
By Inconvenient_Ideal

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For as long as she could remember, Liruliniel had one goal, one hope, one thing she wanted to aspire to be an... More

Author's Note.


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By Inconvenient_Ideal

Liruliniel didn't rise for a few days, three to be exact. She didn't exit her home, nor did she even leave her bed unless she desperately needed to. She stayed hidden away in the safety of familiar scents and rooms, ignoring the door if it was knocked on and didn't listen if someone spoke through it. She wasn't feeling very sociable at the moment. She'd often just lay on her bed, staring up at her ceiling. She washed and changed with each passing day, but she never really did anything.

One day though, after dwelling and being lost in her own head for too long, she found her armour and set to setting it up on a makeshift mannequin she made to look at it. Liruliniel wasn't a smith, but she had learned certain things from a smith. She looked at her hands, turning them over and eyeing up her palms, she slowly looked at the mannequin with her armour resting on it. Unwittingly her eyes drifted and stared at Silmacil. Her grandfather had the skills of crafting, he was too good at it and it led to his death, and his families.

Bitterly, Liruliniel hunted around her home for things to use to mend what was broken. She had seen her father fix his armour before, not wishing to bother the smith here. It meant entering his room, again. Liruliniel was slowly going back on her vow of not coming into this room, same went for Thalion's. On one of the days where she simply trudged around brooding, she had methodically gone through both rooms to see if she could garner anymore information.

She failed, ultimately whatever may have existed was no doubt lost and forgotten about. Either remaining in Ered Luin, or Amon Lanc. Both destinations were a no to her. One was too far away, and she didn't find herself wishing to travel at the moment. And the other was taken over, it was taken over and despite it being a taboo subject; Liruliniel could still very well feel something wasn't right within the woodland around her. She kept silent, even as she managed to find the small pouch of tools that she was looking for. It was hidden away in a drawer, she left her father's room and returned back to the main one.

But there was something sick growing within the trees. She didn't tell anyone, because she was rather sure she'd either get ignored, or laughed at. Because she always had to bring about a prophecy of ill will. She reached behind herself and tied her hair off her neck. She was wearing a simple sleeveless tunic, it had sleeves originally but she cut them off when training with Veryan got gradually tougher. Of course, she wouldn't go charging into battle with uncovered arms. But summers in Imladris were hot.

Without having sleeves made her ability to work here so much easier. She lifted the chain which had the kink in it, she had found the buckled piece of shoulder plating too. Looking over the mannequins shoulder, she looked to the small mallet which was in the pouch. And it was small, the hammer of it was barely the size of her palm. She tweezed at the chain, managing to bend and manipulate it back into position. She gave it a reassuring hit a few times with the small hammer, she didn't know if that actually did anything she just thought it was something that smiths did a lot of.

What did she know? She knew nothing of the arts, this was new to her. She was bored, she didn't wish to go out and like her father: she didn't want to bother the smith. The shoulder plate gave up more of a fight, but eventually she managed to get it back into position too, even with a friendly hit with the mallet. Standing back, she crossed her arms with a sigh. Looking to the side, she eyed up her weapons. Tilting her head and reaching forwards, she strapped them to the mannequin. There was definitely more sharp weapons on there than what she would surely ever carry.

Would she truly be able to still be a guard? A guard guarding another royal...that seemed like a beginnings of a joke to her. Let alone being a specific guard to look out for royalty. Definitely the beginnings of a bad joke. She couldn't imagine it was something which would be welcomed openly. That's why kings and queens had armies, right? To have people to fight for them, to protect them and such so they wouldn't need to. Although that obviously didn't stop royalty in the past fight which happened, but mostly they tended not to get involved. King Durin for example, he sent dwarves, he himself didn't come. That proved her point enough, she was not going to be allowed near a battlefield, any time soon that was for sure.

What was she going to do if she couldn't guard, or fight? It was awful to say, but she was good at it. She didn't take solace or comfort in killing, loss of life was horrendous no matter who or what or why. Within a battle, everyone is following their own orders from their higher ups. Can't comment or contradict, just got to follow. Sure, the orcs seemed to enjoy getting bloodied and butchered, but surely even they could see that their comrades dying was awful?

She didn't know. She didn't want to know actually. Orcs and dark creatures from Mordor were a law unto themselves. She just knew she found killing and death horrible. Didn't stop her being good at executing both. Liruliniel sighed, would she need to have some sort of stupid tutoring? Like how to be a royal? That sounded painfully dull. She wasn't going to just get dropped into this role with expectations thrusted upon her, was she? She had spent enough time around the royal family here, observed how they acted and how they spoke, but that wasn't her.

She was sometimes too impatient to think and answer. More often than not just blurting whatever came to mind out without a second thought. She didn't see Thranduil doing that, nor did she ever see Oropher do it either. She had grown up around dwarves, mock fought with them and fought alongside them while training under some of the best elves she had come to know. She scratched her neck in thought with a frown, if she was likely to be expected to do things, or diplomatically instruct, she was wondering how that would go down.

