This Time Around (Sequel to A...

By MiddleEarthPixie

42.7K 1.5K 84

Since marrying Loki, the God of Mischief, McKenna Carlin Laufeyson has long since become accustomed to her ne... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Thirteen

1K 30 1
By MiddleEarthPixie


McKenna sighed as she sank into the passenger seat of Loki's Mustang. "My feet are killing me."

As she reached down to unbuckle one of the silver sandals, Loki caught her by the wrist. "Please don't, love. I rather like how those shoes look."

"Are you kidding me? Loki, they're four inch heels and I've been in them for hours. I can't feel the bottoms of my feet."

He turned a devilish grin at her, his hand moving from her wrist to her ankle, then skimming up to graze her calf. "They look wonderful on you."

She couldn't help but chuckle even as she shook her head. "Are you getting turned on by my shoes?"

"By your everything, love." His fingers teased the back of her knee beneath her skirt and crept up higher.

She sighed again, only this time sore feet had nothing to do with it. Loki's fingertips just barely touched her, and yet the caress sent a chill racing down along her spine. She didn't know how it was possible, after all of their time together, that he could make every touch, every kiss, every caress feel like the very first one.

She remembered a song by Madonna, one that was popular when she was a kid, called Like a Virgin and in it, she sang about how the man who was the object of the song made her feel like a virgin because he made everything feel so shiny and new.

That was how being with Loki made her feel-like she was experiencing all these wonderful sensations and emotions for the first time. He knew just how to touch her, where to touch her, to make her ache for him over and over, and when they were together, it was like standing on the edge of a precipice, and knowing she'd be able to fly when she took that leap.

He leaned over to kiss her, his lips light and teasing, and when he pulled away, he whispered, "I want to make love to you while you're wearing those shoes, darling girl."

"Just the shoes?" She stroked her fingertip along the smooth contour of his cheek below his cheekbone. "Or the whole outfit?"

He nuzzled her. "We can do both."

As he spoke, the hand on the back of her thigh slipped higher, eased around, and she gasped as he nudged aside her thong to tease her with a fingertip. She bit down on her bottom lip, murmuring, "Mmmm..."

He nipped her neck, just beneath her right ear, and as he did so, he slid that finger inside her. "I've been thinking about this all evening, love," he whispered, his voice husky.

"Really? I didn't feel anything poking me in the stomach when we danced."

"I'm skilled at keeping my physical reaction to you under control when others are around." He eased his finger from her, caught her by the wrist, and guided her hand to him. "There's your proof, darling girl. Here's what you do to me."

Her toes curled against the thin soles of her sandals as he pressed her hand between his legs and a very healthy erection greeted her. He released her and when she curved her hand against him, he groaned and slid his hand back between her legs.

Her head spun from his teasing, desire flooding her. "Loki, we're in the parking lot, of all places." It was so difficult to get the words out, as her thoughts were sluggish and almost incoherent.

"We're in a dark corner, love. And one flick of my hand and no one will see us." His voice was equal parts breathy and growly and he caught her around the waist to pull her over the console and into his lap, where he folded her into his arms.

"Why don't you use those magical hands for better purposes?" she whispered, her lips grazing his ear. She melted into him, shifting to press her knees into the soft leather on either side of his hips. As she came down against him, he sucked in a sharp breath even as he seized her lips in a hungry kiss. His hands slid along her thighs, pushing her satiny skirt up until he reached their apex, and she gave a sharp tug on his hair as two fingers slid deep inside her.

She bit down hard on her bottom lip at the fiery pleasure swirling wildly inside her. Loki slid his free hand up her back, into her hair, and he grabbed a handful to gently tug. He scorched a path from her lips, over her jaw, along her neck, and then pulled back to rest his head against the seat.

As he did something magical with those fingers, she forced her eyes open to find him gazing up at her through heavy-lidded bedroom eyes. "Dear gods, you look beautiful this way, McKenna. What you do to me..."

She shivered as the tip of his tongue traced along the side of her neck, followed by a teasing nip. He should only know what he did to her...

