Bts SickFic's

By LowKeyNerdx

40K 552 202

Just a whole bunch of fluff of of bts getting sick and being cared for by their hyungs/dongsaengs this will b... More

Jungkook ~ Just Gotta Persevere
Jimin ~ Stomach Flu
Taehyung ~ Well this isn't my day
Jungkook ~ Dont think twice
Yoongi ~ Thank you
Hoseok ~ Meddling Maknaes
Authors Note
Taehyung ~ Should have never doubted me

All ~ The Domino Effect

3.3K 37 14
By LowKeyNerdx

Just wanted to say thank you SOOO much for 1k views ! I've never felt this blessed in my life! Thank you all for your love and support 💕


"I just want to know who thought this was going to be a good idea." Hoseok scoffs audibly, dragging his packed suitcase into Namjoon's room before retiring to the carpeted floor.

"Come on! When was the last time us three hung out together?!" Namjoon argues, shoving his clothes haphazardly into the duffle bag while Jimin shakes his head at the doorway.

Please, toss your clean laundry that I spent time on my off day to do. Yoongi hears Jimin mumble before returning to the conversation at hand. "Yesterday, Namjoon. We literally had lunch together."

"It's overdue! Plus, we'll bond again like old times. Don't we need some inspiration?"

"When we said we were having writer's block we didn't mean we want to go to the fucking woods in the middle of nowhere. But go off I guess." Yoongi decided that there was no point in trying to change Namjoon's mind.

Guess it's time to be one with nature. He laughs, not believing the reality in front of him as he starts compiling his luggage for the trip.


After bickering for nearly ten minutes on who was going to drive between Hoseok and Namjoon, and finally realizing how pointless the argument was as Namjoon was the only one out of three who doesn't have a fucking driver's license, they were on the winding road towards their rented Airbnb cabin for the weekend.

Yoongi and Namjoon were situated in the backseat, which caused Hoseok to act as if he was an Uber driver. Yoongi still doesn't understand why they both had to be in the backseat when there was a whole empty passenger seat.

He stopped caring as soon as they drove off, his stomach starting to feel weird and queasy. Yoongi went through a mental list of everything he had ate, knowing damn well he took his motion sickness medicine in good enough time before they departed for the unnecessary cabin getaway.

He decided that maybe a good nap would remedy the situation, shutting out the world with his music and nodding off before the end of the first track.

Namjoon, had other plans of course, smacking Yoongi dead in the face as he yet again asks how much longer the trip will take and his plead to use the bathroom.

Hoseok doesn't answer, too busy humming over the song playing on the radio and dancing in his seat slightly off beat.

Namjoon shouts again, nearly causing Hoseok to swerve before a string of curse words were delivered in retaliation.

Yoongi scrubs at his onset headache, yawning the rest of his sleep away as he tries to stretch the crook out of his neck.


"Yes." Namjoon turns his head towards Yoongi, smile fading away as he sees the death glare Yoongi was sending before coughing his energy away and proceeds to stare out the window.

"Ten more minutes guys!" Hoseok yells before continuing to hum and dance away as he drives.

A belch escapes Yoongi's lips, a little too loud for him to cover up with a cough. And, to make matters much more apparent, his stomach proceeds to enact in an enunciation of his gut screaming in agony.

"You alright there?" Namjoon asks, eyes quavering over to Yoongi's audible stomach.

Great, everyone's favorite game in BTS: Do I Confess or Do I Act Like Nothing is Wrong?

I will take nothing is wrong for 500.

"Yup, just a little bubbly." Yoongi answers, breaking eye contact before Namjoon could see right through his façade.

Hoseok turns a little too sharp towards the cabin lot, tossing Namjoon into Yoongi as Yoongi becomes a pancake against the door.

It took every bit of his dignity to not yack right then and there. But it was as if he was fighting a swallow war and losing as the warm, acidic liquid swims up his throat at a rapid rate. Yoongi managed to fling the door open in time before he tossed his cookies onto the graveled pavement, choking on the thick stream of everything he ate before he was able to breathe.

