Archangel Finds Bliss: Tempta...

Galing kay Dynamite316515

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Following the events of "Archangel Finds Bliss: Genesis", the newly dethroned Universal Champion, Archangel s... Higit pa

And NEW!
Do You Feel That?
London Calling
Bed of Rose(s)
Archangel: Falling
Where Light and Dark Meet
Fall from Grace
War from Down Under
Let's Settle This
Sign the Deed
A Man Living By Two Names
It Ends Here
Project: Rebirth
Southern Proud
Are We A Joke To You?
You Want To Prove Us Wrong?
Ultima Regit
How About This?
One Chance is All We Need
Over Before We Began
A King Must Be Crowned
An Eye on the Throne
A Deal with the Archangel
The King is Dead
Long Live The King
Thy Kingdom Come
The Path to Paradise Begins in Hell
Here Comes Trouble
I'll Be Damned
Into the Inferno
Raising Hell
I Am Owed!
Debt Collector
Survivor's Road
Drawing the Battle Lines
I'm Willing to Let Him In
Opened Gates
The Final Bell Toll

Seek to Destroy

312 5 0
Galing kay Dynamite316515

Kicking off RAW with a No Disqualification rematch from Money in the Bank, the Archangel and Aleister Black went to war once again. With already 2 broken tables and an exhausted Aleister Black seated against the steel steps after being Irish whipped, the Archangel panted on his knees with a fist hammered into the mat in fatigue as Murphy came running down the ramp and clobbered the Archangel

The referee was taken aback and pleaded for him to stop, but the Juggernaut of 205 LIVE continued to hammer away at the Australian Celestial Superstar. Before laying him out with Murphy's Law and a mockery of the Archangel's Exodus before laughing at his handiwork as a split opened up across the Archangel's face

Aleister crawled up behind Murphy and struck him with the Black Mass as he crumpled to the ground before catching the pinfall on the Archangel. Shrugging off help as he was led backstage, he sat in the locker room with an ice pack over his head another on his stomach as the heat drew off his body. Aleister Black came out from the showers, fully dressed

Aleister: How you feeling, man?

Sighing, he pressed the ice pack further into the back of his head and chucked the other to Aleister

Wesley: Had worse days, had better days!

Stifling a chuckle as he zipped up his bag, the Anti-Hero sat in front of the Archangel on a steel chair with a solemn look on his face

Aleister: What the hell's with you and Murphy?

Wesley: What do you mean?

Aleister: I am a lot of things like my character, and I can tell when something is off!

Wesley: It's best you don't know, Aleister. You wear your demons on your skin, I wear mine to the ring on my back

Aleister: So the Archangel isn't as nice as he's meant to be!

Wesley: If there ever was an ornament for me, it's only fitting it should be a crown of thorns!

Aleister: Why would that fit you?

Wesley: One day, Aleister, my darkness will come out, and when it does, that crown will fit perfectly... but for now, Murphy's mine

Aleister: I don't know what the hell you're gonna do, but good luck!

Aleister walked out of the changing room as the Archangel sat sunken into the wooden cubicle. The television blaring as McIntyre clashed with the Monster Among Men and he nursed his back

Hunching forwards, he stood up and walked into the toilet. Staring at his face in the mirror with a fire. He traced his face with his eyes of what he used to be, before snarling and hurling the ice pack across and into the locker room as Andrade was taken aback by the flying object as Wesley stormed past Andrade and around, searching for Murphy, but was brought to a stop by Hunter

HHH: Alright, kid! You wanna go hunting for Murphy?

Wesley: You damn straight, Hunter! I don't give a damn if I have to lock you in another room or face you in a Buried Alive match, I'll stop at nothing to get my hands on that son a bitch!

HHH: Lucky for you, I can give you that!

Wesley: Then bring his ass to the ring, NOW!

HHH: Woah, Woah, Woah! Hold on to your pouch there, little joey!

The Archangel stared at the COO unamused, but with defiance as he squared up to the boss

Wesley: Fine! I want him one-on-one, next week!


Wesley: Are you here just to bide him time to escape?

HHH: He already did as you were icing yourself. Vince and him are working together

Enraged, he put his hands on Hunter and lifted him off his feet and pinned him against the wall, gnashing his teeth as he spat out, "Then when do I kick his ass?" The King of Kings ripped the Archangel's hands off the reversed so the Herald from High was suspended in the air

HHH: You will get him when you learn your place!

And as he ended with "your place", the King of Kings dropped the Archangel as he landed on his ass with a heavy thud and the pain shock up his spine.

HHH: Unfortunately for you, the only way you can get to Murphy is to be part of the Draft. Murphy is still on RAW, but Vince wants you off RAW with everything that's happened over the past year

Wesley: So what? I stay here, I keep getting blindsided by that son of a bitch, I go to SmackDown, I kick his ass? How's that work?

HHH: Apparently this is your last clash on the RAW brand before facing the SmackDown roster

Wesley: And what makes him think I'm gonna stop there with Murphy?

