Candy & Cuddles |•| Sabriel

By LittleMissSci

799 20 2

Cute Sabriel fluff of Sam and Gabriel's anniversary More

Present and planning
Candy and Cuddles
Breakfast in Bed

Love and Laziness

141 4 1
By LittleMissSci

I took our plates back to the kitchen as Sam finished the last few chapters of his book. He told me that he'd be done soon. After washing the dishes, I started setting up the nest of pillows and blankets that would soon be engulfing us. Even after building the pillow palace to perfection, Sam was still in his room.

I will admit that patience is not a virtue of mine, but I was proud of how long I waited before going back in to annoy him. I'd say it was at least a solid fifteen minutes.

"Sam-a-lam! Are you done reading yet? I'm bored and I want to watch a movie or give you a massage or do something with you."

"Gabe, I swear I'll be out soon. This book is absolutely amazing. You should read it! I think you'd like it."

"You know I'm not a reader."

"I think there's a movie version. Do you want to try and find it so we can watch it together?"

"Will do, sir!" I said with a mock salute. I rented the movie online, popped some popcorn, and settled in to wait for my boyfriend to join me. The pillow palace was so soft and warm that I ended up dozing off. I'm not sure how long I was out for, but I do know that when I woke up it was because Sam flopped down next to me.

"Popcorn, a pillow fort, and pretty boyfriend all in one place. I must be in heaven," he said lovingly. As we watched the movie, he kept telling me to pause it so he could explain how that scene had played out in the book. Normally when people do that, it annoys the hell out of me, but with Sam I found it adorably dorky.

When we finished Sam kept saying how the book was so much better than the movie. In my opinion, it was a pretty good movie, but from Sam's explain of the book I could see why he wouldn't be a huge fan of the adaptation. According to him, they completely changed the ending from how it was in the book.

"I'm sorry that that movie wasn't what you expected."

"Me too. I was hoping it would be exactly like the book so you would understand why I enjoyed the book so much."

"Well, I did enjoy the movie, but I also enjoyed your constant comments on way the movie was worse than the book. Now if you are ready for your massage please go to my bedroom and undress to your comfort level." I didn't even wait for a reply before I left to gather my supplies. Last night I'd learned all about lotions, oils, pressure points and hot rocks. Time to put my knowledge into use.

I knew that he would do what I said, but it was still somewhat shocking to walk into my room and see Sam laying face down on my bed with only his boxers and moose slippers on.

"Damn, Sam!"

"Quit gawking, Gabe. It's not like you haven't seen me before," Sam said gruffly, but I could see the blush that was creeping onto his cheeks. "I was looking forward to the massage, but if all you're going to do is stand there and stare at me then I'll put my clothes back on and read some more."

"Don't you dare! I'm sorry, but it's hard not to stare at my smoking hot boyfriend!" I set all my supplies down on the nightstand. "Before we start can I ask you a quick question?"

"Go for it."

"Why did you keep the slippers on."

"My feet get cold easily." That made sense since I'd never seen Sam without socks on.

Sam was extremely tense. I definitely had my work cut out for me, but I knew that I was up to the challenge. I started by locating the points of his body that were holding the most tension. I'd work my magic on those key points then some hot rocks in that location to keep it loose while I went to work somewhere else.

"Would you mind if I removed the moose from your feet?"

"Sure," Sam mumbled sleepily. The massage was definitely doing the trick.

I slipped the slippers off and started implementing the techniques that I'd learned last night, but then I ran into some trouble. Sam wouldn't stop wiggling then I put all the pieces together.

"Sam?" I asked trying to suppress a giggle. "Are you ticklish?"

"Yeah, sorry that I didn't tell you, but I assumed that you'd never leave my feet alone if you knew."

I fake gasped. "Sam!? Do you really think that little of me?"

"So you won't tickle me?"

"I didn't say that..."

"Gabe," Sam said sternly.

