I love you more than a brothe...

Bởi humanouijaboard

13.7K 264 132

On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual onl... Xem Thêm

Excuse me that slut is right here.
Vanya's book called ' Extra Ordinary '
i'm slowly dying
Everything is different now...
The day that wasn't
The day that was
shit Allison...
You fucking bitch!
It's the end of the fucking world
book 2
Book 3

We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

5.1K 64 60
Bởi humanouijaboard

(Here is the intro song listen if you want)


I lay on my bed quietly only hearing people talking to themselves or each other, i lay there bored what do you expect they don't even really do anything since i got transferred to a different rehab program i sigh

" Y/N HARGREEVES YOU HAVE A PHONE CALL !!!!" I groan and get up i grab the phone " Hello?" I say " Miss.Y/n is that you?" a familiar voice said over the phone " Pogo?" I say confused " it's been a long time since we last talked something wrong?" I asked " Unfortunately yes ...." he says " What is it? " I say concerned " Your father he died last night..." he says " How?" I say " he had an heart attack at 7:02" he says

To be honest i'm kinda shocked that's how he died i thought he would have gotten shot or something cooler than a boring  heart failure, but i can't help but i felt a little sad to hear that the old man died i know he isn't my real dad and i never really like him but still i felt  little bit sad  " Does the others know?" I say " I don't know they may already know cause the news articles news papers and the new broadcasts " he says

" When is the funeral?" I ask " tomorrow if anyone comes ..." he says " I can come tonight if you don't mind i just want to be home and I don't want to have to wake up early and ride the bus ..." I say " I don't mind it's your home also " he says " Sweet! See you in an hour talk you later Pogo" I say and hang up the phone i look at the lady  at the front desk

" I'm leaving for a while my father died and i just need to get home " i say pretending to cry the lady roll her eyes " go ahead, leave." she says i smile grab my stuff and run out the place " SEE YA LATER BITCHES!!!"


A random time skip to the next day....

I grab my lighter and light my marijuana and take a long drag of it i smile " Oh how i missed you " i say while looking at the marijuana " What about me?" I hear someone say i look up " BEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNN how have you been ? You never visit me in that dump anymore you haven't visited me since i first got transferred there !" I say " it's not a dump their trying to help you and i never visit you cause i have to make sure klaus doesn't get in trouble " he says " Hey i get in just as much trouble as he does and they are doing a very poor job of making sure i don't smoke the green cauliflower " i say laughing then i stop and frown

" Does he talk about me ?" I say ben looks down " I take that as a no " i take another long drag I get up off my bed " come on let's go on adventure in this ......prison " i walk out of my room and hear someone walking around i look in the rooms and finally see  " Diego ! How the police force treating ya?" I say smiling at him he glares at me " I got fired " he says " Since when?!?!" I say at him he walks out of his room and doesn't say nothing

" Good to know " i say to myself I walk down the stairs to the first floor hoping to find someone down here i sigh and turn around " OH GOD " i scream luther looks  at me confused " you scared me " i look at him " You've gotten bigger have you been working out up there on the moon?" I say " A little " he says " that doesn't look like a little " I say he sighs " is anyone else here ? " he says " So far from what I know it's only me and Diego. " I say he sighs and walks up the big staircase I look at my marijuana , it had got unlit.

" shit ..." i sigh i hear the door open behind me " Y/n ?" I get excited for a moment but i notice it's a girls voice i turn around and smile " Allison !" I pull her in for a hug she sniffs me " Have you been smoking weed? " she says to me " YOU KNOW IT ! AND I'LL NEVER STOP !" I yell i let go of her and run up the stairs up to my room i down crash on my bed

" Ben ? Are you in here ?" I say talking into my pillow on my bed " yes " he says " say one stupid thing that i did in my life?" I say " getting the same tattoo as klaus " he says " which one ?" I say " the only one that just the both of you have " he says " so the hand tattoos " I say " mmh "   " that's not stupid i've done tons of stupid shit in my life and the one thing i did that's not stupid " i say and i look at him " I'm gonna take a nap " i say i look away and close my eyes.


