Toles Of Topistol: Newcomers


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The first script of Toles of Topistol! Jordan, Liam and Mr Toles go investigate a cyclops invasion in the No... More

Toles of Topistol: Newcomers

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We start off Jordan, Liam, and Mr Toles sitting around a campfire, Jordan sharpening her sword, Liam playing his flute as the fire crackles, their dad cooking some fresh beans and meat for them.

Mr Toles: Ah, this is relaxing! You see, not every day needs to be about fighting monsters, guys. We can relax and be together! Now I know you don't want that Jordan, but I'm sure you'll end up loving it soon enough.

Liam stops playing his flute.

Liam: *sighs* Yeah, I kinda like it. No craziness, no worrying, and no buttheads trying to kick our butts.

Liam goes back to playing his flute under the crackling fire, Jordan stops sharpening for a second.

Jordan: I'm not used to this, I feel like something is going to happen and I need to kick butt. Also don't worry lil bro, I'll kick butts before someone kicks yours.

Mr Toles: Jordy you need to learn to just relax for a second, it won't hurt to!

Jordan: I know, I'm just used to it. Maybe I got it from my mom?

Mr Toles: Oh are you saying your dad isn't the fighting type? Hahah-

fire crackles a bit too loudly and Mr Toles flinches and jumps back, arming himself with a pan.

Jordan: Dad.

Mr Toles: Yeah... Maybe you did get it from her. Well anyways, now, your food is ready! We shall dine like kings tonight!

Liam and Jordan: Woo!

A farmer runs out in front of the campfire and screams,holding his arms and hands above his head, running around the fireplace. As he is screaming, Jordan grabs her sword and Mr. Toles tries to stop him by running around the campfire after him

Liam: Ah, Whos this? What's going on? Why are you running around the campfire? Why are you chasing him around the campfire? Dad that doesn't seem very reasonable to do when chasing someone!

Jordan focuses on the guy running, and puts the end of her sword onto the ground as he is running by her then to trip him up and he falls into the foldable chairs. She picks up her sword from the ground and she points the sword at him.

Jordan: Stop being obnoxious and tell us what is going on!

The farmer gulps and stammers a bit, as Mr. Toles tries to sneak a bite of food and Liam stands with his sister.

Farmer: T-there are Monsters! Monsters I tell you!


Mr Toles: Awh but... I'm hungry.

Liam: Where are these Monsters?

Farmer: I make annual deliveries... In the northern kingdom-

She lowers her sword and looks at Liam.

Jordan: Princess Aurora runs that kingdom... What were they?

Farmer: Well maybe if you'd not Interrupt me, Lady.

Liam: I wouldn't be sassy to a girl who has a sword pointed at you who is bored and wants to fight someone.

Farmer: Meditation works if you're bored.


Farmer: *yelps* Okay! I went up there and there were... C-CYCLOPS! They were at the front and they were commanding some villagers to build new buildings or houses maybe, I'm sure to cook all those villagers, and they saw me at the gate and started to RUN AT ME! I left my cart there and I ran as fast as I could, then I ran into you guys... wait... are you guys the Toles?

Liam: Nah just another regular family with a crazy sister, weird dad-

Mr Toles: I'm weird?

Liam: And a boy with a prosthetic arm. Y'know, regular things!

Jordan: Woohoo! We get to fight some cyclops!

Mr Toles: You do realize we haven't eaten AND Princess Aurora could be in trouble?

Both Liam and Jordan turn to their dad slightly disgusted.

Liam: Why did you put food before Princess Aurora being in trouble?

Farmer: Yeah that's a bit messed up bro.

Mr Toles: You're a really rude farmer.

Jordan starts grabbing her bag and runs off, with Liam taking off after her.

Jordan: Come on guys, Kicking butts awaits!

Liam: Why can't we just get the army or something?

Mr Toles sighs and puts out the fire, and looks at the food, then places a hand on it.

Mr Toles: we will meet again my love. Goodbye rude farmer.

He runs off after him, leaving the farmer.

Farmer: They're a weird family, aren't they?

He slowly puts food in his mouth that he was making.

Farmer: Oh my! how did they leave this food behind?!


Back to seeing jordan run up the mountain, with Liam and Mr Toles trailing behind her, Mr Toles right behind them both.

Mr Toles: I don't see why we couldn't have finished our lunch. I worked hard on that!

Liam: Dad, you heard the crazy farmer. This could be life or death. Maybe they will give us food for years if we defeat these monsters!

Jordan: Yeah, This is what we do, be heroes. Besides, this is so much more fun than that 'relaxing'.

Liam: Well, I mean. I am fine with relaxing more though.

