By jennierjkim__

334K 14.5K 4.1K

When she was 12 years old, Jennie Kim was in a car accident that killed both of her parents. Since that day s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 15

10.3K 462 190
By jennierjkim__

It was Tuesday and Lisa left work early to meet Jennie at the library.

Jennie's face lit up when she saw Lisa waiting outside. She hurried over, giving Lisa a kiss hello.

'Shouldn't you be at work?' Jennie signed, letting Lisa loop her arm through hers.

"I should, but pizza and you sounded a lot more fun than another couple of hours stuck behind my desk," Lisa explained, pulling Jennie closer.

It started snowing on the way back to Jennie's apartment and Jennie crossed her arms across her chest to keep herself warm. Lisa realised Jennie wasn't wearing her scarf.

"Ah shit!" Lisa cursed, "I still have your scarf at my place."

Jennie rolled her eyes, 'It's fine, I have more than one scarf'

"But it's your favourite scarf! And you're freezing," Lisa argued.

'That's because I left my other scarf at home, and it's fine I'll just get it tomorrow'


They were cuddled up on the sofa under a pile of blankets, eating pizza as they watched another Christmas film. Lisa wasn't really focussing on the film though, instead she was watching Jennie, who was captivated by the screen.

Lisa got up off the sofa, kissing the side of Jennie's head as she picked up their empty mugs and carried them to the kitchen.

"Coffee of hot chocolate?" Lisa yelled over her shoulder as she pulled the milk out of the fridge. She turned around for Jennie's answer and set about making her a hot chocolate, and a coffee for herself.

Carrying the mugs back over to the sofa, she handed Jennie one piled high with marshmallows and lean forward for a kiss. They sat there sipping their drinks, and Jennie finished off the rest of the pizza.

Her attention wandering again, Lisa reached under the blankets and placed her hand on Jennie's knee. Her expression didn't change, so Lisa let her hand slide further up Jennie's leg, smirking as she slowly trailed her fingers upwards. Jennie turned her head slightly towards Lisa, her eyes still focused on the TV. It wasn't until Lisa's fingers pressed against the skin on Jennie's stomach that she pulled her attention away from the screen and pushed her lips against Lisa's.

Lisa rolled them over so that she had Jennie pinned beneath her, smiling as she lowered herself down to recapture Jennie's lips with her own. Her hands had just made in past the waistband of Jennie's sweatpants when Lisa's phone started vibrating on the coffee table. Jennie started to turn in the direction of the buzzing, pulling away from the kiss.

"No, leave it," Lisa mumbled against Jennie's lips.

The vibrating stopped after a while, and Lisa carried on with her wandering hands. Until her phone started ringing again. Sighing, Lisa sat up, straddling Jennie as she reached over to the coffee table and picked up her phone.

It was Jess, and Lisa was annoyed. She knew not to call Lisa once she'd left the office unless it was important, and it had better be really important for her to be interrupting them now.

Jennie propped herself up on her elbows, sliding one hands up along Lisa's thigh and disappearing up her skirt. Lisa's face turned serious as she listened to what was being said on the phone, and she stopped Jennie's hand with her own.

"Fuck, I'm on my way, don't panic, don't touch anything, I'll be there soon," Lisa rambled, scrambling off of Jennie as she hung up. Rushing around the apartment, Lisa gathered her coat, shoes and bag, as Jennie stood there confused.

"I'm sorry, there's an emergency at the office, I'll call you later," Lisa explained, hurrying over to kiss Jennie goodbye.

"I love you," Lisa promised, kissing her again before she walked out the door.


Jennie stayed up late waiting for Lisa to call. She finished the end of Home Alone by herself, and then turned the TV over to a nature documentary that she was only half paying attention to. She was too busy wondering what was wrong. It had to be important for Lisa to rush off like that.

In the end, she went to bed. It was just past midnight and Jennie assumed that Lisa had fallen asleep when she got home and forgot to call. Besides, Jennie had to be up for work in the morning and needed her sleep. She'd talk to Lisa in the morning.


It was eight o'clock in the morning and Jennie had just started work. She still hadn't heard from Lisa, and was a bit annoyed that she hadn't replied to her texts. Jennie told herself not to overreact, of course Lisa would have a good reason, maybe her phone had gone flat and she hadn't gotten around to charging it yet.

