Player 3.0 ♛ Colby Brock

By ashbro16

144K 2.4K 4.8K

"The world is trying to play a game with us, but we won't let them win, right player?" *Being republished s... More

Chapter 1 ♛ The Call
Chapter 2 ♛ First Time
Chapter 3 ♛ Happy Birthday
Chapter 5 ♛ White Walls
Chapter 6 ♛ Move On
Chapter 7 ♛ You & Me
Chapter 8 ♛ Mission Inn
Chapter 9 ♛ Drowning Liquor
Chapter 10 ♛ Queen Mary
Chapter 11 ♛ Hold Me
Chapter 12 ♛ Sweet Escape
Chapter 13 ♛ Prove It
Chapter 14 ♛ Sweet Dreams
Chapter 15 ♛ Old Enemies
Chapter 16 ♛ Game Over
Chapter 17 ♛ Just Fall
Chapter 18 ♛ First Anniversary
Chapter 19 ♛ God & I
Chapter 20 ♛ Stanley Hotel pt. 1
Chapter 21 ♛ Stanley Hotel pt. 2
Chapter 22 ♛ Stanley Hotel pt. 3
Chapter 23 ♛ The Past
Chapter 24 ♛ It's Negative
Chapter 25 ♛ Mike's Dead
Chapter 26 ♛ Witches Forest pt. 1
Chapter 27 ♛ Witches Forest pt. 2
Chapter 28 ♛ Witches Forest pt. 3
Chapter 29 ♛ Full Moon
Chapter 30 ♛ New Friendship
Chapter 31 ♛ Reality House
Chapter 32 ♛ Ugly Truth
Chapter 33 ♛ Old Memories
Chapter 34 ♛ Bloody Nightmares
Chapter 35 ♛ The Origin

Chapter 4 ♛ Biltmore Hotel

6.8K 95 446
By ashbro16

[trigger warning: smut]

Atmosphere's P.O.V:

"What's up, guys?! It's Sam and Colby." My boyfriend shouted as we all stood in the middle of their empty living room.

I playfully rolled my eyes at Corey and Jake who had their hoodies covering their entire faces as they stayed perfectly still as Sam and Colby continued to talk to their viewers.

"Guys, this is the last time you'll probably ever see the Traphouse again, because we will all be going our separate ways next week." Sam pouted as he panned the camera around .

"Also, it's cause we won't be friends anymore." Colby jokingly added, which caused me to slap his chest, "Hey." He pouted, causing me to stick my tongue out at him.

"We will see you guys at Biltomore." Sam said to the camera before covering the lens with his hand.

A dark smirk appeared on Colby's face, "Ready, brothers?!"

"Not really." Corey sighed, before walking out the front door first.

Our ride there was smooth and not boring whatsoever, especially when you're squished between the two most goofiest boys in the house. Even though having them be themselves was a good distraction, I still can't help but feel overwhelmed by other presences. And I'm not talking about human presences either.

My eyes became fixated at the large building as I slowly lean forward in between Sam and Colby. Strong presences started to make themselves known to me which sent a chill down my spine. I quickly lean back before turning to face my best friend.

He eyed me, "What are you feeling?" He asked in a whisper tone.

"A lot." I mumbled, causing his eyes to widen from fear.

He gently cupped his hand with mine, squeezing it as tight as he could. He still held onto my hand as we made our way out of the car and into the hotel. I think the other guys started to notice how clingy I was being with Jake, because Sam turned off the camera as the three of them made their way over to us since we had drifted away earlier.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Colby asked as he approached my side.

A cold wind brushed behind us causing me to quickly turn around to see who was there, but there was absolutely no one there. My glossy eyes became fixated at the chandeliers above us. The one right above the grand staircase was slightly swinging back-and-forth. I took a step forward, trying to get a better look at it. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, but deep down I knew it wasn't.

"Appna." A deep voice called out, startling me.

