Trollhunters: The Written Fut...

By TheWonderland04

228K 3.7K 7.4K

After the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded... More

Becoming: Part One
Becoming: Part 2
Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome Your Enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win Lose Or Draal
To Catch A Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet Sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for Disaster
Claire and Present Danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunter
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
Where is my Mind?
Party Monster
It's About Time
Angor Management
A Night to Remember
Something Rotten This Way Comes
Escape from the Darklands
Grand Theft Otto
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Just Add Water
The Reckless Club
Mistral and Error
In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King
A Night's Patroll
Arcadia's Most Wanted
Bad Coffee
So I'm Dating a Sorceress
The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
Parental Guidance
The Oath
For the Glory of Merlin
In Good Hands
A House Divided
The Eternal Knight | Part One
The Eternal Knight | Part 2
His Choice

Roaming Fees May Apply

3.3K 73 92
By TheWonderland04

Author's Note:

Very sorry for the long wait, I really wanted to post the three chapters around Christmas time but sadly, I caught the flu and was bedridden for a few days, the headaches made it very hard to stare at a computer screen so I didn't write, and I then went right back to work because I have to have close to 40 hours of working to be approved for a car loan.

Adulting is fun and I'm only 18. Well...

Now that the long editing process is over, here are the three chapters published at once. My team did not help with the three chapters, I gave them a break due to the holidays, and this was also my idea.

Replies to your Reviews:

To all, just in case. All chapters are now edited, we maybe should have deleted the chapters and then posted them, but, I think we decided not to because things might not work out so well. Glad we didn't because some of the chapters didn't save on the computers but were still on fanfiction/wattpad. So, we made a decent decision.

Also, I know some dialogue is a bit confusing because you don't know what student is talking a, but it seemed to work better at first, but we can try to find a way to fix it without it getting so annoying to write. Besides, they aren't really students with given names, they aren't the important ones.

Side Notes:

Hopefully, everything is cleared up and enjoy the three chapters!


With the wail of the bell, classes began, however, Coach Lawrence had begun the lesson already as he stood in front of a projector. The image on the screen had made it clear what they were learning about the human body.

"The teeth tear and chew, grinding the food into paste before it's swallowed. Then, it travels down the windpipe, I mean esophagus." He quickly corrects himself and continued. As he taught, Claire leaned a little towards Jim, whispering to him.

"Is it just me or does it sound like Coach studied all of that last night. Even though he's a gym teacher and should know how the human body works."

"Who said that? You don't know Coach, he doesn't give a crap about the body, just how fast he can wear ours down."

"So the reason you were late and covered in dirt was because you were fighting a mud monster?"

"While there was some gnarly troll watching you? Talk about creepy." Toby pitched in, Jim wincing as Toby spoke. Jim turned to face his friends, making sure no one else could hear him.

"Wait, so Angor was seen. Did he get caught or did he want to be found?"

"The world may never know!"

"I know. It was like he was studying me." Jim went silent and Coach Lawrence's voice grew louder as the trio grew silent.

"-To the guts," He presses his large fist into his palm, "where the juices break it down into a bubbling nasty soup."

"What are you gonna do?" Claire wondered.

"I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet."

"Steve is literally sitting right there! How did he not hear any of that?!" Steve grunted, he was too busy thinking about the poo puns that he hadn't even picked on the nerds or even eavesdropped.

The attention went back to Coach Lawrence who had an awkward time speaking, "So after it weaves through this mess, it comes out the old-" he stammered, coughing before continuing awkwardly, "you know...the back door."

An arm raised suddenly and it was no other than Steve Palchuk, "Coach?" He lowers his arm when he had everyone's attention. "Yeah, thank you. Don't mean to "butt" in, but I'd like to "gas" a question?" He said, everyone, laughing at his puns which had been his goal when he grinned, "Hey, poo's laughing?"

"Oh my goodness, why did we laugh!"

"We were feeding the fire! How dare us!"

"Watch it, Palchuk!" Coach warned.

"This is serious!"

With a roll of his eyes, Jim spoke, "Hey, why don't you shut your hole, Steve?" He facepalmed, realizing he had made a pun as well, the kids laughing.

"Damn it, Jim, you set yourself up for that one."

"Oh, that's it. That's it, jokers! Both of you, principal's office, now!" The coach said angrily, pointing to the door. The scene went to the principal's door, Steve and Jim's voice carrying.

"You think you can out-poo-pun me, Lake?" Steve said with a bitter tone.

"How could I do that when you are the biggest piece of-" Before Jim could drop a swear word, Strickler pushed open the door, Jim dropping the accusing finger that he pointed at Steve, only to cross his arms and his face dropping instantly.

Everyone's jaw dropped before they started laughing. Barbara wasn't as pleased but the others loved it, nearly wetting the chairs after laughing so hard.

"He was about to call Steve a piece of shit. Naughty."

"Young Atlas, getting into trouble again, I see."

"Ahem, Principal Strickler, this has been a huge misunderstanding," Steve said but the two paid no attention to him, their feud getting in the way.

"You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here, Strickler," Jim threatens, standing up so he could lean over the desk, closer to Strickler to seem intimidating.

Steve watched, finally, now he understands what the two were talking about that day. He had thought it was over simple jokes but them losing their minds over that sounded stupid. Now he knows that they were at one another's throats because Strickler ended up being on the bad side.

"I've decided I'm not done with you. Your education has just begun."

"Oh, good. Maybe I'm a slow learner. Because I can't figure out why you'd come back after I dropped a bomb all over your big parade." As two scowl at one another, Steve points a finger in the air, nervously speaking.

"For the record, I just want to say he's not speaking on my behalf."

Everyone looked shocked. Strickler and Jim could barely contain themselves and did this in front of Steve.