Jordan: Shhh, We are here.

Jordan Liam and Mr Toles take cover behind the gates of the small but thriving kingdom, Liam and Mr Toles take a breath while Jordan takes a peak, seeing cyclops at the front of the city, two cyclops at the front, and the big buildings that are being built by citizens. It looks almost finished and entirely made of wood. It's quite beautiful for a cyclops that is.

Jordan: I only see two, they seem to be doing what that farmer said... big houses, civilians working... where is Aurora? Oh wait! There is the big one!

We see a shot of the bigger cyclops of the two, pointing at civilians where to go, giving a hearty laugh as he patted one of their backs a bit rough. He seems to have a large cut around his horn, so he must be a fighter.

Mr Toles: (whispering) Okay, so the three of them and three of us. We can take them on, especially if we give them the element of surprise.

Liam: It makes sense, what do you think Jordan?

Jordan: I don't know... I mean... I'm pretty bored waiting sooo...

She jumps in front of the gate in clear sight of everyone and yells at the cyclops.

Jordan: Hey, Big Cyclops I am here to kick your butt! And my brother is here too.

Mr Toles: Of Course that's what that means when she's bored. No 'I wanna go shopping' or 'I wanna read a book', taking on as much cyclops equals fun.

The bigger cyclops and everyone else looks in their direction and notices her, stopping what they are doing, then the cyclops starts walking over to them.

Bigger Cyclops: Hey, well, if it isn't the famous Toles Family! Ha ha ha!

Jordan and Liam already started charging at him, as he turns around and gestures behind him.

Bigger Cyclops: Well, Aurora and I were just talking about you!

Jordan stops as she's about to stab him and pulls back.

Jordan: Talked to Aurora?

Bigger Cyclops: It's great to finally meet y-

He looks up to see Liam about to uppercut him.

Bigger Cyclops: You?

Liam gives a yell as he punches him in the chin and he goes flying back and into his other fellow cyclops, who move out of the way as he landed straight into the big bench, breaking it. Jordan comes by and points the sword at his eye, with Liam looking at the other cyclops, who don't seem to defend him.

Jordan: What do you mean you've been talking to Aurora?

Bigger Cyclops: I think there might be a bit of a misunderstanding here.

Jordan: What I see is a bunch of cyclops, and last time I checked, they like to ransack anything they can find and take it as their own... I'd say, though I've never seen them take civilians and not try to eat them.

Liam: Um, Jordan?

Mr Toles comes in the background and waves.

Mr Toles: Hello there, Princess Aurora!

Princess Aurora comes out in a fancy icy blue thin cloak that went all the way down to her ankles with a purple sweatshirt that had crystals all over it and some casual jeans with two guards, looking upset and angry, more confused if anything though.

Princess Aurora: Get off of Clide right now, Jordan! What do you guys think you're doing?... Hello Mr Toles, how are you?

She gives a kind wave to him and a smile.

Mr Toles: I'm doing pretty well, just hungry that's all. How about you?

Princess Aurora: Yeah, Mr Toles, let me uh, do my lil' princess thing at the moment.

Mr Toles: Okay, sorry go on!

Jordan gets off of Clide and he stands up, brushing some snow off of him.

Clide: *spits out a tooth* Now, that was quite a punch right there. High five!

Liam smiles gently and gives him a high five, unable to resist a high five.

Jordan: What's... Going On here?

Aurora puts her hands on her hips, smirking at her favorite family.

Princess Aurora: You know I can't resist a visit to hang out with you guys, but you shouldn't go around giving uppercuts to citizens whenever you want.

Jordan: ... Citizens? Princess these are cyclops!

Princess Aurora: Well, now, they are citizens. Get with the times maaan! It's quite the story though, let's talk about it over some lunch! Hey, Mr Toles!

Mr Toles: Lunch? Food?

Princess Aurora: You want to help cook food with Mr. Yendor here? He's the cyclops cook!

A bigger in the belly cyclops looks over at him with a chefs hat and a chef's cooking apron.

Yendor: *Grunt*

Mr Toles gets wide eyed, a bit shocked for a second. But then calms down.

Mr Toles: You know what, I'm hungry enough to find this to be normal. Lets go big guy! Where we heading'?

Yendor: *Grunts and points to the big house*

Mr Toles: Okay, This will be fun.

They all head into the building that looks like a big home fit enough for a cyclops,Jordan pulls Liam aside behind the cyclops, not walking in immediately behind them.

Jordan: I don't trust this. Not at all.

Liam: Oh come on, you're just saying that because you wanted to fight someone. And who gives someone a high five for knocking a tooth out?

