The witch of ReveFestival | s...

By Seulrenescandy

862 29 3

"Miss Kang, can you explain to us what exactly happened in the house?" "They say four bodies were found, is t... More

Ice Cream Cake.
Dumb Dumb.
Russian Roulette.
Bad Boy/Perfect 10.


97 3 0
By Seulrenescandy

The girls wanted to stop, remembering that nobody closed the door, leaving them exposed to whoever that dared to walk by the witch's room. Hunter Kang dominated the situation and slowly and gently, she started pushing Irene to her bed. The tiny beauty was hesitant at first and acted stiff, but progressively started to get loose as she followed her beloved. Seulgi tried her best not to break the kiss as she laid the leader down, carefully crawling on top of her. When they ran out of air, they decided to separate and stare sweetly at each other.

"How can you be this bold now?" Irene asked, still blushing.

"I actually have no idea... But if you want me to stop, I'll-"

"No..." The older interrupted in a low voice. "I don't want you to stop but I don't know if I want you to keep going" She continued, looking away from the younger's loving gaze.

"Why is that?" The hunter asked, moving beside Irene, giving her some space.

"I'm confused" The shorter said.

"Me too" The monolided girl confessed, trying to empathize with the beauty. "But I guess I started to listen to my heart instead of my brain"

"My heart and my brain want you... but somehow I still feel this guilt..." Irene tried to explain.

"I can help you... just trust me" The younger said with a warm cheeky smile. "Come, I'm making you some coffee"

"I'm telling you, Wendy. Something is terribly wrong here" Joy said, sitting on the living room's floor with her girlfriend as they regained energy.

"Who can the lady in the mirror be?" Wendy asked, resting her chin on her knees.

"I've never heard Irene say her name... but her voice is oddly familiar to me" The taller said, standing up, offering her hand to her girlfriend.

"Can we please not get in trouble for once?" Wendy pouted, accepting her lover's help.

"Shh... do you hear that?" Joy asked, shushing the older.

"What? Seulgi and Irene?" The shorter asked, confused.

"Yeah, they're in the kitchen, which means..." The younger said, wiggling her brows at the other.

Wendy sighed. "Let's rock and roll, babe"

The lovers walked quietly to the leader's room, closed the door behind them and approached the mirror carefully.

"See? She even took it down... she knows something's different" Joy said.

"Well, that's a no brainer, babe. Someone made Yeri a witch and if Irene didn't do it then I guess that lady did it" Wendy explained, trying to make her girlfriend lose her interest.

"Let's turn it around then, see who's behind all of this" The taller said, carefully placing her slender fingers on the back of the mirror, hesitant.

"I thought you were convinced" Her lover teased.

"I am... but I'm still afraid" Joy said, looking back at her girlfriend with puppy eyes.

"Ugh, fine. I'll help you and those disgustingly cute puppy eyes" Wendy blushed and rushed beside her beloved, grabbing the mirror, ready to turn it.

They finally did and felt disappointed as it was completely opaque, not even their reflection was shown.

"What the hell is this?" The younger asked.

"Could it be some kind of spell?" The older answered with a question, got closer to the mirror, tapped it, shook it and sighed in resignation as nothing happened.

"I guess she's gone" Joy said, nonchalantly and started to walk away.

"That's it? We're just going to go?" Wendy asked. She was the one who didn't want to get in trouble but now that they were all the way into that mess, she wanted to at least have a resolution.

"I wanted to confront her too, but she's not there, what are we supposed to do? Wait for that bitch to come back?" The younger ranted, annoyed by the fact that the so-called witch ran away, probably knowing that her existence was found out.



The couple was about to leave the room when they heard their names being called behind them, a cold breeze hit the back of their necks, making them shiver both in fear and because of the sudden change of temperature. They slowly turned around and discovered that the mirror was back to normal, now reflecting the room and their silhouettes, along with the lady's one. They carefully approached the mirror, it was like if this dark aura irradiated from it, making it wicked and cursed.

"Didn't it sound like...?" Joy wanted to articulate her next word, but instead got hypnotized by the strange beauty the mirror presented. "We need to tell Irene that-"

The younger was cut off by a hand pulling her into the mirror, Wendy watched in horror as she screamed "Joy!!! Joy!!!" trying to grab her and fight the force that was sucking her in but it was futile, the mirror was faster than her.

In a blink of an eye, a bright blinding light filled the room and knocked Wendy unconscious. Several minutes passed and the short girl finally opened her eyes. "Ugh... we finally made it" She murmured, holding her head as she tried to get on her feet. "I need to find Joy" She said.

Stood up and stumbled as usual, it didn't matter how many times Irene put them in those horrible spells, she never got used to the trip coming back home. But wait, this time Yeri was a witch too... she thought. Her memory was failing her, as she didn't remember how she got into the leader's room, but she just ignored it and kept on walking.

"Here you are" Her girlfriend said, approaching from behind.