"Wow. Steve is so confused and actually scared over this." Steve shook his head at himself, not believing that he was showing such a weak side of him that day and now everyone was seeing it.

"Shut up, Steve!" The two say in unison, causing Steve to flinch.

"I'm in a position to make your life truly miserable."

"I could take you out right now," Jim argued back, never faltering.

"And I could do far worse. Are you ready for that?" As the two stared aggressively at one another, Steve broke, no longer being able to watch each other chew at their throats.

"I'm sorry about the poop jokes! They really weren't that funny!"

Everyone acted as if they fainted, Steve rolling his eyes as they reacted. "HE JUST APOLOGIZED! THE WORLD IS ENDING!"

"Detention. For both of you. Now get out of my office before I change my mind." As his eyes changed for emphasis, Steve whimpered running out of the room while Jim made a simple gesture meaning he was watching him.

"Oh my, you guys just scarred Steve for life!"

"Jim's little threat that he's watching Strickler was the funniest thing ever."

"Are we just going to ignore that all of that went down in front of Steve and if it had gone too far."

"Oh damn, true."

In anger, Strickler broke his pen, the tip snapping and splashing ink on his face.

Under the canals, as the sun was setting, Jim and Toby had dropped their bikes, Jim ripping his helmet off as he talked to Claire, "I should have pulled Daylight on him right then and there."

"Steve would've gone bananas."

"He did."

"It's probably good you waited. I imagine murdering your principal looks pretty bad on your college application." Toby stated as Jim reached into his bag, grabbing out the Horngazel.

"I'll just have to wait and get him alone." As he pulls out the key to Trollmarket, Claire turns around, a worried expression on her face. Letting out a gasp, alerting Jim and Toby, she watches her surroundings, finding nothing.

"That's never good. If Claire is tense over something, then that is a terrible sign." Jim looked at Claire, they would finally understand why she was so tense. Their guess was either Angor or Strickler, but what really happened under their noses that day?

"What's wrong?" Jim asks the two on alert. He lowers his arm as Claire looks around slowly. Nothing but a crow caw was heard. From far away, Angor was hiding behind a pillar beneath the bridge, watching them with a wicked grin.

People jumped, uncomfortable that Angor had been watching them. Claire shuttered, if only she looked harder, she would have found him and at least warned her friends. She couldn't help but blame herself for it. However, those thoughts were gone in an instant when Jim's hand covered her own, letting her relax.

"I just got a weird feeling." Angor leans forward as she speaks, Toby responding to her.

"I have those all the time, it's usually after the school lunch." Jim heads back to the entranceway, pressing the key to the concrete. The key clinks against the hard surface, scratching it as a blue curve follows the path. Angor who was still hiding behind the shadows smiled and reached for his eye, pulling the glass-like eyeball from his socket. He drops it, letting it bounce and roll to his targets. It watches as Jim finished the door, before rolling into his open backpack.

Everyone gagged. "He just pulled out an eyeball. Holy- oh my Gods, I can feel my lunch."

"It rolled, I don't feel too good."

As the entranceway finally opens after Claire pressed her hand against the surface, Jim grabbed his backpack and walked through, speaking. "Come on. Blinky said he had something urgent he wanted to tell us."

"So he pulled out his eyeball to spy on us? Wow. Where has my life gone for me to say that?" Toby asked, looking at Jim.

Before Claire, the last one to enter looks around in suspicion. "Hmm," she hums quietly before walking in, letting the door to Trollmarket close. Still watching from afar, Angor chuckles, ducking fully into the shadow.

Within the library of Trollmarket, Blinky swipes items off the stone table and slamming a book down, "I've spent nights poring over the legend of the stones, decoding its hidden meanings. Endless, sleepless nights."

With excitement, Jim threw his backpack down, the flap opening and letting Angor's eye fall out, "The Triumbric Stones. You found something?" The eye blended in perfectly, watching them.

"That backpack is a traitor!"

"At first, I combed every library for insights, but there is nothing written. Rumors say they are tied to Gunmar's life force. So I searched for stones that would have a significance to his past-"

Aaarrrgghh comes into view of the eye, "Birthstone." Setting books in front of the watching eye, the picture was no longer visible until his eye moved into the skull, getting everything in view.

"Aaarrrgghh saved the day but that damn eyeball!"


"Indeed. Such as Gunmar's Birthstone."

"Why is it so powerful?" Jim asked.

"Long ago, trolls lived underground, blissfully unaware of humankind above." Blinky opened the book, flipping through the pages and showing a bunch of images of the rotting heartstone and Gunmar. "Inevitably, our worlds collided. Trolls and humans each wanted the world as their own and fought for it. Blood was shed, and our First Heartstone rotted from within. And from it, Gunmar was born."

"That book just made it look so epic. I'd actually read if I could read that one."

"Birthstone, okay. Where would we find that?" Jim wondered, the eye still seeing all.

"Birthstone gone," Aaarrrgghh stated.

"It was plundered before any good could come from it. But then I remembered this passage. "Three forces Elemental thou must seek in marshland, caverns deep, and mountain's peak." Ah. Which is elusive, but the clue-"

"Is hidden in the final stanza "mountain's peak." It's so obvious! The stone is hidden in a mountain." Everyone looked at her, shocked but Jim was smiling. "Sorry. I'm a riddle dork."

"Awww look at Jim, he was so fascinated with her." Claire couldn't help but blush and glance at him.

"Yeah, I'm not getting it," Toby said, regaining himself after Claire's happy outburst.

"Gatto's Keep!" A page, filled with dull colors illuminated a picture of a mountain and a golden crescent moon. "Deep in the realm of the Volcanic Trolls is a vault of the greatest treasures untold. Treasures too powerful for the underworld to possess. Treasures kept locked up by Gatto himself. Treasures like-"

"The Birthstone," Jim said suddenly.