"...We're here." Hoseok laughs awkwardly, already flinging himself out of the car as Namjoon slowly inches away from Yoongi.

We're here. Yoongi parrots. Yay...


"Are you sure you are okay?" Hoseok asks, hovering over Yoongi as he fills the pot up with water to wash away his vomit inspired graveled painting.

"For the umpteenth time Seokie, I am fine. I got carsick and Namjoon crashing into me was what activated it." Logically, it doesn't make any sense as to him getting sick in the first place, but he wasn't going to confess that he feels like he's three seconds from dropping the pot and being one with the floor. They're supposed to be having a writer's retreat...


"I say that we make some ramen and watch a movie to get acquainted into the cabin! I'm going to wash up first, Yoongi you can start making the ramen and Hoseok... you can be useful somehow." Namjoon orders before disappearing to the only restroom in the cabin.

The last thing I want to eat right now is some fucking ramen. Yoongi grumbles, tossing the water to clean the rest of his puke, the momentum nearly swinging him onto the gravel itself.

At this point, Yoongi figures that he is sick with something, because all the time that he has ever been carsick, he never actually yacked before. Plus, his joints never ache and him feeling weaker and weaker with every breathe is just his body being a bully at this point.

Trudging his way back to the cabin, Yoongi's vision blurs as a dizzy spell takes over him. He shakes his head, hoping to clear his vision but it only made him fainter and causing him to trip over his feet and fall onto the gravel.

"Don't lie to me and tell me you're okay because you're never clumsy." Hoseok chastised, helping Yoongi inside towards the couch. "I already showered and finished making the ramen."

"How long was I outside?" Yoongi asks, not believing for his eyes that it took him that long to clean his vomit and make it back into the cabin.

"Do you even register me sitting next to you?" Namjoon questions, nearly scaring the shit out of Yoongi as he turns his head.

"Oh shit."

A spark of thunder and lightning loomed over as a heavy pour of rain starts to beat against the cabin, interrupting Hoseok's chance to respond to Yoongi's concerns.

"It would really suck if we lose power from the storm." Namjoon mumbles, unconsciously wrapping Yoongi with a fleece blanket.

Hoseok threw a spoon at Namjoon. "Don't speak it into existence!" he yells, tiptoeing over to the duo as he sets down the tray of ramen and a bowl of broth for Yoongi.

"I really can't eat that right now. It will just come right back up and I don't have the energy to deal with that at the moment." Yoongi whines, stomach muscles squeezing his core as he curls up into the blanket.

Namjoon glares at Hoseok to stop him from rebutting Yoongi's complaint. "Maybe sleep it off Yoongi, it will be on the coffee table for whenever you're ready to eat it".

Yoongi hums in response, snuggling into the fleece blanket and leaning his head back as he closes his eyes, not wanting to put his weight on them as the duo tries to quietly slurp their ramen.

Namjoon and Hoseok stared at each other before resigning to the random Netflix show that was playing idly in the background.


The slumber didn't last for long, as the longer Yoongi kept his eyes closed the more it felt like the world around him was spinning at a increased rapid rate. It took all the energy out of him to straighten himself up on the couch, not surprised to see Namjoon softly snoring at his side and Hoseok dozing off.

"Seokie, can you feel if I have a fever?" Every little movement was too much work, even blinking was becoming a chore. Hoseok shivers awake, planting his cold hands onto Yoongi's forehead and flinching once he registered the heat radiating from Yoongi. For extra measure, his brows furrowed as he plants his cold hands again on Yoongi's forehead, but also adding his other hand to his forehead in disbelief.

Yoongi only stares.

"I could fry an egg on your forehead! Your skin is hot as hell, holy shit!" He whispers yell, kicking Namjoon awake and somehow signaling for him to get the thermometer out of his toiletries. Alternatively, Yoongi believes that he is slowly losing it.

Namjoon came back quickly, not giving any warning before hitting Yoongi's gag reflect as he shoves the cold metal in his mouth. He quickly apologizes when it beeps as Yoongi can only glare, too sore and in pain to even bother.

"What's the damage?" Hoseok asks, Yoongi allowing himself to slump against his shoulder for warmth- hoping Hoseok's body could suppress the sudden onset of his shivers.

