A Guest in Camelot (Doctor Wh...

By only-five-foot

101K 3K 534

Trapped 1500 years in the past. No Rory, no Doctor and no way to return. Knowledge on aliens can be useful es... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen +Sneak Peak?
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Eleven

4K 125 10
By only-five-foot

Disclaimer: The BBC owns everything, I just came up with the plot idea.


Chapter Eleven:

Opening your eyes in an unfamiliar place is always strange as the different colours merge into one and the person awakening will realise the place they are is not home. After her eyes had adjusted to the light she felt slightly more awake, yet not ready to leave the warmth of the bed she rolled over but ended up lying against something or in this case someone. It was a comfortable feeling after having felt alone for such a long while, company was easily welcomed.

Her legs were warm due to having kept her trousers on, she realised that was down to the fact that she had talked to Prince Arthur before she had fell asleep. Arthur, she slid slightly to the side and stared at the person, it was Arthur and his blonde hair was swept across his face, he looked so peaceful in his sleep it was so difficult to imagine him being related to Uther who had such a harsh expression most of the time. How could he sleep though, surely he had seen battle, seen the blood shed yet he looked at peace, if it were her she would lie awake at night thinking of the family effected, she pitied the alien that had died, wondering if it had been alone of if there were any children waiting for daddy to return back to his home planet. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by a light knock at the door, she skipped lightly off the bed and over to the door aiming to make minimal noise. Peering her head round ensure the door would not open enough to show the prince, she came face to face with Gwen. The girl still seemed nervous in Amy’s presence yet she wore a smile which Amy returned.

She listened to Gwen and after she had finished speaking she quickly commented “I am not in need of help today, I am used to getting myself ready. Okay, Will the prince be there? Thank you.”

She shut the door and made her way to the prince.

Reaching her hand onto his shoulder she shook him lightly. There was no reaction. Reaching over she tightly placed her hand lightly over his mouth before shaking him with a slight bit more power, this gained a response as he murmured and awoke wide eyed. Before she had a chance to speak, she was spun round and pinned down against the bed. She watched his eyes soften, losing the hostility as he realised it was her. Somehow even in the struggle her hand on his mouth had stayed in place. “Morning, there’s a meeting we both need to attend. Now I’ll get ready and go first, the guards will leave to escort me.”

She made her way to the side and lifted another pair of trousers, she wondered how many more pair Gwen could find for her. She undid the cord around the front of her trousers loosening them, before going behind the screen and allowing them to drop. “I’m terribly sorry I stayed here Amy, it was not very courteous of me, I have definitely not been raised to impose such as this, and especially in female company it was very inappropriate. “

“Arthur do not leave yet.” She spoke as she moved around the screen and reached for the brush on her dresser before dragging it through her hair, oh how she missed conditioner, her hair was not as silky smooth as she hoped. She brushed it back out of her eyes and wrapped some material around her wrist intending to tie it up later. “Please don’t apologise, you know nothing happened between us, in my time it would not be considered wrong, It was nice to have the company for a change. Now if you don’t mind I’ve got some guards to distract, give me a few moments.”

She slid around the door and linked her arms with the two knights outside her door, they seemed at ease with her, they possibly knew she was no threat but had to follow the orders. “Morning Boys, Still got to monitor me? Well lets go then.” She headed down to the great hall, it was easier to remember the way, chatting to the knights was easy she just joked and talked about training, as they reached the door they unlinked her arms, she understood why as Uther may not be impressed.

Striding into the hall with confidence she locked eyes with Uther who seemed to be looking at her clothing with disapproval, no comment was made however. She bowed her head as a sign of respect and stood in front of the King awaiting for whatever she needed to hear.

The doors flew open and she could tell by the knights shadows that they had bowed their heads, she didn’t turn until he was parallel to her, then she bowed slowly studying his face. He was smiling but it was more forced, he seemed quite uneasy, but she doubted that he had actually got noticed leaving her room. “Father. May I enquire why we have been summoned here? There is generally no meetings and I just go straight to training.”

“Indeed, I will not take up too much of your time Arthur, the knights do need to get the best training possible. This meeting is concerning our guest.” As she was mentioned she felt all eyes gaze at her, she continued to look at Uther rather than look at those who seemed to be filled with curiosity.

Being the centre of attention was something she was not accustomed to and she didn’t wish to get used to it. “I’m afraid I don’t understand Sire.”

Uther leant back in his throne before stating, “That creature intended to kill both Arthur and I, no one else notice but you protected Arthur, even when threatened you have expertise like no other in Camelot, you can help us.”

“I only knew that from a previous encounter, I do not believe I will be that much help, I know no creatures of magic.”

“That creature would be considered to have been magical, you saw it well, we need guidance like yours. Therefore I wish to offer you a place in the court, you said yourself you do not know how long you will stay in Camelot, you might as well do some work while you are here. Earn you’re worth. You can still train with the knights to learn how to fight with the knights as you requested through my son. But on days where there is no training I expect you to dress like more of a Lady.”

Amy looks at Arthur and raises an eyebrow, he smiles and she nods towards Uther. “It is arrange Lady Amelia Pond will be an advisor on any suspicious creatures. You may leave if you desire.”

“Thank you My Lord.” She bowed lightly and retreated out the door as quick as she could. She was relieved to have such an opportunity but what if she screwed up. Aliens sure that was fine, she could cope the doctor had taught her well. But Magic? That was different, she could be in a lot of trouble if it was to exist.

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