Magical VHS (Danny X Reader)

Av cowgirl10120

5.9K 197 44

Don't mind the title. Y/N is a normal high school student who is asking something different in her life, and... Mer

Something Different
Little Too Different
Roar the Night Away
Family of Something
Man in the Mirror
Bitter Reunions
My Brother's Keeper
Shades of Grey
Fanning the Flames
Fright Night
Public Enemies
Lucky in Love
Life Lessons
Control Freaks
Season 2
Memory Blank
Pirate Radio
Reign Storm
Identity Crisis
The Fright Before Christmas

The Ultimate Enemy

266 9 1
Av cowgirl10120


Ghost Zone

Framed in a glowing ring set with gears. The scene in the ring changes to a wavering shot of Dark Danny.
"Now do you understand?" Someone asks Child Clockwork flies up in front of the screen in his purple hooded cape, Time Staff in hand.
"Yes. Danny Phantom grows up to be the most evil ghost on the planet. He shifts to adult form. He turns, scowling. What do you want me to do about it?" Clockwork says as a pair of shadowed Observents hover nearby in high-collared capes, gears turning behind them.
"You are the Master of Time, Clockwork. Isn't it obvious?" Observant 1 says.
"To save the future, [He moves forward into the light, so that we see his entire face is occupied with one huge green eye] Danny Phantom must perish." Observant 2 said. I woke up with a start before I sighed and walked over to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Mr. Lancer is talking on and on about the C.A.T Testing coming up, and how Jazz scored the highest and Irving '3rd degree burns' scored the lowest. Irving tried to tell everyone that it takes brains, but stopped and told everyone his life is over. After his little outburst Lancer told us about the briefcase and if we wanted fries with our futures. I mean I like fries.
"You ok, Danny?" Tucker asked as Danny just stared ahead like someone had just kicked a puppy.


Danny and I were trying to test as Danny's hands randomly flung into the air.
"OK! I get it! You're brilliant, I'm stupid, and I'll never be able to get as high a score as you. So far I'm not even qualified to scrape the grease off the Nasty Grill." He flicked his pencil away from the empty test sheet.
"I just want what's best for you, and you too, YN. Doing well on this test can help!" Jazz tried to help as Danny got frustrated. "Study hard, do your best and... duck!" She exclaimed as a boomerang hit me then Danny.
"Ow!" We exclaimed in unison.
"A boomerang? Really?" Danny scoffed as his dad corrected him saying it's a booooomerang.
"It locks in on a ghost's unique ectosignature and seeks it out wherever it goes!" Jack continued as Danny threw it.
"Why it's keyed in to you two is beyond me." Maddie said as she rubbed Danny's head lovingly.
"What's that, Dan? One of those stupid C.A.T. tests? I failed that and I didn't turn out to be a cat." Jack smirked pleased with himself as I laughed before he took off with Maddie trailing behind him.
"Oh I give-!"  Danny exclaimed and froze as I blinked.
"Did I do this?" I panicked as a clock like portal opened.
"Miss LN? How come you didn't freeze?" Clockwork asked as I placed my hands on my hips.
"I'm not sure, but I am able to freeze time as well. Maybe it's because I'm not from this Earth?" I replied honestly.
"Hmm, well... I'm not sure. This can either go well, or terribly wrong." He frowned as he places a medallion over a ghost child's head and she wakes up.
"Huh? What? Where am I?" She asked.
"Amity Park, before you were born. That boy there is part ghost, and my employees believe him to be a threat to the world. So could you be a dear and dance a little dance?" Clockwork said as he explained a small bit of what is going on and told me not to tell Danny any of it until he finds out himself. I nodded as I walked back over next to him as Clockwork unfroze time.
A blue mist came out of Danny's mouth as he and Jazz bickered for a moment until Jazz walked away.
"What's with her? Gah! And who are you?" He jumped seeing the small ghost child.
"I'm boxed lunch! Daughter of the box ghost and the lunch lady!" She yelled.
"Uh, ew." Danny cringed as he transformed.
"And now you will face the fury of my boxed lunch doom! And you probably knew this was coming... BEWARE!" She yelled as she opened the cabinets and threw the food and containers at Danny, leaving me alone, as Danny tackled her through the wall to the Nasty Burger.