"Say my name, love," he murmured, the tip of his tongue tracing the shell of her ear while the fingers inside her had her squirming against him. Each teasing stroke pushed her closer to the edge and as she rocked against him, the need to have him-all of him-surged through her as he growled, "I want to hear you scream my name, darling girl."

"Loki..." she breathed, reaching for his belt. She tugged, wrestling with it as she tried to unbuckle it. Damn it, she needed to touch him, to wrap herself around him and give in to her body's demand to have him.

Finally, she got it open, and popped the fly of his trousers. It was his turn to suck in a sharp breath as she stroked along his length, then wrapped her hand about him and freed him.

His fingers slid from her and he let out a low moan as she guided him into her and lowered herself against him. His hips rose to meet her and when she pulled away, she found him gazing up at her with a mixture of desire and pleasure. "Darling girl..." he whispered, holding her against him as he lifted his hips again.

She shifted, and smacked her head against the ceiling, which made her laugh. "Ow."

"Sorry, love."

"It's all right." She rocked against him, linking her fingers at his nape. "God, you feel amazing, Loki."

"Do you want me to go fast-" He surged up to meet her. "Or shall I go slow?"

"I don't care, as long as you go."

He thrust again. "Oh... love... I don't think I can go slow. You feel far too wonderful."

"So don't." She met gaze and smiled. "Do your worst."

His hands tightened on her hips. A seductive smile played at the corners of his lips and his eyes grew smoky as they locked with hers. "Then again, I do enjoy teasing you."

With that, he slowed and eased almost completely free. She whimpered in protest, her head spinning wildly. "That's so mean..."

His laugh rumbled through her in a low, sensual vibration and he tugged her to meet his lips. As his tongue slid through her lips to caress hers, he gave another hard thrust. And that was all it took. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her against him as he surged into her, hard and deep, and she couldn't hold back her cry.

"Oh, McKenna," he whispered, his voice husky. "Oh, love. You-you feel so good."

She nodded, gripping his hair, twisting it as she moaned, "Loki..."

White-hot bliss burned through her and when she gazed down at Loki, it was to find his eyes screwed shut, his teeth clenched so hard a muscle bulged in his jaw. He thrust hard into her, his voice raw as he growled, "Say my name, love."

"I am, Loki..." She could barely force her voice above a whisper.

"Louder...oh, dear gods...louder, love..."

She felt the first sweet tingle of release and rocked harder against him, meeting him pleasure for pleasure. As she twisted harder in his hair, he let out a low, strangled moan. "Darling girl... oh, yes...yes... tell me you're close... because I can't wait... oh, love, I'm going to-"

With that, he surged hard, his hands clamping down on her hips and his release brought on hers. Her back arched. Her fingers twisted in his hair. His name was a hoarse cry on her lips as she gave herself up to the moment, up to him, and cried, "Loki!"

She collapsed into him, letting go of his hair to wrap her arms about his neck. He shuddered beneath her, gritting something she didn't understand through clenched teeth as he cradled her close. The pulse in his neck beat a rapid pace and he moaned softly as she kissed that same spot.

His fingers trailed lightly over her back, but her skin was so sensitive she couldn't help but shiver, and an airy giggle floated to her lips. "That tickles," she breathed.

"So did that," he whispered back.

She pulled away to smile down at him. "I don't remember the last time I fooled around with a guy in his car."

"Is this something Midgardians do often?"

"As teenagers, yes. They're always looking for someplace to fool around." She trailed her fingers through his hair, tucking it back over his right ear. "But no teenage boy could ever possibly compare to you, Mr. Odinson."

He offered up a sleepy smile. "I thank you for the compliment, love. Perhaps one day we might do this again."


He tugged her down for a soft kiss, curving his hand against her cheek, stroking her with his thumb. When she pulled away, he whispered, "I love you."

"Mmmm..." she murmured, resting her head against his shoulder. "I love you, too, Loki. And I love moments like this," she trailed her fingers down along his tie, to the buttons of his waistcoat, "when it's like we're the only two people in the entire world."