"What?" I asked my friends as my eyes flutter amongst them.

"Are you okay?" Colby asked again as his fingertips rested on my right forearm.

I let out a shaky breath, "Yeah." I whispered as my eyes flutter back to the now still chandelier, "I'm fine." I mumbled that lie as I shook my head.

"Appna, don't lie to us." Colby whispered in a begging tone.

"I'm not," I lied again, causing a frown to appear on his face.

I slowly took a step back causing his hand to fall back to his side, " I'm gonna head to our hotel room and wait by the door for you guys." I said.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." I breathed, "What floor are we staying on again?" I asked my boyfriend as my eyes flutter up to his.

"Floor eleven." He answered, "It should say the presidential suite on the door." He added.

I slowly walked away from them, hearing their harsh whispers disappear as I made my way over to the grand staircase. I wanted to be alone for now and understand why that specific chandelier was swinging for a split second.

"Maybe it could have been a small earthquake." I mumbled to myself, "Or maybe not..."

My dark eyes flutter around the lobby area before I disappeared into the first floor. It was quiet and not the good kind of quiet. The air carried a feeling of loneliness along with sadness. But something stood out to me the most... it was the feeling of revenge. It was an almost to familiar feeling, but this one was much darker and eviler this time.

A sigh left my lips as I made my way into one of the elevators all alone. I quietly stood in the old shaft as it slowly took me up to the top floor. The dim lights flickered above me causing my eyes to flutter upward. I tilted my head to the side as the number four kept flashing in a bright red before changing to the number five. I stared intently at the small screen and noticed that the rest of the numbers didn't flash like that, causing my heart to drop.

"Four means unlucky in some cultures, and even death as well." I whispered to myself.

My heart dropped as the doors suddenly opened. I slowly took a step forward and let my emerald eyes wander down both sides of the hallway. It was still empty and quiet. The other elevator doors suddenly opened beside me causing my body to jump further away from it.

"Jake, stop messing with the buttons." Sam hissed at my best friend as the four of them walked out of the elevator together.

"Four." I whispered to myself quietly, which ended up spooking them.

"Why the fuck are you just standing there like that?!" Corey hissed at me as he held his hand over his heart.

"You scared the shit out of us." Sam said as he planned the camera towards me.

"Four." I whispered again for some odd reason.

They all eyed each other, "Why are you saying four?" Jake questioned me.

I quickly got in front of their elevator door and watched it close slowly, "Did the number four for the fourth floor flash weirdly for you guys?" I asked them as my eyes stayed fixated at the changing red numbers on the wall.

"I mean I wasn't paying attention..." Sam's voice trailed off, "Did you guys see anything?" He asked the others.

My face soften as the number five transition perfectly to the number four and then to three without any weird thing happening. A sigh left my lips as I ran my fingers through my long hair. I shook my head as I turned back to the guys who looked completely confused and scared at the same time.

"You want to tell us what happened?" Colby asked.

"I mean..." I trailed off, "Maybe, I'm just overthinking everything." I whispered as I came over to his side. Colby gently wrapped his arm around me, causing me to lean my head against the side of his chest.

"I think we should go check out our room and then maybe explore the rest of the place." Sam said, which we all agreed without a second thought of it.

We quickly made our way over to the room, "The presidential suite, brothers." Sam beamed as he opened the door.

"Bro, how huge is this?" Corey asked as all three of them wander around, leaving Colby and I all alone.

Colby's eyes flutter down to mine, "Are you sure you're okay, love?" He asked as his voice dripped with concern.

I gave him a weak smile, " I think it's just because I'm an empath and I haven't really had this much energy all at once, so I'm just kind of drained." I explained.

"I'm sorry, love." He frowned, resting his hand on my left cheek, "We can leave if you want..."

I shook my head, "No, we aren't leaving until sundown." I said, "I will handle this as long as I'm distracted the whole time." I added.

