mother of wands (d.m) part two

By lilac-luck

45.1K 1.4K 443

the second installment in the 'daughter of wands" series More



2.1K 73 27
By lilac-luck

My arms and legs kick as I surface, the freezing cold liquid nipping at my exposed skin. The cardigan around my shoulders weighing me down as I tread water, gasping for air.

"Draco!" I shout frantically, my eyes darting around for any trace of blonde hair in the blackness.

The space around me is silent, not a single sound besides the sloshing river and the busy London street a few feet away.

"Draco?!" I try again, the tone of my voice more fearful. "Draco! Are you there?"

Thankfully, no one seems to notice as I doggy paddle to the edge of the river, gripping the concrete wall with all my strength.

Once I catch my breath and safely float along the bank, my gaze switches back to the water in search of Draco.

The sky erupts above me with light: blue, green, red. He couldn't still be up there, could he? There's no way Hermione's spell only hit me, which means, he must still be out there.

Against my better judgment, I swim out into the center of the river, waves threatening to take me under. I take a deep breath and stick my head in, my eyes stinging as I search the murky water.

I come up for air, gagging a little as I choke. Another breath and I'm searching again, this time a streak of white light illuminating the sky above me, giving me a clearer look into the muck.

I see him, his lifeless body floating not to far from where I am. The sight of him makes me gasp, water flooding my throat as I cough.

I surface again, silently cursing myself for being so stupid as I hack up the black liquid. I try to focus all my attention on Draco and getting him safe.

A charm rushes to the forefront of my mind and without a second thought, I use it. I dive under, a bubble surrounding my face as I kick myself deeper and deeper.

I can see his white hair not to far in front of me, my legs aching as I force them harder. I reach out and grab his arm, dragging us both above the surface.

I sling him over my back, his body weight making the swim more difficult. Tears fill my eyes as I hear him choke, the water from his lungs chilling my shoulder.

"Ev-" He begins before coughing.

"No!" I shout, not sure he's fully there. "Don't try to talk, just keep yourself afloat for a minute."

I feel him nod as I grab the cobblestone on the edge of the river, pulling myself up and reaching back in to grab Draco. I take hold of his shirt and hoist him above the water, his weak hands trying to help me.

Finally, I get him limp on the ground, his breath choppy and inconsistent. I yell for help but the people around us seem to pass right by.

That's when I realize I have to do this alone.

I place my hands on his chest, begging something to come to mind. There has to be a spell or charm to fix him, if I can just focus, it will come to me.

Every time a word appears, it vanishes, Draco's body floating lifeless in the river the only image that stays.

I shake the thoughts out of my head, his blue lips shocking me back to reality. I'm going to have to do this the no-mag way, I way learned during a swimming lesson when I was young.

My palms move up closer to his heart, pounding to the beat of a song I heard once at a neighbors birthday party. After 30 seconds I pinch his nose tightly and place my mouth over his, blowing air in.

I blow once more before resuming the pulses. I watch as my tears spill over into his already drenched shirt.

"Come on!" I scream to him, "Come on Draco, come back to me!"

I go to give him breath and he coughs, the water rushing out of his mouth as he sits up and heaves.

I throw him into my arms, sobbing into his hair while he gasps for breath, his tired hand rubbing my back in small circles.

"Everett..." He says, pulling away. "How did you save me?"

I chuckle, "CPR. Something they teach you before you swim."

His brow furrows, "I've never learned to swim."

I pull him tighter, "You didn't think to mention that before we fell into the river?"

He lets out a small snort, more water coming up with it. I push the wet hair out from his eyes as he spits out the watery mix.

"Do you want to go home?" I ask, holding his hand.

He nods in response.

"Are you ready?" I question, peaking at his expression.

Another nod and we're off, apparating back into his living room next to the fire place. He shivers beneath me as I snap my fingers and the wood catches fire.

"Stay here, get warm, I'll bring you a change of clothes." I kiss him on the forehead and start off for his room.

I grab a pair of comfortable shorts and 2 t-shirts. I quietly slip out of my damp clothes and get into his oversized robes. I tie my hair up and grab a fresh pair of underwear, drying my legs off with a quick charm.

I dart down the stairs and race over to him, undoing the buttons on his shirt and pants. He shimmy's out of them and eyes me cautiously, his nearly naked body standing before me.

I smile, touching his chest and running a finger along his collarbone. He shivers again, this time for another reason.

"I thought I lost you..." I say, barely audible.

He nods and lowers his eyes shamefully, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken you-"

"Draco." I interrupt. "I asked you to."

He sighs, "But it's my job to keep you safe and I failed."

"You failed at nothing," I say, cupping his cheek in the hand. "We're in this together, it's not all on you to make sure things go to plan.

He furrows his brow, "I guess, but it's always my fault things don't go to plan."

I shrug, "Well I love you anyway."

It occurs to both of us suddenly that he's still in nothing but his boxers, his cheeks turning red as he snatches the shirt out of my hands.

"No," I whisper, taking the fabric out of his hands and tossing it to the side. "I like you like this."


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