
By thisEliZabethRocks

7.1K 285 108

In which a thief gets caught by a girl just wondering to the kitchen for a midnight snack. When Holland Evans... More

a u t h o r s n o t e
d e s c r i p t i o n
the errand he ran


227 11 7
By thisEliZabethRocks

"I'm so sorry I couldn't use the private jet." I grimaced as I passed the airplane ticket to Keenan. We were currently at the airport awaiting our flight.

"You're joking, right?"

"No, I'm-"

"These are first class tickets!"

"Well, yeah. But-"

"These are so expensive!"

"Uh, yeah but-"

"It's more than enough, Holland!" He laughed as a pretty, tall air stewardess guided us to our seats.

"Have a good flight, Miss Evans and Mr Drew."

I settled into the huge plush seat comfortably as I reclined the chair and ordered a cocktail from the inflight bar.

"Hey Holland?" Keenan's voice was small and frightened. I frowned and angled my face to him.


"Uh. This is my first time flying, actually."

"Oh." I exhaled. I reached my hand over the seat and slowly grasped his in mine. He flexed and stiffened before relaxing. Our fingers interlaced and I caught a glimpse of him smiling.

"Tell me about our next adventure, you know, to get my mind off this scary flying object."

"Well, you already know where we're going, Ka Lae in Hawaii. We're going there to cliff dive."

He shot up in his seat.

"That was really, really, not reassuring at all. But if we compared flying on a plane to cliff diving, I'd choose the latter any day." He squeezed his eyes shut as the plane flew upward toward the sky at a forty five degree angle.

"Well, I normally wouldn't dare to either. But since now I've got an adventure buddy, why not take advantage of that and go for it?"

He nodded and gulped down the champagne the steward brought him. I snickered at his motion sickness and plugged in my earphones to listen to music. A few seconds later, Keenan leant over to pluck the bud from my ear into his.

I groaned at how unhygienic that action was but let it go when I realized that these kind of things shouldn't matter to me anymore.

The plane ride was noisy once Keenan Drew realized that flying on a plane was not painful or the least bit torturous.




I grumbled as I unpaused my movie again.

"Hoooooooooooolland!" He yelled in my ear.

I reached over to smack him and he guffawed loudly.

"Shut up!"

"Knock knock."

"Will you please keep quiet, you're annoying."

"I'm just going to keep knocking until you answer. Knock knock."

I sighed loudly and super exasperatedly hoping to convey my annoyance.

"Who's there." I answered monotonously.


"Dejav who?"

"Knock knock."

"You haven't even completed-oh. Oh."

He smirked.


"You're so lame."

"I'm your adventure buddy, I'm obliged to be lame."

"Whatever you say buddy."

And then it was silent until Keenan decided to wake up from his slumber.

"Ho ho ho."

"What do you want now?" I asked irritably as I paused my movie for the hundredth time.

"Guess who I am."


"No, I'm Keenan."

I pursed my lip.

"How old are you exactly?"

"How old are you exactly?" He mimicked after me.

This dude. Sometimes I preferred thief Keenan. I was getting a headache.

"I'm 18."

"I'm...I shall leave you in suspense until I feel like telling you my age."

I rolled my eyes.

Finally, and I mean finally, Keenan ate his dinner and found a movie that was able to hold his attention for more than two minutes and focused solely on the movie instead of annoying the hell out of me.


"Ladies and gentlement, we have arrived at Kona International Airport. It is currently 8:56pm local time. Tourists, welcome to Hawaii. Residents of Hawaii, welcome home."

I yawned and stretched my arms wide and I stood from my seat, making a move toward the exit. All our belongings had been brought out and left at the premier lounge.

Keenan marveled at how neat and clean and prestigious the lounge looked.

"Look at the table and chairs. This set-" he scrutinized the marble slab and the gold lining of the furniture.

"-could be worth at least ten thousand dollars!"

"Yes, I think it's beautiful too. Come on, let's go find our driver."

I tugged at his hand and he lugged my luggage and his backpack behind him. After going through the various security bag checks, we made it out to the arrival hall. I spotted a short but fit man holding up a sign with my name printed in big, bold letters and grinned with excitement.

"Yay!" I jumped and ran towards him. He introduced himself as Mr Marco and we made our way towards the white Mercedes parked outside the airport.

After a short fifteen minute drive, we pulled up in front of a grand looking hotel with multiple bellboys standing by each glass door. The dome shaped entrance with gold colored with mirrors lining every surface possible. Before I even had a chance to get out of the car, a bellboy marched forward and yanked on the door handle, allowing me to exit the car.

"Guess I'm forgotten." Keenan grumbled after he waited five seconds for the same service.

Mr Marco opened the boot and our one luggage was put onto the trolley.

"You really don't have to." Keenan said as he pulled the luggage off the trolley.

"Sir, it is an honor." The bellboy said politely as he lifted the luggage back on the trolley.

"Just let him do it." I finally said.

"Okay, I will meet you back here after breakfast at 11am tomorrow. Rest well!" Mr Marco said before driving off.

The bellboy had disappeared into the hotel already with Keenan complaining behind.

I stepped into the beautifully furnished hotel lobby and was immediately wowed by the architectural designs and layout.

I checked in and retrieved two sets of keys to our rooms.

We took the lift up and spotted the bellboy in front of my room.

"That's your room." I handed Keenan the card and pointed to the room opposite mine.

"Okay." He made no move to enter his room. He continued eyeing the bellboy.

I realized Keenan's good intentions and hurriedly opened my room door. The boy entered the room and laid the luggage on the floor before waiting by the door.

"Here you go. Thank you for your help." I said as I dug out a few notes from my wallet.

Keenan watched as he got into the lift before turning toward me.

"You could have paid me to do that too." He said drily as he glared at the lift. "I could have brought the luggage up and poured you a cup of tea."

I laughed and pointed to his room.

"Good night Keenan, big day tomorrow, please rest well."

I shut the door and dived right into bed.

It was a big day tomorrow.

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