a Good War
9: Bad Ideas
10: White Flag
11: Stress Relief
12: It's Not About You
13: Is It Fate?
14: Trapped in Paradise
15: Is This How It's Supposed to Be?
16: Bad at This
17: Back in Full Force
18: Again and Again
19: It Wasn't Meant to Be Like This
20: Moment of Weakness
21: Decisions, Decisions
22: Electric Fire
23: Beta's Revenge
24: Come to Terms
25: All Good Things
Epilogue: With Time
A Bonus: Missed Connections
A Bonus: Stress and Studying
A Bonus: Promises

1: It's Not Easy

2.9K 46 56
BแปŸi mercurygrant

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

The shouting of drunk college kids fills her ears, the adrenaline rushing through her veins as Blake drops the now empty beer can to the ground. Cheers follow suit, several drunk frat boys high-fiving her and shouting congratulations like it were a huge feat.

As pretty much everyone's already drunk, they're easily amused. But Blake had also just done something the Kappa Sigma boys found impressive.

"Dude!" Chad laughed, elbowing one of his frat brothers. "She broke Dolan's record."

"Someone get him out here!"

"He might be upstairs with someone already, but we'll go look."

Blake lets her eyes widen, snorting as the group around her chatters loudly. Breaking a record for shotgunning a beer wasn't exactly on her list of plans tonight, but the excitement in the air was contagious. She wasn't big on drinking beer anymore, but someone was egging her on so she had to give it a go.

Ryan wraps his arm around her shoulder, "How'd you get so good at that, B?" Blake only shrugs with an innocent smile on her face. "I've known you for a couple years now and you still surprise me all the time. We gotta hangout more."

Ethan Dolan walks toward the backyard, cocking an eyebrow at the girl upon first seeing her. He thought his frat brothers were bullshitting him.

His eyes scan her, an obvious smirk on his face as his gaze pauses on her cleavage. A small bit of beer had dripped down onto it, glistening in the light. If they were bullshitting him, it was worth it to come outside just to check her out. His mind is running rampant thinking of ways to get her to bend over so her skirt might ride up.

He's seen her at parties, in a few classes, but she's never really caught his eye. It was much easier to flirt with sorority girls he was around all the time. She was someone who was around a lot, but Ethan never concerned himself with her before. They ran in adjacent circles, they had a few overlapping friends, but not enough for it to matter. For Ethan to think of her more often than a small acknowledgement in passing would require him coming up for air once in a while, and he hasn't until right now.

Blake doesn't really notice Ethan checking her out, because she's doing the same.

Now, he doesn't have a reputation for being the nicest guy, but he also isn't known as a complete asshole. He's cocky, sure, but generally was known as fun and kind, if not a little obnoxious sometimes. She doesn't feel bad about checking him out or thinking he was attractive.

He has a yellow Hawaiian shirt on--fitting the theme of the party--and his dark hair is tucked under a white hat, on backwards. Small, wavy locks stick out the sides. The shirt is unbuttoned almost all the way, showing off his toned abs, and peaking out is a tattoo on his ribs.

Speaking of tattoos, they're littered all along his legs, and the shorts he's wearing show them off well. One on his collarbone, a small few on his arms that stand out. Not to mention a few on his hands, that she could kind of see as he tossed a ping pong ball up in the air, his eyes still on her.

"You beat my record, chérie?"

Blake raises her eyebrows at the nickname--was he even French? She doesn't think so, but where did it come from?

"I guess I did," she hums, crossing her arms. It only makes him stare at her chest more. Ethan doesn't bother trying to hide it. The confidence he has is almost admirable, save for the fact he's ogling her.

"She beat it by almost a whole second," Ryan laughs, reaching for the timer. It read 4.4. "Ethan's previous was--was 5.2."

Ethan's eyebrows furrow more, and he grabs the stopwatch. "Yeah, okay. But I can't trust you drunk idiots to work a stopwatch correctly. Chérie, I bet you couldn't do it again."

"Watch me."

He's been drinking, but he started a little later. Ethan is buzzed at best. Most of the alcohol Blake consumed hasn't really hit her just yet, so she's in her right mind for the moment. Normally, she wouldn't do something like this because frankly she didn't care enough, but she can't say no to a friendly challenge. Especially one she knows she'll win.

