Kakashi x Reader [English]

By Akutaguwu

466K 13.4K 14.7K

I'm (Y/n) (L/n), although my last name is not known to many people. I used to have a happy and chill childhoo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
🍋 Chapter 26
Chapter 27
🍋 Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
🍋 Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
🍋 Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
🍋 Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
*2nd Book*

Chapter 6

14K 392 335
By Akutaguwu

(Art from @kejablank on Deviantart)

3rd person's POV: 

Kakashi knocked on the door. Once. Twice. A third time. Yet still he had no answer. He tried to look through the windows, but they were blocked with something, not allowing him to see through. That's why he decided to allow himself to access her house. He tried picking the lock and although he got to do it the door still didn't open, almost as if it was blocked with something else. 

With his attempt of entering from the front door turned into a failure he opted for a different method. He climbed to a near tree and approached to her bedroom window from the branch. There he carefully slid the window open and plopped himself inside the silent bedroom of the (h/c) jonin who laid asleep under the covers of her bedroom, giving her back to the window. 

Kakashi stood there for a couple of seconds, not quite understanding how she could be asleep when they had agreed to meet a couple of hours ago. Sure he was late too, but still he had been waiting for her for almost an hour which was why he decided to break into her house. Only to see what happened to her. It was for fair reasons of course, or at least he thought that way. 

He carefully approached her sleeping figure, slowly reaching his hands to wake her up. 

"(Y/n)" he called her, and before he could even say anything else he was stabbed with a kunai on his stomach.

He looked at (Y/n) who had immediately sit up at the sound of her name letting go a fight yell. But then, once she had calmed down she looked up to see what she thought was her stalker, realizing it wasn't anyone other than Kakashi. She opened her eyes widely in surprise and fear while Kakashi looked at her literally wondering 'what the fuck'  while also holding where the kunai was stabbed. 

Only then Kakashi poofed, letting her know it was luckily a kagebunshin and not himself. She then moved her gaze to the corner of her bedroom where she saw an also taken aback Kakashi that was looking at her wide-eyed and grabbing his stomach where his kagebunshin was stabbed.

"I-I'm sorry!" she quickly apologized feeling her cheeks warm "I thought-!" she stopped herself realizing she didn't want anyone to know about her stalker. 

"Not a morning person I see" Kakashi joked, still with slight concern in his voice.

(Y/n) rubbed her neck sheepishly, still feeling really sorry.

"What are you doing here anyways? Do you always sneak in people's houses, Hatake?" she asked him with a questioning look, now realizing he had definitely bargained in. 

"I've been waiting you for two hours" he lied adding another hour because she didn't need to know he had actually been late as well. 

She then shuffled quickly on her bed, throwing the sheets aside and grabbing her alarm clock.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" she apologized again once she saw the hour "I fell asleep like at 7 am and- Oh god! I'm sorry I'll change immediately" she said standing up quickly and going to her wardrobe.

"I'll wait outside" Kakashi said although she didn't hear him.

While (Y/n) was changing and putting some stuff on a small bag to carry on the mission she couldn't stop cursing herself and that damn stalker as it was his fault that she had stayed awake the whole night because of how anxious she felt due to the stalker trying to break in but disappearing when she went to confront him. That was the reason why only when the sun started to come out she was able to drift to sleep. 

"There's still some time before we need to leave" Kakashi said once they reached training grounds where team 7 was, signaling (Y/n) to follow him sneakily up to a tree so that team 7 wouldn't notice their presence.

"So you woke me up for nothing?" she asked with a tired expression and a sigh, making him smile with his eyes closed in that way of his .

Both of them stayed on top of the tree, Kakashi reading (Y/n)'s book while she just stared down at team 7 training and talking. 

"Well, I will be better than you! Believe it!" Naruto yelled as Sasuke and him had started fighting. Sasuke let out a small mocking chuckle.

"The only useful thing you do is clone yourself. How are you gonna do it you dumbass?" he retorted.

They had started insulting each other, each time more fiercely while Sakura tried to stop both of them by also insulting Naruto and taking Sasuke's side. 

"You sure it's alright to stay here?" (Y/n) asked Kakashi, giving him a short look before maintaining her gaze on the kids. Worried about if they should step in or not.