"Hey babe" The older replied. "So, why is Yeri a witch now?"

"I don't want to rush you, you can take your time" Seulgi said, observing the way Irene fidgeted with her cup of coffee. Ten minutes have passed since she gave her the coffee and judging by that, it must be already cold. But the tiny beauty was there, still holding it between her two delicate hands, fingers running from top to bottom, trying not to spill it in the process.

The hunter noticed the incertitude in the other's eyes and she quickly took the cup off of her cold porcelain hands, placed it on the kitchen's isle and grasped Irene's cheeks. "Look at me" The monolided girl cooed, tenderly gazing down at her beautiful witch.

The older hesitated at first, because she knew that once she looks into Seulgi's eyes there's no going back, looking into her beautiful deep brown eyes was her weakness, they make her want to tell everything, do everything. The witch eventually met hunter Kang's eyes, damn you... she thought.

"I'm here for you, you can tell me anything, I won't run away from you"

"I won't run away from you"

That last sentence resonated in Irene's mind, echoing straight to her heart. She couldn't help but to feel this overwhelming peace and warm inside her soul, making their way to break her walls, to expose her before Seulgi's eyes. The older shyly smiled, grabbed the younger's hands and once again relocated them on her waist, she slowly leaned in for a kiss and the hunter gladly followed her lead. A sweet, soft kiss that deepened into a bolder and naughtier one, but that was it, no more and no less, as Irene broke the kiss.

"I still don't know how to express my feelings in the right way and all I end up doing is casting dangerous spells..." The leader said, looking away.

"It's okay, I can work with that" The taller sweetly reassured. She knew that the witch needed time to get adjusted into expressing her feelings in a non-threatening way and she supported her without transforming it into a toxic relationship.

"I really like games and riddles, have you heard about peek-a-boo?" The tiny girl asked.

"The babies' game?" The younger asked, confused.

"Yeah" Irene replied, fixed her posture to a more confident one, she was regaining control over the situation. "Show me" She gently commanded.

"Huh?" Seulgi was caught off guard by that petition.

"Show it to me, I want to be sure you know what I'm talking about" The older commanded once again.

"That's embarrassing, Irene" Hunter Kang complained, blushing as her right hand scratched the back of her neck.

"Bear with me for a little?" The tiny witch pouted, making the hunter agree with her almost instantly.

The monolided girl sighed. "Fine" She uttered. She reluctantly covered her eyes and said "Here we go", the younger stayed like that for a couple of seconds until she fully immersed herself in the role of playing that babies' game. She sighed once again and quickly uncovered her eyes followed by the iconic "Peek-A-Boo" but as soon as she registered the place and analyzed the situation, she knew it right away. It was just another spell.

Unlike the others, this seemed a more peaceful one, without bright blinding colors, weird clothing and even this time her hair was fairly the same style she had, all black with just a variation of choppier bangs. She walked through the same house back in France, the same corridors, the same woody smell with a hint of cake, the same furniture, everything was exactly as it is in the 'real world'. One thing different was that there was this deafening quiet flooding the whole building, must likely because the girls weren't around by then.

Seulgi kept on roaming the house when she finally found Irene sitting on a sofa in the living room, quietly reading a book. Her expression looked drained, lonely, sad and in despair. She looked really different from now, it was if like she was trapped in this house for an eternity. "Irene?" She called, but received no answer. The hunter started to wonder if she was in an actual spell. The environment was rather calmer than usual, she didn't feel any kind of force trying to kill her or separate her from the witch. Could this be a memory? She asked herself. The monolided girl was way too deep in her thoughts that she didn't realize the leader changed spots. Hunter Kang snapped back to reality and looked for the girl. She found her looking at herself in the mirror, checking for wrinkles, founding many of them.

Irene opened her mouth, but no sound came out, Seulgi tried to read her lips but she wasn't good enough so she didn't know what she said and who she was talking to, other than the obvious mysterious lady in the mirror no one knows about. The taller followed the other, recreating every step she took back then. In a matter of seconds, the house was almost full again, symbolizing that she had lured the girls into coming to the house. In the living room, Joy and Wendy played chess, Yeri looked through Irene's bookshelf for something and the leader was now busy luring more sacrifices to preserve her beautiful looks.

Nobody said a word, only the ticking of the clocks could be heard, the tapping of Wendy's fingernails hitting the small coffee table as she came up with a strategy to beat Joy, the rumbling of Yeri moving all the books and the stumping coming from upstairs, probably by the tiny witch. I thought this was harmless but it's starting to drive me insane... Seulgi complained.

The girls stopped playing and stood up to meet the leader at the front door, it seemed like it was almost like clockwork. Irene opened the door to let a young man in, everyone in the room started acting cheery and happy, easing the process of luring him in to later be sacrificed. The hunter didn't want to be part of any of that, so she stayed in the living room, waiting for the girls to come back again. In a matter of minutes, Wendy and Joy came back to their regular spot and continued playing the same chess match. "Wendy?... Joy?" She tried calling her friends but instead of them turning to look at her, Yeri appeared from behind with a crossbow, the hunter felt her presence, so she turned around to face her.