Liruliniel moved past the mannequin and towards the door. Her bare feet padded along the brickwork as she just walked out. She wasn't wearing her boots, her brown trousers were not tucked into them and her sleeveless tunic stopped about the middle of her thigh and loosely billowed when she walked. It was perhaps too big for her, due to it being for a male. Regardless, she kept the strings tied around the neckline, keeping the collar in place. And she wasn't so indecent or shot of her sense not to wear an undergarment underneath it.

In the simple tie it was in, her hair swished side to side as she determinedly walked down the corridor. She just raised an eyebrow, unconventionally yet again not looking prim and proper like those around her. Liruliniel smiled, maybe being different wasn't so bad. She'd always wanted acceptance, yearned for it. But it never fully happened, through apprehension and fear probably. But she had come to see the world differently, her outlooks vastly differed to those around her and really, maybe that's what the world needed.

Maybe it needed someone possibly in charge with a varied outlook on the world around them, to make a difference; to make a change. Liruliniel smiled, she wasn't thinking of taking charge of anything, but if she remained on the council here then she was definitely going to invoke this. Baramaethor was going to flip, and she knew it. She found herself smiling again, her bare feet padded up the stairs as she turned the corner and continued on her way. Maybe this wasn't all bad. Emotions and worrying thoughts had piled up against her, and it got to her. She broke down. She was still her, a title wasn't going to change that. She would still determinedly do whatever she wished, regardless of comments said by others...as long as it didn't endanger anyone, of course.

Liruliniel had always wanted to be a guard, and all and any higher powers above was anyone going to stop her. Her three days in reclusive company had given her the ability to truly dwell and think over everything. She'd always been retrospective, but now it was more. Maybe, somehow, she'd just grown up a little more. Liruliniel couldn't help but quietly laugh to herself about that, maybe she had? One grows from hardships and trials. Finding out her family were a small bunch of hidden away elves and them all being dead and her the lone survivor really made her think. But it also gave her the opportunity to admit that she was not going to do the same mistakes.

Sauron spoke to her in her dreams, not no more, but he did. Sugared words trying to sway her, convince her, she ignored him just like her grandfather should've. Those who listen to such lies, must surely have doubt within their own conviction and being, right? Maybe it would've been easier for her to go along with him too, he'd have killed her and truly wiped at the line from Fëanor. No, Liruliniel was putting her foot down, no. If he arose again, and would come to her in horrific visions, she would fight him every step of the way. She hadn't a stake to claim in anything, but she was staking her claim in forever fighting back against evil.

That was the core root of Liruliniel, she had always wanted to help, and she had always wanted peace. Because she was apparently one of the Ñoldor, did that mean she had to stop? No. Did it mean she had to hide away? No. She had done these past days to recollect and think. Truly, think over what was now to be her life. This was her home, she'd always looked at the forest as her home. Thranduil was not going to send her away, he too had implored her she belonged here.

And she did, which was why she looked so miffed when she entered the throne room and was surrounded by finely dressed elves trying to get a word in anyway they could. It was her home, yes, but these weren't really her people, were they? But it didn't matter, she pushed her way gently through the crowd and got to the front. She all but beamed up at poor Thranduil who looked utterly bored seated up the stairs upon his antler throne.

He looked confused, his head tilting slightly as he caught sight of her. He looked relieved, if only by his eyes softening slightly by seeing her not looking so sad anymore. He hadn't sought her out like he wished, or she find him, because he had been busy. Ruling a kingdom was not easy, and there were many trivial things which kept waylaying him. But here she was, standing barefoot and smiling. Her attire so unlike those around her that he couldn't help but smirk. She didn't care, she simply didn't care that she was the lone out of a crowd to differ and that reassured him that she had made peace with everything.

"What brings you here out of hiding?" He asked, sitting slightly sidewards as he bent one leg at the knee and placed it over the other, his foot kicked slowly and languidly in the air as his arms were placed against the rests. Ringed fingers simply twiddled in the air as he slowly gestured and hand down at her. He was trying to seem casual, aloof slightly on the matter yet he lightly smirked out of curiosity.

Liruliniel smiled, she looked around herself and it seemed others had noticed her now. Or rather upon hearing him talk, they stopped. Rolling her eyes back up to him, Liruliniel sighed. "I am wanting your help, sire."

"Whatever with?" Thranduil frowned slowly, she didn't usually ask for help. Liruliniel wasn't one for getting help, unless it got to the point where she physically needed it. Or things were too much for her and everything overspilled and the result was her breaking down. He hoped it wasn't going to come to that again, he sat forwards in his chair and looked down at her.

"I believe there is one being which could aid me in fully getting answers to questions I may not otherwise get from anyone else. I want to know my origins, and I believe Lady Galadriel may be the only one who truly knows anything about where I possibly come from. She may know what really happened..." Liruliniel said slowly, well aware to prying eyes around her.

Thranduil looked around with narrowed eyes before standing, Liruliniel just shifted back a step when he walked slowly down the stairs. He was as imposing up there as his father, she had struggled to envision him up there and really, now she'd seen it it could not be unseen. Thranduil was very much like Oropher, she'd always thought it but this was cementing it even more now. He gestured a hand idly around the room, those present got the message and all bowed and scattered off with bowed heads.