"Prepare to taste defeat!" She yelled. "Would you like a nice side salad with that?" She asked sweetly.
"Pass." Danny groaned as they started to fight again.


"Danny, who was that ghost you were fighting?" Sam raised an eyebrow.
"That was Box Lunch, the daughter of the Box Ghost and the Lunch Lady." Danny answered her.
"Yikes." Sam and Tucker cringed.
"Actually, it's more of an ew.  I don't know what's going on. But this medallion might give us a clue -- Oh my gosh. The answers to the C.A.T.s!" Danny exclaimed hugging the manilla folder close to his chest. "Hello, great future!" Danny said triumphantly.
"You're not actually thinking of peeking at the answers, are you?" I asked as I placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Of course I am. Aren't you?" He smiled as I frowned and quickly froze time.
"Clockwork! Please I need guidance, what should I do?" I cried out as Clockwork suddenly appeared next to me.
"First of all, you need to be careful with using your powers like this. And like I said before, just remain calm and let this flow like it's supposed to. Can you do that for me?" He smiled as his elderly form showed. I nodded as he unpaused time.
"YN? Are you alright? You look a bit pale." Danny worried as Sam placed the back of her hand on my forehead.
"You're burning up! Let's get you home." She said as we walked back to my for now home, at Fenton Works, as my family went out on a cruise so I could do the C.A.T test on time. Thanks, because it makes a difference in my life anyway. I thought as I rolled my eyes and fell asleep.


"So are you going to return the test or not?" Sam asks Danny as we walk to class.
"I will, I will! I'm just waiting for the right moment." Danny says.
"Like maybe after the test?" Tucker rolls his eyes as I take a deep breath trying to calm myself.
"Yeah, you're not thinking about cheating on a test that you're convinced determines you future." Tucker said sarcastically.
"Hey, are you feeling ok?" Sam asks before we walk in the classroom.
"Yeah, just worried is all." I replied honestly.
"I'm pretty sure he'll do the right thing, and if not he's going to be the only one who pays for it." She smiled as my face drops. If only you knew. I thought as I walked in as well hearing Lancer yell about the missing answers.


"Sorry I'm late guys! Uh... what is that?" My eyes widened.
"I am Skulktech 9.9 the future Ghost  Zone's greatest hunter!" He proclaimed.
"With its greatest technovillain as his operating system!"
"Skulker and Technus together?" Danny questioned.
"Is that an ew or a yikes?" Tucker asked.
"Definitely a yikes." Danny answered as four more spiky arms pop out.
"Spider!" I shrieked as he grabbed me and flew away.
"Tori!" Danny raced after me as Sam and Tucker followed us on foot.


