Who Are You?

Da Wandering_Fujoshi

586K 24.2K 6.9K

Rhea, a normal college student who's drowning in loans and debt, dies by the infamous truck-sama. Unwillingly... Altro

Arc 0.1 - Soul Space
Arc 1.1 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.2 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.3 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.4 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.5 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.6 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.7 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.8 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.9 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.10 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.11 - Alex Mcguire
Arc 1.12 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.13 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.14 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.15 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.16 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.17 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.18 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.19 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.20 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.21 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.22 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.23 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.24 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.25 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.26 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.27 - Alex McGuire
Arc 0.2 - Soul Space
Arc 2.1 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.2 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.3 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.4 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.5 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.6 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.8 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.9 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.10 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.11 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.12 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.13 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.14 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.15 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.16 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.17 - Grayaon Hale
Arc 2.18 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.19 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.20 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.21 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.22 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.23 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.24 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.25 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.26 - Grayson Hale
Arc 0.3 - Soul Space
Arc 3.1 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.2 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.3 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.4 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.5 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.6 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.7 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.8 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.9 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.10 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.11 - Luther Abravel

Arc 2.7 - Grayson Hale

7K 342 63
Da Wandering_Fujoshi

It's been three months since Grayson arrived in this world.

He's been leisurely spending his time adjusting properly to all the skills needed to act with impaired vision and especially the problems with his enhanced hearing skill. At least now he could subconsciously filter things out and lower the amount of overflowing information coming into his brain through the sounds, becoming just like any other average person out there.

Slowly, Grayson also dropped the stuttering and slightly changed his way of talking into the original Grayson's speech pattern. Not only that, there was no longer any awkwardness when he talked to Adrian. Valeria and Grayson have also become a lot closer, she occasionally has lunch with Grayson and Adrian and hangs out with them after school.

Other than that one time when he showed Adrian all his tattoos Grayson hasn't made any other move towards his missions. He gradually became more comfortable and accustomed to this lifestyle.

First semester passed, second semester came. And now it's the last day of classes before the two week spring break starts.




The most horrifying banshee screech ever known in existence was produced from Grayson's alarm. He immediately smashed down on the snooze button and flung it across the room.

'Parasite...you fucker! Stop installing these hideous sounds into the alarms.'

[What!? Hideous!!? This is the most trendy songs back at HQ! It's sung almost everywhere, everyone knows the lyrics to this song!]

'Shut up. I really couldn't care less- wait, what the fuck? Most trendy song my ass... Just don't let me hear it ever again!...lemme sleep...'

Yet he was once again disturbed as Adrian barged in not long after.

He was certainly speechless at seeing the broken alarm clock across the room and a big bundle lying motionless on the bed. There was a tattooed arm sticking out from underneath the big lump of blanket, laying limp on the edge of the bed. Clearly, Grayson had thrown the clock. With his full strength too.

"Grayson. Get up."

No response.

"Get up."

No response.

"Are you getting up?"

The lump moved ever so slightly.

"Get your ass up! We have to go to school!" Adrian tried to snatch the blanket off of Grayson, but it was held on to with a tight grip. The blanket wasn't budging from where his head should be and where his limbs were entangled.

An annoyed raspy groan came from within the lump when Adrian used more strength to pull the blanket.

Adrian finally managed to pull the blanket off, revealing a shirtless Grayson curling up from the sudden lack of warmth. Adrian threw the blanket on the floor, away from Grayson's reach. But turns out his efforts were in vain, Grayson still wasn't budging and was now hugging his pillow instead, eyes still closed shut.

Seeing Grayson being so immature made Adrian pissed off, "It's fucking 8:30! We only have 30 minutes left, move it!"

"Who cares? It's...last...day..." Grayson mumbled out in a sleepy and raspy voice.

"You are not skipping school! There's a fucking assembly! We gotta go!"


"Yes! Come on."

"...it's a half day..."

"No excuses! Tsk, still not moving? Fine," Adrian walked away from the bed, towards the bathroom, "I guess you need a little refresher from some good 'cold' tap water."