Liruliniel just looked around with a pout and a raised eyebrow. Slowly her eyes looked back up to his, Thranduil was looking at her with a hard gaze. "You wish to leave."

Liruliniel shook her head, "No! I wish to write a letter, but...unlike Lord Elrond, I have never met the Lady, and I do not know how to properly formulate or write a letter to her." Liruliniel explained hurriedly with her hands waving in the air. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea, she didn't want to go anywhere.

Thranduil looked relieved, even letting out a quiet sigh while looking around at the empty room. "You want me to help you write a letter," he couldn't help but sound amused, another slow smirk appearing on his face as she frowned up at him. "But, perhaps you are right, little bird." He clasped his hands behind his back and walked around and past her, "Come along then." He just glanced over his shoulder at her, Liruliniel smiled and walked quickly after him. Thranduil frowned though and looked down at her appearance, "May I ask, where are your boots? You did not throw them at anyone, did you?"

Liruliniel laughed and shook her head, "I couldn't be bothered to put them on." Thranduil just raised an eyebrow, what exactly was he meant to say to that? Liruliniel just swung her arms by her sides and smiled away, he was pleased she looked lighter and happier.

"She will probably wish to meet you." Thranduil spoke quietly, leading the way to what was his father's study but was now his. Liruliniel nodded her head slowly at that, it was clear she was aware to this possibility. "But if it gets you answers, I suppose I can relieve my one guard to go in search for them."

Liruliniel chuckled quietly, "You could always invite her here?"

Thranduil frowned, "I hear she rarely leaves her woodland home."

"Sounds like someone else I know." Liruliniel jumped to sit in the chair opposite the desk when they entered the room. Thranduil walked around to the other chair and frowned at her. After everything that happened, who could blame him for not wanting to readily leave the safety of his home? Liruliniel just smiled and scooted forwards in the seat. "I'll bring you back a present."

"We went through this," Thranduil said, not wanting to see her grow upset again. She merely rolled her eyes and lounged back in the chair. Shaking his head, he pulled a piece of paper out and a pen. Dipping it in the inkwell, he looked to her. "I do hope for your input, I am not solely writing this."

"But you're my King..." Liruliniel said, putting extra emphasis on something it was clear he believed he wasn't, at least not anymore. She wanted him to know he was wrong. No matter what, as long as she lived within these halls, he was her king.

Thranduil shook his head and lowered the pen, though a somewhat calm and understanding expression was on his face over her words. "Be that as it may, this is still your letter. What exactly was it you were needing help with?"

"I need her to know who I am, and if she can aid in answers. But I do not know how to put it, without sounding blunt." Liruliniel admitted, she couldn't be blunt to someone she'd never met.

Thranduil merely nodded, he seemed to understand and took to writing slowly. Liruliniel just sat and watched him at work. It felt odd seeing him there instead of Oropher. But she supposed that was something everyone was going to need to get used to. It seemed like Thranduil had fallen into the role of ruler quite easily, and naturally. Although she still worried, he had lost his father and wife so young...how could that not or maybe impact on him and his decisions in some ways?

"I'm sorry I didn't come find you sooner." Liruliniel broke the silence, Thranduil's eyes flicked up from the paper. He looked at her curiously, "In truth, I was embarrassed. I have never been that bad, not even over the loss of my father and brother. You have seen me too many times in such a way, crying, depressive...staying away was my way of allowing you to just get on with your life without having to worry over mine." Liruliniel explained while twiddling her fingers together nervously.

"I knew you'd come out eventually. So I never pressed the matter." Thranduil replied, he knew she would come find him, it was just natural. "Legolas was asking for you though, I think he misses his tutor." Here she let out a quiet laugh, he just smiled lightly and continued on writing. He didn't actually realise that his son had become so attached to Liruliniel already. He seemed to make friends readily there, maybe that was a Liruliniel trait which rubbed off on him? Thranduil knew for definite it wasn't something he inherited from himself, he was and had always been so guarded. Vanadessë at length was the same, although warm in nature and outwardly kinder than himself, but even she had troubles making friends with those outside of her social circle.

"I'll go find him later, if I can?"

"Perish the thought of me stopping you." Thranduil rolled his eyes as he finished writing.

"You know, you believe I will not listen to you if you say something; that is not true, I was friends with your father but there was a line, you know? If he ordered me, I would listen. He questioned me, I would answer. If you told me no, I would listen to you, Thranduil. Not just because I would want to, but because I need to." Liruliniel said while leaning forwards and grasping the paper when he held it out to her. It was only fair she read what he had written on her behalf. He had a way of elaborating her rather blunt words into something more fluid sounding. Still, there was an air of hesitance, not wholly forthcoming or welcoming but it was better than what she would write. "May I go send this now?"