As he gazed down at her, she rolled her eyes. "I know, that sounds so sappy, doesn't it? Sometimes I make myself want to barf."

"On the contrary," he murmured, his thumb making another sweep along her cheek. "I never mind when you give in to your sentimental side, love. I rather like it when you give into your soft side. You never need worry about being sappy with me."

The gentle caress on her cheek was one she felt all the way to the soles of her sore feet. "I feel safe with you. I always have."

"Because you are." It might have only been her imagination, but it felt like he tightened his arms about her. "I would give my life for you, McKenna. You do know that, don't you? You and Selig and Aislinn."

She pulled back and caught his face in her hands. "I know. I've trusted you with my life since you dropped into my apartment."

"And I've trusted you with mine."

"Because associating with me has put you in so much danger?"

He grinned. "You know what I mean."

"I do." She kissed him gently, then whispered, "I should probably go back to my seat now, huh?"

He groaned as she carefully shifted and climbed back into her seat, and as he put himself back together, she smoothed her skirt. He started the car, then glanced over at her and smiled as he eased the transmission into first gear. Releasing the gearshift, he covered her hand with his and gave a gentle squeeze. "It was a lovely evening, McKenna. All of it, not just this."

"It was, wasn't it? I hope Shay and Tony are happy together. It took them a lot of grief to get to this point, so I hope it works out for them."

He looked over at her with a wry grin "Unlike you and I, who've had such an easy journey together?"

She laughed, covering his hand with her free one. "Well, okay, so their journey wasn't quite as dramatic as ours. But then again, he's just an ordinary man and you are anything but an ordinary man."

"This is true. There are no men like me."

She sighed softly, tracing the back of his hand with her forefinger. He had the most beautiful hands she'd ever seen on a man-large, with long, elegant tapering fingers-and they made her hands look even smaller. "Do you really want to have another baby?"

"You know I do. But the decision is ultimately yours." His thumb rubbed hers and he edged into traffic, shifted gears, then eased his hand back into hers.

"I just don't know, Loki."

"I'm not pressuring you, love. But you did ask."

"No, I know. And part of me would love to have another baby, but the other part isn't so sure. Especially considering what's awaiting me in Asgard."

His laugh was low and silky. "Is Adeline that horrid a tutor?"

"She doesn't like me very much. I ask too many questions."

"We can find you another one."

"I just don't get why I have to know all of this stuff. I mean, everyone knows I'm not Asgardian." She remembered what Royce said, about how she would never be his queen. "And there are some who think I should just stay here on Earth instead."

"Well, I'm not one of them."

"I should hope not." She squeezed his hand. "But the ones who do aren't shy about letting me know."

"You have nothing to worry about, love. No one will dare say anything-"

"I know they won't. But that's out of fear for you, not respect for me." She reached up to brush her bangs out of her eyes. She was trying to grow them out and they were at that stage when they were driving her toward the nearest pair of scissors.

"You don't think Asgardians respect you?"

"I think some of you do. I know Sif and Volstagg and Fandral and Hogun do-or at least I think they do-and I know Odin and Thor do. And you. But aside from that?" She shook her head. "No. I think the majority of them feel the way Royce does. And most of the women hate me because I married you."

"I think you overestimate that number."

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure I don't." She turned to stare out the window as Loki steered down Route Eighteen. There wasn't much to see beyond strip malls, car dealerships, fast food places, and gas stations. "I've been coming to Asgard for four years, Loki. I've been a member of your family for four years. And yet, they all still whisper and point and talk about me like I'm some kind of freakin' exhibit."

"Darling girl, compared to you, they are all like cattle."


"What?" He glanced over at her as he shifted lanes. "On your worst day, you outshine all of them on their best. You are beautiful. And smart. And-how is it you described Sif? Oh, yes-a total badass."

A pleasant warmth washed over her. "Is that how you see me?"

"That is only partly how I see you. I see a wonderful, loving wife and mother. You are warm and loving and funny and sexy and desirable and a -"

"I really don't think any of them care how sexy I am."

He tugged on her hand, lifting it to brush with a kiss. "They do and they are jealous because they don't even come close to you."

