The Warmth of The Sun (Buccia...

By JotaroBucciarati

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You just wanted a bit of a change of pace from your everyday life... every day seemed exactly the same, to th... More

1 - Mysterious New Customer
2 - Sticky Situation
3 - Repayment
5 - Anticipation

4 - Blossoming

822 36 48
By JotaroBucciarati

TW: Anxiety/anxious thoughts
CW: Slightly NSFW scenes/hints 😉


Hope to hear from you soon bella.

You sat on your couch staring at the note you were given by Bruno. You were home now, released after you stayed overnight. You were unaware, but Bruno even took care of your medical bill.

You were feeling a lot better, but the doctor insisted you rest for a few more days. So there you sat, on your not -so-comfy couch, contemplating your next move....contemplating about Bruno. Was it too soon to call him? You didn't want to come off as desperate, but you were so very eager to see his lovely face again. Hear his low, commanding yet soft-spoken voice. You've never felt so fluttery around anyone before. He makes you feel like everything will be okay. You feel... Safe around him. You take a deep breath.

" .... Here goes nothing," you say out loud. Hands shaking and hesitant, you slowly dial the number that Bruno so elegantly wrote down for you. His penmanship rivaled the beauty of old world calligraphy. You intially was going to call, but you were way too nervous. A text will do for now.

8:37pm (You): Good Evening, Bruno! This is (y/n) the girl you helped at the cafe. Hope I'm not contacting you too late.

You press send. Why are you being so ridiculously anxious about this, you thought to yourself. He DID apparently want to hear from you.

Your brain sensationalized every agonizing moment that passed. "He probably forgot all about you", your brain fictionalized.

8:52pm (Bruno): Why hello, Bella! I'm so happy to hear from you. Please forgive my delayed response. How are you feeling?

He responded! Your heart soared. Eagerly, you type your response:

8:54pm: (You) I'm feeling better! Still some pain by the eye, and the pain meds make me drowsy, but other than that I'm doing well!
Thank you so much again for all you did for me, you are truly selfless. ☺️

8:57pm: (Bruno) That's wonderful. I am delighted to hear that you are convalescing nicely. And it was my pleasure, as are you.
8:58pm (Bruno): You have no idea how elated I am to hear from you again. Forgive me if this is a bit much, but may I call you in a few minutes, bella? I've been dying to hear your voice once more.

You felt your heart beating out of your chest. He was dying to hear from you? You of all people? At this point, you feel fairly certain (though perhaps, perplexed) that Bruno is into you. Perhaps as much as you are into him, and you feel that in itself is virtually immeasurable.

As you became lost thought, your phone pings with another text.

9:08pm (Bruno): I'm sorry bella, was I too forward? I can sometimes get pretty excited about certain things...I hope I didn't scare you away.

Even though Bruno carried such a commanding presence, it seems, that when you are allowed to be closer to him, he emits a certain.... fragility---vulnerability to him. As if he didn't turn you on enough.

"Oh my goodness! I left him hanging!" You say out loud as you snap yourself out of your thoughts.

9:10pm (You): Oh my, I'm so sorry! I became lost in thought for a moment! Of course you can call me! I would love to hear from you as well! ☺️

9:12pm (Bruno): Perfectly fine, and great! I'll call you in 15 minutes, okay? And you were lost in thought, huh? I wonder what about? If you feel comfortable saying so I'd love to hear over the phone, lovely. 😉❤️ Talk to you soon.

9:13pm (You): Ok! Can't wait!


As soon as you sent that last text. You've longed for that anticipation that comes with getting to know someone you're attracted to, let alone a mutual attraction. As much as you've tried to not be the type that "falls hard" for people, your heart is set up differently. You'd managed to keep your guard up in instances that you already felt from jump weren't going to work out, but something about this feels different. Something about Bruno IS different. He feels like the breath of fresh air you needed in your life.

As you waited for him to call back, you decided to get up & clean the house a little bit. A way to keep yourself busy so the time that passes doesn't eat away at your psyche. Unfortunate that in the back of your mind, there is still a lingering feeling that the universe is playing a cruel joke on you. Your brain feels like ice cream and self doubt and negativity swirl around in it like chocolate syrup. The disturbance of said thoughts make you sigh.

You take a deep breath to calm yourself down & talk to yourself positively.

"I deserve to be loved. Bruno genuinely likes me regardless of if you can make sense of it. And I deserve to feel the same way."

Repeating this to yourself a few times helped you a fair amount. Suddenly, your phone rings. You check the time & it was exactly 15 minutes later. He's punctual too? Could he BE any more perfect?!

"H-hello?" You say, a bit trembly. Perhaps you didn't shake out all of the nerves.

"Good Evening, Bella", you hear the voice on the other line say.
Oh, that voice. That smooth, warm, buttery, dripping-with-honey voice. You felt a bit guilty, but his voice instantly made you wet. You tried to calm yourself down.

"Hi Bruno! I'm so glad to hear from you again!" You say enthusiastically.

"You could not be happier than me to hear from you mía cara. I was scared that I overstepped a boundary and that I'd never hear from you again. I don't think I could've ever forgiven myself had that happened."

"You were scared I wouldn't contact you?" You ask, quizzically.

Bruno lamented from the thought for a moment.
"Yes bella, I truly was. ....I was taken aback by your beauty when I first officially met you at the cafe...I felt as though I'd seen you before but uncertain as to where. I do know I was enraptured then as well and couldn't get you off my mind for days. Then at the cafe....I was certain it was you. I've learned from my current profession how to play it cool even if you're flustered to the point of a science, so that may be why it seemed like I was being oblivious to you. But my heart raced as soon as I saw your face, as it as now while we speak over the phone."

You were virtually speechless from Bruno's heartfelt confession. The romantic thoughts won't stop running through your head now. You wish you could just grab him and kiss his succulent lips right now, grasp him by the shoulders as he feels you up all over, tracing your every curve with his slender yet masculine hands....

"Hello? (Y/n)?"

"I'm here! Sorry, I was trying to process what you said. No one has ever said anything so beautiful to me", you say. You felt on the verge of tears.

"I feel the same way about you, Bruno."

You talk for longer getting to know some of your likes and dislikes (You find out that he loves fish and would like to become a Fisherman in the near future and about the kid Narancia as well as a few other troubled ragazzi that he virtually adopted and took under his wing. He explained that they're good people but left out to rot by society. That moved you considerably.

After conversing for over 3 hours (where did the time go?) Bruno suddenly says:

"(Y/N). If you would allow me to, once you're thoroughly healed, I'd like to take you out. Would you...want to go out with me?"
He asks you almost as if he's still expecting you to say no.

"YES! Yes of course I'll go out with you!!"

Bruno's heart soared to the Moon
moon, and mouthed "YES! YES!" silently on the other line.

He clears his throat.

"Wonderful!" Please let me know when your eye is completely healed so we can set a date, ok, dolcezza?"
You can feel him smiling on the other line.

"I most certainly will, handsome."

You couldn't see it, but you calling him handsome made his cheeks flush.

You bid each other adieu and had the same reaction afterwards; falling to the bed and sighing lovingly in relief, and anticipation.

You have a date with Bruno Bucciarati.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys!! Sorry for the delay on this chapter, I just came back from out of state and did some cool stuff including painting a mural! Hope to have the next chapter for you guys soon and hope you all like so far! ❤️❤️☺️☺️

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