𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐄 |short story (Mj)βœ”οΈŽ

By sellibeau

18.3K 653 5.3K

|won best short story 2020| Michael is the CEO of a successful business organization who earns millions annua... More

1| One Time
2| Rings
7|Sweet Wine
10| Arias Co.-the end


1.3K 48 386
By sellibeau

I ɢᴏ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ, ɢᴏᴏᴅ


The ringing of the alarm clock woke Michael up from his deep sleep. He rubbed his eyes and sat up with a grunt looking around his bedroom. He stretched his arms and looked down, seeing the naked back of a female right next to him.

Then it clicked. He slept with his "ex" wife, Naomi. She laid on her stomach and faced the other way. Her hair was loose and sprawled out across her back as she softly snored. Michael exhaled deeply and ran a hand down his face before carefully easing out of the bed.

He felt his boxers on the floor below him and kicked it up with his foot and caught it before slipping it on to go to the bathroom. Naomi stirred in her sleep a little as Michael yawned, looking into his mirror

It was 7am, but his room was still dark considering his whole house has a whole modern black colored theme. In the corner of his eye he sees her sit up. He caught a glimpse of the woman's exposed breasts as she stretched her muscles and then emerged into the white sheets again. "Michael?" Her groggy voice asked and he didn't look her way

"Naomi, you needa leave." He spoke. His voice echoed from the bathroom a bit and she didn't answer at first before furrowing her brows. "I gotta leave? Why?" She asks

She could've sworn they had made up. They were in a bad place before and talking was "supposed" to make things better. She heard the faucet running as Michael scooped up water into his hands and lightly splashed it onto his face. "I'm going to work." He answered nonchalantly. "And you have a meeting to get to, right? Or a party was it?" He asked

She inwardly scoffed and held the covers closer to her chest. "If you're talking about the meeting I had to attend last night then you're wrong. You told me to stay here."

"Well.." he trailed off, intensely gazing at himself in the mirror as he subtly shaved, "I want you to leave now."

Naomi scoffed louder as he finished what he was doing and began to prepare a warm shower. "So this was all for nothing." She says in more than a statement than a question and he looked back at her in confusion

"What? The sex?"

"Nahh." She sarcastically dragged as she scrambled around for her clothing which was simply the dress she previously had on last night. He rolled his eyes at her sarcasm and crossed his arms. "I don't need the sarcasm."

"Why'd you bring me here? To waste my time?" She questioned, gradually becoming angry and he shook his head. "I told you I want this to work out, I never said when." He shrugged

"So sex isn't a way to work out things? You're obviously still attracted to me." She sassed him as he rolls his eyes once more. "Naomi I'm busy." He attempted to cut the argument short but she continued

"I'm still your damn wife and I feel like I'm everything but that." She spoke behind him as she had entered the bathroom and he sighed. "Look, we were obviously a mistake. All we do is argue." He said

She laughed tauntingly and kept her arms crossed before him. "Because of you! You don't like to talk. You like to end the arguments when they clearly aren't over, or you get to call it quits. You call all the shots!" She complained and he squinted his eyes at his wife

"Naomi if you wanted to talk you wouldn't have moved elsewhere. You wanted space and that's what I gave you. You said the argument was over last time by moving to Sacramento. I don't see how this is my problem." He shrugged once more and she could only glare at him in return. She just watched pitifully as he removed his clothes with ease and stepped into the shower

Although he was in the shower, he could still hear her muttering from the bedroom. "Talking about me's not gonna make things better." He called out. She glanced at his naked silhouette in the shower and cursed to herself

She wants to fix this marriage more than anything and it looks like he isn't even gonna make an effort do so too. She walked barefoot across the room and looked for her heels. She has nothing else to wear but that fancy dress and heels she arrived in so it was gonna be hard to leave comfortably

She didn't wanna ask him for anything so she slipped on the heels, gathered herself together and left, slamming the door behind her.