I woke up to a big bang in the room next to mine i get up and quietly walk out my room i look in vanya's room to see if anyone is in there then i look in klaus's room i smile and walk in quietly i get close to his ear " Boo" he jumps "HOLY SHIT" he yells i laugh i hug him from the behind " OH HOW I'VE MISSED YOU !!" I yell he turns around while in my arms he hugs back " I missed you too !!!" He says while squeezing me

" Why don't you ever call me !" I say " I'm always out trying to get money and getting drugs why don't you call me " he says " they won't let me call anyone i was lucky to even get out of there so I can come here  " i say we let go of each other he continues to look around his room " What are ya looking for ?" I ask " Something to sell " he says he looks at me and smiles he grabs my hand we walk out of his room " where are we going " i ask " dad's office "  he says

we eventually arrive at Dad's office " help me look around " he says i go in one of the rooms near his desk while klaus looks around on and in his  desk " Where's the cash, Dad?" Says klaus, i hear someone walking in the room so i peek in there to see allison walking to dad's desk " Where's the cash?" Klaus says for a second time alison looks up to see me " Y/n? , Klaus? What are you doing in here?" Allison asks

I walk out of the room and klaus look up from under the desk " Oh! Allison! Wow, is that you? Hey, come here." Klaus says holding out his arms for a hug walk closer to Allison finally getting into the hug "  Long time. Too long. Hey, I was hoping to see you, actually, because I wanted to get your autograph. Add it to my collection! " he says with a smile on his face " Oh! Hey I also want one so I can start my own collection." I say with a wink

She looks our wrists " Just out of rehab? " she questions  " No,no. No,no,no,no. No. I'm done all that." Klaus sighs  " I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone." Klaus says sounding upset he looks at allison and smile " And he is! He's dead. Yeah!" Klaus says clapping his hands i laugh at Klaus and Allison's reaction .

" You know how I know? Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room. He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment, right?" He chuckles i smile at his comment and look at the painting on the wall he also  looks at the painting on the wall " Remember how he used to look at us? That scowl? Thank Christ he's not our real father so we couldn't inherit those cold, dead eyes! AHH!" he chuckles and  allison just smiles at him i'm glad that everyone is some what the same.

He looks at allison holding his eyes wide open " Number Three!" He says imitating dad " Get out of his chair. "  we look over to the door to see luther " Oh,wow,Luther!  Wow , you really uh... You really filled out over the years, huh? " klaus says standing up " Klaus." " Save the lecture. I was already leaving. Right Y/n? " klaus says they all look at me i nod my head vigorously " Yes! Let's go!" I say " You guys can talk amongst yourselves. " klaus says  while chuckling softly we start to walk to the door but luther stops us.

" Drop it. " " Ex-squeeze me?" Klaus says confused " Do it. Now." Luther say glaring at klaus. Klaus swings his arm to get out of his grasp " All right. All right." Klaus says in defeat taking the stuff he got out of the room  " It's just an advance on our inheritance! That's all it is. No need to get you little panties in a bunch. " he says we start to walk out then " Y/n ...." I sigh I take the stuff i got out of my pockets and throw the on the floor  " Your no fun! " I say upset and we finally manage to walk out the room.

Klaus closes the door and looks back at it he looks at me I smile he takes a box out of his tights he looks at the box he sighs and kisses it I laugh at his actions and we continue to walk.


Another random time skip....

Everyone sat in silence luther and Vanya is sitting on the couch allison and diego are sitting in chairs meanwhile me and klaus are back at the mini bar in the back of the living room getting something to drink.

" Um .... I guess we should get this started. So, I figured we could gave a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words,  just at Dad's favorite spot." Luther says while standing up, " Dad had a favorite spot?" Allison questioned " You know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?" Luther questioned.