"What kind of distractions are we talking about here?" He curiously asked with a sly smirk.

"Ummm..." I trembled underneath his touch, "Any type I guess."

He slowly backed me into a wall and placed both of his hands on either side of my face, "You know, what good distraction I'm thinking of right now, babygirl?" He grinned, causing a shaky breath to leave my lips.

It's like a light switch when Colby gets in these moods. One second we could just be talking and the next, we are making out with half of our clothes off. He has been this way ever since our first time. And each time it gets easier for me to not feel so insecure about my body and to be more open with him. But this distraction probably isn't the best one to do, because of where we are at this moment.

"Colby..." My lips involuntarily shut on their own once his ring hand gripped my neck.

"Babygirl." He growled from the fact that I didn't call him by his little nickname.

I sighed, "I don't think we should be doing this right now." I voiced my opinion as I kept darting my eyes to our friends.

He playfully rolled his eyes, "I don't care about them." He mumbled, "Right now, I just wanna make you feel so good that your screams will be heard throughout this hotel."

"If I scream that loud, they would probably think someone is being murder." I puffed, causing him to let go of my neck.

"You always got to ruin the mood, Jennings." He groaned.

"Sorry." I spat before walking away from him.

I stopped in my tracks when I noticed that there was a staircase in the middle of the room that lead to a downstairs area.

"Guys?" I called out.

"Woah, what the heck?!" Sam gasped as the rest of them surrounded me.

Jake pushes Corey slightly towards it, "Go see what's down there." He said.

"I don't want to go first." Corey backed up.

"Fine, I will go." Sam volunteered.

We slowly followed behind Sam, into the dark empty room. Suddenly the lights flickered on, exposing another floor just like upstairs.

"This room is on two floors?" I asked as I took a step forward.

"No fucking way?!" Jake gasped as Sam and him quickly went to the front door.

"Bro, it's on the tenth floor:" Sam gasped as he turned back to us, " The presidential suite is on both the tenth and eleventh  floor. The two most haunted floors in the building." He pointed out causing everyone's eyes to widen in fear.

"Oh, no." I mumbled to myself as my eyes flutter around the space.

We all quickly explored the bottom floor before reappearing again in the main area where the staircase was. There was one door we still hadn't open, causing everyone's eyes to be fixated on it.

"What's in there?" Corey asked as Jake slowly open it, "Bro, an elevator?!" He jumped up from excitement.

After numerous of attempts to get the elevator working, we decided to just leave it alone and go explore the rest of the floor upstairs. But of course, Jake had to slam his whole body against the elevator door just to close it like a child would do.

"Jake, stop acting like a child." I snapped at my best friend.

He rolled his eyes at me, "He wanted the door shut, so I shut it." He snapped back.

"But you don't do it like that." I hissed at him, "We are either gonna get in trouble with the hotel if you keep acting like this or the demons will get us for disturbing their peace."

"Appna, seriously just calm down." He groaned into his hands, "You're being fucking annoying."

A frown appeared on my face, "Sorry." I whispered, causing his face to soften.

I quickly left the area and made my way up the steps all by myself. I wanted to be alone at the moment. Maybe Jake was right. I mean why did I even come here in the first place? Oh right, it's because my boyfriend wouldn't stop begging me to come and be a part of their exploring group. I didn't want to say no to him, because I love him. But being here is just overwhelming me and all I want to do is head back home.

I slowly make my way into one of the main living rooms and made myself comfortable on the love seat by the window. My eyes became fixated at the blank TV screen as I quietly sat there by myself.

An overwhelming feeling of anger flooded the room, causing goosebumps to attack my clothed skin, "What the..." I paused as I rolled up my sleeve.

The sound of static along with a bright white light came from the tv mounted on the wall, causing a pericing scream to leave my lips.


I jumped from my seat and went back into the main area, quickly being engulfed by strong arms. My body trembled as I hid my face into their chest. A strong scent of mahogany filled my nostrils letting me know that I was in Colby's arms at the moment.