"Peek-A-Boo, bitch" The younger said, firing the crossbow.

"Run, Seulgi!" Wendy yelled. It was like if a switch was flicked, in a split second the girls 'woke up' and grabbed the monolided girl by the hand, almost dragging her to the kitchen.

"What's going on? This was supposed to be about Irene" Hunter Kang complained.

"Did you forget that Yeri is a witch now?" Joy asked, rolling her eyes.

"We need to hide" Wendy suggested and the other two girls nodded. They quietly approached to the back door and exited the house, stepping into the yard. The sun hit hard and they had to create a small shadow with her hand to prevent their eyes from being blinded by the bright light. Unfortunately, the young witch was already outside, sitting on a dirty ass couch, biting a red apple.

"You're dead" Seulgi said and out of nowhere, she took out her axe, followed by Wendy's crossbow. The two girls aimed and fired but failed miserably, Wendy's arrow hitting the apple and the hunter's axe not even making it in frame.

"You think?" Yeri asked, now standing beside Wendy who held the crossbow again.

Seulgi gasped, she was now sitting on the younger's spot and was about to get killed. "Wait, wait, wait, Wendy!!!!" She pleaded.

The two girls fired and the monolided girl shouted at the top of her lungs, closing her eyes, embracing death. A few minutes after, she opened her eyes again and was now at the dinner table, weird green jelly in front of her. The young witch came in from the kitchen and blindfolded the older, ordering her to start eating at the ring of the clock or else she was going to kill her right there and now. This is obviously poison, Seulgi thought, but didn't know where to run or how to fight the witch back without her hunter stuff.

Before she knew it, the clock started ringing, she hesitated at first but started to eat slowly. "Seulgi..." Wendy whispered, making the other stop. "Let's get you out" The shorter said, taking off the blindfold and grabbing her friend's hand, running through the house. Hunter Kang looked back to check if Yeri was following them and when she looked back forward Joy was now holding her hand, leading her. "What the hell...?" She murmured. Feeling the same urge to look back again, she did and this time when she looked back forward, Irene was leading her to the door.

"Get in that car" The leader commanded, pointing to an old-fashioned car parked right in front of the house.

"What?" The monolided girl asked upon being confused as hell.

"Get in the car, Seulgi!" The beauty yelled.

She didn't have time to think it twice so she obeyed the instructions and got in the car, turned to the driver's seat and saw Irene already ready to floor it. "Weren't you outside...?" She trailed off her last word, turning back at the entrance of the house. The witch floored it and gave the younger just seconds to take a final glance at the situation, recognizing five silhouettes: Joy's, Wendy's, Yeri's, Irene's and... hers. She was there, as a part of the witches...

Monsieur Jacques walked to his barn and shushed his animals as something was upsetting them, he registered the place, looking for something like a wolf or a snake but found nothing. Before going into his house, he took a little peek of the witches' house noticing five girls standing on the porch, in the middle of the night.

"No... I can't be a witch" Seulgi said, distressed.

"Shh, take it easy, Seul..." Irene cooed.

"Seul?" The younger asked, her eyes starting to get heavy.

"I've got you, don't worry" She heard the beauty said, the hunter closed her eyes completely, giving in.

The ritual carried on as always, Seulgi waking up on Irene's bed, the nausea from the bad trip and that damned headache. Wait, on Irene's bed? She asked herself as she fully regained consciousness, looking to her left side where the small witch was carefully watching over her.

"This time you put the spell only on me?" Hunter Kang asked.

"I only trust you" Irene sweetly said, giving the other a cheeky smile.

"You changed" The taller said, trying to sit but failed due to dizziness.

"Hey, it's okay, take it easy" The older tranquilized the hunter, trying to make her lay on the bed again.

"No, no" The monolided girl said. "I want to hold you" She begged in the most tender way possible, making Irene blush. "You... looked so lost... so sad... so heartbroken" Seulgi explained, moving closer to the beauty. "Is this your true self?" She asked regarding the sudden change the leader made.

At first, she was controlling, cold, emotionless, even desensitized and now she was shy, loving, caring, almost as if she was going back to her true human self.

"I'm breaking my walls for you" The older softly said, mimicking Seulgi's moves and getting closer as well.

"And I'm loving that" The taller murmured. "I want to get to know you better, every inch of you" She continued, moving closer to the witch, planting butterfly kisses on her neck.

"Sss- Seulgi..." Irene whispered, her right hand automatically traveling to the hunter's head, ruffling her hair.

"You're so intriguing... I feel so attracted to you... drawn to you... it's like I've waited for you my entire life without even knowing it" The younger paused her kisses to whisper in the other's ear. Warm breath that hit Irene, making her feel electricity run down her spine and all over her stomach.

"Would you mind closing the door?"

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