Hermione Malfoy Nee Riddle's...

By CunningDauntless

44.4K 751 224

Hermione's has been invited to the annual Granger Reunion. Oh whatever will she do. The worst part. Her fathe... More

Info...Kinda? {Edited}
The Family Meeting {Edited}
The Arrival {Edited}
Beaver? {Edited}
The Penthouse Key
New story
A very.........interesting dinner part 1
A very..................interesting dinner part 2
The News Of The Dark Lord Coming Sets In
The extremely unfortunate incident with the beach ball.
Nagini's point of view

The PINK Letter [Edited]

4.6K 70 20
By CunningDauntless

Just so you know you won't understand the story if you don't read the part before this.

Hermione's Point of View:

I woke up to a large body curled around me protectively. Even though I was still lethargic, I couldn't help but smile sleepily before turning around and burying my head in his chest. I knew I needed to get up before the kids did but today it was Saturday and by Merlin, I didn't feel like getting up. 

I sighed as I mentally prepared myself for the day. I tried slipping out of his grasp but he just tightened his hold over me and grumbled something about it being too early and needing sleep before burying his head on the juncture of my neck, exposing his hair to the particular angle of the little sunlight in the room, making the strands practically glow in the dimness.

Perhaps I need to backtrack.

 I am Hermione Malfoy nee Riddle. Yes, gasp and deny it a bit but it's true regardless. Yes, I am the daughter of the Dark Lord and no, I did not help him try and kill my best friend. And also yes to the fact that I married my so-called arch nemesis Draco Malfoy.

 I know, I know, how is it possible that the infamous Slytherin Prince ended up marrying the bibliophile Griffindor Princess? To be honest I know it sounds like a enemies to lovers story and I guess it kinda was. Hey! Don't judge me, I enjoy a good romance book as much as the next person.

Regardless we can discuss my parental ancestry and spouse choice later, for now, I need to go get ready for the day before the helions are up and about.

I finally managed to slip out of his grasp and walked to the adjoined bathroom for a shower and go dressed for the day. As I had some work in the Muggle office of Malfoy Inc. I had to dress up as a Muggle as well which is honestly speaking a hell of a lot more comfortable than robes. Who even like robes in the summer?

Her dress {Which I am not able to edit cuz my laptop is being incredibly uncooperative.}

I came out and saw that Draco was not there so I thought he went to make breakfast. There were multiple house elves for that in the house but I had made it a bit of a tradition that the first meal of the day had to be cooked by us on the weekends. I will not have my children be reliant on house elves all their lives. They had to know how to do basic household work. I had started it in their infant days but Draco had quickly followed as well.

I was correct of course I saw my husband on the stove making pancakes which were good because while my sons were there, my daughter wasn't and her favorite breakfast was quite the bribe. 

Scorpius Hadrian Malfoy had just recently turned 16 at the beginning of the summer and was the most diligent student and prankster you would ever meet.

 He embodied the phrase 'There is always time for games'

He was charming, arrogant, and extremely mischievous, although he was still one of the toppers of his years. His best friend was James Potter and the amount of mischief they could get up to was practically infinite. 

We had all expected him to end up in Gryffindor but he had surprised us by ending up in Slytherin instead. I suppose being Slytherin's descendant helped. Well, technically speaking it hadn't helped Harry and me but we were exceptions because of a lot of things. I remember Harry moaning over losing that bet with my dad who had been smug for almost a whole week.

Scorpius was intelligent too, all our kids were after all both Draco and I had been academic rivals for all 7 years of our education, even when we had started dating. It may come as a surprise to a lot but Draco Lucius Malfoy was secretly a huge nerd. 

Scorpius had been Prefect in his fifth year and was expected to be one in his sixth as well. Although I was extremely proud of him, why McGonagall wanted to give him more power to get away with things like far too many pranks was beyond me. 

He generally had this smirk on his face that made him look like Draco when he was up to no good. James and Scorpius are far too determined to break the Marauders and the Weasley twin's record of pranks done in Hogwarts. 