She grabs the knife, flipping it in her hands before pressing it into the side of the can. Ethan watches carefully, still not really believing she beat him. It wasn't because she was a girl, it was because his ego didn't want to accept it.

Bringing the can to her lips and flipping the tab, she downs it as fast as she can. Blake will definitely regret this later, or in the morning, but she's living off of adrenaline right now.

4.5 seconds.

"No fuckin' way," he mutters, watching her smirk and toss the empty can toward the pile they're gathering for recycling. She's not surprised--senior year of high school was an odd time for her, where she got some practice in. "Damn. Alright, chérie, you're good."

"You do know my names Blake, right? We have a few classes together," she snorts, handing the knife to Chad, who Trent immediately takes it from considering the former is too drunk to be trusted with it. Him, and Ryan, and the other frat bro's who were watching, disperse when their attention spans give up. Ethan nods, a few drunk people bumping into him from behind. "Alright. Just wanted to check since you keep calling me chérie."

"I think it's fitting."

Blake laughs, feeling her phone buzz in her pocket. She picks it up to see texts from her friends checking in, let's them know she's okay, and looks back up at Ethan with something he can't read in her eyes. "Sorry about your record. Guess you'll just have to practice."

With that, Blake skips away, light on her feet and still emulating the energetic vibe of the party.

Ethan watches her leave, a curious glint in his own eyes. She's prancing around like she's the damn president of Kappa Sigma, without a care in the world or even paying much attention to him at all. He, too, likes the idea of a challenge.

Let's face it: Ethan is attractive. He knows it. He gets what he wants easily, and often that's hot girls falling into his bed at parties, or just their attention he's vying for. But Blake didn't even really flirt back when he tried.

He stays out back for a little while, demolishing a couple of frat brothers in a game of beer pong. His mind leaves her for the most part while he hangs out with them, drinks, and flirts mindlessly with sorority girls lingering around. It's when he's talking to Grayson later that he sees Blake again. She's laughing with some of her friends, making themselves drinks at the 'tiki-bar' set up.

"What do you know about Blake?" He asks, nodding toward her in the crowd. She looks less sober now. Not shitfaced, not completely out of it, but definitely tipsy. There's something odd about seeing her this way he can't quite put his finger on.

"She's fun. She's only got a couple close friends I think--Lara and Ava--and I see her hangout with Ryan sometimes. She gets along with everyone though," he shrugs, watching her climb atop the outdoor bar with her friend Ava. He chuckles as they start to dance on it with some other girls. "Don't actually know too much about her though. I guess she's private, kinda mysterious because of that? Why?"

"She's... interesting," Ethan shrugs, "and hot as hell."

"Gonna hookup with her tonight?"

"Absolutely. Wish me luck," he laughs, grabbing two cans of beer from the cooler and waltzing over to the bar. "Chérie!"

"You again, Dolan?" She giggles, accepting his hand for help getting down. "Need me to shotgun another beer? Because I have had enough to drink. Maybe."

"Was hoping you'd help me practice," he says, holding up the cans. Someone bumps into her as they weave through the crowd. "Maybe somewhere a little quieter? With less people around?"

Blake looks at him through her lashes, knowing his reputation. But she's a little bit drunk, and still in such a good mood. This is the most she's been able to relax for what feels like months--her best friends tease her and call her high-strung, or Type A all the time. Spending a bit of time with someone like Ethan is exactly what she needs as a distraction tonight.

"Ava! Lara!" She shouts, grabbing one her friends arms. "I'm gonna go upstairs with him for a few. He needs help with something."

"If you don't text us in... 20? I'm gonna come find you and make sure you're okay," Lara promises. "Be safe."

"So that's a yes?" Ethan grins, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "My rooms empty, chérie." She can hear Ava speaking to Lara before Ethan begins leading her away, making inappropriate guesses as to what he wants help with.

He shares his room with Grayson, who knows better than to interrupt when Ethan's trying to get with someone, so that's not a worry for him. But just to be safe, Ethan slips a sock on his door handle when Blake isn't looking before locking it behind them, successfully muting the noise. All they can hear now is a dull chatter and the bass of the music, which is very familiar to Ethan.