"My god, this feels like we're tending to a sick child more than having a writer's retreat."

"Now is not the time to pull your lame ass jokes Namjoon." Hoseok grits.

"103.1- Yoongi why are you up?"

Yoongi barely registers getting up, and he cannot figure out why he is up in the first place. He absently rubbed his sore stomach while the groaning and gurgling made it's present. His mouth was coated in an acidic aftertaste.


He feels like he's going to hurl.

Yet, he couldn't get his brain to talk to his motor skills, eyes glazed over the concerned duo before chuckling softly. Yoongi feels like he's slowly shutting down. Hehe, I'm in danger...

"Please just sit down. You're swaying on your feet right now and it's making me nervous." Yoongi could hear Hoseok pleads, but it was as if there was a failed connection from his brain to his motor skills to do what he wanted him to do.

"Um... I...feel sick...I'm gonna..." was the only thing he was able to utter out before blacking out and falling onto Namjoon as they crashed on the couch.

Right on cue for the power to go out.

"Writer's retreat my fucking ass!" Hoseok cries.


"Keep fanning him!" Hoseok yells, frantically trying to search in his bag for any form of medication. "I can't fucking see!"

"Try my bag! Maybe I have some fever reducers or Pepto Bismol?!" Namjoon was awkwardly fanning Yoongi. His phone was somewhere on the couch, but it's black and trying to find something black in the pitch darkness was possibly the stupidest thing he could be doing now. Bless Yoongi being as pale as a ghost and eerily illuminating in the pitch darkness.

"How did we manage to not pack any form of medication!? I can't see shit. I can't find shit. What in the actual god damn fuck!"

"Hoseok, please stop cursing you're scaring me." Namjoon grumbles a bit too loud.


"Don't anger Hoseok more than he already is. Go help him." Yoongi mumbles, groaning as he sits himself up.

It took a second for Yoongi to realize that the room was coated in pitch darkness and him not completely losing it once he opened his eyes. However, as soon as he sat up on the couch, it was as if he was an inverted hourglass and everything wanted to come up right then and there.

Yoongi regrets sending Namjoon to help Hoseok, as Namjoon took his phone with him and Yoongi is pretty sure his phone is somewhere where his luggage is.

So, he channels the rest of his nonexistent energy to stand up, swaying as he teeters towards what he hopes is the kitchen sink so he could vomit.

He stifles a gag, bending in half a bit too fast as he swallows down his stomach content.

Don't puke, don't puke, don't puke, don't puke.

Of course, he didn't account for stubbing his foot and falling on his face.

Ouch, fuck that hurts.

"Namjoon you had one job. One fucking job to watch Yoongi now go see if he is okay!"

"He told me to go help you-"

"Namjoon, sometimes I wonder if you are being stupid on purpose. Go!"

Bless the lights going out because the last thing Yoongi's dignity needs is for Namjoon to stumble in the kitchen to see him crawling on the floor.

"You good there, dude?"


"Get me a bucket." Yoongi grits, closing his eyes and delving into a breathing pattern to remedy his stomach rolling alarmingly.

Namjoon place a mixing bowl into Yoongi's lap. "I was only able to find the bowl."

He could hear the frown in Namjoon's voice, dismissing his mood to complain as his mouth started to water into the bowl.

Another boom of lightning and thunder came in sync with Yoongi's loud retch into the bowl, rewashing the plastic with coats of bile as it grates up his throat.

He's sure the bowl is almost full, his fingers started to touch it which only activate Yoongi's gag reflect to hurl harshly into the bowl.

Another crash of thunder somehow turned on all the lights, and Namjoon uses his spark of quick wit to grab Yoongi and drag him to the bathroom that Hoseok was too busying trying to fill the tub up with water.

"Hold it for just a second, just like, swallow it, almost there—" Namjoon grunts, resorting to carrying Yoongi as dragging a dizzy sick person was too much to coordinate.

Namjoon quick wit wasn't quick enough as Hoseok turns around just in time for Yoongi to projectile vomit onto him.