"What happened?" Sam questioned, "And why is the tv like... woah, what the fuck?!" He screamed as well.

"Did it just turn off?!" Corey asked.

My glossy eyes flutter over to the guys as I tightly held onto Colby, "It turned on by itself when I was sitting over there." My voice trembled as I tried explaining that weird experience that had just happen to me.

Sam's eyes met Colby's, "Maybe, someone is playing a prank on us." He said.

"Bro, who the heck would do that to us?!" Corey questioned him.

"I don't..." Sam's voice trailed off as he tried figuring out what could have possible caused that to happen.

"Guys, let's not freak out cause then I'm going to freak out." Jake chimed in.

Sam shook his head, "Let's  just go get some food, then come back here and chill for a little bit until the witching hour."

"Yeah, lets just do that." Corey agreed.

After we all had come back with McDonald's we decided to hang out in the same living room where the first incident occurred, but I didn't feel comfortable about that so I decided to head downstairs to the other floor. Colby decided to join me since we had an hour to kill before the witching hour.

I was quietly sitting down on one of the guest bedrooms beds with my legs crisscrossed. Colby slowly crawled his way over, sitting right next to me. He gently rested his hand over mine causing my dark eyes to meet his light ones.

"You know Jake didn't mean what he said earlier." He whispered, "He feels so bad for saying that."

"I know." I sighed.

"We are just worried, because you never like being alone, especially when we go on trips like these. You are just being distant yet not at the same time." He explained.

"Just to many people and other lifeless presences around me at once. It's just overwhelming." I whispered.

"I understand, but do you wanna talk about what you saw today, especially with the number four?" He asked, causing me to shake my head, "Appna, you can't..."

I quickly cut him off by crashing my lips onto his. I just didn't want to talk about what I saw or felt at the moment. I wanted to be distracted by all this and I guess I have to take up Colby's offer he had made me earlier in the evening.

Colby quickly pulled away, "What are..."

I interrupted him again, "Please distract me." I begged, causing him to tilt his head slightly, "Daddy." I whispered the last part, because I knew that he wouldn't waste no time now.

He quickly flipped me onto my backside, hovering over me before crashing his lips onto mine again. I gently cupped his face as I pressed harder into the kiss. His hand wander down to my ass, squeezing it slightly causing a small gasp to leave my lips. He took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance as our bodies grind with each other causing a nice friction down there for the both of us.

I moaned against his lips, "Daddy." I whimpered from the way he was grinding on my cherry area.

His lips left mine, leaving wet kisses on my neck until he started to suck lightly on my sweet spot causing me to arch my back from pleasure.

"Colby, don't... leave a hickey." I breathlessly begged.

His lips left my neck, "Did I just hear you call me, Colby?" He questioned, chuckling as his ring hand reached around my neck.

"I'm sorry, daddy." I apologize, hoping he would be gentle, but he still tighten his grip around my neck.

"I think I'm gonna have to punish you." He sheepishly chuckled.

"Wait, why?" I questioned him as I tried sitting up on my elbows, but he held me down.

"First, you got me all worked up when we first got here and then left me hanging..."

I rolled my eyes, "That was your own fault..."He quickly tighten my airway even more.

"I'm speaking now." He growled with a stern look which sadly turned me on even more.

"Now back to what I was saying." He mumbled as he let go of my neck, causing a shaky breath to leave my lips, "That was also your fault, babygirl." He said as he took off his shirt, revealing his muscular body.

I tried brushing my fingertips against his hard abs, but he quickly swatted my hands away, "Hey." I whined as my lips formed into a pout.

"You don't get to touch me unless I let you too, and you can't cum until I say so." He stated, causing my eyes to widen.

"But why." I whimpered as my glossy eyes flutter.

"Sorry, babygirl." He sighed, "But rules are rules." He added.

"I hate you." I mumbled.

