Nouvelles *English*

By Emyllhye

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Here are some short stories that I wrote. From various genre. More


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By Emyllhye

For a month now, thirty-four people from the small village of Merish, left on a ship, to make some sales. It was supposed to be a short trip, just crossing the sea, just a few days of navigation. But for a small village as Merish, it was a big event, such as today, the day where the boat and all its crew was supposed to come back. All the village gathered at the top of our hill, to see their loved one coming back home. With this height, it would be easy to see the boat from at least ten miles if not even more.The sun was high in the sky, it was around noon. Children were making noise, laughing and running around when we first saw the ship. Everyone, the elderly included started to get excited. Only a young man was silent, since the beginning of the day, he was sitting, not moving an inch looking at the horizon. He stopped breathing for a few seconds when he saw the boat, Ally's boat.Ally was the captain of the ship, a young and strong woman. Since she was born she had been on a boat. Except for being one of the most incredible captains in the world, she was also beautiful and everyone knew her red hair. She was the lover of the young man, Dany, the younger lawyer of the village.As the joy and the festivities continued between the villagers, the boat was getting closer and not far behind it we could see a storm. In only a few seconds the sky went dark, the wind started to get stronger and stronger. As far as it was possible to see the waves looked like they were growing bigger and bigger. The bliss that a few minutes ago was at its highest, had disappeared. The rain had started to fall and with the wind, every drop felt like a small rock was hitting you. The darkness had submerged the place. Even at the top of the hill, a few miles from the sea, you wouldn't have felt safe. A deadly dance had been initiated. Most of the villagers had taken shelter under the few houses nearby, only Dany was still under the sky. Now standing still, not moving from an inch of his initial position, still as a statue. A storm had begun, a big one, a deadly one. Everyone was silent and except for the sound of the rain and the waves, the entire world was noiseless, as if it was watching the rest of the event. Before even hearing it a lightning bolt had struck a mile from the ship, so close. Each one of the villagers jumped when the bolt was heard. Some of the children were crying, but compared to the sound of the storm it was nothing. People gave into a panic, they started agitating themselves.Dany, still standing right at the top of the hill seems untouchable by the storm. His hair was flying and lashing his face. The wind was so vigorous that it would have made some of the children fly away. But even if Dany wasn't heavy, he didn't move, always looking at the ship headed by his true love. One look at the sea and you could guess the ending of this ship. And everyone started to understand that. Wifes, husbands, parents felt it, they felt death, death for their loved ones. Three miles that were the distance the boat needed to do for the crew to be safe. Three more miles, if someone could do it, it was Ally. You could easily imagine what was happening on this ship. The fierce red-headed woman was shouting orders to the crew, not giving up to panic, fighting like a lion to go back to Dany. The view was as magnificent as it was horrific. The waves tall as mountains, the wind so forceful nothing could stop it and the lighting bolts as gorgeous as it was dangerous. Mother nature came to take her right back. And still, he was standing, helplessly watching Ally battling for her life and everyone's on the boat.The sea looked at this moment like hell on earth, a gigantic wave came out of the water, it must have been at least twenty feet tall. The boat had been swallowed by it. It came back three seconds later and right in front of the eyes of everyone it shattered into a million pieces. No one dared to say anything, neither make a noise. And just as the ship broke Dany disappeared, he had jumped.A riot of broken-hearted people ran to the edge of the cliff. You could bearly see what was happening since the boat had sunk, only a small reddish stain was recognizable, Ally, floating to the surface. Everyone was petrified, no one expected this, it was so sudden, so unfair. When every person on the cliff was able to move, the scream started.The scream was so deafening and heartbreaking that the storm couldn't hide it. You could guess that it was Dany, finding Ally. The sound of his scream was so devastating, you could hear his soul breaking, being shattered like the poor destined ship. He found a way to get back to her, even with this storm, as impossible as it was, he made it, he found a way back to his soul mate.Few minutes after, it stopped raining, the lightning bolts disappeared, and the wind became a breeze. The sky was still dark and full of cloud but nature had become calm once more. The villagers never found the bodies of Ally and Dany, the sea had taken them, letting them be together.

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