By isha_mhaske

8K 522 641

What happens when someone whom you used to call as 'bestfriend' turns out to be someone who you never thought... More

Author's Note 1
2.5 ROYAL?!
Announcement 1
Announcement 2
40.OH GOD!
48.OH MY MY!
Author's Note 2


106 9 9
By isha_mhaske

~Bebe Rexha

I knew from the moment
that I met you , this wasn't right.
But I couldn't leave you ,
'cause you treated me so damn right.
There was nothing wrong with you.
The truth is your a damn good guy.
But I knew from the moment that
I met you this wasn't right.

And you had money and cars,
looked like a star.
You loved me so good, I could cry.
Brought me roses and rings,
such beautiful things.
But I was taught never to lie.

I hate to see the look on your face.
I wish I could make myself stay.
But our hearts
don't live in the same space.
So tell me how to
break yours with grace.

I knew from the moment that
I left you, you'd be alright.
You're gonna find another lover,
one who doesn't waste your time.
But every time you look at me,
my body says one last night.
I swear I wouldn't leave with you.
But I just came to say goodbye.




Next day ,

I wanted to visit Ro early in the morning .

You know just skip classes and stay with him for as long as I can
but Jessica already told me that
today also she'll miss our practice because she would be staying home with Ro .

So I decided to stop by later and
asked her over the phone about his health to which she replied that
he's making progress and already talking about going for a swim again !

After high school ,
I got ready for my date with Marvin .

I know now why I wasn't ever fully excited or happy with him
because my heart was just not feeling the connection !

On the other hand,  my mind was illusioned with the so called attraction .

Then I went to Jessica's house to check up on my bestfriend .


*knock knock*

"Hey Isabella . Come in .
Royal's upstairs . I'm just getting juice for him "

"Okay . I'll go see him"

"Sure . Want some juice?" she smiles

" That would be great "

"Okay then "

I go upstairs and look at him from afar .

He's just sitting on the bed and doing something on his phone .

He looks kinda pale but at the same time , endearing .

I clear my throat to make him aware of my presence .

"I thought you'd be here in the morning itself "

"I told you I'd come after the classes "

"What took you so long then ?"

"I was just getting ready"

"That I can see . But even if you'd come in a night gown , I wouldn't mind "

"Actually I am going somewhere after this"


"To watch a movie"

"With who? Chris, Lucy and Harv?"


"Please don't say Marvin"

I sighed

"I don't like him "

"I know . But he's not a bad guy or something "

"I don't think he's right for you! "

"Okay bestfriend . Will you calm down ?"

"I am calm"

"Clearly" I reply sarcastically .

" Babe your juice and here's yours Bella " Jessica enters and hands the glasses to us

"Oh I forgot my phone downstairs .
I'll just get it " she says and goes outside

I sip my juice and so does Ro .


I instantly go beside him and rub his back while he coughs .

After he gets back to normal ,
he just continues to stare at me while I involuntarily do the same !

We hear footsteps and I get back to my place .

My phone rings and I pick it up instantly to avoid this situation.

"Yes Marv?"

"At what time will you be reaching ?"

"I'll come in next 40 mins , directly to the theatre "

"Okay then , see you soon "

"Yeah" I say and end the call .

I'm going to tell him everything today or max to max tomorrow !

"He's not picking you up ?"

"Ro he doesn't know her address"

"So just send him your live location "

"This place is in the opposite direction "


"So I'm perfectly capable of going there by myself "

"At least ask him to drop you back to hostel"

"Will do "


"Don't you think Royal , she and Marvin look good together ?" Jess says while flashing her million dollar smile at Ro

"Yeah , just like we do"

I couldn't tell if it was a compliment or a taunt !


Next day ,

" So you are meeting Marvin at the restaurant ?" Chris asked me while we were walking around the town .

" Yes and I'm gonna tell him that I like someone else and that I am sorry for hurting him "

"Wait a minute !"

Busted !!

"You like someone else ?"

"Who said ?"

"You did !"

"No , I didn't "

"Oh come on ! "

"Your ears are deceiving you " I said and walked faster

"Wait , you do like someone else and
I may know the person very well " ,
he says rather loudly

I turn around and reply ,
"I can't hear you "

With that , I start jogging .

I reach to the central park , Chris was  just behind me telling me to wait for him .

"It's Royal , isn't it ?"

Am I that obvious ?!

I jogged ever faster avoiding his question .

"I knew it!" He happily yelled

"You should have told me ear.."
he said but stopped midway when he saw my expressions ,
which were wide eyes , mouth ajar , disbelief and guilt all over my face looking at the scene unravel in front of my eyes !

"For the very first time , Royal Miller was right " ,
Chris mumbled beside me when he looked in the direction my eyes were already piercing in .

I gulped .

Just then that certain person ,
' who I might just dip in a hole full of cow dung ' , parted away after kissing a certain red head , taking his phone out of his pocket to answer a call.

Then he said something to her ,
more like apologized for something .

His expressions suddenly turned into a worried look and he ran in the other direction after she nodded .

She looked sad as well .

"Let's go talk to her "

"Directly ? We don't even know her"

"So what ? She clearly knows him very well " ,
Chris said and took my hand in his as we walked in her direction .

"Hi" Chris said

"Hi?" that girl replies , looking at both of us .

"Do you know the guy who just ran ?" he asked her

"Marvin ? Yes . He's my boyfriend "

Boyfriend ! Fudge!


"Why are you guys asking that ?"

"We are his high school friends "

"You are also in Getaway High ?"

"Yeah . Why did he looked so stressed ?" Chris asked

"Ah . He got a important call so he had to rush somewhere . But he told me not to worry and go home , he'd call me tomorrow"

Just like he did when we went on our very first date !