"Ah it's okay, it's okay" Kakashi answered nonchalantly, dismissing her with another closed eye smile while his eyes were still fixed on the lewd lines of her book. 

"Ouch!" Naruto complained as Sasuke punched him in the face in self-defense.

"It's probably a childish bickering. Besides, as teammates they should resolve it by themselves. They'll learn from it" Kakashi added. 

(Y/n) kept watching them. Naruto trying to hurt Sasuke while he dodged idly. Until they started screaming at each other harsher words and both of them became angrier. They had both started to charge a jutsu against each other when (Y/n) decided to act before Kakashi, who was also about to jump in the middle. She jumped right in between them and grabbed them by their wrist. Pinching special chakra points that made their hands and bodies twitch in pain as they hang from her grip. 

"What the hell are you thinking" she scolded them with an angry expression, knowing that they were lucky she had stepped in before their jutsus could have severely hurt each other. She let them fall to the floor while they rubbed their hurt wrists "You're teammates, you should care for each other not act like stupid children" she kept scolding them.

Naruto had an apologetic look while Sasuke just looked away, both still holding their wrists. Meanwhile, Sakura just looked worried and scared behind them. 

"I don't care if you hate each other or not, but you're teammates, and out of Konoha your lives depend on each other. A shinobi should know better than to be controlled by their emotions, if not, then you're just children with weapons" she looked at them and sighed "For god's sake you're supposed to have each other's back not kill each other" she relaxed her expression facepalming a bit.

While she was scolding them Kakashi decided to stay back and listen, being both surprised and pleased by her words. But specially surprised as she had just said aloud one of the things he normally thought and said. One of the things that still haunted him a little whenever he remembered when he was their age. 

"(Y/n)'s right" Kakashi then appeared behind her, jumping off the tree "In the Ninja World, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum" he added walking up next to her. 

Finally, Naruto and Sasuke stood up and turned their faces away from each other with their lips pressed, still mad. Kakashi and her sighed almost at unison 'I think I understand now what Lady Tsunade meant...' she thought.

(Y/n)'s POV: 

Kakashi started explaining the mission at hand, making Naruto forget about what had just happened as he smiled excited at his sensei while he spoke. I couldn't help but smile a little at how cute his excitement and innocence made him be. Once the explanation and warnings were done we headed to the gates and into the forest while we walked towards the village described on the mission folder. 

Kakashi was walking on the front, followed by Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and finally me. The jonin was, as usual, walking nonchalantly with one hand in his pocket while the other held the book. Naruto just had his arms behind his head as he looked at the sky and Sakura looked around on guard. Lastly Sasuke was just walking similarly to Kakashi, both of his hands in his pockets and seemingly not giving a fuck. Perhaps I would have been doing the same if it wasn't for the presences I had started to feel. Kakashi closed his book, and I knew he felt them too. 

"Be ready" I said lowly to the kids, making them stop doing what they were to be on guard like Sakura had been doing.

"They're just bandits, but we should still be careful" Kakashi added.

And just as Kakashi said that some kunais were thrown to each one of us. We all deflected them with our own kunais, jumping close to each other so we'd form a circle and we could watch every spot.

"Just bandits?" A somewhat old male voice sounded from the forests before a group of three jumped in front of us "Let's show them what just some bandits can do" the short and bald man cheered his companions. 

"Doton!" one of them yelled while doing earth seals.

All of us immediately noticed and jumped out from our place before some spiky rocks surfaced from where we were standing. His jutsu hadn't hurt any of us but it made us spread and break our formation. 

Sasuke and Naruto were stopped by one of the bandits. Kakashi was taking care of another one which only meant Sakura was left alone with one of them. I turned my head trying to find her when I spotted the bandit doing some seals.

"Suiton!" he yelled, creating a powerful torrent of water that headed directly towards Sakura. 

It was too fast for me to step in so I could only watch while I tried to get to her fast. Sakura tried to hold her ground by focusing her chakra on her feet. 'Smart' I thought when I saw her body didn't flinch, even though the water was trying hard to drag her. However, the bandit threw some kunais inside the torrent that she couldn't dodge. Cutting her in the face, arms, and legs. She flinched a little but stayed still, protecting her vital organs like she could. 