"Activating Phantom Palm Pummeler!" Technus said as Danny shot a ghost ray at him and he dropped me and shot Danny.
"You're shorting out my powers!?" Danny hisses as he wraps and arm around my waist holding me to him.
"It may not work on you in the future, but we had a feeling to would work on you here." They laughed as we plummeted towards the cement below.
"The Future?" Danny asked.
"Oh, I love it. You're much less powerful than that other Phantom we have to deal with!" They cackled as Danny's powers came back until they shot him again.
"What are you talking abouuuuu-!" Danny yelled as he pulled me closer as he grabbed onto a flagpole and caught us.
"Wow? That actually works? I thought it would-" I started as it snapped and we fell on garbage bags.
"I guess we don't have a future career as Olympic Gymnasts." He chuckled as I smiled.
"You don't have a future anymore!" Skulktech exclaimed as Tucker over road their technology as Sam grabs the cuffs on Danny's wrist and Tucker holds onto her as the medallion falls and envelopes us in a blue light, taking us to Clockwork's place in the Ghost Zone.
"Where are we?" Tucker asks as I look around trying to pretend this is new to me.
"The Ghost Zone... I think, but no part I've been to." Danny answers as he looks at me.
"It happened after his medallion fell off." Sam said.
"Well then I think I know how to get us home!" Tucker exclaimed as he placed a medallion over his head.
"Nope." I smiled.
"Nothing, but nice bling." Sam laughed as Tucker also put one on her and Danny before there was none left.
"I don't like this." Danny said.
"Well, you're going to like this even less." Sam pointed at a viewing screen showing us the evil Danny Clockwork told me about. "I think I'm seeing your future, to be honest, you're kind of a jerk." She continued as evil Danny did his ghostly wail.
"Wow! Some kind of ghostly wail? What a cool power!" Danny jumped up and down excitedly before he saw our expressions. "Maybe if it wasn't being used for evil!" He stepped back, embarrassed.
"Let's see what this future boy knows." Tucker said as Skulktech went into a screen. "I didn't do that." Tucker said as he raised his hands.
"No, I did." Clockwork said as I sighed in relief.
"I sent him back to his own time. Or, should I say, forward to his own time. You see, for me, time moves backwards and forwards, and-- Oh, why am I bothering. You're fourteen." Clockwork gave up.
"Who are you? Where are we?" Danny asked.
"Introductions? Fine. I am Clockwork, Master of Time. I've been charged with the task of eliminating your future, so that never happens." He introduced as he continued to switch between child, adult, and elder.
"You've got to be kidding me! Name one evil thing I've done!" Danny shouts.
"Stealing the answers to the test." I whispered.
"The Chosen One is right." Clockwork said as my face went bright red. "Come here dear." He said as I walked over and hugged him.
"What am I supposed to do?" I said as a tear streaked down my cheek.
"Guide them, that's what I need you to do, ok?" He said as he turned into an elder.
"Ok. I can do that." I smiled as he changed into a toddler.
"Uh... what?" Sam asked.
"Guys, Clockwork is not only the master of time, he's my future advisor, and kind of like the guy who already know as much and more then I do with this Earth thing. Trust me, he won't hurt you unless it's something huge.... kinda like this." I frowned and looked up at Danny. "But as far as you're concerned, at least I can vouch for you and keep you out of trouble." I smiled as I bumped him and Tucker accidentally bumped all of us into the screen that took us to the future.
"Tucker!" Sam yelled getting up.
"Oh my... we're in the future!" Tucker shouted excitedly before looking around. "If this is what we have to look forward to, I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T. Test!"
"How do you think this happened?" Sam asked.
"I don't know but based on what we saw, I'm guessing I'm the reason." He said before I tackled him to the ground to avoid a laser.
"You got that right ghost!" An older Valerie shouted. "I've been waiting a long time for this. Goodbye and good--" Valerie starts as Sam Tucker and I jump in between them.
"Valerie, no!" Tucker says
"Don't shoot." Sam adds.
"Sam? Tucker? I-It's not possible! This is a trick! You can't be alive!" She pulls back.
"Wait. Not alive? That's our future? I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T.!" Tucker whines.
"The C.A.T. That's the last time I saw you alive. The explosion at the Nasty Burger... you, Tucker, Danny's family-- And it was all your fault!" She rages.
"Valerie stop!" I say and her eyes widen with tears before Danny pulls me back as a green flame barely misses my face.
"No Val. That was me." Dark Danny says."Sam, Tucker it's been a while... ten years to be accurate... YN? You're still alive?" Dark Danny stepped back.
"Why do I have to die in every universe I go to?" I whined.
"Still alive?" Sam asks.
"I'll tell you later." I whispered as dark Danny placed his hand under my chin to make me look up at him.
"Still beautiful. Though, I didn't see how badly it was affecting you until now." He said frowning as he backed up. "So to what do I owe this little blast from the past?" He chuckled until he saw the medallions. "Clockwork, meddling again." He growled as he pushed me behind him and raised his hand to shoot at them before Valerie shot at him first.
"I suppose out of respect of our past I should let you live... but I don't work like that." Dark Danny held Valerie up with his hand around her throat and throws her. Danny escapes from the net and goes over to rescue her. "You know if I had an ounce of humanity left, this would be a touching little reunion. But of course I surrendered my human half a long time ago." He grinned as Danny told us to run after shooting his older self. Dark Danny grabbed me as Sam and Tucker ran. "Where are they going to go?" He chuckled as his grip on me tightened as a building fell on them.
"No!" I screamed as I covered my eyes with my hands as Danny flew over with us on his tail.
"They made it out! Which means-" Danny started.
"What? Go back to them? They're doomed anyway. And you aren't going anywhere if you can't remove your medallion." He chuckled evily as he fusses the medallion into Danny's chest. As he screams and faints before dark Danny places me on the ground.
"Sleep... you need it." He instructs as I look at him. "Stop that and go to sleep." He scolds as I place my head on the broken up cement and fall into a fearful sleep.