"How long have you guys been dating ?" , I opened my mouth finally and asked her

"Excuse me ?"

Why is that when I asked her , she gave a questioning look and when Chris did , she answered softly ?

"She means that you guys seemed quite close that's why she got
curious "

"Oh okay . Not long .
As you know , he moved here a few months ago . But yaa , we became official just 2 months ago"

"2 months! Fudging 2 months!"

"Bella control " Chris mumbles

"What's her deal?" the red head whispers to chris

"My deal is quite straight and that is your boyfriend and the boy with whom I went on a date like yesterday eve is one and the same person !"

She laughed at that .

"There's a limit to lying " she finally said .

Me and Chris just looked at each other then again at her like wtf .

That's so 'you' just like an hour ago in front of Ro !

" You like him , don't you ?
I mean that's why you are trying to separate us , right ?
But I'll tell you what ,it's not working .
Yesterday , my baby was with his 'guy' friend named Isaac "

"News Flash ! That Isaac turned out to be Isabella , more specially the one who's standing in front of you right now and clearly , she's a she , not a he and Marvin's a hoe "

"What makes you think I'd believe you ?!"

"You have 2 options here ,
1 Don't and stay with someone who's cheating on you ,
2 I'm gonna meet your bf after some time so you can look for yourself
if you should or shouldn't believe me "

Chris gave me the look stating , 'Impressive' .

"I trust him enough not to go to that extent " saying that , she just selected the wrong answer.

Just like you did when Ro was trying to convince you otherwise .

"Fine , look at this pictures then ",
I say and take my phone out to show her the few pics Marv and me clicked which suddenly start to disgust me, especially the one from yesterday which he snapped while kissing my cheek !

Now her face fell ...

"We went on a few dates and I had absolutely no fudging clue that he was already in a relationship with someone else "


"She meant f**king " Chris tells her

"Yaa that one "

Slowly , a tear or two started escaping from her eyes and I realised I should have dealt this matter more warmly !

That was mature enough .

"Why don't you come with us ?
I mean Marvin's coming to pick me up exactly after 30 minutes so why don't you both meet me at the restaurant in an hour ?
Then we will give Marvin the taste of his own medicine " I say , sounding as confident as I can .

"Yaa" she says in between her sniffs

When she sees the reality , she's definitely going to make a row .

Can't blame her though ! I , myself , freaking believed the d**khead !

I need to apologize to Ro asap !

Seriously why did I overthink about the situation , couldn't I just listen to what Ro has to say ?!

But no , I like to make things worse than they already are !

"Ro please don't do this " I plead

"Do what?"

"Don't disrespect him just because you don't like me and marvin together "

"I'm not ! I'm just saying how he is "

"Ro enough !"

"No , listen to me Izzy !
He's f**king cheating on you ! I saw him kissing someone else "

"Go on , I'm listening . After kissing , they must have had sex too , right ?"

"I don't know about that but that's not the point "

"Then what's the point ? You want me to stop dating him , just say so why go all the way through this "

"I won't lie , yes I don't like the idea of you dating him .But that's not just it , believe me when I say that he isn't serious about you at all"

"First of all , we went on a few dates , that's it .
Second , we kissed once and you know that very well .
So I don't expect either of us getting serious in this initial stage .
But seriously Ro , don't stoop so low that you would bad mouth about anyone this way "

"If that's what you think then don't come running to me when he breaks your heart! "

"That was mean"

"Not as mean as when you decided to choose him over your bestfriend "

"I didn't choose him over you and I would never do that!"

"The fact that you trust him more than you trust what I have to say "

"Ro I would have given a fudge about it if you haven't continuously bugged me about how you don't like him and not to mention , your sudden mood swings , gosh!"

Hearing that , he left , leaving me and Chris who was seating on his bed , speechless .

"What was that?"

"He thinks Marvin's cheating on me "

"But you guys are not official , right?"

"Yeah , we are not and I'm not planning to but then we went on a date like yesterday , why would anyone kiss someone else just the following day ?! Marvin doesn't seem like that guy ! Ro's just mad at me about certain things "

"You don't like Marvin ?"

"I thought I did . I mean I admit I had a tiny miny crush on him but that was just it "

"Then why didn't you tell him ?"

"I was going to . But then he arranged the date suddenly .
I didn't know how to react .
Then while I was at it , I tried to but he brushed me off .
He even tried to kiss me during the movie , but I backed away .
Thinking he'd get the hint but he seemed densed .
What was I supposed to do ?
The guilt's already killing me!"

" The only way you can lift it off is by confronting him "

"Yes I should . I just hope he doesn't get hurt "

"If he likes you , it is inevitable"

"Oh god!"

"Since we have off today and you need to clear your mind and stuff , let's go for a walk . I'm getting bored too "

" Okay , give me 10 minutes " I say

Why on Earth was I more concerned on hurting him than on what Ro said !

What makes me sadder right now is the fact that I kissed someone's boyfriend !

How can I do it ?!

I'm such a bitch and if there was a day when crimes were considered legal , Marvin's death would have been the first thing I'd like to cross of my bucket list !

Moreover , there's this feeling of sadness , like seriously !

I couldn't be more grateful that I don't like him but still I had little feelings in the first place and he f**king cheated on me !

Fudge the feelings !

"I'll come there with her " Chris says and I nod .

Then we part ways , so I get back to hostel to change into something else and then get over with this so called Date !


Marvin ?
Seems like he isn't as good as you thought..
Royal was right !

Posted on :  06/04/20

Word count - 2300 approx

FAITHFUL BOND crossed 1K views!!
It was possible
only coz of u guys ,
Thank you ♡

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