Claire couldn't contain her joy, "So this Gatto has the stone that will help us get Enrique back?"

"If I could just finish a thought-" Blinky said dramatically.

"When do we leave?" Claire asked frantically

"Wait, this sounds like a quest. This is a quest!" Toby said, grabbing his two friends by the shoulders, excited. "Guys, we're going on our first official Trollhunters quest!" Claire and Jim laugh.

"Pack your bags. There's more to see in this world than you know," Blinky said happily

Toby was still excited, no one seeing the eye roll back into Jim's backpack. "Oh, my! Oh, my! Oh, my! Trollhunter quest!"


Back in his room, Jim drops his backpack on the desk, letting the books spill out. Angor's eye rolled out unnoticed and onto the floor as Jim tosses a flashlight in his hand. Behind him, Barbara pushes open the door, tapping it softly.

"Are you serious! The eye is still there?! How on Earth does Jim not notice the damn eyeball will yellow iris!"

"Going somewhere?" Barbara said suddenly, startling Jim as he nervously rubbed the back of his head.

"Um uh, yes, yeah! A camping trip with Tobes, Claire, and a few others." He turned shyly, sliding the items back in his bag.

"And when were you gonna ask me? What if I said no?"

"Sorry, it just kind of sprung up. I was gonna leave a note, but -" As Jim lifted his bag and turned to his mother who had inched closer, his sentence died off.

"Well, you can't go."

"No, don't do this to us! I cannot handle another heartbreak at the moment." Someone said as the kids continued to watch. So, his relationship with his only parent was being risked constantly. How long would it take for Barbara to know his secret? Will she ever know?

"I have to," Jim said. He tried to walk passed her, however, her hands gripped onto his bag, stopping him in his tracks.

"Then you're grounded."

"Okay, well, you can ground me when I get back." Barbara let out a gasp, nearly faltering in her state of anger but she quickly regained it and scoffed. She let go of his bag, letting him slip it over his shoulders and stepping out. "Jim," she whispered, causing a sad expression on his face.

Finally, outside, Jim closed the door, his heart once again shattering in a million pieces, "I'm sorry, Mom."

Everyone wore a pouting face, not liking to watch their relationship shatter. They felt bad, all this was going on and no one had a clue or even bothered to ask. Jim turned to his mother who smiled, accepting his on-screen apology.

In Trollmarket, the team once again together, headed down a stray pathway, only random Gnomes were found.

"Whoa. You've never taken us this far before," Toby said.

"Because out here, Tobias, there is no protection. Beyond the barriers of Trollmarket lie unforgiving realms, ripe with lawlessness. Aha! We're here. Did everyone come prepared?" Blinky asked, standing in front of a staircase, leading to a closed door.

"Yeah, I've got my flashlight, horngazel, amulet-"

"I've got a first-aid kit, matches-" Claire began before Toby startled Claire with a taco.

"And I got tacos! Extra spicy! What? I get hungry on a quest." He pops the taco in his mouth, Jim's facepalming. Aaarrrgghh groaned one thing on his mind. "What's wrong, wingman?"

"Of course, only Toby would bring tacos on such a wild adventure."

"Hey, at least we know they are well fed."

"Hate gyre," he simply stated.

"What's a "gyre"?"

Blinky began to walk forward, the team following close behind, "Come with me and prepare to be amazed."

"Seriously? You brought tacos?" Jim said in disbelief as he unlocked the door hiding the Gyre.

"I brought enough for everyone!" The wall cracks, a blue light-emitting from it and opening a passageway. An empty circular platform was in the center of the room and as soon as the tip of Jim's shoe was near, the platform twisted, the three humans gasping in surprise as a large circular object appeared, the rings around it shifting.

Everyone's jaw nearly hit the floor. It was a beautiful creation. Eli stared at it in wonder. "Can you believe this. Trolls, that live beneath our feet are creating all these items without any of us knowing. This is amazing!"

"Yeah, why does Aaarrrgghh hate it so bad?"

"You'll see." The large troll simply stated.

"That's the coolest troll-y trolley I've ever seen!" Toby said, gently touching it with his hand.

"Gyre," Aaarrrgghh stated, looking worried.

"Yes. A gyre. Our kind's quickest form of transportation. For the last 200 years, trolls have used the vast network of subterranean sewers to get to any part of the world in record time!" Blinky informs as they all climb on. The Gyre twisting to face a certain direction.

"Wait, Gatto isn't in Arcadia?" Jim asked.

"Of course not," Blinky states as he presses buttons and pulls a bunch of levers, the machine whirring to life. "He lives under what you humans call Argentina."

"Argentina! That's a whole other continent, Blinky! How long is it going to take to get there?" Claire yelled over the roar of the machine and the largest ring spins rapidly.

"Did you hear how Blinky said Argentina?! Damn."

"A simple camping trip isn't all the way to Argentina." Barbara teased, causing Jim to blush."

"Less time than you'd think. Let's burn some tunnel!" Blinky slams his fist on a button, the gyre whining before it blasted through the tunnels. Everyone being pushed back due to the crazy amounts of gravity.

"Wow, that was unexpected."

"Holy crap!"

Jim and Claire screamed as they pressed against Aaarrrgghh's supporting arm. Toby was screaming as well. Blinky, however, was the only one enjoying it as he laughed. Soon, their screams became disoriented, everything seemed to move in slow motion as the four passengers who hadn't held on, flew close to the camera.

"I love how Blinky is the only one out of them who is enjoying this."

"Damn, Blinky doesn't even care. I love it."

"Now we know why Aaarrrgghh hates that."

They dropped even quicker, the motion once again going at a normal pace, their screams never ceasing until the gyre came to a sudden holt, connecting itself to magnets.