I then looked at the bandit and saw him taking out one of those huge shurikens that I hated so much. He grabbed it and threw it at her. I analyzed rapidly the situation: Sakura couldn't move or she'd be dragged by the water, which meant this enlarged shuriken would most likely hit her and pierce through her, meaning it could be fatal. I bit my lip as I realized I still wasn't close enough and thus I could only do one thing. 

I focused my chakra on my hand and aimed at the shuriken, sticking my elastic chakra threads at it. I pulled it to me and jumped towards it, transfering its momentum to my body so I could reach her before it hit her.

As my arms hugged her body she relaxed and let the chakra she had been focusing on her feet go, allowing me to take her out of the current. Just then the shuriken was about to hit us both but I managed to dodge by jumping to the tree. 

Sakura clenched my shirt and I looked at her while I carried her and saw her body bloody from the cuts and water. I looked behind us and saw the bandit following us from close behind, so I took out a bomb paper seal and stuck it on a tree while I tried to take Sakura out of the fight. As I lied her on the floor I heard the bomb go off 'Kakashi was right, bandits are stupid' I thought to myself.  

"I'm alright" Sakura said trying to stand up and grabbing her kunai. 

Right after she said that I heard the high-pitched sounds of Kakashi's raikiri, letting me know everything was over. So I gently pushed Sakura down while I carried her again. 

"It's fine, we're done anyways" I said walking out from our spot to where Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto were, the three bodies from the bandits laying lifeless on the floor around the three of them. They looked at us while Sakura rested against the trunk of the tree.

"Sakura!" Naruto screamed as she saw me lay her on the floor. He ran worriedly to her but she punched him before he touched her and hurt where she was cut. 

"Why didn't you tell us you had a sprained ankle?" I asked as I tried to perform what few I knew of medical jutsus. She probably had hurt herself when fleeing the first earth jutsu. She gulped as she was found out.

Kakashi and Sasuke came closer and her sensei looked at her, waiting for an answer as well. 

"I-I didn't want to slow us down" she said, making me sigh. 

"We should stop for a while to let her rest a bit, besides we're going well in time" I proposed.

"What? Why?" Naruto's annoyed voice sounded near me "If you're healing her, I don't understand. Couldn't we keep going with the mission?

"No, (Y/n)'s right" Kakashi said as he sat near Sakura and I, leaning against another tree "It's near lunchtime too. We should eat something" he announced, taking some food out of his backpack.

"S-sorry" Sakura's voice took me out of my focus while I still tried to make her cuts stop bleeding and his ankle stop being swollen. 

"It's okay" I smiled tenderly at her "Just say something next time, alright?" she nodded at me.

"Thank you (Y/n)-sensei"

"Oh no no, I'm not your sensei" I giggled uncomfortably "Just call me (Y/n)" she nodded again.

"Can I ask you something?" she pondered. I looked at her for a moment before focusing back to her ankle while I nodded "How did you do that with that big shuriken?"

"Done" I said about her ankle "Stay sat until we leave" I said sitting somewhere else on the circle we had made, and taking out my food and my book "It's my kekkei genkai" I answered vaguely as I opened the book and started reading. 

"You have a kekkei genkai? What is it? What is it?" Naruto approached me with enthusiasm 'Is there a moment where he hasn't energy?'

"It's not really known so you've probably haven't heard about it. Besides, it's nothing as cool as the Sharingan or Bakyugan" I said trying to make him lose interest. 

They stayed in silence for a while, letting me read in peace until Naruto yelled again.

"Wait! You read pervy books too?" he said, making me jump a little.

I felt the tip of my ears burn red but instead I giggled shaking my head in denial.

"This is a romance book" I said with confidence "The only one reading a pervy book here is Kakashi" I added pointing at him with my book, and making Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto's gazes turn from me to Kakashi. Who now was the one to be surprised and taken aback. 

"Hey, it's not a pervert book. It's a romance too. And it's yours, smart-ass" he said, making me laugh louder. 

Shortly after we continued with our trip, making sure we didn't leave any traces of us behind. 

"What exactly is your kekkei genkai?" Kakashi asked me, making me realize we had been in fact walking next to each other for a while. 

I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and saw him looking to the front. 