Klaus and I walk back to them " Will there be refreshments?" Klaus asks " Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner. " klaus says  " What? No. And put that out you two. Dad didn't allow smoking in here." Luther says " he's dead , it doesn't matter anymore. " I say

" Is that my skirt? " allison questioned klaus " What? Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathey on the bits. " klaus says my eyes widened I blush " J-Jesus fucking christ " I say under my breath blushing vigorously " Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right? " says luther " like what ?" Diego questioned " Like the way he died." Luther says " And here we go " Diego says

" I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack . "  Vanya says " Yeah, according to the coroner." Luther says " Well, wouldn't they know?" Vanya questioned " Theoretically."  " Theoretically?" Allison questioned " I'm just saying,  at the very least, something happened. The last time that I talked to Dad, he sounded strange. " Luther says  " Oh, quelle surprise! " klaus gurgled i laugh out loud at him "  Strange how? " allison questioned  "  He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust." 

" Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles." Diego says standing up " No. He must have known something was going to happen. Look, I know yall don't like to do it, but I need one of you to talk to Dad." Luther said looking at me and klaus allison scoffs " We can't just call Dad in the afterlife and be all like," Dad, could you just...stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?"" Klaus says " Since when? That's yall thing. " luther questioned " We're not in the right... frame of mind." I say " You're both high? " " Yeah! Yeah! " we both say at the same time

" I mean, how are you not, listening to this nonsense?" Klaus questioned " Well, one of you sober up, this is important." Me and klaus sigh " Then there's the issue of the missing monocle." Luther says " who gives a shit about a stupid monocle? " Diego questioned " Exactly. It's worthless. So whoever took it, I think it was personal. Someone close to him. Someone with a grudge. " Luther says " Where are you going with this?" Klaus and I question " Oh, isn't it obvious, klaus and Y/n? He thinks one of us killed Dad ." Diego says "  luther grunts softly " You do?" Klaus said shocked "of course he does......." I say quitely bouncing my leg up and down

" How could you think that?" Vanya questioned " Great job, Luther. Way to lead. " diego says he walks away " That's not what I'm saying.  " " You're crazy, man You're crazy. Crazy " klaus says we both stand up and start to walk away " I've not finished." Luther says " Sorry. Y/n and I are just gonna go murder mom. Be right back. "  klaus says while walking away " That's not what i was saying. I didn't--" Luther says he sighs " Allison , jeez" luther said while we all walk away...

17 years ago....
"In five, four ,three ,two ,one. this is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside of the Capital West bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages."

" Hey, get them behind the counter! Now you put me into a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do. Hmm? " I hear a man yell " Shit!" The man yelled I just sigh and we watch the scene play out by that i mean we watch our siblings fight I look over at klaus " why are we even here? We don't do anything so what's the point? " I ask klaus " like our powers aren't even useful in any situation , like now we just look like two kids in masks in the academy's uniform watch five of our siblings fight and after all this act like we did something? " I say he just shrugs

" I mean i don't have a problem with really." He says while looking at our siblings fight " I don't either but.... don't you wish our power has a little more .... pizzazz ! To it ya know other than the normal old seeing ghost trick " I say he shakes his head he looks at me" KLAUS!, Y/N!, " we both look over at them " I guess it's our time to shine!" Klaus says " or it's just a misdirect..." I say we walk over to them

" Do we really have to do this?" Ben questioned " come one, Ben. There's more guys in the vault. " luther says ben looks at klaus and I,  I smile at him ben sighs " I didn't sign up for this." He says and walks in the room " can someone at least open the door for these people?" I ask five teleports and opens the doors for the people and teleports back to us and we watch ben fight the people from the other room we walk closer to the room  the roars stop and ben opens the door he sighs "...... Can we go home now?" Ben asks .

We walk out the building and we see a crowd of people I stand next to Ben and I rub his back to comfort him a little i look at Klaus to  see him with his arm on Five's shoulder smiling to the crowd my cheeks heat up a little, i smile and i look out to the crowd they ask questions and we stay quiet then soon enough our " dad" comes out of no where.

" Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven such children.  I  give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy. "  he finishes and of course they ask questions " Mr. Hargreeves!,  Mr. Hargreeves! What happened to their parents?" One said " They were suitably compensated." Our father says i really hate this i sigh i look at klaus he looks back at me and starts to whisper jokes to me I try my best not to laugh out loud so we wouldn't get in trouble later Luther looks at both of us we stop and continue to listen to the questions.

" Are you concerned about the welfare of the children? " someone asks " Of course. As I am for the fate of the world." He says i look at our father and start to feel uneasy and I look back to the crowd.


" Listen up, old man. You know, if I was murdered, and if one of my sons and  daughters-- adopted sons and daughters-- happened to be able to commune with the dead, I might think about, hahaha I don't know, I don't know... manifesting! Do the whole big angry ghost lecture. Tell everyone who done it, and find eternal peace." Klaus says looking at "dad" i look at klaus " Eternal peace is probably overrated." I say

He chuckles and nods his head then he just sighs and starts turning in circles i just stare at him i know it might be weird but i always do- he looks back at dad's urn then he looks at me  I feel my cheeks heat up a little i rub my face and I walk behind the bar to get me a drink he walk up the the bar " Come on, reggie " he says and walks back and look at it from a far " Any time now." He says quietly i sigh he looks down to his stomach and starts to pretend his stomach is talking " Please." He chuckles he looks at me I pour me a drink I chuckle quietly " We just need to sober up!" He says he smacks his face and runs his eyes

" I wish it was easy as people make it out to be..." i say looking at him he nods I just sigh " Clear thoughts. " he exhales that's not easy either  he raises his hands in the air they start to shake " Come on! Come on, chop-chop!" He yells  he walks further away from the bar and points his finger to the urn " You always were a stubborn bastard!" He yells i sadly smile at him he looks up at me and walks up to the bar

" I don't know about you, but I need a drink ." He says he goes to get a drink and knocks over the urn spilling dad's ashes all over the counter klaus gasp " Shit!" I yell I pick up my glass " Dad's ashes are in my drink!" I yell I look at klaus he looks at me we both start laughing he covers his mouth with both of his hands " Oh! " he exclaimed " hurry before someone comes down here and sees this......mess!" I whisper yell to klaus he nods his head and comes behind the counter.

I pick up the urn and put it under the ashes he pushes the ashes back into the urn once all the ashes are back in the urn i take the lid and quickly put the lid back on Klaus fixes himself a drink and picks up the urn and we walk down the stairs he puts his drink and the urn on the table i take a sip of his drink he looks at me " Hey!, that's mine !" He exclaimed " share,  It's not my fault that dad got in my drink before." I say he glares playfully at me i laugh " it's okay, i'm not angry or anything. "  I say  he pulls out some pills in a little bag he shakes it.

He opens it I hold out my hand he chuckles and pour some in mine and his hand " Oh. Three? Okay!" He says and dumps them in his mouth i do the same I sigh in satisfaction he does the same he puts them back in his pocket he bites it to make a loud crunch noise i sit in a chair " It's was pointless of even trying you know?" I say " yeah, but it was worth a try!" He says

" Mmhh" klaus lays on the table " how have you been these past few years?" Klaus ask " The same, but you know more bored. " I say  " what about you?" I ask " I've been around, start dating people every now and then, been going out to bars, finding some stuff to sell so i can get what i need. " he says he lights up... ya know " Wow, you were just living your best life out there.." I say " Yeah, but it hasn't been the same without you ." He says while smiling he looks at me  i smile at him.

I'm happy to know that he missed me as much as i did  then we hear music start to play we look at each other confused we look up at the ceiling he puts his joint in his mouth and gets off the table " Get up" he says I look at him confused " why? " i ask " So we can dance of course!" He says i sigh and smile at him i get up he grabs my arm and pulls me " Oh shi-"  and of course we danced together....