"Oh god, that's disgusting!" Well, fuck, I didn't think vomiting was supposed to be a pretty sight.

"Please don't cry." Yoongi swallows. "I can wash the sweater."

Hoseok is stuck at a standstill, frozen as the yellow bile drips off his stained blue sweater. He didn't even register his hiccupped sobs. Yoongi hunched forward, holding a protective arm over his torso as a queasy belch escaped his lips.

Namjoon comes to the rescue in enough time to strip Hoseok out of his stained sweater before he got sympathy sick and to apologetically shove Yoongi in the direction of the bathroom sink in time for him to hurl a thin string of clear bile.

Shirtless and confused, Hoseok hesitantly undress Yoongi as he helped him get into the tub. Namjoon uses the time to clean up the vomit filled mixing bowl as well as hand-wash Hoseok's stained sweater. He also got the bed ready for Yoongi as he catches Hoseok helping Yoongi out of the tub.

God, he looked awful.

Hoseok got him situated in bed, leaving a trash can adjacent before meeting up with Namjoon who was finally able to find a signal.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Namjoon sighs. "I have enough signal to call the host. There has got to be a generator or some sort of backup plan!"

Hoseok stares, watching as Namjoon dials the contact for the Airbnb host who sounded already annoyed as they answered on the last ring.

The phone call was short-lived, mostly a screaming match between Namjoon and the host that didn't leave much room for a solution. There isn't a power generator, no source of medicine, and not a lick of an emergency kit for them to utilize.

"The caucasity of this bitch!" Namjoon recants, telling how the owner tells them to go hunt for dogs and the host's complaint of him interrupting their vacation at the beach.

"You know how fucking racist that is? Why-"

There was a splatter of liquid, followed by the sounds of retching that Hoseok and Namjoon knows all too well.

"I don't want to turn around." Hoseok takes a deep breath, hoping to exhale his annoyance.

"He's literally missing the trash can as we speak." Namjoon sighs, staring as Yoongi was bent over in bed choking on empty retches while a string of snot dangles from his nose.

Namjoon takes another deep breath before going to find something to clean up the mess and Hoseok realizes that there were fever reducers in his pouch.

"You guys bully me for my pouch but jokes on all of you all it's more useful than you want to admit!"


In the living room, to avoid waking Yoongi up, Namjoon and Hoseok stare at the three pink pills that they found in Hoseok's pouch.

"So. We're looking at two fever reducer and possibly a migraine pill." Namjoon recalls.

"Well, it's better than nothing. Quit staring at it as if it's going to run away."

Hoseok nearly breaks his neck in the direction of the sole bedroom of the cabin to the sound of bed creaking ad groans.

"Take the medicine and thermometer with you, I'll come with some water." Hoseok orders, carefully extracting himself from the sofa as Namjoon carries the fragile pills towards Yoongi.

Yoongi opens one eye at Namjoon, who could be heard a mile away with his noisy slippers scrapping against the wooded floors. He turns over, the idea of trying to swallow pills already made him nauseous.

"Why does the thermometer always disappear whenever I want to take your temperature." Namjoon mumbles, flapping his pants as his eyes scan the room for the piece of electronic metal.

"Joonie, it never left your hand." Yoongi groans, making efforts to sit up and prepare for the fun of choking on pills. God his throat was dry as hell and the weight of him trying to sit up was making his chest tight.


"Something is really wrong Joonie, I think I need a hospital..." Yoongi whines, grabbing at his chest as he swallows thickly.

"Shit! Is it appendicitis?" Namjoon panics, dropping the three identical pills that he had organized in his hands.

"Wow, I didn't think you could get any stupider yet here we are."

"You know, stupid is an adjective. Just like hurt. You were hurt. You are hurt, and it will hurt your pride. You were stupid when you opened your mouth. You are stupid for trying to take care of yourself on your own. And, you will stay stupid if you don't stop keeping your illnesses to yourself."

Fuck, Yoongi doesn't know what kind of attention he needs; a therapist or a doctor or both.