Jordan: I don't care. We've fought countless cyclops, they've always wanted to fight or eat us. What makes these guys different?

Liam: I'm not sure, but they haven't done anything yet. So just shhh, let's just see where this goes! And if it goes south you can then go ahead and beat them all up if you'd like.

Jordan crosses her arms.

Jordan: sighs* Fine.

Liam: That's the Toles Spirit!

Jordan: Shut up.

Liam: Hey Clide, wait up!

He runs off to try and talk to him as they enter the big house. Jordan rolls her eyes and follows him.

Liam: Hey Clide, why are you guys not building your own house or houses?

Jordan: Yeah, why is that?

She replies snarky.

Clide: Ha! Well, Mrs. Aurora kindly said that we are her guest! Also, if you did not know, cyclops are-

There's a shot of a cyclops trying to nail a nail into a wall, and he's trying his hardest to not be rough, but still makes a big hole into the wall. He frowns sadly.

Clide: We aren't the most delicate creatures. I mean look at us!

Clide flexes his muscles.

Clide: We are built to break stuff, not get a degree in psychology or something.

Princess Aurora: Yes, but these lovely ones don't have a bone that wants to beat things or someone up in their body.

Clide: *chuckles* Oh, stop it, you are too kind.

Jordan: Then what brings you here? And who are you guys anyways?

Clide leads them to the back of the house where there is no back wall yet, just a yard, it seems, where two cyclops almost the same size as him sit on two big wooden boxes, talking to each other. One is a female with long blonde hair, and the other one is a skinnier less broad one with some glasses. Obviously, one glass though. They turn to notice Clide with the princess walking with him, and they get up and get on one knee, putting their hand on their chest. Princess Aurora walks over to them at some pace.

Princess Aurora: Oh guys, come on get up. None of that now. Just relax, be chill.

They both stand up slowly.

Both: Yes, Princess.

Clide: Oh that is such a nice thing to hear. Now let me introduce you guys to the three of us, Now this lady right here.-

Clide puts his arm on her shoulder.

Clide: Her name is Jenogg (Jin-ah-guh) lovely one she is. She's currently making us all clothes. She has the best fashion taste I have ever seen!

Jenogg: Thank you Clide. Hello guys.

She gives the friendliest wave she can as a cyclops, Liam waves back at her with a smile, while Jordan barely gives a wave.

Clide: And this guy with the Glass- Ahahaha! Get it? Get it, Like, he only needs on glass for one eye, he doesn't need GLASSES!

Mr Toles with his superior dad senses hears the pun from across the room and he starts to laugh with him.

Mr Toles: Oh ho ho ho! Now that's a good joke right there!

As he is laughing he drops a spice into the boiling pot, and it makes a small mushroom cloud, and Yendor gives a smile of approval and a grunt, crossing his arms. Jordan and Liam kind of sigh it off, as the cyclops with the glass facial expression turns impatient.

Clide: You see, this guy gets it! I like him already!

Dundelin: Haha, very funny Clide. I'm Dundelin. I want to be a doctor. I've helped most of the sick or injured cyclops finish the journey here.

Clide: Oh come on, I was going to give you this big old story like 'Dundelin carried every sick and injured person up here'.

Dundelin:... Yes because that sounds realistic.

Clide: It's still cool though. And you guys already know me, but I am a theater guy! I love to do acting, and I know how unrealistic that is being me, but I can be very...

Clide looks out into the distance for a second and gives a very dramatic stare off into it, with his eye tearing up.

Clide: ...Dramatic.

Jenogg: *whispers* He's really good.

Liam chuckles, but Jordan turns to Aurora who was observing them.

Jordan: So do you know why they came here or how?

Princess Aurora: Well, they fled the cyclops kingdom, they said they never wanted any part of their 'savage culture' of constant fighting and training to be fighters.

Jenogg: Yeah, so we fled one night. Clide is the one who led us all.

Clide snaps out of his dramatic pose.

Clide: What? Oh yeah. I did. Ha ha! Let me tell you how it all went down.

(woo wee flashback time)

Clide: You see, cyclops are born to fight. Born with a fresh six pack or huge muscles. But some of us, well, we aren't fighters. We like to play music, make arts, joke around, long walks on the beach, and overall we aren't violent. But we are forced into fighting either way, and we are told *mocking tone* "You need to kill" and we are like "ew no to bashing heads." and he's all like "well you are going to be forced to work until you can't work anymore!" and we are like "oh no you will not" and he was all like "oh yes you will mwahaha i'm a big ugly idiot head face"

Liam interrupts the flashback and puts himself in it by doing so.

Liam: Why would he call himself a big ugly idiot... whatever.