A short chuckle left his lips, "You're gonna hate me even more when you see that fatass hickey on the side of your neck."

I quickly covered that spot, "Colby." I hissed at him.

He playfully rolled his eyes, "Sit up." He demanded.

I crossed my hands over my chest since I was irritated at the moment, "No." I spat.

"Fine." He replied before ripping my shirt right down the middle.

"Colby!" I hissed again.

"That wouldn't have happened if you had just listen." He chuckled.

I sat up and stared at my now ruined shirt, "You owe me a new shirt." I spat as my fiery eyes shot him daggers.

He slowly leaned his lips closer to mine, "It's worth it, babygirl." He whispered against my lips before crashing them onto mine again.

As we passionately made out with each other our clothes had left our bodies, leaving us completely free. Our bodies were messily tangled with each other underneath the silky bed covers.

"Now, don't scream to loud, babygirl." He whispered into my ear, causing a whimper to leave my lips as I felt his length enter me.

"Colby." I moaned his name as he slowly thrusted in and out.

"God, you're so tight." He growled into my ear as he bit down softly on it.

"Daddy." I whimpered causing a small chuckle to leave his lips, because he was having his way with me.

I arched my back as he picked up the pace, causing the feeling of pleasure to flood my veins. I gripped the bed sheet since I wasn't allowed to touch his body at the moment which was driving me crazy inside.

"Remember, you can't cum until I tell you too." He reminded me, causing a whimper to leave my lips.

After quite sometime of making pure love, I could feel my insides knot as I was reaching my desired peak.

"Daddy, I can't hold it in anymore." I whimpered as he continued his fast pace.

"Hold on, babygirl." He grunted as he lowered himself letting out chests touch each other.

He gently pushed my hair back, "You're doing good, love." He whispered as his lustful eyes turned into loving ones as he stared into mine.

I whimpered as I was pasting my peck now, "Colby." I moaned.

He gently kissed my lips, "Go a head, love," he whispered.

A pitched moan left my lips as I felt my body pulse from my amazing high. Colby continued to thrust into me causing my high to last a little longer then usual.

"I'm about to..." He grunted as I felt him twitch inside me as his seed spilled.

He slowly collapsed next to me, trying to catch our breaths as we came down from our highs. My eyes flutter over to him, sweat was dripping down his face and chest leaving a shiny affect on his body. There was a giant smile on his face as he stared at the ceiling.

"Colby." I whispered his name.


"Go get me a hoodie." I spat causing a chuckle to leave his lips.

He turned to his side, "Anything for you, love." He whispered before gently kissing my swollen lips.

He quickly put his clothes back on and tried fixing his messy hair, but it was pretty obvious that we had sex no matter how much he tried hiding it. He left the room to go upstairs and grab that extra hoodie he had brought me in case of an emergency.

I slowly sat up on the bed and let my tired eyes wander around the room. After what had just happened, I could really use a nap, but I know I can't sleep until we leave this place at dawn. So, I really fucked myself over it with this one.

I quickly came crumbling down to the floor, "Fuck, Colby." I hissed underneath my breath, because my legs couldn't even hold me up.

The door suddenly swung open, "Appna, where are you?" Colby asked.

I shot my hand up from the other side of the bed, "Down here." I sighed.

He quickly rushed to my side, "Why are you on the floor?" He asked as his voice dripped with concern.

"Because of you." I spat.

A small smirk appeared on his face, "My bad, love." He apologized before gently kissing my forehead.

"I kind of want to take a quick shower, cause I feel gross." I mumbled.

He nodded his head, "Let me help you." He said as he gently picked me up and carried me in his arms into the bathroom.

He slowly let me down right outside the glass shower, "Thank you." I whispered to him.

He sat on the sink counter and waited for me to finish with my shower. He wanted to make sure I was okay and that nothing would happen to me since we were still in a haunted hotel.