Namjoon stares at the three pills, not remembering which pill was which as all three pills has different numbers and he lost his internet signal not too long after. He internally screams 'fuck it' as he hands the three pills for him to swallow and Hoseok coming in time for Yoongi to wash it down with the water.


"I'm going to sue the sky." Hoseok whines, staring out the living room window as he watches the heavy downpour.

"It's supposed to hail according to the weather search I did earlier when I had signal."

"Not out of that cloud it will not." Hoseok jumps at the sound of lightning and boom of thunder.

"Let's go check on Yoongi's temperature" Namjoon suggests, not waiting for Hoseok to collect his shit and follow suit.

"Rise and shine it's time for your temperature check!" Yoongi groaned as Namjoon annoying makes his entrance scrapping his house slippers against the wooded floors. Hoseok comes over and sit on the bed, creating a minimal wave that had Yoongi feeling like as if he was on the ground in a bouncy house bobbing to his eternal misery. He fluffs Yoongi's pillow and carefully help elevate him to a sitting up position while Namjoon gently place the thermometer in his mouth.

The thermometer beeps just in time for Yoongi to channel his energy on ignoring his muscle spasms and his stomach sloshing itself against his organs. His back was starting to throb from sitting up, and he silently wishes for Hoseok to coddle him to give him warmth. The three fleece blankets that was smothering him wasn't doing anything but being added weight.

"Shit! Maybe I gave you the wrong medicine?" Namjoon eyebrows furrowed as he squinted at the thermometer.

"That's wonderful." Yoongi rolls his eyes, immediately regretting it as a migraine started to sprout behind his eyeballs.

"Eeek! How is it 103.4?" Hoseok shrieks after snatching the electronic metal from Namjoon in disbelief.

"Like, how the hell is your temperature still rising? I gave you twice the recommended dosage-"

"Maybe we should put him in a blanket burrito to help him sweat it out-"

"Hold the fuck up. You double dosed me?!"

"Yeah, I mean- I didn't technically double dose you I just literally gave you the two fever reducers and a migraine pill."

Yoongi scowls at Namjoon before darting his hairy eyes at Hoseok. "You're in charge of giving me medicine. I know I said I want to be a rock in my next life, but I didn't mean by tomorrow."

"I am perfectly capable-"

"Those pills have been there since God knows when Joonie you're feeding me expired medicine!" Yoongi rasped, straining his head towards Hoseok. "Don't let him touch. Don't let him look at it. Don't even allow him to breathe near it. Don't let him contemplate even fathoming the idea of providing me medicine." Namjoon sighs in defeat, dismissing himself from the room before he tries to argue.

Hoseok laments, tucking Yoongi underneath the covers and adding more blankets to the pile.

"It's to help you sweat out the fever. I know you're cold but trust me you feel as hot as devil's shit and the last thing we need on this trip is to take you to the hospital." He murmurs, knowing very well Yoongi was already gone into deep sleep.


"Wow, that bug really took it out of you, huh?" Namjoon jokes, seeing an out of breath Yoongi trying to put on his clothes.

"Jimin's lucky I love him because my fucking goodness that sucked balls." Yoongi huffs, sighing in resignation as he gives up putting on his other sock. Namjoon laughs before kneeling down to help Yoongi finish getting dress.

"I don't know about you all, but I rather drive to an American pancake house than to stay another minute in this place." Hoseok comments, wiping down the disinfectant all over the cabin and making sure they did not leave anything behind.

"Well, now that all the theatrics are over, are we ready to officially start our writer's retreat?" "How about, now stay with me here, we.... don't" Yoongi laughs, joking but not really at all.

"Before you continue to say anything stupid Namjoon, imaging me beating your ass." Hoseok warns, shoving Yoongi's suitcase in the trunk.

"Let's go to that pancake house, we can have a much more domestic retreat at our dorm."

"I'm so happy we're all on the same page I volunteer to drive." Yoongi chimes, earning a quick yet deadly glare from both Hoseok and Namjoon.

"We are not going to act like you didn't just have an audition to be a part of the Poltergeist last night and let you drive. You'll get the backseat to yourself and Namjoon will be my navigator."

"What?!" Namjoon squawks.

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