"It's something that not even your Sharingan could see. Not even a Hyuga" I said with a smile, knowing I'd probably only be prodding his curiosity. 

"I've never heard of such" he said wary of my words, making me smile further. 

"I said it before. It's not a known kekkei genkai" I repeated. My smile falling a little from what I was about to say "The only person aside from me that had this kekkei genkai was my mother. Our clan had disappeared long ago so there isn't even proof that confirms our existence"

This time I was the one with the look lost in the front while Kakashi eyed me from the corner of his eyes, probably still feeling the need of having his curiosity being satiated. 

"What is it about?" he asked directly. 

"What's the fun if I tell?" I chuckled and winked at him before strolling up to the front of the group. 

Part of why my kekkei genkai wasn't completely useless was because not many people knew about it. The moment people knew it would be more difficult to make strategies. Not impossible, just more difficult, and that would be a drag. I honestly didn't care about telling Kakashi, but I also liked teasing, so I just answered what first came to mind. 

"Sakura and (Y/n) will be sharing a room. And you two will be with me" Kakashi said as he handed me the key of Sakura and my room.

I thanked him and guided Sakura to the room of the motel while Kakashi and the two kids walked another way. 

"Thank you again" Sakura broke the silence as we set the bed mattresses on the floor.

"It's alright Sakura, really" I said ruffling her head as she sat in her bed before I sat on mine too.

"Can I ask you something?" she said while I laid on my bed and took out my book. I nodded "How come you know medical ninjutsu? I-I'd like to me a medic ninja one day..."

I took my gaze from my book to her, smiling softly.

"I'm sure you'll be a great medic ninja, Sakura" at my words her face lit up and she smiled brightly "When I started to take part in the Anbu I thought it'd be useful to know a little of medical ninjutsu, just in case I guess. But I really don't know much. I'm sure you'll surpass me in no time" I smiled at her again, making her blush.

"(Y/n)-sensei" Sakura called me after a while, breaking the silence again as I finished another chapter of my book. Again, I looked up at her thinking about when I told her to just call me by my name "Have you seen Kakashi-sensei's face?"

The question took me a little aback, really not expecting that specific question. I was expecting she'd ask something else about medical jutsus, about my kekkei genkai, even about Sasuke. But not Kakashi's face.

"No" I answered normally as I kept reading "You have?"

"No" she said sighing and letting her body fall into her bed "None of us have. We thought that because you two are close you would have seen it"

At her words I couldn't help but burst out laughing, making her look at me surprised by my reaction.

"I barely met him a week ago" I said with a smile, trying to keep going with my reading. 

"Oh... Really?" she asked, still not quite believing me.

"Yeah" I said, still with a smile from how funny it was what she had said "Why did you think that?"

"I don't know. Kakashi's normally quiet, reluctant, and kind of lonely. But you two seemed good friends? I don't know. We just thought that he was more open or something. I really don't know" she laughed a bit awkwardly "It was just a feeling"

I laughed a little as well.

"It's fine. Why did you ask if I had seen him anyways?"

"We were hoping you'd help us to see his face"

"Us?" I said, finally closing my book.

"Yes. Sasuke, Naruto and I have been trying to see his face for a lot of time, but every time we try something happens and we can't see it" she said annoyed, letting me feel her and even Sasuke and Naruto's desperation as well, which made me laugh.

"Haven't you thought that maybe it's because Kakashi doesn't want you to see him?"

"But we were doing it stealthily!" she said, only making me laugh harder.

"And you really think he wouldn't notice?"

Sakura pouted and I chuckled again.

"That's why we need your help (Y/n)-sensei!" she turned around and looked at me with a puppy face "Don't you want to see his face? Aren't you curious?"

Again, I laughed at her actions but only turned around a little, laying on my back and staring at the now dark ceiling. 

Was I curious? Yes. Curious enough to put that much effort into something that Kakashi would 100% discover and thus wouldn't work? Nope. It was going to be a waste of time. Besides, it would be funny to see team 7 fail at it.

"Nope" I answered and she scorned. 

With that we fell silent again and in little to no time fell asleep. For a day, it felt good not having to worry about someone breaking in the room. Even though it had worried me a little at the beginning, I definitely stopped feeling watched and therefore was able sleep like I hadn't in some days.

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