"Strange how one massive fireball of highly combustible condiments can ruin your whole future." I heard as my eyes started to flutter open.
"The time medallion?" Danny asked bound in chains.
"Fused inside you. Nice, huh? Intangible and unreachable whether you're ghost or human which means... you can't go back in time." Dark Danny smirked as he looked down at me. "I can tell when you're awake, I've watched you sleep everytime we slept together." He grinned as I slowly sat up feeling a horrible pain stream up my spine. I bit my lip as I tried not to scream. "And I also know when you're trying not to scream from the pain. You always bit your lower lip." He added as I hid my face. He cupped my face and pulled me closer as I quickly turned my head so his lips would miss mine and kiss my cheek instead.
"Fine, have fun in this time while I destroy yours." He said as he became a perfect clone of Danny, breaks one of the time medallions and throws us into a portal he made.
"What are we going to do?" I asked.
"I don't know." He answers.
"Do you really watch me sleep?" I ask trying to lift the mood.
"N-no! Maybe... only sometimes... when I can't sleep." He stutters as I smile.
"I'm kidding, I used to do that when I was little, trying to make sure everyone was ok... so that doesn't bother me." I laughed as he laughed with me before we bumped into the box ghost.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? All this time we've been planning how we'd take the fight to you, and here you are. Wrapped up like a present." He grins as he grabs Danny.
"Box ghost?" Danny asks.
"Beware." He smiles menacingly as he shoots Danny into Ember.
"Ember? You look..." Danny starts as he looks at the larger singer.
"Like I went to seed right after you destroyed my vocal cords with that Ghostly Wail of yours?" She grumbled
"I was gonna say statuesque, but uh--" he begins as she punched him into a balding Johnny in a wheelchair. "Johnny 13?!  Ok, whatever happened to you, I swear I had nothing to do with--"
"I've been waiting a long time for this punk." He lifts a blanket to reveal Shadow.
"Wait!" I plea as I push myself in front of him.
"Princess YN?" Johnny asks as I nod.
"You died... just before he became king." Ember pointed accusingly at Danny.
"Please, this is a big mistake and we're trying to fix it. But I kinda need him alive to fix all this." I smiled softly as he held onto me.
"Try to live through your curse princess. We need you." Johnny pleaded as I nodded, not promising anything.
"We believe you, princess." The Skulker half said.
"But we still have to eliminate him." The Technus half threatened as he grabbed me and Ember held me back.
"Let her GOOOOO!" Danny howled releasing his new found power, his ghostly wail, and his bonds disintegrated at the power of his wail. "Woah, hey why didn't it do anything to you?" He asked.
"Chosen Ones, I guess, are immune to ghostly wails?" I held up my hand to stop his question about that.
"Ok... so OW!" He yelped as the boooomerang hit him in the back of the head.
"There's a note." I said as I untied the familiar blue head band to get to the note and shoved it in my pocket.
"Jazz?" I said as he nodded.
"Wisconsin? Plasmius. He must have something to do with this!" Danny growled as I nodded and he carried me to a large football in front of portal.
"He's as subtle as a flying mallet." I laughed as we pushed it out of the way and went through.
"Come to kick a defenseless old man while he's down?" A crippled man said.
"Defenseless? Old? Man, what happened to you?" Danny asked.
"I could ask the same for you my dear boy. Although I should be asking what hasn't happened... Yet." He said as his eyes shift to me and turn sad.
"Especially you, my darling." Vlad gazed into my eyes.
"Is it really that bad?" I whispered not really wanting to know.
"For your families it went quickly, they felt no pain, but the same can't be said for you two." He starts. "You both came to my home as you both had no where to go and you, princess, were dying slowly and painfully. Even your immortality couldn't save you from this curse. We looked everywhere for a cure but never found one and you died in your sleep next to Daniel. He wouldn't leave your side for anything." He smiled sadly as he continued. "All you wanted was for the hurt to go away, so I honored your wishes. I would have felt the same way if the love of my life died in my arms. No more painful human emotions to hold you down, but she still apparently has a hold on him seeing as he protected her, sadly that freed you up to ripping the ghost out of me, and when my evil half mixed with yours, my evil side overwhelmed you..." He faulted.
"What happened to my human self?" Danny asked as I squeezed his hand comfortingly.
"Some things, my boy, are better left unsaid." He swallowed as I nodded. "If any good came out of this, it's that ten years without ghost powers have given me a chance to see what a fool I'd been." He says as he picks up a photo of himself with Jack and Maddie in college.
"Maybe that's all anybody needs... a second chance. You still have those Ghost Gauntlets?" Danny asks as Vlad's eyes go wide.