Clide: Shush get out of the flashback.

A pencil knocks Liam out of the flashback.

Clide: So we escaped with nearly our horns with nothing but our lives and hopes. We stumbled up here, seeing a kingdom, hungry and tired, desperate for help. If it wasn't for Princess here, we wouldn't have made it this far.

Princess Aurora then jumps into the flashback.

Princess Aurora: Yeah and I was all like "hold your fire bros and brosettes" and I let them inside and fed them, bandaged them, got them healthy again, which is when I asked "Are you guys baddies are something?"

Clide: Nah, we're cool.

Princess Aurora: Are you going to punch us up at night and eat us?

Clide: Not really a point when you make delicious food. Also ew.

Princess Aurora: Are you going to cut our feet off or something then?

Clide: That just seems silly and unnecessary.

Princess Aurora: Are you going to remind us to blink so then we are blinking MANUALLY?!

Clide: *gasp* Now that's just barbaric!

Princess Aurora: Yeah, you definitely seem super cool and can stay.

They do an epic handshake with sunglasses and an epic guitar riff. they get out of the flashback with them still doing an epic handshake but without those cool sunglasses.

Liam: So you guys are just like cooler cyclops in other words?

Jennog and Dundelin give a fist bump to each other and then they both offer one to Jordan and Liam.

Jennog and Dundelin: Oh yeah, we are.

Liam: ... Cool.

Liam accepts it but Jordan pushes away Jennogs fist.

Jordan: Wait.. that was an extremely rushed backstory but that's not what is confusing me, what confuses me is you knew who we are, you said our names when you recognized us.

Clide let's go of Aurora's hand, as he starts to get confused.

Clide: Of course we know you. I mean, who doesn't know the Toles!

Dundelin: I'm sure not many people.

Clide: Shut it.

Jordan: So you should know what we have done to other cyclops.

Princess Aurora: Jordan-

Jordan: Not now. So shouldn't you be angry? Furious?

Clide: Well, we aren't the type to get mad. They also were fighters. I mean I did some wrestling, but They didn't really or should define who we are.

Jordan: But... That doesn't make sense. You aren't supposed to be forgiving. You aren't supposed to be more than fighters, you shouldn't be like this! You should be what everyone calls you, and that would be... Monsters!

She ended that sentence loud, and almost everyone stopped what they were doing as they heard it. Even the cyclops who was using the hammer stopped breaking walls by trying to use the hammer. Clide was shocked, and so was everyone else who was around her. She felt a bunch of eyes on her, realizing she made a scene she sort of backed down, and Liam was visibly mad at her, more embarrassed for her. The dad and Yendon were a few feet behind them with some plates ready with food on them, and Mr Toles tries to break the silence.

Mr Toles: Um... Food, anyone?

Yendon Grunted in approval of food, but slightly angry Jordan at the moment.

Clide sighed, upset, but tried to put a smile on his face .

Clide: Come on, let's talk about this over some lunch.

Halfway Point

They all sat around a table set up outside in the backyard of Clide's new house, Jordan and Liam on the left side, Clide on the end of the table and Jenogg and Dundelin sitting across Jordan and Liam, who felt very awkward now. Jordan of course felt the most awkward. Mr Toles came around giving people plates of food, trying to be happy and energetic.

Mr Toles: Lunch is ready for everyone! I even have some leftovers, and be careful guys, it's spicy. Not too spicy, but, then again, who knows what you think is spicy.

Clide musters up a smile.

Clide: Thank you, Mr Toles. It looks delicious. And thank you too Yeldon.

Yeldon: *Grunts*

Mr Toles sits down next to Liam, and starts to cut up his food, but before he puts it in his mouth, he looks at Clide who looks upset, and back at Jordan.

Mr Toles: Jordan, do you have something to say?

Jordan sighed and leaned back in her chair.

Jordan: I didn't mean to be rude.

Dundelin: We aren't like them. What they do doesn't define who we are individually.

Jenogg: They've tainted our name pretty bad.

Clide picks up his knife and points at his horn as he starts to dig in, and talks while he eats.

Clide: My horn. They tried 'taking' it from me because I'm a disgrace. Yeah, I did some physical things, and I'm a strong cyclops, but I am delicate. You guys aren't the enemy.

Jordan: *sigh* I'm just so used to being attacked, but It shouldn't make me think all of you are bad. Maybe we can even call each other friends... hopefully?

Jordan looked at Clide, who was digging into some lunch, and he looked back, he smiled and put his hand out there.

Clide: Oh, how can I not offer a friendship with the Toles?! Like seriously, you already beat me up once.