Michael was just now exiting the shower and he shook his head blowing air out of his mouth in exasperation. He loves her, but the reason he isn't making an effort is because he had already had sex with other women—and one still catches his eye

The guilt of fixing their marriage this soon would eat him alive

He walked nakedly around his room, scavenging for boxers. He checked his phone in the process and rolled his eyes far up his head once he saw Janet's organization in the news again. She's moving ahead of his business and it's bugging him. It's just a sibling competition though..

He looked through his closet and his eyes scanned it for some dress pants

He pulled one out and slipped it on. He buttoned up his black blazer and all the while had Janet on his mind. He contemplated on calling her but he didn't wanna hear her cocky voice this morning

Once he was done dressing, he casually walked down the stairs and checked his gold watch. "Shit." He cursed and decided to skip breakfast and head out.

He raced down the streets and made it in about 15 minutes to his Jackson Towers, parking in his normal spot—a spot anyone would be penalized for if they took it.

He walked briskly through the parking lot, passing by a few people entering the building with their cards. Once he entered, he walked straight into his office where Destiny was already standing, placing a cup of coffee on his desk

She turned around swiftly and flashed that nervous smile. "Oh! Mr. Jackson you're h-here! Uh I-I made some coffee for you cuz I assumed you would want s-some this m-morn-"

"Why's Janet on the news again?" He interrupted her, swinging his chair around and taking a seat as he flipped through papers, licking his finger each time. Destiny nervously shrugged with furrowed brows. "Um I-I don't know sir you'll have to ask her-"

"My business came before here's, my building's better than her, it looks better than her's, I'm smarter and a better business man than her-"

"Sir Janet's not a man." She interrupted her and he looked at her with dead eyes, causing her to quickly shake her head, "M-my bad continue sir."

"I deserve to be on the news again. Her business is thriving and I can't have that. Destiny, we needa get to work." He said, wrapping his hand around the coffee she previously brought in and she nodded her head in agreement. "Yes sir. Whatever's necessary."

"You needa be my spy."

She looked flustered. "I needa be your what?"

"I need you to spy on whatever my sister does and record her ideas, and share them with me." He confidently said and she blinked twice at his demands

"Uh sir...I don't think that's a great idea-"

He held up a finger. "Destiny this is an order." He said and sipped his coffee. "You'll need to wear a disguise and I can get you a pass to enter her building. Everyday at exactly 4pm, I'll send you to spy on her. Is that clear?"

She was quiet for a split second. "Uh...I-I'm afraid-"

"You're afraid of what Destiny?" He squinted at her and she gulped

"I-I don't know if that's a g-good idea, sir."

"Are you calling me stupid? That what I'm saying is complete bullshit?"

She gulped again and flashed the nervous smile. "Um...well-"

"Because you're right Destiny. I know I'm being irrational but this is completely necessary." He says and lifts his hand up with a stack of papers. "Copy these papers for me in the copier room and later we'll talk about your new task. Is that understood?" He asks and she faked a confident smile and nodded

"Yes sir." She replied and took them from his hands and awkwardly slipped out the room as her smile turned into that nervous one again. Geneva happened to be walking past, on her way to the Meeting room to join the rest

"You doing okay, Destiny?" Geneva asked and she shook her head. "Uh...I've just been asked to something possibly illegal but I'll be fine." She said and quickly walked away before Geneva had the chance to reply

"She's a weird one." She muttered under her breath and walked into the meeting room, where her everyday coworkers are already located.

They tossed crumpled up paper balls into the air, sipped coffee, ate muffins n such, waiting for Michael's arrival. Once Geneva came in, Ysenia rolled her eyes and turned her chair the opposite way

Geneva caught the gesture and smirked to herself. She has a certain effect on Ysenia and she likes it. "Sup, Neva." Rocky casually tilted his head up at her and she head tilted him back. "You still up for tonight?" He asked, rolling his chair over to her and she raised a brow at him, glancing at Linda, who subtly shook her head

"No." Geneva answers, making Rocky kiss his teeth. "Why won't none of y'all go out with me? I'm only askin' for one date. It don't even gotta be special. Just a night out for dinner." He complained, causing them to laugh at him

"Rock you've screwed half the ladies in the building." Linda rolled her eyes. "Even Karen."

