Art of Enticement (Mature) [D...

By Thewastelands

10.1K 467 84

(SLOW UPDATES) Sadie Winter lived a life filled with all the things that made her happy, whether it be a grea... More

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921 49 6
By Thewastelands

"Any questions?" Sadie asked the room after her presentation. Uncharacteristically, no one raised their hand so she instinctively turn to Kade to see if he had anything to say.

"Well done, Ms. Winter. If no one has a question, meeting adjourned." He announced although he maintain eye contact with Sadie. Looking down at the tablet, she logged out and gathered all her notes and reports. Checking her watch she saw that it was five minutes until her 12pm meeting with Kade.

"I do believe I have a 12 o'clock with you today. Shall I follow you to your office?" She questioned once she'd finally gathered her things.

"That's fine. Bianca, cancel all my 2 o'clock plans and place me at lunch until 3." He spoke to the woman despite ushering Sadie from the room- his hand hovering dangerously close to her waist.

"I'll see you for lunch, Tiffany. Don't forget about that email to maintenance, please and thank you." Sadie smiled at the woman before making a left towards the private elevator only used by Kade and his assistant.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself Ms. Winter." His deep baritone vibrated off the metal walls and straight to her pussy. Her legs crossed unconsciously and she pushed some hair behind her ear.

"Well, I grew up in a lower class home on the north side of Evanston. I'm an only child to two loving parents and I got my accounting degree from Princeton. Worked at Sam and Johnson for almost six years before the company encountered some struggles. Now here I am." She shrugged as she rattled off the usual information interviewers were looking for.

"I didn't mean recite your cover letter, Ms. Winter. What are your passions, hobbies, guilty pleasures?" They has made it to his floor by now and Sadie marveled at how different everything was. The once bright ambience was now dark and minimalist.

"Uhh, I don't see how that's relevant." Walking into his office, she felt his eyes burning a hole in her back before the door shut softly- the click of the lock raising the hair on the back of her neck.

"I think it's entirely relevant to understand who is working under me, is it not?" Stepping around her, he leaned on his desk before crossing his legs at the ankles. His eyes raked her body swiftly before meeting her eyes, a small smirk on his lips.

"Well, m-maybe." She suddenly stuttered as her body began to heat. Being alone with him now allowed her mind to freely conjure up ways he could fuck her on every surface in the room. Taking a deep breath, she couldn't believe how horny she'd been lately. First Riker now Kade.

"So? I'm all ears."

"Well, I enjoy various forms of exercise, for example I've recently got into mountain biking. I enjoy cooking and wine tasting. Although I did go to school for I math, I love reading and have dabbled in poetry." Sadie smiled as she remembered nights of drunk poetry. Some decent while others completely nonsensical.

"You seem like a well rounded woman. I enjoy wine tasting myself, have you been to River Vineyard? They have the biggest collection in the country."

"I have not. Haven't really been doing much since I've moved here besides work, but I'm hoping that'll change." It had been her vow to herself to explore all that this new country had to offer.

"Well I'd love to help." The dip in his tone caught Sadie's attention and she rose an eyebrow. Her heart rate picked up as he uncrossed his legs and stood to his full height. "I'm a native, I could show you all the best things to do."

At the clarification Sadie felt the heat that brewed in her stomach disappear. Kade slowly walked around the desk to take a seat on his chair. Even behind the desk he looked intimidating.

"Oh! Thank you. I'd like that." She smiled as she also sat herself in a chair in front of the desk. Setting her notes on the chair next to her, she made sure to place them as to not disturbed the stack. Kade began typing away at his computer while Sadie sat idly waiting for an other questions.

"So how has it been-" He was cut off by the shrill ringing of his phone. As he spoke to the other person on the line, Sadie was surprised to find it was in another language. It seemed extremely close to English to the point she felt like she was going crazy. "Sorry about that. My best friend calls me more than my mother does."

Sadie chuckled at the statement before the face of Riker immediately popped into her brain. "Riker."

"Excuse me?" Looking up, she noticed Kade staring at her in confusion. Horror filled her as she realized she'd said that out loud.

"I-I uh I met a guy this week, said his best friend was the CEO of Core." She explained watching as his face shifted to one of disappointment before it returned to his usual stone face.

"Ahh, yes Riker Daniels is my best friend and thorn in my side." He smirked before turning back to his computer.

"I'm sorry if that came off weird. I just kind of put the pieces together." Sadie quickly explained as she felt an awkwardness settle within her spine. The last thing she needed was for her new boss to think she was stalking him.

"Oh, no worries," he smiled softly at her before turning back to the computer. "Riker always gets to em first." The muttered sentence surely hadn't been for her to hear but she did.

Did Kade Winchester think she was attractive? While Sadie made sure to keep herself up, she knew for a fact Kade was way out of her league. Even more now that he was her boss.

"So you were saying?" Quickly changing the subject, she focused on a professional aspect of their relationship.

"Mm, I'm not quite sure. What do you think of Riker?" He bluntly asked as he turned his chair to fully face her. Sadie searched his eyes for an clue as to what this was but found nothing but curiosity.

"Riker I'm not quite sure how to put it." What she really wanted to say was Riker was a man she wanted to lay on a bed and ride into the sunset. She'd be fired and ostracized if she ever let those words out in front of Kade.

"Cool is the last word I'd use to describe him." Kade chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair- the silky strands bouncing right back to their original spot. Sadie itched to run her own hands through it, her mind conjuring up images of him and her- her legs around his shoulders and hands in his hair.

"Well that's because he's your best friend. No one willingly admits their best friend is anything other than the most annoying person on earth." She giggled as she thought about Andrea. The pair were stuck at the hip yet Sadie would always play down exactly how highly she thought of the woman.

"I suppose that's fair, but what do you really think? Off record. Just between you and I." Sadie wasn't sure what kind of trick he was playing and knew better than to give it to speaking her true thoughts.

"Riker seems active, charming, and smart from the few conversations we've had so far. I can't exactly give him a full description as I don't know him too well." Satisfied with the answer she leaned back in the seat.

"Would you go as far to say he's attractive?" Kade cocked an eyebrow at her and Sadie was officially confused. Was this common in Denmark or was he playing with her?

"Yes, I think he's handsome." She gave in slightly hoping he wouldn't press any further.

"Good." He smirked before turning back to the computer officially causing Sadie's mind to explode. She couldn't control her face as it twisted in confusion but simply pushed it away and stood from the chair.

"Well it was a pleasure speaking with you, Mr. Winchester. I should get back to my office." Looking up from the computer, he smiled as he stood from the desk to walk her out.

"I look forward to working with you, Ms. Winter." He held out his hand, sparks shooting up her arm once their skin connected. They felt exactly like the ones that happened when she shook Riker's hand and quickly pulled away.

Looking into Kade's eyes, her body lit on fire like a match as she noticed the lust that pooled within them. With a nod, she quickly exited the office without another look back in fear of fucking her boss the first day she'd met him.

In the back of her mind she made a mental note to pick up a new dildo. Obviously her old one wasn't doing the trick if she was listing over two men at once.

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