Thranduil sat there just watching her, he gave the slightest of nods and watched her stand. She smiled, bowed and ran out the room in a flash of auburn hair. He sat there in the silence looking around at the accumulated wealth of books which his father had collected. Thranduil hadn't read most of what was in here, and he doubted his father did either. But his eyes slid slowly back to the partially open door, she was so eager. But how come he got the feeling the answers she was looking for, weren't ones she would want to hear?

Surely something had happened that neither of them truly knew what had caused a separation, a rift as it were. Yes, Galadriel may be the holder of the answers, but would she be honest about it? Thranduil didn't know. He did know that she was likely to want to see and meet her, it was inevitable. It was something which was a bit bitter to swallow and accept. He didn't want her to go, he wouldn't tell her no despite of her words. Thranduil could admit there was a selfish streak in him, but this is one thing he would not stand in the way of. He hoped she got answers, just not at the price of a further broken heart. It had gone through enough already, and he wished for it to mend and for her to continue being happy like she is now. He didn't want to see her return back to how she was.

He wondered how long he could hide away in here for before someone would come and find him. Now he understood why his father hid away in this room for, a private area to contemplate and was often left alone. At the moment he was very much alone, and at any other time he wouldn't wholly mind. But after having the whirlwind that was Liruliniel as company, Thranduil found his own company lacking.

Pushing himself out of the chair, he decided to simply walk about the palace. He paused however when he heard a familiar voice, whatever was happening, Legolas didn't sound too pleased. Naturally he walked onwards to find the root of the problem, he couldn't help but roll his eyes when he came to the training area a few moments later. Legolas was sprawled out on his back on the floor, Liruliniel leaned against a staff and was smiling down at him.

"I did say your footing was off. You're lucky, my tutor back in Imladris would often gloat and mock me for being so unsure on my feet. He'd also go into great detail about the yelp I'd let out when I fell. Something about me sounding like a struggling cat, meowing out and failing." She mused and shrugged, her fingers drumming thoughtfully against the wooden staff in her hands.

"You didn't give me a chance to correct myself." Legolas huffed, sounding really quite annoyed as she stood over him rambling away. Thranduil stayed hidden in the shadows of the doorway just watching them. His son brushed himself down, walked to where his own staff had fallen and picked it up. "You're meant to at least give me a chance."

Liruliniel shook her head, "The enemy won't do such a thing for you. I got told that numerous times. You learn better in the moment." She paused when Legolas just shot her a look, she leaned away and blew out a sigh. That was a very Thranduil glare going on there, and she couldn't help but be slightly wowed by how he had perfected it so young. On a serious note, she leaned down, "You're not hurt though, are you?" She asked worriedly, looking him over, even reaching out with a hand and patting him down.

"I'm fine!" Legolas implored while swatting her hand away, Liruliniel just looked at him. "I'm sure this won't be the first time I fall in training."

She smiled, "It's a customary habit, unfortunately. But, if you do happen to get hurt, please tell me. It is not my intention to put you in a situation while we're here sparring, but accidents do happen."

"And that's what it'll be. And that is what I'd just tell father." Legolas said with a shrug, he just continued peering up at her. Even he could see she was concerned that Thranduil would comment something if he ended up harmed.

Liruliniel hummed and stood upright, she nodded slowly accepting that. "Just don't go lying about anything." She said, knowing that children did often lie about certain injuries. He didn't need to spare her in anyway.

"He already knows I am here, and he probably already knows you've beaten me several times."

"Don't say it like that!" Liruliniel exclaimed in a panicked tone. "That sounds awful, Legolas!" He just sent her a cheeky grin, Liruliniel pointed a finger at him. "I'm going to have to watch out for that wit of yours, Little Prince. Now come on, again." She said, banging the end of the staff against the ground. The sound echoed out and Legolas instantly moved to get into position.

They were an unlikely pair, the camaraderie was endearing though. At the moment, Legolas was not much of a talker. He'd always been a silent child, but losing his mother and grandfather had pushed him into a shell. He spoke to Thranduil, but even that took Liruliniel's aid and persuasion to help it along to happen. But he was seemingly the only person he did talk to at length, but now there was her. Thranduil wasn't expecting to see his son so chatty and conversational, but here he was surprising him.

He couldn't help but smirk slightly watching them, Legolas was getting more and more annoyed that Liruliniel was better than him. Of course she was, she had been in his position getting annoyed at Oropher; she was now the one with speed, strength and experience on her side and Legolas just wasn't wanting to bow down and accept that. He was determined, fast and confident in the attacks he followed through with, but of course; they weren't beating her, or besting her. Whatever he had, Liruliniel had an answer to and it still further irked him.

He shouldn't find humour in his son growing steadily more annoyed, but it was amusing. His face scrunched to one of sheer concentration and pure determination while whenever Thranduil caught a glimpse of Liruliniel's face, she was relaxed and smiling lightly; just to top it off, at some points she even had her eyes shut. No wonder Legolas was getting angry, she was literally beating him with her eyes shut. How she did it, Thranduil didn't know. But she was, and his son was not amused by this skill. Thranduil was somewhat interested and captivated by her ability to do it, yet his apprehension kicked in and he prayed she did not pull such a trick in a real fight.