"There's that silver tongue I've come to know so well."

His grin turned sly. "I will be more than happy to reintroduce you to it when we get home, love."

She shivered. "I like how that sounds."


Loki's keys jangled as he unlocked the basement door and pushed it open. "After you, love."

She stepped up into the basement and smiled as his hand came down on her hip. Once they were inside, he closed the door and without warning, swept her into his arms. She sucked in a sharp breath as he spun her about to press her up against the cool metal fire door and seized her lips in a fierce kiss.

Her head spun wildly as he lifted her easily, his hands cradling her backside as his tongue thrust between her lips to caress hers. He pressed hard against her and she sighed into his mouth as he rose to press into the apex of her thighs.

She broke away to whisper, "In the basement?"

A wicked grin played at his lips. "You don't like it down here?"

The basement was his man-cave-with two leather recliners, a leather sectional sofa, an amazing home theatre system, and a green lava lamp that began glowing with just a swish of his fingers.


He lifted her away from the door and spirited her to the sofa, where he pressed her down into the buttery soft leather. Her skirt parted at the high slit and he smiled as he murmured, "Right here, love."

The leather cradled her like a warm hand and she smiled up at him, brushing his hair back behind his left ear. "Here is fine."

He dipped back to kiss her and as their lips met, she grabbed the lapels of his jacket and shoved it down over his shoulders. His kiss was full of fire and desire and his hands were anything but gentle as he tugged at the zipper on the back of her dress while she fought with the buttons of his waistcoat.

"Oh, love," he whispered, his breath hot on her neck as he tugged the satin from her. "Dear gods, woman, I want you..."

He nipped her neck to send a shiver along her spine and she practically clawed the waistcoat from his back before yanking on his tie. She loosened it, but before she could unbutton his shirt, he slid a hand between her legs and her back arched as he thrust two fingers inside her.

"Loki!" Her hips snapped up to meet him, her fingernails digging into the fine fabric of his shirt.

"You wish to know what I see when I look at you?" His voice was a smoking whisper and he pulled away to gaze at her through smoldering bright green eyes. "I see a beautiful, desirable temptress of a woman. A sensual vixen, who promises all of the pleasures in all of the realms and keeps each sinful one of them."

She bit down hard on her bottom lip as he did something amazing with those fingers and his eyes darkened even more. Fire blazed through her with each stroke, each teasing thrust, and his voice grew even huskier as he continued, "You haunt me, McKenna Odinson. You make me ache for you and when I'm finally inside you," he eased his fingers free and with a flick of his hand, their clothes were gone, "it is like the first time all over again."

McKenna arched her back as he filled her, lifting her hips to accept him completely. He growled deep in the back of his throat, whispering, "There is nothing in any of the nine realms that comes close to what making love to you is like, darling girl." He slid a hand beneath her to lift her hips higher still. He thrust, moaning as she gripped his sides with her knees. "My beautiful Midgardian, you are the love of my life. You are my soulmate."

He shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut for a long moment as he surged into her again. She bit down on her bottom lip with each thrust, gripping his sides even tighter. "Loki... oh... God..."

"You are everything to me. Everything," he managed in a breathless whisper as his hips moved faster still. "And you have been since that first night. And... oh.... Bloody hell, you feel so good..."

Faster and faster, he thrust. She rose and fell with each sensual stroke, wrapping herself around him, her fingernails digging into his shoulders, her knees tight against his ribs. "Oh, God, Loki... don't stop, baby... please... please don't stop."

"I-I'm not, love..." He groaned, his thrusts harder and deeper now. She felt the first tingles of her climax deep inside, and her muscles tensed as she fought to keep up with his rhythm.

Then, he shifted, pulling back to lift her legs, draping them over his shoulders and when he thrust again, fiery hot pleasure speared her sharply. From that angle, he thrust even more deeply, and she couldn't hold back her cry of, "Loki! Oh, God... yes...Yes!"

"McKenna, love..." he growled, surging deep and shuddering again. "Oh, damn, you feel amazing, love... so good..."

