The Star-Crossed Lovers: The...

By zivacious

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Natalie looked inside the car. "No!" she whispered as she shook her head. "No! No! NO! This can't happen!" Na... More

Chaper 1 - A New Friend
Chapter 2 - Prom Date
Chapter 3 - Bumping Again
Chapter 4 - "Natalie, I have to tell you something."
Chapter 6 - The First Date
Chapter 7 - Secret's Out
Chapter 8 - As Long As You Love Me
Chapter 9 - The Note
Chapter 10 - Lion's Den
Chapter 11 - Inked & Scarred
Chapter 12 - Unexpected Surprises
Chapter 13 - To Ask Or Not To Ask
Chapter 14 - Mistakes
Chapter 15 - The Star-Crossed Lovers
Chapter 16 - At Last In Peace

Chapter 5 - In Love

775 21 3
By zivacious

*Natalie's POV*

I felt the warm sun on my face. I pulled my blanket over my face and turned away from the window. I felt comfy in my warm plushy bed. But something was wrong. My legs felt too stiff. I looked down to my legs and saw that I was still wearing my skinny jeans from the other night. Then I realized, I was also wearing my purple top. I hadn't changed my clothes.


Oh right... last night was that magical night. I couldn't help but smile. I had finally gotten my first kiss with a boy who had fallen in love me. That's not all. He was also the most perfect human being on this planet. And now, I had fallen in love with him. I didn't regret this at all. Sure my parents would freak out. But like he said, I'm the one in the relationship. Not my parents. I was too excited to change into my pajamas. I just fell fast asleep in a matter of seconds. The most incredible thing was, I was his girlfriend. Me. Only me. Natalie Dovette. Five million girls all yearned for this and the opportunity landed in my lap. Just thinking of him or saying his name gave me the shivers! Zayn Malik.

Oh the tingling feeling! I sat up and moved my messy hair away from my face. I'm not single anymore. I'm not the sweet daughter anymore that my parents think I am. I'm gonna be the world's hottest guy's girlfriend. Secretly.


"Good morning Mom." I sang as I walked into the kitchen. 

"Good morning."  

"Whatcha cooking?" 

"Some eggs." 

"Oh cool." I walked over to the TV in the room across. 

"Well you look quite happy today." 

"Yeah I just had a really good sleep." 

"Oh well did you have fun-" 

"SHHH!" I glued my eyes on the TV screen. I saw him. My Zayn. A music video of his was playing. I've seen it a couple of times before but never really cared. Now, it was the most flawless video I had ever seen. He looked so good. Now I felt what his fans went through. But I'm sure their fangirling was way more intense... and a little bit different.

After the most amazing video ended, I turned back to my mom. "Wasn't that great?" 

"Uh yeah. Very catchy." 

"Yeah." I said dreamily. 

"Are you a fan of him? He is quite handsome." 

"Oh. Yeah something like that." I turned back to the TV. 

"Anyway. I was asking if you had fun last night." 

"Last night. Hmm I gotta say it was one of the most amazing nights of my life!" 

"Oh?" my mom looked up to me. "And why's that?" 

I came out of my trance. Shit. What was I doing? I couldn't tell her. Love really does mess your brain. "Um 'cause the boys, El and I didn't have that much fun in months!" 

"True. You were so busy! Ha-ha and I thought you had fallen in love." 

"Ha! What? You're joking right?" I felt really uneasy now. I needed to change the subject. NOW. 

"What? It's actually possible you know?" 

"So when's breakfast ready?" I quickly asked. 

"It should be done in a few minutes." she smiled. Oh why did I have to do this? My sweet mother was being lied to.

I needed to spill the juice! I'm a teenage girl for God's sake. I need to tell somebody this secret of mine. I cannot keep this bottled up. That's when an invisible light bulb lit up in my head. What are friends for? To tell juicy secrets right? 


"So whatcha guys do after we left?" Eleanor asked. She came over to hang out for awhile.  

"Liam, Danielle and Harry left right after you guys." 

"Oh. They were such nice people."  

"I know right? We got along pretty well with them. We can all be great friends! My mom does want me to have more friends." 

"Danielle and I became pretty close. We went to Starbuck's this morning." 

"Getting her obsessed with it too?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh shut up! She loves it too ok? So anyways what did you and Zayn do afterwards? You guys were alone." now she raised her own eyebrow. 