"Come now, Little Prince! Why do you look like that? I am here to teach you, not lay down and accept you beating me." Liruliniel said when they paused again, Legolas paced to and fro catching his breath. "You are being too hard on yourself, Legolas. Nobody is a natural at things, everyone has to start from somewhere. But you will improve, you may not think it now, but you will. And when you do, I can guarantee you now that you will be as good, if not better than me, and even your father. Fancy that, hm?" Liruliniel questioned, her eyes watching him slow before looking up at her.

"You must be one brilliant teacher for that to happen then. Are you boasting about your skills already?"

Both seemed equally surprised by him being here and speaking. Liruliniel physically jumped and turned to shoot a look his way, and Legolas's face broke out into a smile upon seeing him walk further into the room. He all but dropped the staff and ran towards him, he was still small enough for Thranduil to be able to pick him up. So when he was close enough, he leaned down and placed his hands under his arms and did so. Legolas immediately seemed to recall all the events of his training, regardless of the fact that Thranduil had watched. Legolas didn't know that though, Liruliniel just leaned her head between both training staffs and watched him walk back over with his son in his arms.

Though Legolas was more resting against his hip, waving his small arms around as if that helped explain things better. Liruliniel just blinked and watched as he ran out of things to say and then just sat there quietly looking between the pair. "Talkative little thing, aren't you?" Liruliniel mused and moved away from her leaning position. "You were watching the whole time, weren't you?"

"How could you tell, you had your eyes shut." Thranduil couldn't lie, though he sounded amused and looked it too when she shifted on the spot and seemed embarrassed by this. Legolas let out a huff and crossed his arms, he didn't like it when she did that. Thranduil looked at his son's unhappy face, then back to Liruliniel. He placed Legolas down, his son turned and looked up at him curiously, especially when he knelt and placed an arm around his shoulders. "I think we could take her on, don't you?"

"Don't you dare!" Liruliniel said, a growing smirk on his face really didn't put her at any ease.

"She surely can't take both of us on, can she? I mean, do not get me wrong, Legolas; Liruliniel is good, but she isn't that good." Thranduil continued, watching her turn utterly affronted by his words. "You've never beaten me in a sparring match, remember?" That was adding fuel to the fire as she glared down at him, Thranduil continued to kneel smirking away as Legolas laughed quietly.

Liruliniel let out a chuckle, she passed the pair the staffs she had before going to the wall and grabbing one for herself. On second thoughts, she grabbed three training swords. These would be easier to handle and deal with than quarter staffs flying everywhere. Also less chance of Legolas getting really hurt. Taking the staffs back, Liruliniel simply threw them to the other side of the room. They clattered loudly against the floor, but didn't break or anything as they lay forgotten.

"You've never beaten me either, remember? Nor have you ever managed to catch me. I am faster than you, sure you have the skill but I have the speed, all I need is for you to slip up once...then you're done. And as for you, you are not much of a challenge at the moment, Little Prince." Liruliniel said, speaking to the father and then to the son.

Thranduil stood and took the swords from her hands, he gave one to Legolas and tested the weight of his in his hands. He tilted his head with a knowing smile, his eyes flicked up to hers. "That's if I slip up. And that's also if you are fast enough. Since when have you based things on what-ifs?"

Liruliniel smiled and turned her back on the pair, she walked a few paces away before turning with a blank and serious expression on her face. "Fine. It's an eventuality, you will make a mistake, and I will best you. Once I have, I will do the same with your son, no offence, Legolas." She felt bad, she sounded so insulting but she didn't mean to! She liked the young elf-Prince, he was lovely, it hurt to sound harsh when she wasn't meaning to be.

Thranduil just narrowed his eyes at her, he wasn't too sure which part of her words he disliked more. The thought that she believed she'd beat him, or that once she had she easily do the same with Legolas. Liruliniel just smiled, it was a crooked thing, though full of humour. She found this highly amusing, but she was also no way going to back down from this challenge. Since when had she ever done such a thing? Yes, she could admit it was disconcerting to have both blondes staring at her with similar toned eyes, Thranduil looked slightly more serious than Legolas, but it didn't matter at all to her. She was just curious to see how they'd work as a pair, but also if by fighting alongside his father, if it prompted Legolas's skills to vastly improve. Not that he wasn't good, but he could be a lot better.

Liruliniel tilted her head, she watched as Thranduil knelt again and quickly spoke quietly to Legolas. The young boy nodded his head every now and again. He spoke so low she couldn't hear him, while he did so, Liruliniel just paced to and fro swinging her sword in the air. She was waiting, clearly a battle plan was being discussed over there and who was she to stop them? However when she caught sight of them splitting up, her pacing stopped. She smiled, she hadn't raised her weapon up to defend herself and really, when they were close enough it was obvious who she'd go for first.

Poor Legolas was practically blind sighted when she came for him. From the sound of quiet running footsteps behind her, Liruliniel pushed the prince away gently, making sure he didn't stumble too hard before turning and jumping back from Thranduil. He also glanced at Legolas, who just sprung back up and came running back. Sharing a raised eyebrow expression with each other, they both equally double took before remembering they were meant to be against each other here.