"Okay, okay. I'll leave them alone...for today." Sam glared at me. I let out a heavy sigh "Alright, I won't tickle you." Once his feet were safely in his slippers, he instantly relaxed. The rest of the massage went by without incident. I let Sam relax on his own for a bit while I turned the bathroom into a steam room by running the hottest water that I could.

Sam relaxed in the "steam room" and I started working on lunch. My original plan was to make a tofu stir-fry, but then I found out that we were out of tofu. I though Sam had recently bought more, but apparently I was wrong since I couldn't find tofu anywhere. Instead of going out to buy more tofu, I decided to stare at the pantry until inspiration struck for a replacement meal.

Eventually, I decided to make grilled cheese and tomato soup. This combo is one of my favorite comfort meals that is still healthy enough for Sam to not turn his noise up at it. It's also super easy to whip up. Once the soup came to a boil, I turned off the burner and told Sam to get dressed. By the time he was done, I had everything plated up and I was on the couch waiting for him. "Here's lunch. Please don't make me feed it to you this time. What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Don't laugh at me, but I have this urge to watch Pitch Perfect. I just need some a cappella right now," Sam muttered embarrassed.

I bit back a giggle, but I pulled up Pitch Perfect and we sat in silence as we enjoyed our food and let the music wash over us. The movie was over in what seemed to be an instant. We gave each other a knowing look and pulled up Pitch Perfect 2. Before I hit play I popped some more popcorn. During the minute and a half that passed Sam stole the blanket that I'd been snuggling.

"Really, Sammy? Well, since you stole my blanket you can't have any of the popcorn I was planning on sharing with you."

"I'm sorry, Gabe, but I was cold," Sam whined. I shrugged and hit play. About halfway though the movie Sam started inching towards me. I didn't notice right away because I was much more focused on the riff off happening on screen, but when he started kissing me I forgot all about the movie. It was a great moment until I realized that he was distracting me with the kiss so that he could steal some of my popcorn.

I yanked the bowl away from him and yelled, "Sam Winchester! I don't think I've ever been more betrayed in my life and that's saying something!"

Sam started to protest, but he decided that words would be basically useless in this situation. Instead he pulled out his secret weapon: puppy dog eyes. My heart immediately melted.

"Dammit! Okay, you win. You can have some popcorn on one condition."

"And what would that condition be?"

"You have to share the blanket that you stole from me."

"I'm a-okay with that."

We snuggled up together and snacked on popcorn until the warmth lulled me to sleep. I don't know when Sam joined me in slumberland, but I do know that Pitch Perfect 3 was playing when Dean walked in on us.

"Guys, why are you watching a chick flick? There are so many better movies out there," Dean said jostling us awake.

"Shut up, jerk," Sam said while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Bitch," Dean responded out of instinct.

After Dean left, I turned to Sam and told him, "You should go to your room and hang out while I whip up dinner for us."

Sam wrapping himself up like a burrito in our blanket and waddled comical to his room. After I was over my giggling fit, I headed to the kitchen to start boiling water. It didn't take me too much time to make broccoli alfredo pasta, but apparently it was long enough for Sam to start another book.

"Kiddo...I thought we talked about this," I said in a soft but stern way, "Books rot brains like candy rots teeth. Now stop reading and eat while you watch a mind-numbing movie with your pops."

"Why are you calling me 'kiddo' when I'm at least a foot taller than you?" Sam did air-quotes around kiddo.

"Well, I'm older. Now put that book down."

"Whatever you say...daddy."

I don't know how Sam managed to keep a straight face while saying that, but he did. I did not have the same superpower. It started as a giggle that soon grew into a full on laughing fit which then turned into me laughing so hard that I started to cry. Sam who had given up on keeping a straight face said, "Don't cry, Sugar cube."

Once I regained a bit of composure I said, "You've never called me that before."

"Well, I was trying to give you a new nickname so we can forget about what I just called you. Do you not like it?"