Caelum Blaise Malfoy had been a bit of a child prodigy and could pick up things far too quickly. Draco and I had once had his IQ tested and it had proved the already given fact. Much like my father and me, his IQ was much higher than normal. All my children were academically gifted but Caelum had definitely gotten my father's brain. He was much like him too in that sense. Sly, and ambitious with an air of superiority around him. He could be charming too, he inherited my father's charisma as well as my husband's arrogance. People often thought that the Scorpius was the most mischievous but they didn't know that Caelum was basically what one might call a silent killer. He was the most like my father out of all my children. 

Regardless, let's get back to the breakfast table.

I smiled at both of them as they greeted me and I went over to Draco and pecked him on the lips. He was dressed in a pair of silk pajamas and a graphic muggle T-shirt. He looked good like he annoyingly always did, no matter what he was wearing. 

I looked around for my daughter noticing she wasn't up just yet which made this the perfect opportunity. I smirked and looked over to Caedum and said, "Why don't you go wake Aquata."

He looked downright horrified at that and Draco and Scorpius openly sniggered.
"But- but mum, she will hex me into oblivion if I disturb her sleep on a weekend." His eyes were wide open, his face pale. Didn't matter genius IQ or not, every brother is afraid of their sister when the said sister doesn't get enough sleep.

"Well, you should have thought that before you decided to drink your grandfather's Firewhiskey when we were visiting him yesterday. Did you truly believe that yours and Lily's absence won't be noticed?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised. "Consider this a part of your punishment, for I am sure the hangover you are feeling is enough as it is."

I heard him sigh and then walk around to his older sister's room.

I was eating my breakfast when I heard a VERY LOUD scream, echo through the manor. Exactly 4 seconds later I saw a tuft of blonde hair run by me. And seconds later a girl with dirty blonde hair and eyes that resembled silver flames currently came into the room with her wand out as if she were about to commit murder. To be a bit more precise...a drenched girl came into the room ready to commit murder. Well, at least he was creative in his way of waking, tough but unfortunately for him, necessary. Aquata was difficult to wake up at the best of times and would probably sleep through a hurricane.

"Where is he?" She practically screamed.

Draco smirked and chimed in saying, "Aquata, darling do calm down. We just rebuilt the manor after James, Maria and you burned it down on Thanksgiving."

"Calm down. You want me to calm down. Not only did Caelum wake me up at 9 in the morning on a Saturday but he does it by pouring freezing ice water on me." She really did look ready to commit murder. She shook her hair squeezing the water out, sending droplets of cold water flying around.

Scorpius sniggered and probably vocalized what we were all thinking. "Dearest sister, you look like a wet dog with all that shaking of your hair."

"Oh do buzz off you judgmental arse ." Aquata glared at him from her position on the kitchen counter.

"Watch the language love." Uttered Draco but I could see the amusement in his eyes while Aquata grumbled out an apology.

Scorpius merely smirked and said, "Come out Cael. Be a man. Or the now awakened she-devil might just decide hexing you is far too less of a retribution. to enact"

Cael did not come out.

My daughter was the most perfect pureblood elite witch you would ever meet. At least that's what one would assume when you meet her. She was 4 years old when she decided she was going to be the next Narcissa Malfoy. And boy did she accomplish that.

My daughter had my mother-in-law's elegance, with the way she carried herself in public, that superior sense of cold arrogance, it had Narcissa Malfoy written all over it. She was calm and composed and not to mention had a poker face that could only be matched with that of her grandmother. 

She could be ruthless when she crossed, practically decimating those she considered her enemies but she would do it the way Narcissa would. With cold eyes and a scathing threat that some or the other way would always come true. But like Cissy, she was a true Snake at heart.

 She was fiercely protective of those she considered hers and there were no limits she won't cross for them. To Aquata, family was everything. Hence it was only with family that she would drop her Ice Queen exterior and become the more mischievous version of herself. 

I smile to myself as I go up and dry her, kissing her brow with a smile. 

I hear footsteps and see my mother-in-law A.K.A, my Godmother steps inside the room. Did I mention that?