"Hey old man! Ready for a blast from your past!?" Danny yelled as I ran over to our families.
"I'm gonna get you out of here... ok? I'm sorry I never told you." I smiled softly as I placed one foot on the boiler and wrapped my fingers around the green goo trying to get them out.
A little while later the heat started to get to me but I couldn't stop, then I heard Danny's ghostly wail. My head whipped around as I pulled harder.
"It's not budging! I'm not going to stop until you're all freed ok!?" I started to panic and pull harder as a white flame covers my vision. Then, everything stops.
"Clockwork!" I smiled as he transported the others and me over safely.
"I told you to stay!" Danny yelled as he wrapped me in a tight hug.
"I couldn't just do nothing." I whispered soothingly in his ear as Clockwork gained our attention.
"You saved them... I don't understand?" Danny cried as I hugged him.
"The Observants look at time like they're watching a parade, one thing after another passing by in sequence right in front of them. I see the parade from above, all the twists and turns it might or might not take." He winked.
"You knew this was going to happen, even this part!" Danny raised an eyebrow.
"Everything's the way it's supposed to be. And here we are with you, a fourteen-year-old child, risking everything to save the people you care about." Clockwork complimented as Danny smiled at him. We appeared in the classroom to do the C.A.T. testing. "You've given everyone else a second chance, why not you?" Clockwork asked as he handed Danny the answers. "Time in!" He yelled as Time started again.
"Mr. Fenton? Is there a problem?" Mr. Lancer asked eyeing Danny and I as we walked to the front.
"Um, actually there is... I, uh, found this the other day. Outside the Nasty Burger." Danny answered.
"The seal is broken." Mr. Lancer looked over the envelope.
"Yeah. I know. A-and, I'm sorry.  I couldn't stop myself from looking at the answers. But I'm not a cheater! And I never will be!" He explained.
"Well, you and Miss LN will be taking the makeup test next week. Won't you?" Mr. Lancer said as Danny thanked him and he pointed at Jazz outside the room.
"Come on!" Danny says as he took my hand as we ran outside to find Jazz. "So... how long have you known?" Danny asks sitting down as I sit next to him.
"About the test? For days. But I'm really proud of you for not cheating." She smiled.
"No, not that. Your headband, your note, your handwriting..." Danny asked as I pulled out her headband.
"What? That? Oh, I didn't write that. And there must be dozens of headbands." She tried desperately.
"Jazz..." Danny and I said in unison.
"Since the Spectra thing. I didn't want to tell you until you wanted to tell me. It's your secret." She frowned.
"Well it's our secret now, oh and YN is a ghost princess from a different Earth." Danny mentioned as I smiled and waved.
"Technically I'm just a normal girl from a different Earth, I wasn't born with powers." I corrected.
"Oh, your Highness!" Jazz smiled as she hugged us. "Don't think that I'll stop being meddling and overprotective of you two." She grinned.
"Wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled as Danny's ghost sense went off.
"Go." Jazz smiled as Danny transformed.
"Hey! Giant, green, and gruesome! Guess who's back and better than ever!" Danny called to the giant slime monster as we attacked.

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