"Ha-ha! A new record!" Blinky said as he exited the Gyre, "You see? Was that so bad?" Toby runs off and retches, leaving a heap on the station.

"Oh my Gods, gross Toby."

"Yes. Yes, it was," Jim stated, Claire, following him off before Aaarrrgghh hopped down and startling Blinky.

"Hate gyre!"

"Gross, Toby," Claire's voice was heard as the team headed up the steps.

"Out of curiosity, have either of you ever met this Gatto?" Jim wondered.

"Uh, no, Master Jim. In fact, I've done everything in my power to avoid him. Very few ever return from his keep. So-"

"Well isn't that just comforting."

"Stay close," Aaarrrgghh added.

As they climbed the steps, Toby let out a groan, "Agh! It's so hot. Why is it so hot?" The answer was revealed, the camera panning up to show many wooden platforms, a red light pouring from the ground and a few torches lighting the dark landscape.

"Wow, look at that place. It's crazy."

"Because we're in a volcano, aren't we?" Claire asked off-screen.

"Welcome to Ojos del Salado, the home of Gatto," Blinky said, the group slowly climbing each stair.

"Ojos del Salado?" Toby repeated, "Well, that's not gonna be good for my mobile plan." The five stopped, two guards with their backs towards them was the cause. As Claire stood close to Jim, perhaps feeling safer beside him, Blinky had stepped forward, catching their attention.

"Uh, you there, we would most graciously request an audience with Gatto." The guard turns with a deep, muffled grunt. Their faces were nothing more than metal masks with empty red eyes, Blinky gasping as he got a good look at them, everyone startled as well. The guard, without saying one thing, just points at the top of the mountain. "Thank you, kind friend."

Everyone had gone tense in their seats. Those guards were creepy looking. "If they breathe, I'm leaving."

They begin walking again, everyone staring at the top with worry as they carried on. The guards watch carefully, letting out another grunt while the Trollhunters climbed the mountains supports.

"Oh my gosh! It's a damn horror film. I'm out."

Back in Arcadia, Strickler left the dentist, stepping to his car that was parked in the street. Once he slammed the car door shut, he noticed a black eye staring at him from the dash. Gently picking it up as if he was examining it, he spoke.

"Ew, don't touch it!"

"Why isn't it back in his damn head yet! That makes me uncomfortable."

"You bring news?" Strickler said, Angor sitting in the backseat as he reached for his eye, easily sliding it back in. Strickler moved his mirror to see Angor.

Someone gagged, leaning over their chair. "Oooohh, he put it back in."

"They're going to Gatto's Keep."

"For what purpose?"

"I wasn't close enough to see, but they seek one of his treasures. I know of Gatto. If the hunter is foolish enough to deal with him, I doubt they will return."

Strickler moved his eyes to the side, Angor blending perfectly within the shadows of the car. "Did you bring the charm I require?" Angor reached down, pulling out two small stone totems and dropping them into Strickler's hand.

"Charm? What is he talking about? Jim! Answer us."

Jim sighed, "maybe we should wait for the show to explain. I don't want to start anything right now."

"Wait, so you know?" Mary asked.

"I wasn't really supposed to but... you'll see."

"Do you know what to do with it?"

"Don't patronize me. Of course, I do. How does it work?" He asked.

"Smooth way to ask how you use it."

"Once you both drink its essence, then the woman's fate will be tied to yours." He ran his fingers over a portion of the Shadow Staff. Strickler stared at them, smiling.

"Wait hold on!" Someone yelled. Barbara had perked up in her seat.

The scene changed, a white cup was in view, a spoon stirring its contents as Barbara spoke.

Barbara's glare deepened. Everyone connecting the dots and looking shocked and angry at Angor and Strickler.

"He just keeps disappearing on me for hours at a time. And today, I told him he was grounded. And then he walked right past me. As if I had no say in the matter. I just.. I don't know what to do."

Strickler listened, while he glanced at the charms, "You're doing the best you can." Strickler kept his eyes down, almost seeming broken and conflicted.

"What a fake!"

"I just feel like I'm losing control."

"Barbara, sometimes, you have to focus on what you can control over what you can't."

Barbara reached for his hands, "I know, Walter. You're right. Thank you. I really like spending time with you." Strickler smiled nervously, but the phone caught her attention as it rang.

Jim glared, they were touching. At least he doesn't have to see their lips touching.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hold on. It's the hospital." She picked it up, turning to the side and answered it.

"Keep your eyes on the drink!"

"Of course," Strickler said quietly and reaching over her drink but hesitating. He studied her, a smile on her face as she answered the messages. Pulling his hands back, looking back at the charm, his heart broke but before he could put more thought into it, he dropped the charms in the drinks, a hissing sound coming right as Barbara turned around.

"Hold on, is he hesitating. Is he falling in love!?" Barbara, who watched the whole thing was getting extremely hot-headed. Jim had noticed and looked at his mom.

"Don't worry, I'm trying to think about how to fix it. While focusing on the stones." Barbara sucked in a breath.

"Well, I can't wait to see you pummel that man. When the spell is off."

"Well, I do have to get back to work, but I've got a few more minutes." She took a sip. Strickler watched, more dejected than happy. He seemed to regret his decision.

"Mmm. This tea is really nice."

"Yes. I'd say it has a certain enchanting quality to it." He lifted the cup to his lips, taking a small sip as he watched her.

"You b****!"

"How did no one noticed that he slipped something in her drink!?"

Back within the volcano, Blinky and Jim helped lift Toby the last platform as the chubby boy gasped for air. "Finally!" Toby whimpered in exhaustion after looking around and finding no one. "Are you serious?"

"Okay, where's Gatto? They said he'd be here." Jim asked, getting shoved lightly.

"Anyone else see such a large mouth behind them?"