Clide laughed and as she grabbed his hand, he shook her whole body because, well, he was huge and strong.

Clide: Look at that, we have an alliance with the Toles!

All the cyclops cheered. Jenogg gave liam a huge hug and Yendon patted Mr Toles head.

Yendon: *happy grunt*

Mr Toles: haha- ow- haha- ow.

Princess Aurora burst in, with two guards in armor and spears.

Princess Aurora: Hey guys, sorry, no cheering and yipee-ing right now, How long does it take for a cyclops to track?

Mr Toles pulled out a piece of paper and pen.

Mr Toles: Let's see... carry the four...

Jordan: About three days. How long have you guys been here?

Cyclops: Carry the four...

Clide: Are you sure they aren't just really tall ugly humans with party hats and a deformity with their eye that makes them have one eye and they're not coming to throw a surprise party?

Dundelin put his hand on Clides shoulder.

Dundelin: You know, I do not think the odds are in our favor there.

Princess Aurora walks over to Clide and looks him in the eyes.

Princess Aurora: How can you lead them here?

Jenogg: They are expert trackers. We tried our best to lose them, but you would have to be spy level sneaky to avoid them.

Mr Toles: How much time do we even have to get ready?

Liam: How much of them are there?

Princess Aurora: We have about an hour, and about 20.

Liam: Well maybe there is a slight tiny teeny weeny chance we can stop them.

Clide slammed his fist on the table like the big manly cyclops he is.

Clide: We might not be fighters, princess, but we will protect this place with all of our hearts. Anything you need, we will follow you suit. We are a small group, but we are strong... FORTH WE SHALL RIDE I-

Liam taps Clides shoulder.

Liam: Hey, bro, stop.

Clide: *chuckles* Sorry, my theater side was showing. *clears throat* LET'S DO THIS CYCLOPS BROS AND BRO-DETTES!

All the cyclops cheer! And It pans to a shot of the dad with a sword and shield.

Mr Toles: Let's do this gu- oh my shield is on wrong? Oh, silly me.

He puts the shield on right, and stands there awkwardly.

Mr Toles:... I forgot what I was going to say.

Liam: ... Where did he get that anyways?


Aurora shows Jordan and Jenogg her mapped out kingdom.

Princess Aurora: Okay, so there is really only one way into the kingdom so we should, and this is just a thought, protect that.

She draws a big red circle around the front gate.

Princess Aurora: Any Ideas?

Jenogg: Well, I mean, I have an idea... Slightly stupid but it could work.

Jordan: Hey, we will take anything we need right now.

Jenogg smiles at Jordan, who smiles back at her. Cut to Liam and Dundelin at the front of the gates.Liam stayed busy with Dundelin, who was helping him with watch, then Dundelin turned to him, looking at his prosthetic arm, picking it up and looking at it, as he also holds up Liam by his arm.

Liam: Hey! Ah!

Dundelin: You know that could actually be very helpful...

Liam looked confused.

Liam: How could this be helpful?!

Dundelin inspected it.

Dundelin: It is stronger... is it also faster?

Liam: Yeah, I guess so. It was made that way special for me and for you not to just pick it up like a toothpick.

Dundelin: Oh, sorry. But in that case *chuckle* I have a reallly good idea for you.

Dundeling put his hand on his chin, stroking it, as Liam gave him a worried look. Cut to Mr Toles and Clide. They are moving people to the safer part of town. Mr Toles was redirecting them, while Clide came back with about 5 citizens in his arms and put them down to get into the big house designed to hold all the citizens. Clide put out his hand to Mr Toles.

Clide: I've gotta Haand It to you, you've raised some fine kids there!

They both dad laughed at the joke. All the citizens groaned.

Citizen: I don't feel safe anymore.

Mr Toles: You are good at those! Do you have a family of your own?

Clide cleared his throat.

Clide: No, But I would love one... You found someone before right?

Mr Toles: Well yeah, how do you think I Ha-... Clide do you not know how-

Clide: No no no! I do! I just... Do you think I can find someone?

Mr Toles chuckled a big, nudging his arm.

Mr Toles: OHHH, ho ho! You're looking for a cyclops gal? You SLYCLOPS!

They laughed again as the citizens groaned.

Citizen 2: Just throw me over the mountain already.

Clide slammed the door on them.

Clide: No, I am uh... I'm more of a... nymph guy...

Mr Toles froze up.

Mr Toles: A-a-a- What? A Nymph?

Clide kicked the dirt.

Clide: I knew you would find that ridiculous. A cyclops and a nymph? They're practically the complete opposites. What's the point?