Liruliniel just grinned and took the incentive to start throwing attacks his way. Thranduil had watched her fight on the battlefield, her movements were graceful and dangerous; it was exactly the same here, without the worry of serious injury from the wooden weapons. It still didn't mean she held back, she was determined to best him here, and he could see and feel that. Just so happened, he wished the same and fought back with equal aggression.

Liruliniel yelped a little and backed off, skipping and jumping from the suddenly skilled strikes of Legolas. She had hoped he'd improve during this, but did it honestly have to be right now?! She was locked up with Thranduil and so ready to push back and send a volley his way, but no, no here came Legolas. As quickly as he came, the poor boy went again. Liruliniel sent him an apologetic look before leaning back and to the side when a wooden sword flashed past her vision.

"Are you trying to break my nose?" She shot out seriously, because that sword came way too close for comfort as she ran in a semi-circle around the room to get space from Thranduil. She hadn't thrown such an attack out, in fact she'd been holding back if anything. That definitely wasn't holding back, he was serious in winning here and though she was too, she wasn't going to win by practically bashing his head in.

She watched as Thranduil made sure Legolas was alright, he just remained sprawled where he went skidding along the floor. He sat up and nodded, he looked exhausted. He hadn't the speed yet to fully keep up with them. Thranduil helped him up and watched him leave, though he turned and pointed the wooden sword back at her. Liruliniel let out an exasperated sound and threw her arms in the air.

"Are you joking?!" She couldn't help but exclaim. This was meant to be a two on one match, not one on one. As much as she was up for sparring, Thranduil really was too much like Oropher in this department and it was terrifying being on the other end of those attacks.

"Worried you'll lose?"

"I'm more worried I'll get hurt." She mumbled and ran a hand over the back of her neck with a sigh.

Thranduil shook his head, his blonde hair barely moving as he looked at her seriously. "I do apologise for that previous attack. I can assure you, I will not do it again or anything similar." The fact his tone was a bit smug and sarcastic sounding had her wincing. He didn't mean that at all! If it meant he finally won, he'd do whatever!

"Fine." Liruliniel said firmly while charging forwards. There was nothing for it, she'd stop holding back and fight him as if he were an enemy.

It was clearly what he was aiming for, and before long the heavy sounds of wood impacting off of wood echoed out in the room. He was stronger than her, but he always had been; a few times Liruliniel got pushed backwards and almost fully stumbled. But she couldn't because he would follow up with other quick and speedy hits. Liruliniel countered and returned the favour, driving him back and his assured expression would dwindle then as he'd look seriously at her with hard eyes.

It was all well and good as long as he was winning. But this if anything just proved that at the moment, she really was equal in his fighting ability. She did have the speed, and she used it to her advantage to dodge and weave around him, throwing hits out here and there and bracing herself when they were countered. Neither of them were backing down and from previous matches, they both had the experience and skills to get the measure of each other. Whatever one threw out, the other matched and sent it back.

Liruliniel was resolute on winning, but continuing to fight as an elf clearly wasn't going to get it. It may have been a dirty trick, but she had been taught fore mostly by a dwarf smith. She could use those skills here, even if the weapon to hand wasn't what would've been typically used. Thranduil's face said it all, his expression turned blank and serious as his eyes turned very icy; his whole demeanour changed as he didn't approve of what was happening, while she just smiled quickly at him before putting more weight behind her hits and how and where to hit.

She was driving him back, and he hated it. She could see it as he practically glared at her. Just to top it off, because he was already clearly annoyed, Liruliniel locked swords with him and when his attention was on that she shifted her weight and, well, Thranduil reacted too late and went falling backwards. Problem being, they were still in combat; he went, and he took her with him.

Liruliniel placed her hands underneath herself and pushed herself, "Does this mean I win?" She asked hesitantly, Thranduil slowly opened his eyes and narrowed them. "Are you hurt? You're not, are you?" She asked worriedly, he could've really hit his head on the ground for all she knew. She worried, she really hoped he wasn't hurt.

He sighed quietly, "I'm not sure about win, this seems more like an accidental win if it was one."

"You just don't want to admit I beat you." Liruliniel smiled down at him, Thranduil narrowed his eyes at her again as he tilted his head and looked around. Liruliniel was too busy gloating in a way to fully register the situation, unlike him. They were in the middle of the room, the light above was shining through the canopy and the rays were making her auburn hair shine. Her hands were resting against his chest, as the rest of her body was pretty much stretched down his. She was light, much like when he carried her, he hardly felt her weight against him. But even still, this was a little awkward.

Thranduil just shut his eyes before slowly opening them when he felt her shift. He turned his head and looked to her as she settled beside him, her hands on her stomach as her cheeks seemed a bit flushed. Maybe she realised the awkward position in which they landed in after all. He just turned his face back up to look above them, he didn't answer her earlier words. He felt like he didn't really need to. Through awkward and accidental means, yes she had won. He didn't need to say it, she knew it and that was enough.