"No, no, no, I love it Moose. Now before we move on and attempt to forget this, I want you to pinky promise that you'll never call me the d-word again."

"Aren't pinky promises a bit juvenile for us."

"Maybe, but what's the harm of doing it anyway?"

Sam nodded and stuck out his pinky. I wrapped my pinky around his and then we shook.

Once we'd broken our link I asked, "What book were you reading before I came in?"

"It's called The Andromeda Strain and it's by Michael Crichton."

"Oh I've hear of him! Isn't he the one who wrote Jurassic Park?"

"Yeah! Have you read it?"

"No, but it is one of my favorite movies."

"I've never seen the movie, but it's one of my favorite books."

"How have you never seen the movie!"

"Today is the first day that I've actually had time to sit and enjoy a movie in a long time. Thank you for this. I needed a lazy day."

"Well, the days not over yet. Let's watch Jurassic Park!" We hunkered in and enjoyed the sci-fi chaos that is Jurassic Park. I honestly had more fun watching Sam react to the movie than actually watching it myself. At the end of the movie I took our plates back to the kitchen to wash them and Sam picked our next movie. Dean and Cas were in the kitchen when I walked in. I'd obviously interrupted something. They were far to close for something to not have been happening.

"What ya guys up too?"

"Nothing," Dean replied far too quickly. I turned to Cas to see if he would provide anymore information.

"Dean was just ... helping me adjust my tie," Cas murmured quite unconvincingly. I looked down and his tie looked much looser than normal. Cas had never been a good liar, but I didn't push it.

"Whatever, lovebirds, I'll get out of your hair," I said setting the plates in the sink. They could wait til morning. I really needed to get out of there so I didn't ruin their mood. Dean tried to protest at me calling them lovebirds, but I cut him off by yelling, "Bye!" as I rushed out of the kitchen.

Sam must of hear me because he asked what had happened. I filled him in about what I knew and he said was "I hope to god that your right about this. You haven't had to deal with if for as long as I have. I'm so done with the tension. It's awful, but that is enough about them. This night is about us and movies."

"What will we be watching next, Sam-a-lam-a?"

"I picked The Breakfast Club because..."

"That's my favorite movie of all time!" I interrupted smiling from ear to ear.

"I know."

My grin grow even larger when Sam put his arm my shoulder as we settled in to watch a criminal, a princess, a brain, a basket case, and a jock bond despite everything else.

By the time The Breakfast Club was over I was ready to call it a night.

"I wish every day could be like this," Sam whispered sleepily into my ear.

"Me too, what if," I paused before I continued. What I was about to suggest was a big step, but I thought we were ready for it. "What if we moved in together?"

"Gabe, we already live together here in the bunker."

"I know that Captain Obvious, but I mean like in our own place. We could have our space. It would also let Cas and Dean have some room to figure themselves out here without us stepping on their toes."

I saw hope flicker in Sam's eyes, but it was quickly clouded over by a realization, "What about hunting? I can't abandon Dean."

"We wouldn't have to go that far. I saw a for sale sign in front of a cabin on my way to town. We could move there," I said excitement creeping into my words.

"I like the way you think Gabe, but its late and this is a big decision. Would you mind waiting til morning to have this full conversation?"

"I don't mind on bit, I'm tuckered out. I'll leave so that you can sleep."

As I went to get out of bed Sam stopped me and said, "Please stay, Sugar Cube."

"Can I at least go change into some pjs?"

"Pinky promise me that you'll be right back."

"I thought you said that this was juvenal."

"Shut up and give me your pinky," and I did just that. I loved it when Sam was commanding. I remained silent until I was on the brink of sleep. I had my back to Sam so I couldn't tell if he was still awake.

"Sam," I whispered so I wouldn't wake him if he'd already drifted away.

I wasn't sure if Sam had heard me until he rolled me over to face him and said, "What did you want to say?"

"Good night, Moose."

"Good night to you too, Sugar Cube."

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