( here you go watch if you want and replace the urn with yourself 🤣😅)


The music stops and it starts to thunder we look at each other the urn starts moving on its own Klaus catches it and looks around " Oh! Daddy?" He questions and the knifes just about missed me and get thrown to the wall we run over to the wall and look at each other confused / scared .

Klaus runs and grabs the toaster and throws it to me then he grabs the fire hydrant and we run to the back yard " Why do we need this stuff?!" I yell " You never know what you might need for this situation!" He yells " Out of the way! " Klaus screams we push them out of the way he try's to distinguish it I throw the toaster at it, it goes in Klaus does the same " What is that gonna do? " Allison yells " I don't know. Do you have a better idea?" Klaus yells back.

Electricity starts to come out of it Klaus gets in front of me and we back  away  from it  " what the fuck?!" I yell Luther and Diego pushes both me and Klaus behind them  "Everybody get behind me." " Yeah, get behind us." They yell " I vote for running, c'mon! " Klaus yells he starts to run i grab his hand " wait ...." i say to him he looks at me confused then nods we look up at the weird blue electricity thing then we see a guy screaming

" What the fu-" the guy fell on the ground or actually not a guy, a boy we walk up to him slowly my hand still holding on to Klaus's the boy stood up my eyes widened then Klaus finally says something " Does anyone one else see .... little Number Five, or is that just me?" He questions " holy shit " I say quietly " Shit." He says .


Five puts the cutting board on the table and walks to the fridge " What's the date? The exact date." He says " The 24th." Vanya answered " Of what?" Five ask irritated " March." Vanya answered " Good." He says a bit calmer .

" So, are we gonna talk about,  what just happened?" Luther questioned Five doesn't answer i wrap my arms around Klaus neck and look at Five confused Luther stands up " It's been 17 years. " Luther says looking at five. Five scoffs " It's been a lot longer than that. " he says looking up at Luther he then teleported behind Luther " I haven't missed that. "

" Where'd you go? " Diego asked " The future. It's shit, by the way ." Five answered " Called it !" Klaus says i chuckle quietly " I should've listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice. " Five says he looks at klaus then me then back at Klaus " Nice dress. " five says " Oh, well,danke! " Klaus says.

Vanya shakes her head " Wait, how did you get back?" Vanya questioned  " In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." Five says " That makes no sense." Diego says  " Well, it would if you were smarter." Five says I try my best not to laugh Diego stands up Luther puts an arm on him

" How long were you there?" Luther asked " Forty-five years. Give or take. " five says my eye widened " Forty- five years?!?!" I yell Luther and Diego sat back down we all stare at him with wide eyes " So what are you saying? That you're 58? " Luther asks five looks at luther " No, my consciousness is 58. Apparently, my body is now 13 again. " Five says

" Wait, how does that even work?" Vanya questioned " Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh. Bet she's laughing now." Five says " Delores , huh? Who is that?, is that your girlfriend~? " I ask with a smirk on my face he ignores me and picks up the news paper " Guess i missed the funeral." He says " How'd you know about that?" Luther asked " what part of the future do you not understand? Heart failure, huh? " five asked " yeah,-" " no. "  Five looks back down " Hmm. Nice to see nothing's changed.  " Five says

" Uh, that's it? That's all you have to say?" Allison  questioned " What else is there to say? The circle of life. " Five says " Well... That was interesting. " Luther says I remove my arms from around Klaus's neck he turns around and jumps off the table " let's see if there's something else we can do until the funeral..." i say as I walk out the room and up the stairs with Klaus behind me.


Me and Klaus grabs our umbrellas and walk outside with the others i sigh " I don't really want to be doing this ." I say " I don't either, but we have to!" He says " no we don't " " yeah, I know"  we stand in a half circle

Mom looks at us " Did something happen? "  we all look at her " Dad died. Remember?" Allison says " Oh. Yes, of course.  " she says  " Is Mom okay?" Allison questioned Diego looks at Allison " Yeah, yeah, she's fine." he says

Klaus takes out a joint " give me one" I whisper in his ear he hands me one i smile at him " She's just needs to rest. You know, recharge. " Diego says looking at Mom.