"I did not screw Karen, are you okay?"

Lucas scooted up his chair and leaned in across the fine long table. "I heard Mr. Jackson screwed Rivera. That's why she was fired."

"You're just now finding out about that?" Ysenia spoke. Her voice was low and sophisticated. A classy bass to it. "It was so obvious. I saw those two exit that janitors' closet at least twice the weeks leading up to her gettin' fired." She waved them off

Geneva listened closely and with a grin stuck to her face. It only widened once they mentioned Naomi. "Y'all know he has a wife?"

"Nah Rock. Like he wears a ring on his finger for no reason." Linda replied, filing her nails snobbishly and casually as he squinted back at her

"Are you always this sarcastic?"

"The crazy thing is, they ain't even divorced! I heard she moved to another part of Cali." Lucas gossips some more as Geneva subtly looked around the room in thought

Once again, she's caught up in an affair. Best thing to do is smile.

"How the hell do you know that?" Ysenia asked, scoffing afterwards and Lucas shrugged. "Big building. Word gets out fast."

"I heard that same rumor from Karen." Rocky said blissfully, causing Linda to snarl. "What, you and Karen have some typa relationship going on?"

He shook his head. "Nah we're just gossip buddies. Karen knows almost all the tea goin' on 'round here somehow. That woman is genius." He swooned

"Anyone else curious about who else Jackson screwed?" Linda asked

"Little miss newbie over there is awfully quiet." Ysenia raises her fierce brows, resting her chin on her fist as she lays eyes on Geneva who was lost in thought for a while. "Quiet ones hold secrets." Geneva replied smartly as Ysenia jerked her head back

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh not much."

"You think you're all big and bad huh?"

"Maybe so." Geneva shrugged and Lucas intervened yet again. "Calm down ladies. Like I said before, save it for the damn streets."

Geneva's smile never left her face as Ysenia's face only frowned. "Whoever else Jackson screws, I call first dibs on the day they get fired." Rocky says, raising his hand up like he's in a classroom and at that moment, Michael came in, but only heard the last few words of his sentence

The room got quiet

Rocky turned around, confused at their silence and clears his throat. "...what's good Mr. Jackson?" He asks as Michael waves him off and walks over to his seat—which was across the table—and set his things down.

Geneva smirked again and rested her cheek on the palm of her hand, staring deeply into Michael's soul as he spoke about the various everyday things they talk about in the meeting room. He seemed distracted, as Geneva relentlessly proceeded to stare. He stuttered, straightened his tie at least 4 times and his eyes weren't focused. She was truly doing things to him

"That's all for today." He said once an hour passed by and he cleared his throat, leaving the room with quickness.

"Did y'all see how fast he left the room? Somethin's goin' on!" Lucas exclaims as they shove him in the process of leaving the room as well. It was break time, which meant sitting at the computers, or getting a snack n such


My heels clicked across the black marble floors as I approached the refreshment table. Linda's at the computers with the rest and to be alone, I decided to just go get a snack although I'm not really hungry

It made me excited for some odd reason once I was reminded that still Michael has a whole wife and he hasn't divorced her, yet he had sex with me. I've been a part of many of these situations

I'm always the girl who is stuck with a guy who has a partner already. And it's not on purpose. Now I'm used to it. I shrugged to myself and picked up a napkin, placing a blueberry muffin into it. My eyes scanned the table for more snacks as I grabbed some sugar cookies along with some banana bread which I've never tried before

My hands were quite full but I managed to walk back to the main area, passing by many people in the process. As I approached my computer area, a voice stopped me and I paused, causing my heels to make a slight screeching sound against the marble floor. "Ms. Arias, a moment please." Destiny's voice said and I nodded. "Mr. Jackson needs to see you."

The door closed behind me as I stared at Michael—Mr. Jackson—oops

He looked up at me and his eyes were piercing into mine as he placed a paper clip into the papers in his hands. "Yes Mr. Jackson?" I asked, pursing my lips in the process and he exhaled through his nose. "I'm asking nicely when I say stop being a distraction." He says and I lifted my brows as if I didn't know what he was talking about

"I don't know what you mean." I simply said with a short shrug. His eyes glanced at my chest which revealed a little bit of my cleavage as I casually just wore a black button up with dark grey bell bottom dress pants.