"Gatto's a real butt-snack," Toby said angrily as the large stone moved behind them, everything rumbling. Toby let out a panicked gasped as they all turned, not seeing the large mouth opening behind them.

The mysterious voice echoed as it spoke, everyone. "Who has awakened Gatto?"

"They all turned and missed Gatto. Gosh, darn it, you guys."

"Oh, no!" Toby cried.

"Holy sheesh-kebob!" Claire said with panic.

"I am so sorry I called you a butt-snack," Toby said. Jim pulled out his amulet, in case of any sudden danger.

Gatto couldn't help but laugh, "A human Trollhunter? How interesting. How unique." Jim turned, the color draining from his face as he figured out where Gatto was. Everyone else turned around, the same expression on their faces. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Wow, he is huge. Have fun with that guy!"

"We've," Jim's voice broke, causing him to clear his throat, "-Sorry, we've come for-" A troll wheels a large basket of rocks to Gatto, the large troll using one swipe of his tongue to swallow his food and the troll, who screamed on the way down. Jim yelped, backing up.

"Agh! Did he just eat a troll?" Toby freaked.

Everyone winced, watching the whole thing. Why was this episode making everyone uncomfortable? First, the eyeball, the charm in the drink, and now trolls are eating trolls.

"You must excuse me. I never talk business without something to eat. Go on."

Jim regained his posture, "We need we need the Birthstone."

"Awww, look Jimmy. You look adorable with the determination," Mary teased.

Gatto let out a deep laugh, the volcano seeming to rumble with him, "The Birthstone of Gunmar. Very powerful. Why should I give it to you?"

"Because we are going to destroy him," Jim said with a stern glare, looking up at Gatto. The large troll couldn't help but let out a laugh once again.

"Why do I care? Why should I give it to you?" As he spoke, he let out a large pool of steam, causing Jim to cover his face and look away.

"He's negotiating, Master Jim," Blinky said from behind him.

"What do you want for it?" Jim asked, keeping his gaze on the large head.

"Ooh. An answer to a little riddle."

"That's all? Whew. I thought Claire was a goner." Toby said, causing Claire to look at him, angered that he'd sacrifice her first.

"Damn, that's bogus."

A kid shook their head, "Remind me to never get captured with Toby, he'll sacrifice me. Tell the kidnapper to keep me instead."

"Answer it correctly, the Birthstone is yours. Answer it incorrectly, I eat you all." He laughed, the view of his vast mouth was clear.

"Eat? Did he say "eat"?" Claire said in light fear.

"Yes, humans." He slurped, licking his lips, "I hear they have a gamey taste."

"How on Earth does Gatto have a tongue, I mean trolls have tongues but for some reason, on him, it's awkward."

"Really. That's your main concern right now?! A troll/mountain having a tongue."

"He said eat," Toby could only get out before he dropped to the floor.

"Master Jim, we must not enter into this binding agreement. I'm beginning to catch on why so few trolls ever leave this domicile." Blinky said, nervously looking at his Trollhunter but the boy was too focused on his thoughts then to heed Blinky's warning.

"I love Blinky's face right now."

"We'll play," Jim said quickly, earning a gasp from his friend Toby. He stepped over to the group, helping Toby stand again. "We need it to save Claire's brother and, besides, she's good at riddles."

"Not "bet-our-lives" good!" She said back, Toby watching the two from between them.

"You're a straight-A student!"

"When do we go to "riddles" class?"

Blinky stepped over, the two looking at him, "Ah, I am savvy with words. Gatto, do your worst. Riddle away." Blinky said, facing the mountain.

"What begins and has no end, and ends all that which begins?" Gatto said simply, confusing Blinky.


"I have absolutely no idea. Those words mean nothing. Indecipherable!"

"Everyone, start thinking. We can do this!" Jim said, glancing at Claire who was mumbling the riddle.

"What begins, has no end."

"Begin, end. Begin, end. Oh, head hurts!" Aaarrrgghh said, trying to count it out on his fingers but failing and holding his head.

"School bus? Meatloaf? Hair!" Toby blurted out in his state of panic.

"Are you serious Toby."

"What!? I was panicking. It's hard to think."

"Ten more seconds."

"You didn't tell us we're on the clock!" Blinky yelled furiously but still scared.

"Kangaroo! Golf! Socks! Magic! Warhammer! Baby deer! School buses with hobos driving full of macaroni and cheese! I don't know!" Toby once again yelled out.

"What driving a what with what!?"

"A loop begins and has no end, but it doesn't end when it begins. Shoot, it's not that." Claire added, looking at nothing in particular. "What is it?"

Jim quickly spoke up, "Wait, wait, wait! I got it! The answer is a riddle! No, that's stupid." He scolded himself. "Could you repeat the question?"

"Tick-tock, tick-tock. Five seconds. Prepare the chimichurri!" He reminded.

"Such a mood." The student received glares. "What chimichurri!"

"There is no answer. The answer is nothing. What if there is no answer?" Toby cried, everyone around them trying their hardest to think.

"There's always an answer," Jim said.

"Okay, anyone else enjoying the panic? Like you guys are hilarious when you panic." Mary said, leaning back in her chair.

Blinky threw his hands down, "Then what is it?"

"You know this," Jim said stepping to Claire.

"Three, two-" Gatto counted down.

"You have to know this!"


"We're gonna die!" Jim cried.

"Wow Jim, calm down mister."

"Time is up," Gatto said right as Claire raised her hand confidently.

"Death! Death is the answer. It begins and has no end. And ends all things that begin. Death."

"There's Claire, kicking butt and taking names." Claire looked at them with a satisfied grin.

"You know, I helped out." Jim joked, looking at Claire who playfully nudged him.

"What?" Gatto said in disbelief. "No one has ever answered that before."