Mr Toles: No, not ridiculous. You stop that moping around right now. In fact, I believe anyone can find love with someone else! Unless it's really weird. Like a fish and a minotaur. That's just- I don't even... know how that would work. But BUDDY, I'll be your wingman! In Fact... I have an idea...

He stared at Clide as it zooms into his face, his eyes squinting and a big grin across his face.

Mr Toles: Well... Not now because, war.

Clide: Oh yeah, of course, let's do that first.

Mr Toles: Ya, Y'know, Priorities.

Clide: Of Course, lets go.

Down below, 19 Cyclops are at the bottom of the mountain, and a big one, bigger than Clide, with large teeth, a cut going down his big biceps on his arm had his horn shining and less armor than the rest because he was a big manly cyclops who don't need much armor even though the armor is just leather.

Cyclops Captain: I can smell a large presence of despicable cyclops, some good humans to munch on afterwards, and...

He gives a big whiff.

Cyclops Captain: I smell a human family... that I have met before...

One of the Cyclops gives a whiff.

Cyclops Warrior 1: Do they smell like cupcakes? Ohhh they must be sweet people!

The other cyclops agree.

Cyclops Captain: No, that's another smell... Gah! Now I can't smell it! All I can smell is cupcakes!

Yendon was baking some cupcakes. He grunt laughs.

Kingdom Guard: Hey, how are those victory cupcakes going?

Yendon gave a smile and thumbs up. Jenogg gives her signal and the gates open quietly, then the shot goes back to the cyclops bickering.

Cyclops Warrior 2: Why would they be cooking cupcakes at this time, Jarold?

Cyclops Captain: *roars* It's BAKING! You do not COOK cupcakes! And I don't know why, just shut up already!

The big cyclops turned his back on them and a big snowball hit the one who had no clue what the difference between baking and cooking was and he rolled away. Jenogg and Jordan high fived each other as they kept sending them down.

Cyclops Warrior 3: Sir, they're throwing bould- Ahhh!

Before he can finish finish, he got hit with a big snowball

Cyclops Warrior 4: Those are snowballs, not boulders, you-

He got hit with one too.

Cyclops Captain: *growls* I will not be embarrassed by traitors and food. Charge, you idiots!

They all started to charge, as the captain stared down a hurling big snowball, he put down his shield and grabbed his club with both hands and swung at it hard, hurling directly at Jenogg, and before she could move out of the way it hit her square on as Jordan jumped out of the way. Jordan got up and rushed to her side, kneeling down to her.

Jordan: Jenogg! Are you okay?

Jenogg smiled.

Jenogg: No, I'm fine. Just a gut punch.

She tried standing up but fell back down. She obviously was not fine. She grunted and held her side. Princess Aurora came rushing by.

Princess Aurora: Oh no... Cyclops, help her up, bring her to the medical tent! Guards, fire your arrows now! Jordan-

Princess Aurora saw some of the cyclops moving up the hill. She pulled out her sharp icy boomerang that she always keeps in her holster, and she readied her throw, then told Jordan as she was aiming.

Princess Aurora: Get ready to fight!

She then threw her boomerang hard, hitting 5 cyclops in the front and it froze them in ice, and it went back into her hand.

Princess Aurora: I have to tend to my citizens... stay safe.

Princess Aurora ran back to Jenogg, staying by her side as she was limping to safety. Jordan was ready to charge into 13 cyclops, but then Liam put himself in front of his sister, with Dundelin carrying who knows how many spears.

Liam: Wait, let us help for a second.

Jordan was completely confused.

Jordan: What are you doing?!

Liam smiled and put his hand into a fist.

Liam: Using this for it's full potential; taking down baddies!

Dundelin laid out the spears next to him.

Dundelin: You throw, I give direction.

Liam nodded and he grabbed spears, throwing each time he gave him a direction to throw them.

Dundelin: Okay, Left, right, right, down, up, left, down, up, sideways, backwards, counterclockwise, opposite, indecisive-


Dundelin: What? Just having fun, bro.

Spears flew all across the field, hitting some of the cyclops and knowing them down. One spear hit a cyclops right in the pinky toe. He looked down, and then cried out in pain, throwing a bit of a tantrum.

Cyclops Warrior Tantrum Thrower: OW! Why?! That hurt! Like that REALLY hurt, man! Ow! I'm done, I'm so done now! This is stupid, this is too much. Im gone, Peace!

That took down 3 cyclops warriors, but each spear thrown at the captain was blocked. He looked up to see who was throwing them and he sees Liam.

Cyclops Captain: Oh, the Toles. Today's the day your family will cease to exist any longer.

Cyclops Warrior Critic: Wow, that was sort of... really lame.

Cyclops Captain: Shut up. Go be annoying somewhere else.