Busying herself with her work, and with listening Jackson's stories about his Dungeons and Dragons game last night, Jennie managed to put Lisa out of her mind for a little while. Of course she was still anxiously awaiting a text back.

An hour later, Jennie got a call from Rosé. That was weird, Rosé never called her; one sided conversations weren't very fun. Furrowing her brows, Jennie answered her phone, waiting for Rosé to talk.

"Jennie?" Rosé's worried voice came through, immediately filling Jennie's stomach with dread. "Okay, I need you not to panic, Lisa's fine." Jennie let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding, relief flooding her body.

"We had a tip-off last night that the CEO of L-Corp was embezzling funds, the FBI was sent there last night, and an investigation is underway," Rosé rambled as Jennie's panic flared back up.

"An arrest warrant was sent out this morning and Lisa's in FBI custody, but she's okay Jennie, I took her in myself. I'm not supposed to be telling you any of this but I promised Lisa I'd call you for her."

Jennie was close to tears at this point.

"You can't see her, she's still being questioned and then they'll probably transfer her straight to jail, but she'll be let out on bail in the next day or two," Rosé's voice was shaking as she explained the situation to Jennie, and that worried her more than anything.

Rosé was the strongest person she knew, but Jennie could hear the worry in her voice, and that made it a thousand times worse for her. She knew Lillian was the source of the tip-off, because of course it was. It was all too convenient that a few days after she had threatened Lisa, and tried to blackmail her, that Lisa was arrested for embezzlement.

"She wanted me to tell you that she loves you," Rosé continued, pausing as she waited for Jennie to take it in.

"I have to go now; I'll message you later. We can meet up for lunch and I'll tell you everything else," Rosé promised before hanging up.

Jennie fell back into her chair, her phone dangling uselessly at her side. Fighting back tears, she tried to make herself look busy. She could feel Jackson's questioning eyes watching her, but Jennie ignored him.

At lunchtime, Jennie grabbed her coat and bag, rushing to meet Rosé at their favourite café. The first thing Rosé tried to do was reassure Jennie that everything was fine, wrapping her in a tight hug when she walked in.

'It's her mom' Jennie told Rosé, supposing that it didn't matter now if she told Rosé about the threats. Either way, Lillian had tried to take Lisa down.

"I know you love her, but there's a lot of incriminating evidence Jennie," Rosé softly explained, holding Jennie's hands across the table. Jennie nodded, of course there was. Lillian wouldn't do anything half-assed, the evidence would be very convincing, Jennie was sure of that.

'She's not that stupid Rosé, and her mom's been threatening her, I told her to come to you but she said she'd handle it'

Rosé sat there, a thoughtful look on her face as she considered what Jennie was saying. "There's going to be a full investigation, so if you say she's innocent we'll find out," Rosé comforted Jennie, taking a sip of her coffee, "Lisa's cooperating well so that'll complicate things less, and that also helps her case."

'When can I see her?'

Rosé sighed, "Probably not before she gets let out, she might be able to call you in there, but that doesn't really help. She won't be in there long, money and power helps move things along faster so she'll definitely be out by the end of the week."

Jennie swallowed the lump in her throat as she focused on pulling apart the bagel on the plate in front of her.

"Hey," Rosé stopped Jennie's hands, "she's going to be fine Jennie."


Jennie went home after work. The rest of the day had passed in a blur or worry and panic. Rosé's reassurances had done nothing to help stamp down Jennie's worry.

She would be in jail by now, stuck in there with actual criminals. Jennie couldn't stop thinking about Lisa. She jumped when her phone started vibrating, thinking it was Rosé with another update, but it was a private number. Jennie frowned at her phone before she answered it, waiting for the other person to talk.

An inmate from National City Correctional Facility is attempting to contact you, to accept the call please press one.

Jennie almost dropped her phone in her rush to press one, before pressing it back to her ear in anticipation.

"Jennie?" Lisa's voice came through from the other end. Jennie's shoulders relaxed as all of the air in her lungs rushed out. She had never felt so relieved to hear Lisa's voice before. Her eyes filled with tears, and her panic died down a bit.

She was okay.

"Are you crying? I can hear you sniffing," Lisa sounded amused, and Jennie could picture her smiling, her eyes filled with tears too.

"Sorry I didn't call you sooner, everything's a mess right now," she let out a shaky breath before continuing, "I knew she'd try and frame me, I wonder how long she's been planning it. She probably has year's worth of fabricated evidence; offshore bank accounts, a paper trail, God knows what else," Lisa let out a bitter laugh.