HHH: Because if you don't, apparently they have a coalition and convinced you're some dead "Sam Anderson", guy!

Wesley: They guy who gave me this gimmick?

HHH: Apparently. That guy had some skills. We were planning to reach out to him, but looks like reality came at a heavy price for him, huh?

Wesley: Guess it did...

HHH: Well, what's it gonna be?

Alexa came along, walking past and before she could say a word, her mouth hung open as he asked to be traded to the blue brand

Wesley: Get the paperwork started then! I want his head under my boot!

HHH: I'll send you the details for the contract. We'll contact you when we're ready for the signing

Grinning, the King of Kings shook the Archangel's hand firmly as he walked off to get the paperwork sorted and Wesley smiled. The smile faded however, the second his eyes were no longer clouded with rage and his determination to end Murphy and focused in on Alexa. She turned and walked away, her title clipped around her waist as she faded from his view, realising he had just made a mistake of his own

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Alexa hopped into the rental car with Wesley as they peeled off down to the airport in complete and utter silence. Each time one of them would turn to look at the other or say something, they would turn away or shut up the second a sound escaped them. Even at the airport when fans came up to them, they barely interacted with each other, pretending as if there was nothing between them

On the plane, there was still barely any communication between the two as they sat beside each other in coach. Neither looking at each other as Alexa looked out the window despairingly and Wesley with his eyes shut and headphones on as he kept his palm open on the seat for Alexa to grab ahold of

The flight was short and simple as they touched down in Orlando. The roads of Orlando weren't as bustling in the mornings, thank goodness as they drove back to the house. Leaving their bags at the front of the house, he swallowed a gulp as Alexa brewed a fresh cup of coffee and he stood opposite her on the island, awaiting a break from the silence

Wesley: Lexi... I-

Alexa: What? Barely 5? 6 months? And you're already a DICK!

He gave a sigh and bowed his head, knowing he was digging himself only further into this mess

Wesley: This is something I have to do. I NEED to do!

Alexa: What? So the first few months of you chasing after me and us going around was for nothing?

Wesley: Of course not! We're living together for a reason! I love you! I want this to work!

Alexa: What? For you to just have something to hover over my ex? "Oh, look at this! I've got something you'll never have!" Is that it?

Wesley: Far from it! I chose you because I wanted to be with you! I couldn't give a DAMN about what Murphy has or doesn't have!

Alexa: Then why do you want this?

Wesley: Because before you saw me in LA, he was by your bedside. As he left, he promised a WAR. If he wants a war, I'll give him a war he will NEVER forget!

Alexa: He doesn't have a war, but you're giving him a war?

Wesley: I- shit...

Alexa: Whatever... I'm going down to the PC

Wesley: So am I

Alexa: You looking for Murphy?

Wesley: The contract for my with Murphy is down at the PC. I sign it and next week, I get my hands on him for RAW!

Alexa: Whatever!

The Goddess stormed off with her cup of coffee as she marched up the stairs to get changed while the Archangel made himself a protein shake. As he waited for Alexa to come down, he received a message from Mandy Rose

Mandy: Hey! Got your number from Liv! Heard you're gonna be joining the Blue brand soon!

Wesley: Thanks for the greeting, but don't think too much of it! Yesterday was a mistake

Mandy: Don't try to hide it, you liked it. See you around ;)

He ran his hand down his face as he finished reading the message, grabbed the bottle and hopped in the car. Both him and Alexa not saying a word to the other as they drove to the Performance Centre

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At the Performance Centre, Alexa stayed away from the former Universal Champion as she left for a workout and to train. The Herald from High, in his own workout clothes, walked into the conference room that sat Vince McMahon at the head, Stephanie McMahon beside him and the King of Kings with a spare seat next to Vince with the contract in his hand

The Celestial Superstar took a seat between the COO and CEO whilst the CBO sat opposite him with all 3 main focuses of their attention zeroed in on him. His stature remained unchanged as he exuded confidence sitting between the three most public heads of the WWE as he twirled the pen in his hand

HHH: You understand what happens if you sign this, right?

Wesley: Just had a crash course with Alexa

Vince: So, do we have a deal? Or not?

Wesley: Well...

Stephanie: Look, you're becoming one of the biggest Indy darlings that shot up to the main roster,

Wesley: So, if I decide to leave and go to AEW, you guys are going to lose every dime to me!

Vince: What the hell did you say?!

Wesley: I've heard along the grapevine that Murphy and believe I am this dead-man, Sam Anderson? Well, I guess I'll take this up in court then! Violate the 30-day-no-compete policy and I'll drag you down for cases of invasion of privacy, aggravated assault, assault with intent to harm, would you like me to list the rest?

Stephanie: Look, you signed a contract, you knew what you were getting into!

Wesley: Taking bumps under contract for scheduled matches and the occasional incident. I did not sign however to be part of unscheduled intentions to harm. Hell, if I'm not mistaken, you should be suspended for 90 days, Vince! You violated both of your policies for Superstars in one week!