She is dressed in a simple floral ankle-length dress that looks divine on her. How is it that she is is that old and still looks only in her mid-40s? 

"Hermione, darling there is a muggle post for you at the door. I wasn't aware that you had any posts coming in today." Narcissa informed me, taking a seat at the counter. I frowned. I wasn't aware either.

"Thanks, Cissy, I will check on it later."

Cael had finally come out now and was practically hiding behind Cissa. Aquata gave him the stink eye before sighing and getting back to her breakfast.

My kids after finishing left upstairs to get their Quidditch supplies. They were planning on going to Harry's for a game with James and Lily. Maria and Enzo would come by lunch.

I turned and made my way to the post box outside the Manor. Ever since Malfoy Inc expanded to the muggle world we had to set up a muggle post box.

 I got all of them to the living room and started sorting through the: some fanmail, some postcards, etc. until I found my parent's envelope. That was a surprise. My muggle parents had started using Owls for posts as they were far faster.

 There must have been at least 2 inside it. I got out the first one and started reading and the more I read, the more agitated I got.

Dear Hermione,

Hello Sweetheart. How are you doing darling?

 I am sorry to inform you but the Granger Family Reunion is coming up in a week. We know that you aren't fond of them.

But we have run out of excuses for you not coming. But at least this time you won't have to come alone. You see your aunt Irinda and Uncle Kyle and cousin Miranda, Carolina and Michael miss you but unfortunately, the other side of the family is still the same.
Anyway, that's about it, sweetheart. 😘 Please do respond soon. I know this is tough but perhaps its time to put your past behind you and facing it is the only way to do so. I am sure your Father agrees.

Mum and Dad.

I wanted to scream.

But I did not do that. I opened the other PINK LETTER which had the smell of a lot of perfume.

It said:

Dear cousin,

I am writing this particular letter to inform you that there is an Annual Ganger Family Reunion planned and Grandma wants to invite you for god knows what reason but yeah it is going to be held at the Lionne which is owned by the DRACO MALFOY. 
And I will tell you this. when we get there you are to do nothing which will embarrass us. That man is legend. You will not spoil my only chance to meet him.

PS: There will be formal events so find something decent to wear.

Anyway that's it toddles

Your lovely cousin,

After reading the letter I eventually did scream and the entire house rushed towards me all with their wands drawn.
"What is it, mum? Are you alright?asked Aquata her eyes darting around in search of a predator.
"We need to have a very important conversation."
They all nodded and walked towards the living room and settling themselves on the recliners. Finally, Lucius asked me, "Care to elaborate as to why you screamed like a banshee dearest Goddaughter?"
"Well, where do I begin..."


So, their kids actually have very different personalities but somehow I think that having such wealthy and powerful ancestry, they must all have a certain level of arrogance. Not to mention they are Draco and Hermione's kids, both of them were far too academically gifted to not have children of high intelligence.

I imagine Scorpius to be like an extremely mischievous version of Jameson Hawthorne from Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. He is however also extremely possessive of his friends because they are basically family. He, James Potter, and Enzo Zabini are close and terrorize Hogwarts in their spare time.

Caelum, I think was inspired by Tom Riddle Jr., not Voldemort or the Dark Lord but rather the brilliant wizard who was said to be quiet, mysterious, and charming in his Hogwarts years. He can be manipulative the way Tom was, however, he is basically like what one might assume of a stereotypical Slytherin. He and Lily Potter have always been joined to the hip as kids.

 Aquata as I previously even said is basically like Narcissa's carbon copy. I imagine her to be very cold and composed in public because the perception of the public matters. She is a lot like Narcissa Black during her Hogwarts years. She has an Ice Queen exterior but in reality, is actually a nice person. Maria and her were closer than sisters.

To those who have stuck with me this long, you have no idea how much your comments and reviews make my day. As I had told you all before this book is going to be heavily edited and as you all must have noticed in the chapter that a lot of things have been changed.

Please tell me how you liked this chapter so far. The next edited chapter should be up soon too

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