"Everything will be okay though," she whispered, trying to reassure Jennie, "I have the best lawyer in the city, she's getting my hearing moved up so I can be released on bail. I should be out in a few days."

"I miss you," Lisa's voice cracked as she said it, "I know you can't say anything, but I'm just going to tell myself you miss me too."

Jennie smiled, sniffing as she tried to stop her tears from falling. It had only been a day, but all the worrying had made it seem longer than that, and all Jennie wanted right now was to be curled up next to Lisa on her sofa.

Jennie could hear another voice saying something in the background.

"I have to go now," Lisa sighed, "I'll call you tomorrow if I can."

There was another pause. "I love you Jennie," she choked out, laughing as she added, "I'm going to assume that you're saying it back too. I wish I could hear your voice right now."

She said I love you again before hanging up, and Jennie thought it back a dozen times, wishing Lisa could hear it.


Jennie didn't hear from Lisa the next day. She tried not to worry, and Rosé assured her that prisoners didn't have the liberty of making calls whenever they felt like it.

She didn't hear from her all day on Friday either. Jennie almost considered skipping drinks that night, but the thought of going home to an empty house was unbearable. She walked in to the bar, and found Rosé, Jisoo and Jackson already sat there.

Rosé looked up in surprise when she saw Jennie walking over to their booth. Her surprise quickly turned into a frown.

"Wh-what're you doing here?" Rosé asked, confused. Jennie's frown mirrored her sister's. Jackson and Jisoo shared a look with each other, both staying silent as Jennie replied.

'It's Friday? I didn't want to be alone' Jennie signed, sliding in next to Jackson.

"Shouldn't you, uh, be with Lisa?" Rosé asked, shooting Jennie another confused look.

'You said I wouldn't be allowed to visit her in jail' Jennie reminded her sister.

Rosé's eyes flickered to Jisoo and Jackson, who were both trying to act like they were invisible.

"Sh-she didn't call you?" Rosé asked, stumbling over the words. Jennie's eyebrows knit together in confusion, she hadn't spoken to Lisa since yesterday.

"She had her hearing today, the judge granted her release on bail, she's out Jennie," Rosé explained, reaching across the table to touch Jennie's hand.

Jennie sat there dumbfounded, Rosé was wrong. If Lisa was out of jail she would've called Jennie straight away. It had only been a few days; things hadn't changed that much. Sliding out of the booth, Jennie hurried out of the bar, waving goodbye over her shoulder.

She text Lisa's phone as she walked through the city. No reply. She texted her again, and then called. Still no answer. She didn't know where Lisa would be, but Jennie's best bet was that she was at her apartment or at L-Corp, and the office was on the way to Lisa's apartment.

There was an FBI car parked outside, still conducting their investigation. No one stopped Jennie as she walked inside, heading towards the elevator and going up to the top floor. She walked out of the elevator. Jess saw her and stood up, walking around from behind her desk to block Jennie's path.

"I'm sorry Miss Kim, you don't have permission to be up here, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," she informed Jennie, giving her an apologetic look.

Jennie frowned. If Jess was here that meant Lisa was here, and if they were allowed up here with the FBI in the building, it wouldn't make much of a difference if Jennie was up here too. Ignoring Jess, Jennie tried to walk around her.

Jess stepped into her path, blocking her way again. "I'm really sorry, but Miss Manoban has cancelled all visitation rights for you," Jess explained, a sad look on her face.

That couldn't be right. Lisa would never stop Jennie from visiting her. She had to see Lisa, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. She pushed Jess out of the way with her shoulder, trying to be gentle (she liked Jess), before she walked towards Lisa's office.

Jess trailed behind her, trying to convince her to stop, but Jennie didn't listen as she barged into Lisa's office.

Lisa had her back to Jennie, talking to the two FBI agents. Her office was bare. All electronics had been removed, and all of her personal files and paperwork had been taken too. Lisa turned around at the sound of the door banging open.

Jennie froze in her tracks, taking in the black eye and split lip. Lisa stiffened, her jaw tightening as Jennie rushed forward, her hands outstretched. Lisa took a step back, turning to the FBI agents.

"Could you excuse us for a moment please," she directed at them. They nodded, walking out with Jess, who shut the door behind her.

Jennie slowly walked forward as Lisa placed her hands on her desk, facing away from Jennie.

"You should go," Lisa told her, her voice shaking.