She threw her head back as he found her sweet spot and sent her sailing out into the abyss. "Loki!"

"Oh... love... oh... oh, love... I... oh dear gods-" He tensed, then came, growling her name as he arched hard into her and crushed her close. "Oh, darling girl... yes...." he whispered, sinking into her as peace reigned once more. "Oh, bloody hell, I love you..."

She couldn't help her breathless giggle, which made him laugh as well, and he brushed her breast with gentle lips as he murmured, "I meant that far more nicely than it came out."

"I know. After all this time, I know," she whispered between chuckles. As his head came to rest on her breast, she stroked his hair with one hand and his back with the other. "And I love you, too."

His heart pounded with such force, she felt the vibrations against her own chest. Little by little, as they lay there entwined in each other's arms, those vibrations dulled and his breathing evened out.

"Are you still awake?" she whispered, her hand going still on his hair.

He lifted his head to gaze at her with sleepy eyes. "Barely."

"Maybe we should go upstairs and think about going to bed."

"I don't want to move."

"I'm a little cold." She smiled up at him. "I do have a naked Frost Giant laying on me."

"You, love, have a Frost Giant inside you."

"I know. I like that part."

He chuckled. "Do you?"

She nodded. "That part of you rarely gets cold, and you really do know what you're doing with it, so-"

"You are easy, do you know that?"

"Hey, is that a nice thing to say to your wife?"

Loki grinned as he shifted his hips and then stood, drawing her up from the sofa. Another swish of his hands and her favorite black and pink crocheted blanket draped around her shoulders. "I love you, darling girl," he murmured, wrapping his arms about her.

"I love you, too, Loki," she whispered, gazing up at him. "Especially like this."

He bent to brush the tip of her nose with a gentle kiss. "So you love me for my body?"

"It is impressive."

"All of it?" He kissed her again. "Or just parts of it?"

"Well, all of it, but really, Loki, even you have to admit, you are certainly blessed in certain areas."

He glanced down and then looked up with a sheepish grin. "I've yet to hear you complain about it."

"I'd never be so foolish. Although, you're lucky I didn't run screaming from you the first time we did it."

"I take it Midgardian men are not so-" his grin turned mischievous-"well-endowed?"

"I don't know about all of them, but I know some who would be pea-green with envy over what you've got."

He shook his head. "I'll take your word for it."

With that, he draped his arm about her shoulders, tugged her close to kiss the top of her head, and whispered, "Why don't we go up to bed, love?"

"To snuggle or to roll around some more?"

He grinned. "Snuggle for now and we'll see what happens. You'll raise eyebrows in Asgard if you're walking oddly come morning."

Up in their room, Loki scooped her up and playfully tossed her onto the bed. The blanket flew open and he groaned softly in the back of his throat. "Now this is a beautiful sight," he murmured, gazing down at her.

She smiled up at him and patted the bed. "Join me and we can talk about whatever pops up."

He crawled across the bed, stretching out next to her. "Stay like this, and we both know what's going to pop up." He reached for her, tugging her into his arms and with the swish of his hand, they were under the covers.

"Where does stuff go when you swish it away?" she asked, tucking her head against his chest.

"It depends. Clothes go either into the laundry basket or the closet. Other things? Well, it depends on where I wish them to go."

"Where did my keys end up that one time, when you couldn't make them reappear?"

His laughter came soft in the darkness and his fingers skimmed lightly over her hair. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice low and soothing. "It took me what? A week to make them reappear?"

"Something like that." Her eyelids refused to stay open, so she let them slide shut.



"Just checking. Go to sleep, darling girl. You sound exhausted."

"Mmmm.... I'm just very... satisfied."

"You and me both, love."

"I love you, Loki."

"I love you, too, McKenna."


He kissed the top of her head again. "Good night, my love."

McKenna settled against him, curving against the firm planes of his body. Everything was so perfect, so right, and if she could find a way to stop time, she would. Her life with Loki wasn't perfect, but she could honestly say that the last four years were the happiest of her life and there wasn't a night that passed when she didn't thank God for bringing him into her life.

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