"Oh, my gosh!" Jim exclaimed as Claire and he shared a winning hug, Aaarrrgghh lifting them.

"And lived to tell about it." Gatto finished. Aaarrrgghh dropped his friends gently as guards surrounded the team, pointing their axes at them.

"What the hell."

"You were never going to give it to us! You horde treasures only to lure those into your literal trap!" Blinky said with bitterness, pointing an accusing finger before being shoved forward by a guard.

"Oh, come now. A mountain has to eat, you know." As his vast mouth opened, the team was shoved forward. Acting quickly, Jim spoke the incantation, donning his armor.

"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!" With no hesitation, Jim slams his sword into the wooden planks, a large wave of blue threw the guards to the side, giving his friends some time.

"Get them, Jimmy!"

Affected by the move, Gatto groaned, closing his eyes as he was impacted.

"What do we do now?" Claire asks as Jim shoves a guard to the side before ducking quickly. While Jim fought not even realizing what was happening, Blinky and Toby were being shoved towards Gatto's mouth, getting uncomfortably close.

"I don't wanna be food!" Toby cried before they were shoved in, Gatto's mouth instantly closing.

"Hold on!" Jim said but had gotten their late, his face carrying a broken expression. "No!" Before he couldn't even process what had happened, he let out a grunt as he was shoved to the side. "Aaarrrgghh!"

"Wait, you got eaten by a troll?" Darci said, looking at Toby who simply nodded.

"After this, let's please not speak of it."

Realizing two of his friends were missing, Aaarrrgghh's eyes became the black abyss once again, his carvings lighting up as his anger spiked. "Wingman! Blinky!" He lets out a growl, punching the hell out of Gatto but barely making a dent.

"Yeah! Punch that mountain!"

Jim and Claire still tried to hold their own in the battle, Jim doing his best to block attacks while Claire dodged her oncoming attacks.

"He ate them!"

"They still could be alive," as she spoke, she tried to rip the ax out of the guard's hand and succeeding. It whacked the troll in the face, letting her get a hold on it and hitting him in the face again, knocking the guard back, "Coach Lawrence told us how long it takes to digest something or someone."

Jim came into the screen, trying to keep the weapon as far away from him as possible, "That doesn't make it better!"

"Must leave!" Aaarrrgghh commanded as the two backed up to him, cornered in front of Gatto. As the guards backed them further up, Gatto opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue, ready to swipe the three up.

At the sight of his tongue, Claire let out a yelp before stabbing it with the ax. The large troll howled in pain.

Everyone winced while Claire's friends cheered her on.

"Claire, is it weird to think you got tangled in all of this because he likes you?"

"A little, but I'm glad I did."

"Come on! Let's get out of here!" Jim said as Aaarrrgghh grabbed the two and running off.

Gatto groaned, "Get them!"

Within Gatto, Blinky and Toby yelled as they fell through a narrow tunnel before bouncing harshly onto the rocky ground. Toby lifted his head, coming face to face with the bones of a gnome, the troll that had been eaten at the beginning was sinking in the lava, no longer alive.

"Welp, I didn't want to see that."

Toby yelped, throwing himself back as Blinky did his best to sit up, collecting himself.

"We appear surprisingly unscathed by that ordeal."

"Unscathed? We're in a stomach right now! I feel very "scathed"!" Toby yelled, Blinky not even listening to him as he looked around.

"Great Gronka Morka! Gatto's Keep it's his belly! That means the Birthstone must be here somewhere."

"Yeah, along with a bunch of lava acid, that's rising!"

"Then we should make haste! Contact Jim! Tell him we have found Gatto's Keep."

"What?" Blinky looked at him, a clear look of "unbelievable" on his face. "I don't have an international plan. The rates will be crazy!"

"I'll cover the charges!" Blinky screamed startling Toby and nearly dropping his phone.

"Holy crap Blink, calm yourself."

Outside of Gatto's stomach, ding of the phone alerted Jim as they made haste to escape. Claire and Aaarrrgghh waiting as Jim climbed down the latter, reading the message. "They're okay!"

"Wingman, Blinky, okay?" Aaarrrgghh asked.

"Yeah," Jim answered, staring at his device. "They say they're going for the Birthstone, and they're gonna try to find a way out!" Aaarrrgghh grabbed the ladder, throwing a guard and the latter off the edge. "Good! You're alive! Happy face!" Jim turned his head to find one climbing up at them and kicking it down, taking the troll down.

"This is one interesting fight. I love you reading the messages out loud."

"Tell them to meet at the gyre!" Claire said.

Inside the stomach of Gatto, Blinky and Toby had been snooping around, Toby dumbfounded but what he saw. "Look at all this gold!"

"Careful, Tobias. I encourage you to keep your hands to yourself."

"We're already in a stomach. What's the worst that can happen?" Toby said as it showed what the stomach looked like. A large pool of lava surrounded them, only giving them little space to walk.

"Boils and disembowelment, for starters. Magically cursed objects are often disguised as the most ordinary items to lure unsuspecting victims-" His six eyes had caught something, causing him to bend down and pick something up. "Oh, glorious me, a Roman penny! I haven't seen one of these in ages." He looked at Toby who glared at him, "Uh..." the coin clicks as he threw it on the ground. "Gunmar's Birthstone must be here." He bent down to pick it back up and stashed it on him.

Everyone's eyes were wide. "Seriously, I think something is wrong with Blinky."

"Okay. Let's see, if I was a Birthstone, where would I be?" Toby said, searching. The mountain rumbled again, this time letting things crack and crumble. Blinky panicked at the noise, running to his plump friend.

"Forget about the Birthstone! We must leave now! Make haste!" The lava popped, more rumbling to occur as they tried to climb up the hole they came in. "We can't possibly climb out of here. I'm afraid we are without an exit."