Jennie frowned as she carried on walking forwards, placing her hand on Lisa's shoulder. She gently turned her around, cradling Lisa's face between her hands. Her fingers hovered a hairbreadth above the bruise covering the left side of Lisa's face. Lisa wouldn't look her in the eyes.

A choked sob burst out of Jennie as she pulled Lisa against her in a tight hug, pressing kisses to the side of her head. Lisa's hands circled Jennie's wrists and pushed her back. A hurt expression crossed Jennie's face as she reached out for Lisa.

"Please don't," Lisa whispered, a tear sliding down one cheek. Jennie stopped herself from wiping it away.

'What happened to you?' Jennie signed, her hands shaking,

"My mother had someone waiting on the inside," Lisa said, "she was there to pass along a message." She gave Jennie a bitter smile.

"I'm sorry Jennie, but you should go now," Lisa told her, crossing her arms as she sat down on the edge of her desk.

'No, I'm not leaving you, just tell me how I can help, I can pick you up some food or get you some clean clothes' Jennie signed.

"Enough, Jennie," Lisa snapped, her eyes brimming with tears, "I don't want you to do anything, I just want you to leave, and not come back."

Jennie flinched as if she'd been slapped. So Lisa had purposely banned her from her office. Jennie didn't understand. They'd been fine the last time they had spoken. Whatever message Lillian had passed along to Lisa had changed things.

Jennie raised her chin, her stubbornness flaring up as she stood her ground.

'I'm not leaving' Jennie told her.

Lisa looked pissed off now, she'd been hoping Jennie would just go, it would have made things a lot easier for her. "I don't want you here, Jennie, this was all a big mistake, please don't make it any harder," Lisa told her, her eyes flitting around the room, looking everywhere except at Jennie.

Jennie felt like she'd been punched in the stomach, it hurt to breathe. This couldn't be happening. She took a step forward, her eyes filling with tears.

'Please don't do this Lisa, I love you, and you love me'

Lisa tried to take another step back, but hit her desk.

"I'm doing this because I love you," Lisa uttered sadly, "she can overlook a gay CEO if I don't have a girlfriend, and if I don't give her what she wants she's going to come for you next. She'll ruin your life, and I'm not going to sit by and let that happen."

'I don't care about any of that, I just want you'

"I'm doing this to protect you, because I love you," Lisa told her, her jaw twitching as she tried to keep her face a blank mask.

"No, don't come any closer," Lisa warned Jennie, who started moving forward, "don't try to change my mind."

Jennie had her arms wrapped around her, holding herself together as her heart broke. She was openly crying now, tears running down her cheeks as her shoulders shook with silent sobs. She opened her mouth to say something, anything, just trying to make the words come out. She wanted to yell and scream at Lisa, to beg her not to do this.

Lisa stared at the ground as she waited for Jennie to go, she was too ashamed to look her in the face. She didn't leave straight away, she stood there holding herself together as she waited for Lisa to say something. Eventually she nodded to herself, and walked over to the door.

She didn't turn around when she heard a choked 'I'm sorry', instead she pushed the door open and walked out. Jennie stood outside the door for a few moments, choking back her sobs as she tried to calm herself down.

A crash sounded from inside Lisa's office. Jennie was itching to go back inside, to hold her tightly and make sure she was okay. Instead, she went home, walking through the snow, cold without her scarf and Lisa's warmth beside her. Jennie cried the whole way home, her tears freezing on her cheeks as they fell.


Jennie lay in her bed, her hand reaching across to the cold half where Lisa should be as she rested her head on her wet pillow. She had collapsed onto her bed as soon as she walked in and hadn't moved since. She'd ignored Rosé's texts and calls as she sobbed into her pillow. Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest. Jennie cried herself to sleep that night, missing the feeling of Lisa's back pressed against her front.

In her office, Lisa lay on the floor in front of her desk, surrounded by the broken pieces of a vase and a photo frame from where Lisa had pushed them off her desk in a fit of anger. The FBI agents didn't come back, and she assumed Jess had gotten rid of them before she went home too. 

Plumerias were strewn around her, the water from the vase soaking into her dress, and she held the broken photo frame in her hands. She didn't care about the jagged edges of the glass that cut into her hands as she tightly held the photo to her chest. It was the photobooth strip from her first date with Jennie. She lay there all night, her tears mingling with the pool of water and blood as she cried herself to sleep.

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