He looked up and saw a spear whizzing towards him and he grabbed the spear from the air, turned it back and threw it directly at them, moving faster up the hill. As the spear was hurling towards Liam, Dundelin picked up Liam like a football and ran away with him, nearly missing the spear.

Dundelin: You should really learn how to RUN!

The cyclops moved closer to the gates, running and yelling. Jordan clinched her sword and said.

Jordan: Well at least it is 12 Cyclops, not 13. A bit more fair than 20. Should be fun.

She then heard a loud roar.

Cyclops Captain: JORDAN TOLES!

Her eyes widened. She saw him and his big ugly scar from behind. She sighed.

Jordan: Gruguhn (Groo-gun), do you like your new tattoo? It looks terrible. I like it. Makes you look alot more stupid.

He roared angrily.

Gruguhn: That's the scar you gave me the last time we met!

Jordan: Yeah, I know. That was sarcasm, like a joke. Come on, dude.

He gave his war cry, but then another war cry came from behind. It was Clide. He was armored with... well really not weapons. But they can be used for weapons. Yendon had a big wooden spoon and a pot, one had knitting stuff. They looked ready to fight even if they didn't know how.

Clide: Did you think we would not defend our own home?

Dundelin came to the front with a big spear for himself. Liam came right next to his sister in the front.

Liam: Aw, is the big goof back?

Jordan: *sighed* Yep, time to do what we do best. Take down big goofs.

She said with a smile and an awesome pose, but it was ruined by Mr. Toles in the back with the guards, holding a crossbow, covered in armor head to toe.

Mr Toles: Be safe, my babies! I love you!

Jordan: *groan* Thanks, dad.

Liam: yeah love you too dad. *sigh* Let's go!

And they all charged to battle.

We see the cook grabbing his pot, and slamming it on a cyclops head, and banged his wooden spoon on his pot, making the cyclops vibrate off an edge of the mountain. Another threw her barely made scarf she was knitting and it whipped around a cyclops warrior, and she grabbed the other end, pulling the warrior to her. She knitted it quickly together and she trapped the cyclops in a big big big scarf, and he fell over and she rolled him off the cliff. Another charged at a warrior and as he got close to him he stopped and said.

Cyclops salesman: Are you looking to buy a new cart?

The cyclops scratched his head.

Cyclops Warrior Who Wants A New Cart: Well... I've been saving up for one recently.

Cyclops Salesman: Well we have a great deal on a variety of carts in stock for you! Let's have a looksie.

He put his arm around the cyclop warriors neck and walked to the cart shop.

Then we see Jordan and Liam charging at Gruguhn, and with a mighty roar he swung his club, and Liam hopped on his club and gave him a southpaw, as Jordan slid under and him in with the blunt of her sword on his knee, making him fall on his good knee. Liam landed right next to her as she slid behind Gruguhn. She breathed a bit heavy and so did Liam.

Jordan: Good punch. You should really be using a weapon though, I don't want you to damage your hand by punching a doofus.

Liam: Don't worry, I'll be fine. I got the.... Uh... fist of a...f-fist...

Jordan:... Now i'm just more concerned.

Liam: Shut up.

She got back up to face Gruguhn. He swung his club directly down at them, and they both jumped out of the way. Jordan cut his arm again as Liam gave him a good gut punch. He growled loudly Gruguhn looked around and saw that his army was being defeated by ones who don't even fight.

Cyclops Salesman: ooo, Well It looks your rate is... not the best. I know you really wanted to get this new big cart, but it looks like you can only get this old cart with a broken wheel that falls off every 10 feet.


He jumps off the cliff. The cyclops salesman gets up from his chair and smiles, walking off.

Cyclops Salesman: My work here is done.

Gruguhn stands up.

Gruguhn: I'm not going to lose to a bunch of fools.

Jordan jumped up and swung her sword at Gruguhn, but he swung hard at her. Jordan brought her sword down to block it, but Jordangot hit too hard and sent her flying into the gate wall. She fell down and grabbed herself in pain. Mr Toles immediately noticed and shock ran over him.

Mr Toles: Jordan...

He ran over to him as He started to move over to Clide. Liam gasped, also in shock, but then grew angry and charged at Gruguhn, but he just grabbed up Liam, and chucked him, trying to throw him off of the mountain. Dundelin heard him yell as he was flying through the air, and he caught him with one hand. Clide looked at Gruguhn, extremely angry that he was throwing around his new friends. Grunguhn pointed at him with his club and marched towards him.

Gruguhn: You are done now, you lousy excuse for a CYC-

He jumps up with a battle cry, in position to smash his club right on his head but Clide caught it, holding it back with, using little effort. Clide started to burst out laughing.