Stephanie: My father is not a competitor!

Wesley: You don't even realise that your father has to sign a Superstar contract so he can appear in WWE arena's do you? In case of any bumps, he has a backup, but a backup is also inhibition!

Taking the contract in his hands, he ripped the paper into shreds and tossed them in Vince McMahon's face to the shock of the father-daughter duo as Triple H sat with his hands tracing his face as he saw the scene before him

Wesley: I'm staying on RAW! You already have a match projected between me and him, and I'm kicking his ass one way or another!

Stabbing the pen into the table, he viciously growled at the Boss before making his way out the door. interviewer Sarah Schrieber was outside waiting to get the scoop but her introduction was cut short as the Herald from High saw a blur of orange hair in one of the rings before storming past the Superstars as they made way for the winged Superstar before realising what was going to happen

Wesley: Oi, Murphy!

The Australian Juggernaut turned around to face the Australian Celestial before Alexa and the other Superstars noticed what was transpiring

Wesley: You're fucked now cunt!

Murphy: Try it, bitch!

The Juggernaut rolled out of the ring and rushed forward as both men ran with a full head of steam at each other, colliding and trading blows as they shook off the tackle. Both men pawing at the other, as Superstars tried to contain them at either end of the Performance Centre

The Archangel gnashed his teeth pounding away at the Superstars holding him back and pushing through, stopping once he was pinned in front of Alexa as he seethed in rage

Alexa: Stop! Wesley! Murphy! Stop this! Both of you

Burning through the adrenaline, he felt his body grow limp as he hung his head, Superstars easing up on the Archangel and looking up to see Murphy laugh and jeer. As the crowd of Superstars emptied around him, the Archangel shot up and rushed towards Murphy as he broke away from the crowd of Superstars and both men collided with each other, locking together like bulls, neither one relenting before Vince and Hunter stepped in, both men still chomping at the bit for a pound of flesh of the other. Both men were sent back in each of their own Uber's as the trail of carnage and broken glass behind them was scattered

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sitting in the ajar room of his past with a glass of whiskey in one hand and his other caressing the edges of his face before he heard a call for his name upstairs. Standing up, he placed down his glass and closed the door behind him before being confronted by Alexa, the dogs barking and wagging their tails around her

Alexa: What were you thinking?!

Wesley: "Why wait till Monday?"

Alexa: You could have been SUSPENDED!

He gave a huff and gulped down the remaining contents of the glass before setting it down and putting both of his hands behind her neck as he leaned in

Wesley: I promise, it's gonna be fine!

As he leaned in to kiss her, she ducked under and moved out of his way before walking towards the bedroom on the level, turning back to look at him

Alexa: Now you get to have this bedroom used for its original purpose! Good night, Robinson!

Shutting the door with the rest of the pooches with her, he hung his head and placed his hands in his pockets. Changing into some swim shorts he took some time down to his pool for a dip, hoping Alexa might decide to come out and join him, or at the very least get something to eat or drink. His wish was fulfilled when she got some delivery and she headed out to the pool to sit and have her pizza, on her phone as she scrolled through, Larry-Steve tearing away one of the cushions to enjoy himself on whilst the rest of the dogs hopped on, snuggling themselves in with their mom

Eyeing her as she tuned out his voice and invitations to join him in the heated pool. Getting out, he reached for a slice only for his hand to be swatted away. Smiling, he shrugged his shoulders and walked back into the house, taking a glass and some wine for her and a pre-made meal for himself with some whiskey before sitting opposite her

The sun bled over the horizon as the deafening silence between the two became apparent. Alexa and him only trading looks and glances at the other. A couple more catches of the eyes and the duo had their hands all over each other. Trading kisses back and forth and catching her nipples in his mouth, Alexa tore herself away from him and rushed to her room, leaving him with blue balls before he made his way upstairs

Taking a seat on the balcony with the bottle and glass still with him, he checked the ringed notification to see a message from Mandy

Mandy: Having some trouble in paradise?

Wesley: Why do you want to know?

Mandy: Look up!

The orange sky seemed to bounce off Mandy's skin as she waved to him and he raised his glass to her. She gave him a blown kiss before jogging off and he stayed in that seat, drinking away before crawling into his bed, the taste of whiskey still in his lips as he rested his hand where Alexa laid

Meanwhile in Alexa's room...

Alexa had her dogs on the bed with her and Larry-Steve laid at her feet as A Goofy Movie played on the TV. A bowl of popcorn she grabbed from his stash, some hot chocolate and she was tucked in as Murphy once again texted her

Murphy: Thanks for the save, doll! 😘See you next week, then we'll pick up where we left off at the hospital. Love ya b!

Alexa: You won't have me to save you next week! And nothing happened at the hospital, Murphy! 😡

Murphy: That's not what your moaning said 😏😉 I'll see you next week love

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