He cocked a brow at me and squinted. "You know what I mean." He said and I shrugged once more. "I really don't."

He drew in a sharp breath and connected his eyes to mine once more, but he didn't look annoyed..yet. "You think this is a game huh?" He asked and I folded my arms under my breasts, smirking at him in the process. "Well Michael, I do anything to get to the top." I replied

I'm sure he didn't completely understand my statement, but I meant it. I would.

He stood up and kept his head low, grinning lowly as he swiftly rubbed his finger below his chin. "What happened that day was an accident." He spoke, slowly approaching me the more he spoke. "But you enjoyed it right?" I asked, following his gaze as he came closer

"That's not important." He said. His scent evaded my nose. I could smell the expensive cologne he possessed clearly. "What's important is that you don't become a distraction in my building. Is that understood Ms. Arias?" He asks raising a brow

He got closer, causing me to step back a bit. "You gonna get rid of me like Rivera?" I inquired and he backed me up into the opposite wall, and I heard him lock his office door in the process. "That isn't important either."

"You're bad at hiding things, I must say Mr. Jackson." I said as his face hovered over mine and I looked into his eyes hazily but with dominance. "This isn't a game, Arias." He repeated and I smirked in return. "It really is. You're wife's involved in this little "game" ain't she?" I said and instead of retaliating, he lowly chuckles. "Funny you mentioned her. Saw her this morning."

"Was the sex good?" I asked. I know for a fact him and his "wife" fucked. I know all about that stuff. "Very." He easily answered. "So I'm not sure why I'm messin' around with you."

I reached down and squeezed dangerously close to his crotch. "Because you like it." I said and his face looked flushed at my gesture. He only smirked and worked his hand down my button up, unzipping my dress pants. His other hand reaches into my shirt, unbuttoning them. I felt his fingers brush over the fabric of my lace bra as I just licked my lips like I'm staring at a tasty dessert

"You got a lotta confidence, Ms. Arias." He growled. His voice was kept low and husky as he bit at my skin, causing me to tilt my neck to the side and look over my shoulder with the grin never leaving my face. The room began to get hot.

I could easily feel his hard on through his pants, which I made no effort to unzip or anything—just yet. Hickeys formed onto my neck yet again. The ones from last time were just beginning to fade. "You like this, Arias." He spoke. My eyes were half closed and I was aching for him to make the next move

I've been craving him, I will agree. But I know he's been craving me more. "You're right." I moaned. My shirt was completely unbuttoned and my pants were almost hanging off my hips. He touched all over me, places where I've very well already touched before.

"You pleasure yourself, Arias?" He his voice lowly grunted into my ear as if he could read my mind and I didn't answer at first. His lips proceeded to explore my neck, leaving numerous love bites, and bite marks.

I lifted my arms, wrapping my legs around his torso having had enough. His pants dropped to his ankles and his hard on made contact with me until we heard small knocks on the door. "Mr. Jackson I have some paperwork and interview schedules for you." Destiny's voice echoed

I unwrapped my legs from his torso and he grunted as he picked up his pants and slipped it back on, zipping it up as I quickly got myself together too. I sat down on one of the chairs located in front of his desk as he opens the door for her

"Is everything okay in here sir? I heard a lot of grunting and noise." She said and Michael shook his head as I smirked

"Everything's fine, Destiny." He said and took the papers from her hands and stacked them on top of the ones already located on his desk. If I were in his place I'd be crammed with this shit. But nothin' I can't handle

"S-so Mr. Jackson about the spy thing y-you were talking about-"

"I mailed the disguise to your door at home already." He interrupted her with ease and I could easily sense her fear. "B-but don't you think it's a little-"

"Brilliant? Well I know that Destiny. Tell me something that isn't already obvious."

"I-I don't think I'm well suited for this job-"

"Do it or you're fired." He simply said and she sighed in defeat. "Yes sir." She glumly said before exiting the room. I looked back at him after looking at the floor to avoid eye contact during that conversation.