Clide: Ahahaha! Ohh- hohoho!

Gruguhn: What? Why are you laughing? Stop laughing so i can defeat you and make you NOT laugh so I can smash you into the GROUND!

Clide: *Wipes a tear* Come onnn, Grug. We'd all know what happened last time you tried to fight me. Wrestling back in College? I was the cyclops champ?... I kicked your butt! AHAHA!

Gruguhn: And I should crush you for not using your strength to fight!

Clide: Oh, there's so much more to life than fighting. In fact, I should let you leave unscratched. But, now that you have hurt my friends...

Clide pulls him in close.

Clide: Your. Butteth. Be. Kicketh.

Clide grabbed his arm and started to swing him around, picking up speed, then he threw him in the air, and he kicked him hard in the butt as he landed, punting him off the mountain. Gruguhn started to fall, screaming, and he landed right next to the mattress store that the rest of the cyclops landed on.

Mattress Store Owner: Customers are just falling out of the sky. I mean, they're cyclops. And also knocked out. And probably won't buy anything and just eat me. But hey, grand opening. I'll get what I take.

Mr Toles was freaking out and trying to get Jordan up and for her to open her eyes.

Mr Toles: Please get up. I don't want to lose you.

Princess Aurora ran over to her, and so did everyone else.

Princess Aurora: Oh no...

Liam: Jordan...

Mr Toles: I don't want to live in a world without you here.

And just as he was about to cry, a finger lifted up and onto his lips. It was Jordans, trying to shh him.

Jordan: Shh. Let me rest.


Princess Aurora: OKAY!

Aurora jumped in and hugged Jordan tightly, and his eyes widened surprised. Everyone stared at her and Aurora jumped off quickly, clearing her throat.

Princess Aurora: Sorry, I just didn't want to lose my friend.

Liam: Are you okay?

Princess Aurora: Yeah I'm fine-

Liam: Not you, Princess Awkward-a.

Clide: Don't you see? Shes is a strong brave warrior. There is nothing evil in this world that can bring her down, for she is invincible. Not a thousand of giants can defeat her fighting spirit, NO! She mustn't sleep for EVIL!... SHE SHALL SLA-

Jordan: No. Stop. Shh. Moms sword. Super Strong. Invincible. Me? No. I sleep. Im very sleepy.

Mr Toles: Well, we can bring you in-

Jordan: No, Im fine. Jenogg?

Princess Aurora: She's fine. Just hurt her leg.

Jordan: *thumbs up* good. I sleep here. Its Cozy. Is this resting? I like it. Bring Blankets. Thank you. Goodnight.

She laid down as everyone moved away for her.

Mr Toles: Goodnight, Jordy.

It zooms out on the mountain, and we see down below some cyclops carrying away mattresses.

Cyclops Warrior Who Wants A New Cart: You know, I didn't get a new cart. But I did get a mattress. Today is an okay day.



Mr Toles is leading Clide to a forest. Clide is dressed nice in a suit and has flowers in his hand, and he seems pretty nervous.

Clide: This is stupid, we should just go back.

Mr Toles: What?

As he turns around, Mr Toles is trying to push him back, but, you know, he can't. Clide is huge, so it's more of him pushing Mr Toles.

Mr Toles: Oh no you're not giving up like that! I told you I was going to help, so you're going go get out there-

Mr Toles picks up a stick and pokes him in the glutes.

Mr Toles: And find LOVE!

Clide: Ow! Jeez!

Clide jumps and falls into an open circle, with trees surrounding him. He stands up, pulls out a piece of paper, and clears his throat.

Clide: Oh Will I find a nymph for me

A Beautiful Forest maiden to be/

Hair so nice and green like the leaves

A smile that can shine through the darkest trees

And a heart that can make an Orc happy?/

He starts to gain confidence and puts his paper away, doing a little dance.

Clide: I'm a gentle cyclops, no need to flee!

I'll treat you like a knight as you are my queen./

Give me a chance hear my song as I pleaaa

Oh will you please love a creature like me?/

Clide stopped and looked around, breathing a bit heavily. He gave a good couple seconds, then he sighed sadly.

Clide: I should never write a love song again.

He turned around with his head hanging low, but then he heard a rustle that came from behind him. A beautiful nymph popped out and gave a shy greeting.

Nymph: Hello... was that song for... me?

Clide gasped and so did Mr Toles behind the bushes and trees. Clide gave a last final smile and squeals.


Thank you for reading this if you did! This is all in script format, and also this is the first time I've really posted my work anywhere, so thank you if you like it :) 

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