The two looked back at the lava which quickly consumed things as it rose.

"Blinky, there may be another way, but you're not gonna like it. If this is his stomach, then there must be a "back door" too."

"Back door? What is?" He finally understood what Toby meant. "Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no, no."

Everyone enjoyed the look on Blinky's face when he heard about the back door plan. They all found it amusing while Blinky sat in the corner, definitely, not wanting to relive that day. Luckily, in the theater, he was in his normal troll form, most likely so nothing was spoiled but this was one hectic day.

Toby held a large barrel, getting close to the edge, "If we upset the stomach, we may have a chance to be passed through." As he tossed the barrel in, a large burst of lava exploded up, a fart noise coming from the burst.

"I'd rather die in a stomach than go out through an alternate route." He looked at Toby who was using all his weight to push a large chest in.

"Come on, help me out!" Blinky helped push it in, large splashes of lava appeared causing a smile of victory from Toby. "Throw in every gut-buster you can find!"

As Toby pushed in another chest, coughing, Blinky grabbed a vase and tossing it in. Blinky reached a makeshift shelf, grabbing tons of bottles and inspecting them before throwing. This time, blue flames nearly covered the screen.

"You know, you guys are very entertaining to watch."

Blinky fell on the floor, coughing as Toby ran over.

"Blinky? Are you okay?" He helped his troll friend up.

Blinky responded, his voice way higher pitch than usual. "I'm okay, I'm okay. Sounds like it's just helium-based." He cleared his throat, his normal voice returning. "Oh, dear. Good thing that wasn't permanent."

Everyone laughed, enjoying the time watching the two try to upset a stomach.

Toby's attention caught something, "Is that?" He found himself beside a pile of coins, a purple glow coming out through the cracks. Toby dropped to his knees, the coins jingling as he dug through it. "Blinky?" The stone hummed.

"Have you found it?" Blinky asked, running over. Toby lifted it, revealing the ombre colored stone.

"Yay! You found it!"


Outside, Jim received another notification, grunting as Aaarrrgghh grabbed him and Claire and hopped off the platform to platform, taking out guards... "They found the Birthstone! "Meet you at the gyre." Send!" As he was running and texting, Claire called out to him.

"Jim! Watch out!" She warned, causing Jim to still, barely missing the large hand that was about to smash him.

"Jim, don't text and fight. It's a distraction."

Compared to his monstrous hand, Claire, Aaarrrgghh, and Jim were nothing but small bugs. The large hand lifted again, Gatto groaning in pain as he did so but it gave them time to get through.

"Oh, no!" Jim cried as the hand got to close for comfort but luckily, the guard who had been chasing them had gotten crushed instead. As they finally climbed the rock, another hand nearly came down on them, fortunately, they missed it again, "Hurry!"

"Poor minions, always getting the worst end of the stick."

"Get them!" Gatto ordered again.

Back inside the stomach, the lava acid rose uncomfortably high, corning them near the tunnel. Toby yelled as it nearly burnt off his shoes, "It's not working! We need something more, something that will really upset his stomach."

"We must move!" Blinky said, Toby, catching sight of a smooth rock that had floated over to them.

"We can use this! Hop on! We're not gonna get out of here, are we?" As they floated around, rising with the lava, Blinky spoke.

"I fear we are doomed, Tobias! And that this will be our final-" He was cut off by some munching. Looking over, he saw Toby pull a few tacos from his bag, barely even tasting them.

"Dude, another endless bag of tacos."

"What? I'm stress-eating. Don't judge."

"Tobias, your tacos!"

"My tacos?" Toby tried to protect his taco from Blinky but the ancient troll ripped the backpack from him and pulled out the bag, "Are you crazy? What are my tacos gonna do?"

"Tobias, I've had your tacos. I know what they do to the insides of a troll." He threw the bag of Mexican food into, make a splash.

"Well, this will be gross."

"No! Those were Diablo Maximus!" Blinky listened, hearing the grumbling and watching as the stomach acid boiled and exploded, a clear sign it upset the stomach.

"Oh, dear. And that's the one." It spurts, the lava rising rapidly and nearly crushing the two against the ceiling.

Outside, Gatto's eyes grew in size, "Uh-oh. Not tacos." In the stomach, Toby couldn't help but gasp as he heard the "back door" open, the stomach acid sinking back down as it was emptied.

"Blinky! The back door, it's open!"

I hate to repeat myself, but it might be apropos. Let's burn some tunnel!" As they dropped down, they let out a scream, this time, Blinky not enjoying the speed.

"Blinky, not the time for that line."

"Jim, get to the gyre! We're coming out the back door!" Toby said as he sent the message. A burst of lava startled the boy, nearly coming close to losing the birthstone. "Whoa! Stop! Got it" After catching it, and nearly giving Blinky a heart attack, he continued the message, "Smiley face, smiley face and send!"

"If you didn't catch that, everything would have been ruined."

The tunnel began to spill faster, "Hold on!"

The three who were fortunate enough not to get swallowed had stopped, noticing the chase had ended.

"Where did the rest of the trolls go that were here?" Claire asked, looking at Jim as the lava began to burst out.

"I think they knew this place was gonna blow," Jim responded before his phone chimed, alerting him. "Okay, Toby says they're gonna go out the back door. What's the back door?" Seeing where the lava pooled out and connecting the dots, Jim's face was a clear indication of how gross that must be, "Oh."

"Jim, your face is adorable. I love you."

"There they are!" Claire pointed out as they were shot out from the hole. Quickly ditching the rock, Blinky and Toby run at them, Blinky frantically screaming.