Pogo walks up we all look at him he looks at luther " Whenever your ready, dear boy." He says Luther walks up a few steps opens the lid and pours it out  Klaus cringes I rub the back of my neck and look away Luther and Pogo looks at us confused then Luther looked at the others

" Probably would have been better with some wind. " Luther says  Pogo looks at all of us " Does anyone wish to speak?" We all don't say anything " Very well. In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreaves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master... and my friend, and I shall miss him very much .  " Pogo says I sadly smile and I took a puff of my joint once I thought he was finished he continued " He leaves behind a complicated legacy-- " " He was a monster." Diego cuts off pogo klaus and I laugh Pogo looks at us then back to diego " He was a bad person and a worse Father. The world's better off without him. " " Diego. " " My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it. " diego says

" Would anyone like something to eat?" Mom asks " No , it's okay, Mom. " vanya answered " Oh, okay. " " Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead.  But at least be honest about the kind of man he was. " Diego finished " You should stop talking now. " Luther says Diego glares at him

" You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One. " " I am warning you. " After everything he did to you? He had to ship you million miles away." " Diego, stop talking.  " " That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you! " Luther hits Diego's arm and tries to punch him Diego ducks Luther tries to punch Diego again but misses him and they start to fight

" Boys, stop this at once!" Pogo yelled Klaus pushes both me and Five behind him Five looks at him confused and swats his hand and we just watch the fight happen " Stop it!" Vanya yells " Hit him! Hit him!  " Klaus and I yell Pogo sighs and scoffs and walks away we continue to watch.

" We don't have enough time for this . " Five says and walks away then Luther punches Ben statue it falls off and breaks " god dammit " I say under my breath " Oh..." Klaus exclaimed in disappointment " And there goes Ben's statue . " Allison says also in disappointment Allison walks away and Diego takes out his knife  " Diego, no!" Vanya yells he throws it and cuts his arm me and Klaus are sitting on the bench watching this go down.

Luther grabs his arm in pain and walks back inside Vanya walks up to Diego " You never when to stop , do you?" She asked  Diego walks closer to Vanya " You got enough material for your sequel yet?" Diego questioned " He was my father, too. " she said and walks back inside  diego walks over to mom and gently grabbed her arm " Mom. Let's go inside. Come on. Okay? Come on. " he says looking at her and they walk inside

Me and Klaus watch them walk away we get up he walks over to the pile of ashes I follow we squat down " I bet you're loving this. Hmm? The team at its  best. It's just like old times. " he says I sigh and put my joint in the ashes he does the same we get up and start to walk away " Best funeral ever." He says i laugh and we walk back inside.

17 years ago....

" Nietzsche once said, " Man is as a rope stretched between the animal and the superhuman. A rope over an abyss . It is a dangerous crossing, a dangerous looking- back , a dangerous trembling and halting." " we look up waiting for the signal i sigh then vanya finally blows the whistle and we start to run up the staircase 

" As much as you must strive for individual greatness, and strive you must, for it won't come to you of it's own accord... you must also remember that there is no individual stronger that the collective. "  I see five teleport in front of all of us " That's not fair, Five's cheating! " I hear diego yell I laugh " He adapted. " I hear our father yell.

Another flashback

I look over to the three sitting waiting to get their tattoos watching Diego in the chair they look like they were on the verge of tears I look over to Klaus and Allison crying and Klaus trying to comfort her I sniff since I was the first one to do it the pain has died down I rub Klaus's back and smile sadly at him he sniffs and smiles back and we watch them continue to permanently put something on our bodies

" the ties that bind you together make you stronger than you are alone. They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you. And believe me when I tell you, life will be hard. It will be painful. We can accomplish anything when we accept responsibility together.  This is what creates trust.  Together,  you will stand against the reign of evil . "


I sit next to Klaus I look at him " Are you leaving today ?" I ask he looks at me " I'm gonna leave once i can get a ride" he says " Oh...." I look down and frown " Hey! Don't be sad ! I'm gonna come back every now in then to see you " he says he rubs my head  messing up my hair, i smile " There we go ! There's that smile everyone loves! " he says " what are you two doing back down here ?" We look up to see Five.