"Oh nothing." I grinned. 

"Nat come on!" 


"I know something's up! You look like, like you're" she looked up to my face. I was trying to control from grinning so big. "Oh. My. God. You didn't!" 

I nodded. 

"NATALIE! OH I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" she squealed. 

"Shhh! My mom doesn't need to know!" I hushed loudly. 

"Right sorry." she settled down. "So tell me!" 

"I kissed him." I said shyly. 

She gasped. "What?!" 


"Well somebody changed overnight." 

"Oh shut up." 

"Oh I'm so happy for you! So how'd it happen?" she scooted near me to hear the story. 

"Well after everyone left, we started talking and he said he had fallen in love with me last week." I started to explain. 

"Ah! Seriously?!" she was getting pretty excited. 

"Ya huh! And then of course being me, I couldn't accept it." 



"Ok ok! Then?" 

"Then, we were in the car in front of my house and he apologized. I told him it wasn't his fault and he looked so good last night, I just leaned in!" 

"Oh my God! Ahhh!" she grabbed her face. She looked so cute when she freaked out. 

"Would you stop?" I laughed. 

"Girl, you are finally not single and on top of that, you're with Zayn!" 

"I know. I still can't believe it!"  

"Was it good?" 

"Was what good?" 

"The kiss silly!" 

"Uh I'm gonna leave that part to myself." I smiled. 

"Aw please!" she begged. 

"No! I don't kiss and tell."  

"Fine. So now what? How do you plan on going on with him?" 

"Sneaking out and date behind our parents backs." 

"Oh fun! I wish I can do that with Louis." 


"It seems more fun and exciting!" 



*Zayn's POV*

I was shooting some hoops and replaying the unforgettable moments from last night. What a night it had been!

"Hey Zayn!" I turned around to see Liam walking up in a T-shirt and shorts. 

"Hey!" I threw the basketball to him. 

"Well someone looks really happy today." Liam caught the ball. 

I smiled and looked at the ground. 

"So did you tell her?" he asked. I had told him about my crush on Natalie since the day I saw her at the library. 



"She didn't seem too happy." 

"Oh sorry man." he rubbed my shoulder. 

"No it's fine." 

"But man you like finally fell in love and the girl doesn't even-" 

"She kissed me afterwards." I stopped him. 

"What?" he stopped dribbling. 

"Yeah." I looked up to his shocked face. 

"Dude! Congrats!" 

"Thanks. Shoot some hoops?" 

"Yeah let's go." 

"So what are you gonna do now? Both of your parents would not like this." 

"Oh stop worrying Liam." 

"Ok what about the paparazzi?" 

I stopped. "We're planning to go out at night and just keep everything a secret." 

"Ah smart."

I was finally happy. I had finally found the girl of my dreams. She was just so perfect and beautiful. The first moment I saw her, I knew she was the one.

(1 week ago)

"Ok, I'll be right back." Liam said as he left the car. I was giving him a ride to the library because he needed to check something out. I waited for awhile and wondered what was taking him so long. I decided to go in and check it out. I always enjoyed reading. It was a great way to escape from the same old reality. That and of course music. I locked the car and walked into the huge public library.

This library was insanely massive! It had people walking to this aisle to that aisle. People were reading, surfing the web and some just carelessly talking on the top of their lungs. I scanned the library and there was no sign of Liam. Where had he disappeared of to? I decided to start from the first aisle at the far left side of the library. It was labeled History in big bold letters. I glanced into the aisle and saw a couple on a full on make out session. Ugh get a room people! I continued walking and tried to forget what I had just saw. Next thing I knew, I was gonna forget about it entirely.

I had bumped into someone really hard. It was some girl but I couldn't see her face properly. After her books had finally plummeted down to the floor very loudly, I heard her sweet voice.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry!"

I looked up to see the most gorgeous girl with long brown hair that matched her hazel colored eyes. Those eyes were just something else! I didn't mind drowning into those beauties. Her complexion was fair and her lips were the perfect shape. She was the most perfect looking girl I had ever seen. She looked so sweet and simple. Nothing like the bitches I knew in the entertainment biz.