Liruliniel turned onto her side and looked at him, she tucked an arm underneath her head and just laid there. "What are you thinking about?" She asked softly, she could see he had a thoughtful expression on his face, and she wondered why.

Thranduil turned his face to look at her again, he leaned away a little not realising fully how close they were. A mixture of feelings were churning up inside him and he didn't quite know what to say. He couldn't lay here and admit he was thinking of her, because he was. It was painful to admit, awful in some ways. The loss of Vanadessë did not seem so painful, because she was here. Liruliniel would always be here, she had made that clear. But even he could see how bad it was to be falling for someone, when his previous partner had not been passed for long. The love he had for both were different, he had registered that already. For Vanadessë it started as an obligatory feeling that grew the more he discovered they shared interests and views, he loved her for who she was and for being the mother of his child.

But for Liruliniel, this was something which had been harboured in secret for years and the more life went on, the more Thranduil had to relent that honestly, he couldn't bear to see her with someone else if it came to it. She was of the Ñoldor, royal at that, how long would it take before someone tried for her hand? Thranduil winced, now he knew how she felt when he came to getting engaged and married. There was a pain ebbing through him, a cold piercing feeling which made him feel unsettled.

"It doesn't matter." Thranduil spoke eventually, his eyes sliding upwards again as he took to looking over the canopy above them. It was easier to deal with than Liruliniel looking at him disbelievingly. Of course she didn't believe him, if he was her, he wouldn't either; his tone was not convincing, it was quiet and thoughtful still. He would try and be flippant on the matter, but she would know that if she pushed for information he was likely to just go silent. It was a usual thing which irked her when they were children, and probably still would now.

He looked sidelong though when there was movement, she had rolled onto her back and placed her hands by her shoulders. Pulling her legs upwards, she suddenly vaulted and landed on her haunches. "If you are still concerned over the letter, and the implications of it, you shouldn't be. This is my home, there isn't anything anyone could say to persuade me otherwise. I just hope to find out what happened in the past, for it all to become so confusing for my present life. It is a similar thing, like when I went with Lord Elrond. I know Lady Galadriel is likely to ask me to go to Lothlórien, I do not plan to be gone for years, maybe just a few months. She may be the lone distant relative I have, and I think I have the right to know why I didn't know that until now." Liruliniel spoke quietly, her back still to him as she looked at her hands as she played with her fingers.

Thranduil pushed himself up to sit beside her, his long legs still stretched out before him as he listened to her speak so honestly. He had reservations, but his thoughts hadn't been plagued by anything of that notion. At least not for the moment that is, he sighed and looked about the empty training room. "What if you get answers you don't want to hear?" He asked plainly, Liruliniel sat down cross legged and looked at him with her head slightly tilted. Thranduil frowned and slowly went to stand, he held a hand out to her to aid her up too. Her smaller hand slipped into his without hesitation, and Thranduil pulled her up gently. "Have you not thought over this possibility?" He frowned, by her expression he could guess no was the answer.

"I have, it's more...well, I don't think that's the right question to ask." Liruliniel said while sliding her hand out from his, the gentle hold and his slender fingers wrapped around her hand was too distracting; comforting and warm, and really it would make possibly going hard again with the more contact and conversations they had. Not that she was trying to distance herself, she couldn't physically. That would be a pain that would cut deep for her.

Thranduil looked at her curiously, he gestured a hand to her and she started walking towards the door. He didn't outwardly look affected by her retraction, but he did look a little hollow over it happening. Her bare feet pattered beside him almost silently, without any shoes it just made the height difference more noticeable. "And what is the right question, little bird?" He asked, tucking his hands behind his back as they walked along the corridor in relative peace.

There were others pottering around, minding their own business and the pair did get glanced at now and again by those they passed. Liruliniel sniffed quietly and placed her hands on her hips as they walked along. "The right question would be: what do you plan to do, with the answers you get; be them bad or good?" Liruliniel's eyes looked upwards at him, he looked a little thoughtful over her words.

"And what would you plan to do?" Thranduil's voice turned hard, like he was about to hear a truth he did not want to listen to.

Liruliniel stopped, she turned and smiled up at him. "Accept the answers, come back home and continue on from there. If I am truly what Lord Elrond wrote, if that is true...then I am a Princess in exile, essentially. Did your father know this? Most likely. Did everyone else know? I am inclined to say yes. It seems we were kept out of the circle, sire. I don't know about you, but I don't like being excluded; I got used to it when I was young, now I am older and want to know why. What do I truly plan to do? Well, there's only one thing I've ever wanted and I plan to continue doing it. I'm going to be your guard, it's as simple as that. I have lived this long without a title, by now it means nothing because I have had none of the traits, or privileges that come with it. I don't want anything, I don't want to be expected to want anything either." Liruliniel said while fixedly looking up at him as others just passed by without much care.

"A Princess guarding a King." Thranduil couldn't help but smirk, Liruliniel let out a quiet laugh and looked down at her feet. When said so plainly, it did sound utterly ridiculous.