" What are you doing back down here?" I ask him the same question he looks at me annoyed i smile at him Klaus picks up the guitar and starts to play random cords he stops and and hugs it and puts his feet on the table five goes to the fridge  looking around for something the Allison walks in " Where's Vanya?" Allison asked " Oh, she's gone. " Klaus answers " That's unfortunate. " Five says Allison agrees " An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee.  " five says he looks at Allison " Dad hated caffeine. " allison says " Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us." Klaus said looking at them we both laugh

" I'm taking the car." Five says Klaus takes his feet off the table and puts the guitar down " Where are you going?" Klaus questioned five glares at him " To get a decent cup of coffee." Five answered " Do you even know how to drive? " Allison questioned Five " I know how to do everything. " he answered and teleported away from us Klaus stands up " I feel like we should try and stop him, but the again, I also just kinda want to see what happens. " Klaus says i stand up then we hear a engine start up and hear it drive away.

Then Diego walks in " All right, I guess I'll see you guys in, what, ten years? When Pogo dies?" He says " Not if you die first . " Allison says " Yeah, love you too, sis. Good luck on your next film. Hope it turns out better than your marriage, huh? " he finishes and walks away " Oof harsh much, don't you think ? " I say looking at Diego " yeah, whatever " he says back i roll my eyes Allison walks away annoyed and angry.

Klaus walks up to Diego " Are-- Are we leaving? "  Klaus asks " No, I'm leaving,  me by myself.  " Diego answered  " Oh, fabulous! I'll get my things." Klaus says he grabs my hand and runs up the stairs to his room to get his stuff he turns around and looks at me i frown he sadly smiles at me he walks up to me and hugs me and kisses my head " I'll come back tomorrow,  okay? Don't be sad, okay? " he says while rubbing my back " okay... " I say I hug back i smile he let's go and walks out of his room " See you tomorrow!, I love you!"  He yells " I love you too ..." I say quietly  even though he probably couldn't hear me

i walk out of his room and close his door behind me i sigh i have nothing better to do Ben is no where to be found probably went with Klaus , Pogo is probably busy ,  Mom is most definitely recharging , Five , Diego, and Vanya are all gone so that leaves Allison and Luther i sigh and walk to Luther and Allison's room i look in Allison's room and sees she's not in there I look over to Luther's room to see his door closed i knock on his door he opens it and looks down at me confused

" I um ... came to check up on you to see you were okay since ya know, Diego cut you with one of his knifes ." I say looking up at him " Oh uh , yeah i'm fine thanks for asking though but have you seen Allison?" He asks me " uh yeah but um she left and i don't know where she is now though " i say back " Oh, okay well good night y/n .." he says and closes his door I sigh and walk back to my room I plop on my bed and fall asleep ...


"Y/n ...... Y/n...... Y/N!" I look up to see klaus " Klaus ? I thought you were coming back tomorrow " I say  half asleep " Diego dropped me off at the bus stop so I decided " hey why not go back to the academy and surprise Y/n and possibly hang out till we drop!"" Klaus says clapping his hands together I glare at him he pouts " please!" I sigh and smile at him I get up and rub my eyes " fine what do you want to do?" I ask he smile and grabs my hand and we run down the stairs..........


This took longer than I expected it took like 3 months to finish I hope you liked it and it was good enough to read and wasn't to long  cause there is a lot of words I hope you liked it.

Updated (2023)
Yes I fixed it and spaced it out you're welcome.

It is now easier to read and I also fixed some wordings and other shit, I'm sorry if the spacing is weird I just spaced where I thought it fit best .

Anyways thanks for reading this now I have to space out the other chapters and after that I need to start working on the third book again.

- Author

Total of words: 6347

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