After washing the sins off my entire body, I gently shut off the water, but stood there for a second. I was lost in my thoughts just thinking about what had happened. Colby and I needed to start being more careful. I don't want to have kids anytime soon, well I don't want kids in general. And he's at the height of his career, I don't want him to give up his dreams if we do ever have a kid, because of our careless mistakes.

"Atmosphere?" That deep voice called for me, causing my dark eyes to flutter over to him.

"Yeah?" I asked as I covered my exposed chest with my arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he slowly handed me a towel.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I took the warm towel from his hand, "And I was just thinking, that's all." I gave him a weak smile as I wrapped the towel around me.

"Thinking about what?" He asked as he stepped to the side so I can get out of the shower.

I shook my head, "Just thinking, that's all." I whispered as my eyes met his again.

"You know I don't like when you keep everything inside, right?" He sighed.

"I know." I breathed, "But we should talk about it when we get back home." I said, causing a weak smile to appear on his face.

"Okay." He whispered before gently pecking my lips.

"Can you hand me my clothes?" I politely asked.

He quickly gathered my clothes, before handing them to me. I quickly put on my undergarments, high waisted black shorts along with the white cropped xplr hoodie he had brought me.

"Thank you." I whispered as my eyes met his.

"Don't need to thank me, love." He smiled before gently pecking my lips again.

We slowly made our way back upstairs to go spend the rest of our time with our friends. Everyone, but Jake had smirks written on their faces as we approach them. I groaned at the thought that they obviously heard us even in this huge suite.

Colby sat down on a recliner and pulled me along with him. I slowly crawled up into a ball as I sat on his lap with my legs across his body.

"Soo..." Corey's voice trailed off with a short chuckle.

"Oh no." I mumbled into my hands.

"How was fucking in a bed where a past President might have fucked in?" He asked, causing my cheeks to flush a dark pink.

A short laugh left Colby's lips, "We didn't fuck." He lied, "We just talked and then she took a shower."

A hard laugh left his lips, "We heard moaning, brother and that wasn't no ghost."

I covered my eyes from embarrassment, "Corey, shut up," I groaned into my hands.

"We are just giving you guys a hard time." He chuckled.

"Yeah, we just wanna make sure you guys are being safe that's all." Sam chimed in, causing me to eye him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean we all know how you guys are in the bedroom..."

"How?!" I questioned before turning to Colby, "Did you tell them..."

Colby quickly cut me off, "I don't tell them anything we do, Appna." He reassured me.

"He doesn't." Corey backed him up, "The walls are very thin, Appna. We can literally hear you and Colby... I mean Daddy." He couldn't even finish his comment, because he burst out laughing at the choice of words he used to refer Colby by.

"Stop, I'm going to fucking throw up."Jake gagged.

"I literally want to die right now." I cried out.

"Appna, it's fine." Sam chuckled, "We are all friends here, so don't worry. We aren't judging you guys at all." He added.

"I know you guys aren't judging me, I just feel embarrassed." I groaned as I leaned my head back.

"Then maybe be quieter next time." Jake snapped.

"Jake, are you just mad that you can't make a girl scream that loud." Colby teased.

"I can make a girl scream louder then that, brother." Jake puffed.

"How much you wanna bet?" Colby asked with a slight smirk.

"Wait, what?" Sam eyed both of his friends.

Jake leaned forward in his seat, "Anything, brother." He answered.

"You guys do realize that you're gonna have to fuck the same girl, because fucking two very different girls won't prove anything." Corey pointed out.

"That's true." Jake agreed as he sat back.

"Yeah, but I'm not letting you fuck my girlfriend." Colby said.

"But what if she wants to." My best friend smirked, causing my eyes to widen.

"What the fuck is even happening right now?!" I gasped.

"I mean if she wants to then I'm fine with it as long as I..."

I quickly cut off Colby, "Hello?!" I shouted into his face, "I'm right here! Can you guys stop talking about wanting to fuck me when I'm literally sitting right here!"

