Suicide Line (Completed)

By IDidntseeyou

32.4K 1.1K 557

Charlie Hutson is just trying to get through his life while trying to escape from any kind of punishment for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Everything Wrong with This Book

Chapter 6

1.5K 56 17
By IDidntseeyou

<Charlie Hutson POV>

"..lie, Charlie, sweetie wake up." I heard as someone gently shook me.

"Wendy, Wendy wake up." I heard again, but to someone named 'Wendy'

"Oh hi Ms. Kiley." Someone else said, sounding tired.


Slowly I opened my eyes and saw mom, standing above me. "Hi mom."

"Mom?" Someone asked, I looked to my side to see Wendy, oh yeah, that's who Wendy is.

"She's my mom." I said slowly sliding down on the side other side of the bed away from mom.

"Ms. Kiley you never told me you have a son!" Wendy said now full of energy.

"He's not really my son Wendy, he just calls me his mom since I'm the closest to one to him." Mom said coming to my side and helping me up.

"Mom where are we going?" I asked as we walked out of my room, I guess, and held mom's hand.

"I told you, I would get you when it's dinner time." She said as we walked through the hall, to the cafeteria.

When we were leaving I had picked up the headphones and iPod to play when things got boring for me.

We got to the cafeteria and mom tried to get me to eat food, but all I wanted was the pudding cup.

So she left me and Wendy to eat, I chose a corner table that no one was at, while Wendy went to a small group of people for a bit.

Putting the headphones on I turned on the music and gently nodded to the rhythm. I heard a soft thud next to me, but when I looked up all I saw was Jacob.

Slowly I took off my headphones and looked at him, he looked back, but didn't say anything as he ate.

So I didn't bother him and finished my pudding cup.

When I finished it, I left the plastic spoon in the plastic cup, and sat there, eyes clowned, just listening to my music.

Opening my eyes after a bit, I noticed my empty pudding cup was gone, and Jacob was throwing his tray away.

We made eye contact before he left the cafeteria.

"Wonder what's up with him." Wendy said, startling me.

"Sorry. I thought you saw me. Any-who, he'll usually blow up if someone sits near him." She said looking at me.

I shrugged and put the headphones back on.

Wendy sighed before crossing her arms, setting them on the table, and resting her head in them.

Even though we had a nap not even an hour ago we were both tired.

A bit after we both ended up falling asleep in the cafeteria again. Mom found us after a while and took us to go to bed.

I had gotten hungry again though, so I begged her for another pudding cup. She eventually gave in and ran off to get me one.

"What are you doing up?" Someone asked, turning around it was Jacob who had his arms crossed

"I could ask you the same thing." I said back.

He shrugged and stepped towards me. "Got bored."

"Charlie. I got one." Mom said, still in the kitchen.

Jacob looked at me confused, but I shoved him under one of the circular tables.

"Here Charlie." Mom said handing me a chocolate pudding cup and a plastic spoon.

"Thank you mom." I said hugging her.

"Now I trust that you will say that and go straight to bed?" She asked

I nodded, "Good, good night sweetie." She said ruffing my hair and walking to the door.

"Night mom, oh can you tell Jason I said goodnight too?" I asked as she was almost out the door.

She turned back to me, "Yes I will."

Once the door closed, and the cafeteria was dark, and the only light was from the high, slim, windows.

"Ms. Kiley is your mom?" Jacob asked, getting out of the table.

"Yes." I said, really starting to believe she is.

"She seems so young." He said looking at the doors she just left through, "Pudding cup?" He asked, pointing to it.

"Don't judge." I said holding the cup to my chest.

He chuckled a bit, "I'm not."

I opened the plastic cover and held it out to Jacob, gesturing to see if he wanted it.

He slowly grabbed it, and licked it.

Walking over to a table, I sat down and pushed the spoon into the cup.

Jacob came to my side and watched as I ate.

Then he held his hand out, "Jacob."

"Charlie." I said shaking it.

I held the spoon out to him, it held a bit of chocolate.

Not seeming to think about it, he placed his mouth on the spoon and ate the pudding on the spoon.

Laughing a bit I kept eating the pudding, soon the pudding was gone and when it was done it was like we didn't want to move.

Slowly I got up and threw the now empty cup in the trash, we both walked out of the cafeteria and walked silently down the hall.

When we got to my room I stopped and it took a second for Jacob to realize I stopped walking.

"This is my room." I said, my thumb pointing to the door on my right.

"Oh, well goodnight then Charlie." Jacob said, giving a small wave as I opened my door.

"Night, Jacob..." I said back, closing the door.

TIME SKIP to next morning: 7:53 AM

"Charlie wake up." I heard someone say,

"No..." I said turning over.

"Charlie!" Someone said, pushing me out of the bed and to the floor.

I peeked my head back up to see mom and Wendy looking at me.

Mom hit Wendy in the arm lightly, "Don't do that." She said coming to my side and helping me up.

"Come on Charlie, it's breakfast!" Wendy said excitedly, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room.

"Mom, help me!" I yelled back as Wendy ran with my down the hall.

All mom did was wave, "Have fun Charlie!" She yelled back to me.

When we got to the cafeteria, I had forgotten to get my headphones and iPod so I was going to be bored.

Wendy made me get in line for food.

"Come on Charlie don't you want anything?" Wendy asked as she grabbed a green apple.

"All I want is pudding." I said plainly

"Mrs. Grace do you have any more pudding?" Wendy asked the lady who was serving.

"I'm sorry dear, we just ran out. Jacob got the last one." Mrs. Grace said sadly.

I sighed, "I'm going back to bed." I said tiredly, rubbing my eyes.

Wendy grabbed myself arm before I could go anywhere, "No, you're going to sit and be a human." She said walking to a table.