"Start it up! Start it up!" Claire and Jim ran, the two holding hands as Aaarrrgghh followed behind them, "Start it up!" Aaarrrgghh threw Claire and Jim up, the two landings perfectly inside but Jim looked at the device, clueless on how to start it. They turned to Toby's cries, not even getting a chance to move as Blinky shoved them aside, pressing buttons. "Leave it to me!" As nothing worked, Blinky screamed, "You infernal piece of agh-hh! Aaarrrgghh!" The said troll twisted the thick ring, barely avoiding the lava as he jumped on.

"Claire and Jim were holding hands!"

"Blinky's panic is the best thing I have ever seen in the longest time."

"Hate gyre!" Blinky screams, slamming his fist on the button, the gyre shooting off as the lava followed.

"Now look who isn't enjoying it."

The chaos quickly ended, instead, replaced with Toby setting down the birthstone, the team safe and calm within Trollmarket.

Their heads fit on the screen perfectly, all of them looking down at it. "Never in my wildest dreams did I dare think I would ever see such a sight."

"You guys are the perfect and most cutest team."

"I'm never gonna look at food the same way again," Toby said as they all sat down, no longer crowing the screen.

"Indeed. We were all quite the intrepid heroes today but a special accolade to you, fair Claire, master of riddles."

"It was a team effort," Claire started, "Besides, we still have two more stones to find. The next ones might not be so easy." Her eyes moved to Jim before the two were startled by Toby's shout.

"Easy?" Toby stepped over to Blinky, "We were eaten! I'm pretty sure I was technically digested and then-"

"Tobias! The less said about our escape, the better. Gorgus forbid we are remembered for that in the history." Blinky sneezes and breaks wind at the same time, growing nervous as Toby laughs.

"Heh, yeah, you won't hear the end of it."

"Oh my gosh, gross."

"Hah, it came out of both holes!"


"That was almost grosser than-" Toby said but was cut off by Blinky's sudden scream.

"Don't say it!" Jim and Claire watched with frightened expressions.

"Dude, Blinky. You've been out of it the whole episode."

"You okay, Blinky?" Jim asked, Blinky calm once again.

"I'll be fine. Seems I may have been allergic to something in Gatto's belly. But nothing a good night's rest won't fix. Ah-hh-choo!" He does it once again, a troll waiter muttering as they walked by.

"Seriously. This is bad."

Toby's eyes catch the tray, finding food, "Ooh! Are these salty niblets?" He runs after the waiter, grabbing some food.

"What happened to never eating again?" Jim asked.

"This is troll food, not human food. There's a difference. Mmm." He ate, the cat screeching in the background, "Not horrible." He runs off, Jim and Claire laughing at his antics.

The happy moment was ruined. Strickler had been leaving Barbara's house and to his car. Before he got in, he waved to Barbara who happily waved back. He sat in the driver's seat, Jim sitting in the back seat, nearly blending in with the dark. However, Strickler could hear the hum of the amulet and turned his mirror to see Jim.

"Why the hell is he at their house!" Everyone chuckled, Jim was already in the car, pissed as hell.

"Young Atlas, is that?" Suddenly, a flash fills the car, the sword of Daylight coming extremely close to Strickler. "Uh."

"If I ever see you near her again-" The blue smoke vanished as Strickler grinned.

Barbara's heart warmed at her son. He would do anything for her. Yet, that also scared her, he would get hurt for her.

"Yes! Threaten that jerk!"

"I expected this time would come."

"Oh, yeah? Give me one good reason not to do away with you right now."

"Did you happen to spot my companion watching you the other day? He's my assassin with how should I put this? Enchanting abilities." Jim's eyes grew in shock. He looked down as he remembered the events during the assembly. Noticing Angor in the distance.

Someone growled.

"That was you? What do you mean enchanting?"

"He entwined your mother's fate with mine. Any harm you do to me will be done to your mother." He moved his pointer finger down the blade, Jim watching with shock and panic. "Ouch."

Jim's head snapped to the house when he heard something shatter and his mom yelping.

"So, that's what happened to my finger."

"Ow! How did that happen? Oh." She had looked at her finger and walked away from the window. Jim was now glaring but still worried.

"What strange magic." He sucked on his finger, "Mm. What happens to me happens to her. You've hurt your mother enough, Jim. So, what will it be? Huh." Jim's grip tightened on the sword handle but gave up. Letting Strickler drive off as he let the armor disappear.

"You crackhead."

In the library of Trollmarket, Blinky sat alone, reading a book. Sneezing once again and no longer bothered by it, he shook it off and flipped a page, revealing a human arm. He let out a gasp, staring at it, "Great Grumbly-Gruesome!"


The episode ended, leaving the watchers on a cliffhanger.

Barbara held a stern glare on her face, staring at nothing in particular. Her eye twitched in irritation as she huffed. Jim bit his lip, watching her from his chair. He had been fearing her reaction, not knowing how'd she act about it.

"Mom? You okay?" Jim asked while the theater was silent, eyes flickering to Barbara and then Strickler.

"One question, if this all happened, why is Blinky in Troll form in the theater even though he had a human hand in an episode that we already lived?" Barbara asked, looking at the girl who had brought them all here.

"Because it's a nice little enchantment. If Blinky was a human when he came to the theaters, it would have spoiled the show, so and spells, curses, transformings, deadly wounds, markings, etc. wouldn't be in effect so nothing is spoiled."

"So, my fate, as the show explained, is not tied to Strickler?"

"Nope." The female simply stated, popping the 'p'.

Barbara smiled before standing and stomping over to Strickler. Before anyone could register what was going to occur, Barbara landed her palm on Strickler's cheek, his face twisting to the side as a loud snap echoed in the silent room. A large red welt was on Strickler's cheek, the bruise slowly forming.

"That is for putting something in my drink." She slapped him again, "that is for my son." Heading to her seat in victory, the rest of the theater had their jaws dropped.

Barbara could say she felt better after that.

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