They both rolled their eyes at me, "Come on? Don't you wanna see..."

I cut off my best friend this time, "Jake, why the heck are you even entertaining his suggestion?!" I questioned him, "And aren't you already seeing someone?" I added.

"Because I want to prove Colby wrong." He answered truthfully, "And Tara wouldn't mind." He added.

"You boys and your stupid egos." I groaned.

"I honestly can't believe you two are down for this." Sam awkwardly chuckled as he continued to eye his friends.

"Bro..." Corey started laughing again, "Do you know how many people sat here and had like serious conversations about world life problems and you three are arguing about whether to have a threesome or not."

"Well, this is a serious problem." Colby said.

"How?!" I snapped at him.

"Oh come on, Appna." Jake chuckled, "You probably wouldn't even be able to handle the both of us."

"You wanna bet?" I hissed through my teeth.

"Yeah, I do." Jake smirked.

My heart started violently beating against my chest as a mixture of confused emotions attacked one another. I don't understand how this even came up and I don't get how Colby is okay with this or how my best friend is willing to fuck me. This has to be the environment we are in, because these boys have never acted this way before.

"Oh my gosh, are you guys really gonna do this?!" Corey asked, his jaw hanging low to the ground.

"No, we aren't going..." My voice trailed off as a rattling sound filled the air.

"What the fuck was that?" Corey asked as he turned to look at the main area.

"The elevator." Sam whispered before grabbing the camera and running towards the sound.

I quickly got off of Colby, "Why do white people always run towards the unexplainable noise?!" I mumbled to myself as I followed the rest of them down the steps.

"What the fuck?" Sam shouted as he pointed the camera towards the now opened elevator door.

"I thought we had shut that earlier." Colby whispered.

"We did." I said, "Jake threw his whole body into it, remember?" I reminded them.

Their eyes widen from  fear as they glanced at each other, "Check every room, now." Sam ordered.

They all wander off, checking the entire first floor to make sure no one was pulling a prank on us while I quietly just stood in the same spot, staring into the dark elevator. I slowly took a step forward and zoned out the boys panicked voices as I tried concentrating on the dark energy radiating from behind the gates.

A cold breeze floated in front of me, causing my body to freeze in place as my eyes became glossy for some odd reason.

"Get out." A deep growl whispered into my right ear, causing my eyes to flutter to my side, seeing not a single soul there.

"What the..." My voice trailed off again as heavy footsteps from above caught my attention along with the key broads of the piano playing.

"Atmosphere." My head snapped towards Sam as he appeared behind me with the rest of the guys, "Wait, you weren't just upstairs?" He asked me breathless.

"No." My voice cracked as I answered his question.

The sound of something heavy being dragged above us caught our attention, "Hello?!" Sam stupidity called out as he rushed up the steps.

"Come on." Colby whispered as he slightly pushed my body up the steps.

My watery eyes wandered around the living room we were once in. The overwhelming feeling of anger lingered in the air along with panic. I blankly stared outside the balcony door trying to figure out what the heck was going on at the moment.

"We need to do the séance now." Sam chimed.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" I snapped at him which took everyone by surprise.

"No, this is the perfect opportunity..."

I quickly cut him off, "Do you hear yourself, Samuel?!" I snapped again, "We need to get the fuck out of here, now." I demanded.

He shook his head, "We made a promise that no matter what, we wouldn't leave until sunrise."

"Well, promises can be broken." I said.

"Unlike you, I don't break my promises!" He shouted, but regret soon washed his face once he realized what he had said.

"What?" My voice cracked.

"Sam, what the fuck?!" Colby hissed at his best friend.

"Appna, I'm sorry. I didn't..."

I put my hand up to stop him from continuing on, "I don't want to hear it." I whispered, "Just do your stupid séance, but I want nothing to do with it." I spat before walking away.

"Appna." Colby called as he rested his hand on my forearm.