Sighing again I separated from her and sat at the corner table again, but this time I didn't have music.

Something didn't feel right, so I looked up from the table and saw Jacob staring right at me. The kid next to him seems to be busy, talking non-stop.

The kid stopped talking and looked straight at me too, freaking me out.

He said something making Jacob stand up and blow up.

"WHAT THE HELL! YOU ASS HAT, BURN IN HELL YOU PRICK!" Jacob yelled at him, the kid stayed the same.

The shouting was starting to scare me so I got up from my corner and ran out the doors.

<Wendy ??? POV>

I watched as Charlie ran out of the cafeteria, and got mad at Jacob for making him scared.

"Jacob you asshole." I yelled at Jacob

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" he yelled back

Both of our illnesses were clashing together, "YOU MADE CHARLIE RUN OUT!" I yelled standing up from the table.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" He yelled back at me.

"YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled back

The cafeteria doors opened to find Ms. Kiley, and Mr. Donner.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Donned asked loudly, getting the attention of everyone.

"SHE'S BEING A PRICK/HE'S BEING A PRICK!" We both yelled to Mr. Donner

We both turned to each other, "STOP COPYING ME!" We both yelled

"SHUT UP YOU ASS!" We both yelled again.

"Mom!" Someone yelled, sounding like they're crying.

Ms. Kiley turned around and went back into the hall leaving Mr. Donner all alone with us.

"Alright, both of you are in isolation!" He yelled


"YEAH!" I yelled agreeing with him

Other workers came in to get a hold of us. These workers were used for specific restraining orders against us, if we were violent.

They grabbed me and Jacob, and forced us down the hall. Passing by section 'B' hallway, you saw Ms. Kiley hugging Charlie as Charlie cried.

Sorry Charlie

The workers pushed Jacob into 1 room, "JACOB!" I yelled out, seeing him get forced into the isolation room.

Even though we were at each other's necks all the time, we still cared for each other. Our illnesses just cover it up by looking like we hate each other.

Jacob looked at me sadly, before they shoved him into the room and closed the door. I heard banging immediately right after.

I found myself in the same position as Jacob as they pushed me into another isolation room.

Isolation room was just a room with nothing, there was padding so we wouldn't hurt ourselves. It's nothing like the movies, we didn't have to wear straight jackets, we just sat there thinking about what we did. Along with a small window on the door.

This room is the one I hated most. It freaked me out, not having any human socialization.

So the natural thing for me to do? Scream bloody murder, "JACOB! JACOB! JACOB GET ME OUT OF HERE! HELP! CHARLIE!" I screamed for what seemed like hours.

I'm sure Jacob was doing the same, he hated the isolation room. He fueled off of people. When he was in a good mood, he told me what it felt like to have intermittent explosive disorder.

He described it as an empty bottle and it being filled with water. When the bottle was full, you drank the water until it was finished. The empty bottle was him once he blew off steam, the water was anger built up, and drinking the water was him blowing up.

Except, his empty bottle filled fast, and emptied faster.

After what seemed like days, the door opened to reveal Mrs. Grace.

I lunged at her and hugged her tightly. "Thank you thank too thank you..." I kept saying.

"Hold on I have to get your brother." She said walking to the door, but I ran to the door.

Quickly I looked through the window to see Jacob on the floor. "Jacob." I said

He apparently heard me since he got up and ran to the door to face me.

"Let me out!" He yelled.

"Mrs. Grace!" I said, wanting to get him out of the room already.

Finally she got to the room and unlocked it. Once she did Jacob ran out and into me, hugging me tightly, I hugged back.

Mrs. Grace left us alone with each other.

"It's sorry..." I said first

"I'm sorry too..." He said next

We pulled a part from the hug and I sat against the hall and slid down to the floor as Jacob copied.

"We scared Charlie." I told him.

Jacob only leaned his head against my shoulder and I put my head on top of his.

"I know. I'm sorry." Jacob said.

"I think yelling triggers it for him. He was having a panic attack in the hallway I think." I said to him

"I saw too." He said back

We stayed like that for a while until Ms. Kiley found us and told us it was time for dinner.

Getting to the cafeteria I couldn't find Charlie at first. "Ms. Kiley? Where's Charlie?" I asked

Jacob also stopped to listen, "Oh, he went to bed early today. Something triggered him to go into a panic attack." She told us, we immediately felt guilty

"We're sorry." We said at the same time, and didn't even get mad at each other.

"It's alright. Just be more cautious around Charlie. He's...he's had it rough." She said, trying to find the right words.

"What has he been through?" Asked Jacob, to which I elbowed him in the ribs, "You don't just ask that." I whisper yelled

"It's ok," Ms. Kiley laughed a bit, "He'll tell you when he's ready, but just a bit for you to know, he has to go on a testimony against someone." She said sadly to us.

We both understood and went to go get dinner.

The doors opened after we got settled in and in came Charlie.

Ms. Kiley was watching us right now and went over to Charlie, to which Charlie immediately hugged her.

She told him something and he nodded, I watched as Ms. Kiley went to Mrs. Grace and asked for something.

Mrs. Grace then handed Ms. Kiley a pudding cup and she gave the pudding to Charlie.

Looking at Jacob who stared at Charlie.

Though dinner Jacob only kept glancing at Charlie.

Fun Fact: This story actually took a lot of planning ahead!

I wanted each character to be medically correct in how they acted and how they talked.

Example: Schizophrenia is, yes a form of PTSD, and within the story Charlie's wording is off in some sentences.

That is an actual symptom of the illness, it also includes, rapid talking, and subject changing.

His wording is wrong because the illness makes him say something else.

So I wanted every character to be medically correct. My dear friend, who spent hours helping me get all the information, I tip my hat off to you for putting up with me and my ridiculous questions.

Words: 2339

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