"You seem like a real delight to work with." I sarcastically said and he half smiled. "Thank you."

He handed me the papers he originally was going to give me when I first entered and gave him one last look before leaving his office, all the while his eyes were on my backside

I joined the rest at the computers. I of course made sure to hide the hickeys Michael left. I don't want them to apparently be noticeable like last time because Linda easily noticed

"Where have you been. You're gonna behind as hell with your work." She said and I shook my head. "Trust me I won't." I simply said

I have an advantage.


And just like that, Michael almost added another flaw to his infidelity

"Wonderful." Janet sarcastically clapped her hands as she sat in Michael's living room. Michael paused from walking and cursed to himself, running a hand down his face. "Janet you scared the fuck outta me." He sighed. "How the hell did you get into my house."

"I have my ways for everything Michael. That isn't important."

"You're sitting here drinking my wine, and sitting on my couch. This is concerning."

"Look, you don't think I know what you've been up to?" She asks and he froze, remembering the mission he gave to his assistant. "Shit."

"Yeah "shit" you should be ashamed." She scolded and he surrendered up his hands. "Look Jan, I'm tired. It's been a long day."

"Naomi deserves better than this." She spoke and he paused her again, furrowing his brows. "Huh?" He asks and she shook her head. "Well, I was looking through your things and I happened to hear the voicemails she left on the phone. She sounds desperate

Michael instantly felt relief as he thought she found out he was trying to spy on her. But his relief was overshadowed by guilt yet again. "Why are you snoopin' around my stuff?"

"It wasn't on purpose!"She defended herself. "Plus I think it'd be a great idea if I could come here all the time." She shrugged

"My guards would see you and mistake you for a damn intruder, Jan. You sound stupid."

"You've never caught me other than today though."


"Nothing, nothing." She lazily said and he rolled his eyes yet again

"Look, things are complicated between us." He vaguely said and she straight faced him. "Complicated? What does that even mean?" She asks and she follows him to the kitchen as he got out a wine cup from the many  cabinets in his kitchen

"We're just taking a break." He shrugged. She leaned against the black granite. "You've been sleeping around with other women Michael. Either divorce her or tell her."

"I still love her though." He shrugged again and sipped on some dark wine. Geneva flashed through his mind and he could only picture her in her bra and panties, laying in his bed

"Then fix it!" She exclaims. He sighed as he drew his eyes up at her. "I don't need your advice, Jan. You're not the love whisperer."

"Actually I might as well be since you're a complete idiot. Imma tell mama about this nonsense."

He scoffed at her. "So you wanna bring her into this like we're kids? Nice, Jan."

"Fine, deal with this shit on your own but I'm just lookin' out for you." She cockily shrugged and he scowled at her. "By the way, you saw me on the magazines right?" She asked

He rolled his eyes tensely and faked a smile. "Congrats on that, Jan."

"Right? See how much more successful I am than you now?" She bragged, making him point his finger towards the door. "Leave. Now."

"Oookay."  She dragged with a smile and grabbed her things, leaving his house. That just reminded him about the jealousy he held against his sister at the moment

Her success is driving him crazy

He turned on his TV and glanced at it a few times before walking over to the phone. He played back the various voicemails from his wife and sighed

Michael you're being stupid. You indicate that you wanna fix this but yet you're not even making any efforts.

He played the next one and her voice was more angry:

Am I just a joke to you? Is our marriage a joke to you? Was this all for no damn reason?"

He played the third one:

Look you needa fix your shit. I'm tired of this. Yeah, I moved away for the time being but I was angry! Things aren't too late now. You know I love you.

And the fourth:

Call me back goddamnit. Just let me know you're hearing what I'm telling you. Get it into your thick skull!

The fifth:

I miss you, and you know you miss me too. Things don't have to be this way. Call me back, Michael. Not playing around.

That was the last one and he deleted all 5 just like that. He'll call her back. Soon.

But as said before, Geneva has an advantage. A deep one.

Excuse any mistakes💀didn't read this over.

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