I quickly turned around, "Don't touch me." I spat, causing him to frown, "Don't touch me." I whispered this time before walking down the steps and into the bedroom Colby and I were in earlier today.

I slowly crawled up into a ball on the bed and cried my heart out. I know Sam said he didn't mean that, but deep down I feel like he did. I mean I did break that promise and hurt his best friend because of it. But it's not fair when I make one simple mistake and everyone will always hold that against me when everyone else gets so many passes.

And what if Colby is still hurt about that kiss and Sam is the only one that knows. I don't know what else I could do other than apologize for it again. But he never seemed bothered by it after I told him that day. But maybe he's hiding it from me so he doesn't hurt my feelings.

"I'm so stupid." I cried into the pillow as my heart ached.

I slowly sat up in bed and wiped my tears away from my face, "Who knew I would be going through every emotion today and I'm not even on my period." I joked as I tried cheering myself up.

The lights in the bedroom started flickering causing fear to settle inside of me. Suddenly the door slam shut and the lights went out. I quickly got out of bed and ran over to the door, jiggling the door knob, but it wouldn't open. It was like someone was holding it from the other side. Suddenly, I could hear the boys above me yelling at each other causing my heart to drop.

"Oh, no." I mumbled to myself, "Colby!" I screamed as I started banging my fist against the door.

"Colby! Jake!" I cried out as I continued to make noise, hoping it would tower over their's.

Heavy footsteps running down the steps caught my attention.

"Atmosphere, where are you?!" Colby called out for me.

"I'm here!" I shouted as tears continued to roll down my face.

The door handle started shaking, "Appna, open the door now!" Colby demanded.

"Colby, it won't open from my side." I choked.

"Fuck." He hissed, "What the fuck do we do?!" He shouted to our friends.

"Appna was right, Sam!" Corey shouted, "We shouldn't have done that stupid séance, because do you see what the fuck is happening right now?!"

"Look, I didn't..."

I cut them all off, "Can someone please open the fucking door, before I have a goddamn episode!" I screamed, causing the lights above me to flicker back on.

The door swung open revealing my boyfriend, "Appna." He let out a shaky breath.

I quickly ran into his arms causing him to tightly hold on to me, "Hey, I got you." He whispered as he tried claiming me down.

"We need to leave now." Corey insisted.

"We have one more hour until sunrise, let's just wait upstairs..."

Corey cut him off, "Bro, are you serious right now?!"

I shook my head, "You don't do things in fours, you just don't." I mumbled into Colby's chest.

"Wait Appna, what did you say?" Corey asked.

My bloodshot eyes wander over to him, "Four is a very unlucky number, and it's also believed to represent death." I explained, "In the elevator, the number four kept flashing for some odd reason and then you four did that stupid séance and look what happened now."

"Fuck, Bro." Corey groaned.

"Look, let's just stop thinking about what just happened." Jake chimed in, "We go upstairs, stay in the living room until sunrise and then get the fuck out of here."

"I don't like that idea, but we did make a promise so we have to." Colby sighed as he continued to rub my back.

"Appna, are you fine with that?" Corey asked me. I knew he was hoping I would say no because then we would obviously have to leave, but I wanted to prove Sam wrong that I could keep a promise, even if he didn't mean what he had said earlier.

"Looks like I didn't break this promise." I spat at Sam before walking away.

We all silently sat in the living room and watched some TV. We didn't really say a word to each other and didn't really make a sound either. No laughter, nothing. We all were still on edge about all that had happened and no one knew how to address it just yet.

I hid my face in Colby's neck as I pulled a blanket over our tangled bodies. He gently kissed my forehead causing my tried eyes to flutter before falling into a peaceful slumber.

**** Author's Note ****

This chapter reminds me of why I felled in love with writing in the first place. Sorry for the late post, but I have some news coming up very soon.

Just know my other book is on pause for now, sorry.

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