Instead of turning on a lamp, he turns on some purple LED lights and walks back toward her, where she's eyeing his bed suspiciously. It wasn't entirely out of the question that his sheets might not have been washed since the last time he had a girl in them, knowing frat guys. He smells like cologne, and there's a faint laundry scent in the room, so she considers it safe and sits down with him next to her. Ethan can't help but trail his gaze along her legs, her skirt having ridden up but not enough to actually see anything. Blake has her legs crossed sitting on his bed, watching him carefully.

It was no secret she didn't fully trust his intentions. Why should she?

Ethan likes to sleep around. That's his business, and girls knew that, so he wasn't hurting them. But Blake still wasn't sure if she wanted to be just another notch on his belt--she can't say for certain why she agreed to follow him up here, other than wanting a distraction. Maybe not as much of a distraction as he's hoping.

Sleeping around has never been her thing. She's hooked up with a few people in college of course, but getting railed by drunk frat boys isn't exactly her idea of a great night. More than half of them are inconsiderate, finish in thirty seconds, and then you either had to leave right away or do the walk of shame in the morning. It just isn't fun. For herself, Blake prefers to be dating whoever she's sleeping with most of the time.

"So, show me where you puncture," she starts, eliciting a chuckle from him--he complies anyway. "No, you wanna go about two centimeters lower. That's the sweet spot."

Ethan's surprised to see her actually trying to help. That's not why they're really upstairs, and he can't tell if she's messing with him or not because he thought he was being obvious earlier. He wants her. Most girls would be topless by now. But again, he likes the idea of a challenge. Having to pursue her rather than vice versa is actually pretty entertaining--for a night.

He catches her eyeing some of the ink along his thigh, sending her a smirk. "You like my tattoos, Blake?"

"They're pretty cool. I like this one," Blake hums, letting her fingers lightly trace one of a snake.

"I got a few more I could show you." He doesn't wait for a response, further unbuttoning his shirt to show off one on his hip. She licks her lips, eyes falling on his v-line. He catches it, despite her trying not to make it obvious. "I got one on my ass, too, if you wanna--"

Blake cuts him off with a laugh, but Ethan just leans into to her. She shakes her head, "Maybe later."

"Chérie, come a little closer."

Cautiously, she obliges and holds back the roll of her eyes. He's getting a little bored of the waiting, becoming more demanding. He's used to getting what he wants, when he wants it.

Ethan tangles his fingers in her hair and brings their lips together, his tongue immediately darting out to meet her own. They both taste like beer and bad decisions. He kisses her harder, sucking on her bottom lip and pinning her tongue with his. His hands roam her bare thighs, slowly reaching under her skirt, testing the waters, but Blake doesn't stop him.

Lips trailing down her neck, he reaches for the zipper at the front of her shirt. Both of them are warm, and Ethan hears a small whimper slip from her mouth which is not only hot, but makes him wanna speed things up.

Would she be loud in bed? Would she just whine and whisper dirty things in his ear when she came undone? Would she let him take charge easily or fight him for it? Ethan couldn't wait to find out.

Blake stops him before he can. She grabs his hands, not letting him unzip her top, pulling away from his attack on her neck. This is as far as she'll go with the frat boy--she's not drunk enough tonight to give in with a man she barely knows that easily. Despite his charms, which she has to admit he has.

"Everything okay?" He asks, breathless.

"Everything's fine," she laughs, standing from his bed. Ethan tilts his head at her, reaching for her hand to pull her back to him.

"Then shut up and come fuckin' kiss me."

Blake only smiles, winking at him as she walks toward his door. "No thanks, Dolan. It's not that easy."

She shuts it behind her as she leaves, but not before tossing the sock on his doorknob back into his room.

Ethan huffs, reaching for the hat that fell off his head while he was kissing her. His lips are coated in gloss residue, familiar to him at this point, but this time he didn't get what he wanted. There was something about that he didn't really like, and something about Blake he did.


cute lil intro to them :) posting chapter 2 rn so keep reading

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Bแบกn Cลฉng Sแบฝ Thรญch

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Preferences & Imagines about Ethan and Grayson Dolan for your satisfaction. โœจ I N- R E V I S ONโœจ As of 03/06/2024. CLOSED. INDEFINITELY.