"It sounds like a bad joke." She said once she looked back up at him, she watched him as he hummed quietly and nodded agreeing with her. "I can though...right?"

"We've already been through this; yes, and you wouldn't listen to me anyway even if I said no, even with your words of listening." Thranduil said tensely with a sigh, this was getting repetitive. He moved around her and continued walking, he heard her quiet pattering footsteps speed up to catch up with him. He just glanced down at her as she swung her arms by her sides with a small smile.

"Sire?" She asked while rolling her eyes upwards to his, Thranduil didn't like that tone. It sounded joking, serious yet a little sarcastic. It was a bizarre mix which she seemed to pull off well. It worried him. Even from the smile which she was trying to keep at bay, he knew he was unlikely to like what he was about to hear.

"Yes?" He replied anyway, keeping her waiting in silence was just having her looking at him more and more pointedly, imploring him to answer her already before she continued on.

"If we look at this from a technical standpoint, am I higher in rank than you?" Liruliniel asked, if her lineage was correct, then possibly? That was her thinking, the expression which flitted onto Thranduil's face had her laughing almost instantly. He didn't look at all pleased, utterly displeased and rejecting of her words would probably be more accurate to be honest. Yet she still laughed, placing a hand over her mouth to hide her grin.

"Don't push it, I may change my mind after all and not allow you to return to being a guard. Perhaps, maybe, I could quite possibly inflict royal duties on you; after all, I am sure you will get guidance from Lady Galadriel who am I to not aid in this too?"

Liruliniel pouted and pointed a finger at him. "You are a shrewd elf, sire." Thranduil smiled down at her, quite sarcastically and patronisingly too. "That wasn't a compliment!" He still smiled, and she huffed a sigh before crossing her arms tightly across her chest. "You couldn't do that," she said on a serious matter, her eyes flicking around the corridor they were travelling down. "I'm not royalty from here. And sorry, do you know how a Princess is meant to act? Are you trying to tell me something here?" Liruliniel snickered and just let out a whine from the glare shot down at her. "Sorry!"

Thranduil just sighed silently. She was right, ultimately. "Go and come back to guard, Liruliniel. It is what you want, it's always what you wanted; but do not be foolish enough to think that once all is known, others will not treat you differently."

"Will you?" Liruliniel just came out and asked simply, she looked at him with wide eyes. "I couldn't think of anything worse, to be honest. I'm not so fragile that I need looking after or pussyfooting around."

"And you're telling me this? Do you not think I have come to know this already?" Thranduil couldn't help but look at her shocked, definitely the wrong person to be saying this to. He knew all too well what her disposition and character was like. "Though I did the other night, I will not." She looked relieved by this, him almost changing how he treated her did her head in, he saw that happen. And it partly didn't feel right on his behalf, he couldn't quite describe it. Maybe her earlier words of not having a title or the things which come from it has done this? He had grown up, well, both of them had grown up together and treated each other how they continued to do so now; albeit, with clear slight tensions underlining, but that was another matter entirely.

Liruliniel didn't outwardly show she cared for titles; yet she did, she respected those with them and ultimately, she would listen if he put his foot down and said no; it wasn't an egotistical thing, or presumptuous, Thranduil just knew she would. Not just because she said so, but because she knew that he would be saying no for her own sake and safety. However, Thranduil had only ever known what it was like to have implications and expectations thrusted upon him from birth, as such it had impacted how he grew up and saw the world; and even how he possibly treated those around him.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, Liruliniel. But can you say that once you've got all your answers, you won't change?" Thranduil asked, Liruliniel looked up at him confusedly. "I mean it, whether the answers you get are bad or good, whatever you wish to do with them or not it is up to you; however, are you sure your views and ways won't change from getting the full truth? You may soon find yourself in more of a situation which will baffle you more. You've gone from being in the shadows, to soon be known by all as a long lost Princess. Do you not think others will wish to seek you out, to get to know you? How long do you think it will be until someone wishes to ask for your hand, just because you are now royalty? With that comes a stigma, expectations and possible pluses to marrying into such a legacy." Thranduil explained, just cutting straight to the point fully and in detail so she didn't find herself getting lost.

She was silent for a long time, processing this. Thranduil couldn't help but look confused and a little shocked when she answered him so simply with a shrug. "Good job I have you watching my back then, isn't it? I am sure you will deter me from doing something stupid." Liruliniel's eyes just stared widely and somewhat innocently into his, Thranduil got the sense somehow that this was perhaps more an answer or response to his latter words than anything else. How did he feel about that? Utterly confused, yet resolute. Even from her tone, it was clear she did not wish to have random figures vying for marriage. But also, believed wholeheartedly that he would be there to look out for her, if and when the time came; of course he would be, if only to perhaps be acting more on selfish grounds than what she maybe realised.


(A/N: I've wrote some chapters in advance, so updating should be quite smooth sailing. I got a bit carried away on my day off the other day, and found I couldn't stop writing. Also, I am a little taken back from the reaction of the Ñoldor bomb, for something I didn't actually properly plan, I am glad it's got a good reception! xD)

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