Grayson immediately snapped his eyes open and saw Adrian advancing towards his bathroom with a cup, from who knows where he got, in his hand.

'SHIT! The contacts!'

Adrian had just put his hand on the metal handle of the bathroom door when his shirt was suddenly pulled backwards, which made him stumble and almost fall if he hadn't hit Grayson's body.

Grayson kept his eyes closed as he held Adrian and skillfully maneuvered his way from the bathroom towards his closet. Adrian was just slightly surprised but let Grayson move them into the walk-in closet, with an eyebrow raised.

"Help me pick out an outfit, I'll go get washed up." Grayson said lazily with his husky morning voice before letting Adrian go and skillfully taking the cup currently in Adrian's hand. Adrian felt annoyed and irritated by Grayson so he didn't take any mind to his actions, instead scowled at him.

"Don't scowl so much, wouldn't want any wrinkles on that face of yours~" Grayson smirked as he lifted Adrian chin up.

"Hmmm, I just noticed that I don't have a proper picture on how you look like." He skillfully lied through his teeth and lightly touched his face with the back of his other hand, trying to get a picture from just his touch even though he already knew what Adrian's appearance was. But he let go with not a single change in his expression other than his smile growing.

He stepped away from Adrian and turned around, walking away while lightly trailing his fingers across the wall, to the closet door and out. He left, not knowing of Adrian's expression mixed with confusion and a complexing emotion that Adrian couldn't grasp on. He narrowed his eyes, shaking off the strange feeling and looked around the closet to get Grayson some clothes.

Grayson walked out of the closet and let out a breath of relief.

'That was close. Thankfully I pulled him away at the last second and distracted him. Otherwise he would've found out!' He walked into the bathroom and immediately began tidying up and hiding away the contacts that he carelessly left out last night after he took them off. There was an electric razor and his touchscreen phone inside the bathroom as well. If Adrian saw all that stuff he would 100% be suspicious and eventually connect the dots. It's not that Grayson didn't want his friend to know, he just didn't want him to find out from such an obvious way like this.

Grayson has been working extremely (not really) hard on dropping certain hints towards Adrian every now and then. For example, taking some of Adrian's popcorn blatantly and openly when they were watching a movie at a theatre, knowing that Adrian was there even if he didn't announce his presence, taking things (like he did with the cup) that he shouldn't know were there without touching around if he couldn't see...etc.

However, these were things that people would only catch if they were paying attention, and Grayson always did these kinds of actions when he thought that Adrian was too distracted to notice or just not looking. Honestly, Grayson could see Adrian being suspicious at times but never actually sought to investigate it, regardless, he knew it would be spilled out sooner or later. But again, Grayson didn't want his friend to find out in this way.

He had just finished with the typical morning routine and was washing his face with cold water when Adrian walked in quietly and silently observed Grayson's well-defined, lean body with an unknown intensity. Grayson closed the tap and brought his face up as if to look at himself in the mirror but kept his eyes closed. He obviously knew Adrian walked in with his faint breathing and footsteps being as clear as day to him, no matter how quietly Adrian walked in.

Even after knowing Adrian was behind him and could see his face reflecting off the mirror in front of him, Grayson still chose to open his eyes halfway, revealing his naturally piercing grey orbs for a hot second before immediately closing them. This was yet another hint drop towards Adrian, because his eyes weren't cloudy, they weren't blank, nor were they the same colour of grey as he has when he puts the contacts on.

Calmly, as if nothing had happened nor noticing a living and breathing sexy creature 2 metres behind him, he rolled his bare shoulders and bending his neck side to side, cracking it in the process. He then reached out for the hand towel that hung beside the sink and dried off the water on his face and neck.

He then proceeded to mumble about Adrian being amusing and helpful but also being a complete bastard for not letting him have his sleep and being such a killjoy. Missing one day of school is nothing, even if it's the last day of classes. Just as he was thinking about plopping back into his bed, he felt something hold onto his shoulder tightly.

"So I'm a bastard huh? A killjoy? Well then, I guess we won't be getting our usual crepe after school."