Her name was Natalie. What a name! It went perfectly with her elegant self. She wasn't loud and wild like the many teenagers I saw. In fact, she didn't even recognize me the first few moments! I embarrassed myself in front of her but all she did was let out a little giggle. I couldn't help but smile. I had fallen hard. I was in love at last! I needed to see her again. I WANTED to! I could start of by being friends with her. I wasn't gonna let this girl slip away.

Poor girl had so many books to carry home. I offered to give her a ride. Liam could just wait a little bit longer in the library. She hesitated like I knew she would but I insisted. Natalie was too insecure. Did she not have any idea on how beautiful she was? Maybe not. She never had a boy tell her. I would be the first one. So what I'm a huge international pop star? I meant it with all my heart. The greatest thing was, even though our lives were so different, they were a bit similar in their own ways. We understood each other on one thing. Dating someone with our own choice. This girl was perfect. I needed her in my life. I had really gotten hit by the love bug. I took a picture of her to add her as a contact. Also for an excuse to having a memory of her. Who knew when was the next time I was gonna see her? But I had a gut feeling it was soon.

Few days later, I had met her again. It was one of the most horrible days in LA but seeing her beautiful face had made my day. But one thing upset me that day. Her facial expression when she found out about my disgusting habit. Smoking. I could tell she hated it. Who wouldn't? It's a slow death for crying out loud! I myself hated the fact that I picked up on one of the worse habits out there. Anyways, I needed to see Natalie again. This time it had to be proper, not unexpected. Maybe the upcoming weekend would be the right time.

(Yesterday Night)

"Babe, where is she?" Danielle asked. 

"I'm not sure." I said nervously. I wanted Liam, Danielle and Harry to meet Natalie. They were pretty stoked to hear that I had finally found the one.  

"Maybe he was just making it up. If Zayn never fell in love, then why now?" laughed Harry. 

"Shut up Harry!" Liam scolded. 

"I'm serious guys. She's the one. I know it. I-I feel it-" 

"In your heart?" Danielle asked as she put a her hand on my shoulder. 

I smiled and nodded. 

"Stop teasing the poor boy Harry. He finally found his princess." she put her hands on her hips. 

"Whatevs. I don't even see the fun in being tied down to one girl. I say flirt with a bunch of girls and if you're lucky, have a one night stand with one of them." Harry shook his head and whipped his curls out of his face. 

"That's not how you treat women Mr. Styles!" Danielle yelled. "Try to be like Liam once." 

Harry pretended to gag and said "No thanks." 

I smiled. Harry might not have the respect for women, but he never failed to put a smile on my face. 

"I hope they get here soon." I started pacing around the colorful room. 

"Dude! Calm down. Look, I'll go out and see if they're here." Harry got up and left the room. 

"I honestly still don't understand how my handsome prince ended up being great friends with such a player." Danielle shook her head and sat beside Liam. 

"Well come on, he's not all bad." Liam defended. 

"Hmmm yes but still. I'm the only girl in this group of ours and man do I feel uncomfortable around him!" 

"Aw well I'm here for you." Liam hugged her. "And Zayn." 

"Zayn?" she made a face. 


"I'm sure after this beautiful girl walks through that door, Zayn won't even look back at us for even a second." 

"Dani. I would never do that." I said. 

"Love can corrupt minds hun. You have no idea the damage it does." Danielle explained. "Once you fall in love, the girl is the only thing you see." 

"I completely agree." Liam smiled. 

"Aw" Danielle kissed him. 

"Guys! They're here!" Harry jumped into the room. 

I ran to the door and outside, I saw her. She was walking right towards me. I waved and gave her a smile. She looked too pretty. The way she looked tonight was completely different from the other times I saw her. But she still had that innocent look on her face which I loved. I didn't notice her friends walking beside her. She was the only person I saw. Danielle was right. "Hey guys!" 

"Hey." she replied.  

I greeted her with kiss on the cheek and did she smell good! I needed to stop. Her friends were here also. I needed to remember that. Besides, what was the point? I'm sure she didn't feel the same way. "C'mon in!" 


The night was going great. Natalie had gotten out of her shell and became dangerously competitive. But it was amazing to see her like this. She seemed more happy.

After awhile, everyone decided to leave. That meant I was gonna be alone... with her. I had to do it now. It was either now or never. "Natalie, I have to tell you something."

(Present day)

I hadn't planned the night to go like that. And I'm not complaining. I was happy and so was Natalie. We were both ready to ride our roller coaster of life together.

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