Grayson immediately tensed up and gasped, "Whaaaat? Bastard? Killjoy? Where did you hear that? I clearly said 'blessing' and 'kindred spirit'."

"Sure you did. You're still not getting that crepe."

"Noooooo!!" Grayson was now whining like a little kid.

"Shut up." Adrian walked around and faced Grayson face to face, shoving a bunch of clothes into Grayson's arms. He then harshly squished Grayson's cheeks together with one hand and tugged him closer, narrowing his dark chocolate brown eyes when he saw that Grayson still had his eyes closed shut.

"Open your eyes."

"...What?" Grayson frowned, but mentally smirked.

Adrian kept his stare at Grayson's face for a moment before sighing and shaking his head. "Never mind. Change quickly, we need to leave."

'Hmm? He gave up just like that? Or is he just dense?' Grayson raised an eyebrow as he opened his sharp eyes, looking at the closed bathroom door.

He changed and decided that he would skip the contacts today, it wasn't worth it.

Since they were pretty late Grayson had to skip breakfast and head straight to the car after getting ready.

They finally arrived at 9, just barely before the bell rang.

Classes came and went until the assembly finally began at last period.

The gym was full to the brim. Thousands of students were filing into the chairs and the bleachers, all while being forced to get cramped up to make space for more students.

Grayson was sitting in the middle row on the chairs beside Valeria. Adrian was lost somewhere in the crowd.

{Ahem! Ahem!} A teacher on the stage was trying and failing at getting the attention of the students.

{Everybody settle down now, please settle... guys......anyone?.....ok} No one cared or bothered enough to quiet down. They were all still loud as fuck, chatting with the friends beside them.

{EXCUSE ME ALL STUDENTS, PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP SO WE CAN BEGIN THE ASSEMBLY!} The sports coach became irritated and shoved away the teacher on the stage before yelling into the microphone.

Grayson winced while sharply sucking in air through his teeth as he held his ear.

"What's wrong Grayson?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." He put his hand down and sent a smile towards Valeria. His face looked as normal and sexy as it's always been, thanks to the perfect expression package.

Valeria didn't think much of it. However, Grayson could still feel a painful ringing in his ears.

On the bright side, the coach's yelling helped everyone become silent, albeit a few shuffling sounds and coughing heard every now and then.

{Thank you Coach Frank, that'll be enough. Now then,} principal Rayees came and began his long ass speech about integrity, humility and all the things he expects the students to do while on the break. Read for 40 minutes each day, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, keep healthy, stay away from your technologies...etc etc etc....It finally ended with a - {...Thank you and I hope everybody has a great spring break! I now introduce you to the MC's for the rest of this assembly.}

One male and one female senior walked onto stage respectively and with very proper and prim appearances.

{Good afternoon, my name is Saxa Reseme,}

{-and my name is Joseph Hawk}

Like that, they each took turns of reading out the sections of the speech that had been prepared beforehand.


'Honestly, what reason was there to come to school today? I should be sleeping right now!'

He secretly opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. Which was quite difficult as he had forgotten to wear his sunglasses while rushing in the morning, it's fine though. It wasn't the first time he had forgotten and it definitely won't be the last.

His attention went back to the stage when he heard the speech about to close.

{We hope everyone has an eventful spring break!} With the speech ended, everybody began to gather their stuff and get up to leave when suddenly the female MC, Saxa spoke into the microphone-

{There's also one more thing before you all leave...} She took a deep breath and yelled out, {PAAARRRTTAAAYYYY AT MY HOUSE TOMORROW NIGHT BITTTCCCHEEESSSS!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!}

As if on cue, the bell rang and Saxa dropped the microphone like a boss and ran off the stage, disappearing into the huge herd of students before any of the teachers could reprimand her.

The entire gym became war zone as multiple people were hollering and screaming excitedly, they became exactly like the saying 'injected with chicken blood'. Everyone was now gushing about this party while trying to push their way out of the stuffy gym as if on steroids.

...Some people might or might not have been trampled on and/or had their eardrums burst. Poor souls...

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