By KennoRandmeeMacapoli

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You only knew few survivors of the Raccoon City incident. The city that was infested and succumbs by the T-vi... More



18 0 0
By KennoRandmeeMacapoli



Part 1

SEPTEMBER 28, 1998



After getting through and running in the dark alleys of Raccoon City, Jake and Tanya managed to arrive in the Raccoon Police Department. Like what Jake the place was chaos, as they enter the gates there were Police cars with broken mirrors, scattered used bullets and there were blood on the streets. What's worst is there are a numbers of undead that walks, and lingering all over the streets near the gate of the Police headquarter. "Get inside" Jake told Tanya as he pushed and opened up the gates. "Thanks" she replied. Then Jake closed the gate and locked it with a metal bar. "Are you sure that's good idea locking us in?" Tanya asked. "We don't have a choice, I think it's safer inside than outside, or at least those zombies wouldn't get in" he answered. "Come on let's take a look inside" Jake said. "Good idea I just hope my sister is there" Tanya said and the both of them entered the door.

The place was quiet, there were no people inside, many documents have scattered around the floor and there are some blood stained in some of the walls.

"Elly?! Are you here?" Tanya said with a loud voice.

"Ssshhh... Don't make any noise, that's too loud or it may attract some creatures who must be inside this building" Jake said to her.

"Sorry about that, I just thought maybe she will know that I might be here, and besides you're the one who said it's more dangerous outside" Tanya replied.

"Well let's be vigilant, hours ago I told you the word safe is not in this city anymore" Jake claimed.

"So your familiar about this place, so where do we look for my sister?" Tanya asked.

"I'm not sure, if they are here they might be hiding" He replied. "Lets try to look around maybe we can find some clues to the whereabouts of your sister" Jake continued.

"Okay sure, that won't be a problem" Tanya answered. 

As they go further inside the building, they saw a huge status and a wide desk in which there is one computer that is on. "This logs it's been fours ago, it's all about some certain locations in this city needed some evac and back ups, all some of the files are being fragmented" Jake said as he scanned the computer.

"Are there any entry about some possible escape route?' Tanya asked.

"I don't know there were no files here or any messages" Jake replied.

"What about a message from my sister?" she asked again.

"I'm sorry there none, what made you sure that your sister would be here and is looking for you?" Jake asked.

"Well she's a STARS member, and they are one of the best just as I've said I know she is still alive, and I know she's also looking for me!" Tanya answered with a distress voice.

"Tanya I'm sorry for what I've said, I know you have your high hopes for your sister, but what if we can't find her, what if she's gone already..."

"Gone already? What you mean gone already?" she asked angrily.

"Look Tanya, for what had happened we had our best lucks staying alive for hours now, but we must be practical we must find a way to get out of here, while we still can, if your sister stills live right now she might have found you, or try to contact your or something, Tanya let's face the facts Raccoon city is doomed and all around there is danger and death, there is no hundreds of possibilities for our survival" Jake explained.

"Yes you might be right but we are still alive until now, so I say we still have a chance, we are not some special ops or any expert about this events but we are still alive, how much more if my sister" Tanya replied with some tears in her eyes. "If you're not going to help anymore I understand, but I don't want to give up I promise our mother that we will both going to go home so you can leave me anytime, I will find her" she continued very determined.

"Well, honestly I can leave that easy, and I said I maybe cant't do it alone without yo, listen we are partners now okay, I'm like your big brother, so I'll give you that chance and that benefits of the doubts to find your sister, if in case we don't have the chance of finding her, let's make every time that counts to get out of here okay?" Jake said as he tapped Tanya's shoulder.

"Thank you!" Tanya said to him crying and she suddenly hugged him.

"Okay this is enough, let's take a look around again find some pieces of your answers" Jake said to her with a smile.

All of a sudden they've heard a gun shoots from the door on their right. "What was that?" Tanya asked in fear as they both looked the door to where the sound was coming.

"Let's go take a look, stay behind me" Jake said to her.

"Oh my goodness there's a dead officer!" Tanya said with gasp as they saw a police officer lying down the floor with a blood stained in his uniform.

"Someone fired a gun at him might be he's turned into one of those things" Jake said as he examined the carcass.

"Well what about inside that door, maybe more of those creatures are in their!" Tanya said to Jake very worried.

"HELP! HELP ME! HEEELLLLP!!" shout a guy behind the door.

"I don't think someone needs our help!" Jake said and they ran towards the door and opened.

They got inside and saw a man lying underneath a steel door it seems like he's trap. "Help me please I'm stuck!" said the guy who is too afraid.

"Don't worry well get you out of there!" Jake said.

"Hurry up please they are coming!" the man said struggling trying to make himself free.

"Calm down we pull you out!" Jake said as he and Tanya comes near to him.

"Here, gave your hands to us" Tanya said and they try to pull the man out of the steel door.

"Come on hurry up help me!" Said the man now very worried.

"Relax we've got you" Jake said to him. "Come on Tanya let's pulled him up" Jake said.

As the guy was about to be free from the metal door, suddenly an undead grab his feat, and he was hysterical trying to get free. "Let go! Help!" he shouted as the undead get hold of his leg and wants to bite it.

"Oh no you don't!" says Jake and shot the undead directly in it's head and it blows it scattering some brain tissues.

"Thank God that was so close!" the man said as he get up and looked disgust to the undead.

"Who are you?" Jake asked the guy.

"I'm Billy Foster, glad to have bump with you guys" he replied.

"You're a STARS member" Tanya said as she looked at Billy's uniform.

"Yes I'm STARS, and what are you guys doing in here?" Billy asked them.

"I was looking for my sister Ellaine, she's a STARS member too newly graduate, have seen her?" Tanya replied and asked Billy.

"I don't know, I have encountered some people when I got here" Billy replied to her.

"And what brings you here?" Jake asked.

"I was trying to find the control room or the power sources, some surveillance camera is not working" Billy respond. "And besides we have to need a new route it's not safer when we go out at the entrance" Billy said to them.

"So you know any other way?" Jake asked.

"I have no idea, how about you?" Billy asked as he looked at Jake. "Your one of the RPD right?" he asked and Jake just noded. "So you know every space in this building?" Billy asked.

"Well not at all, but I know that exit who leads towards a car wash area" Jake answered.

"Oh yeah that area is sealed shit I've been there" Billy said.

"How about the place where we find you?' Tanya asked.

"Sealed as well and trust me you don't wanna go in there" Billy answered.

"So there isn't any other way?" Tanya asked desperately.

"Like I've said I'm sure there is a control room it will help opened up the lock doors" Billy said to them.

"Is it true?" Tanya asked Jake.

"Yes, but not all, most of the doors have to be unlocked by keys" Jake said. "But if they locked the doors, it must be for a reason" Jake continued.

"Yeah, might be but it's our only chance right now" Billy said to Jake.

"Okay then we will all go to the control room and opened some of the doors" Tanya said to them.

"Okay sir you lead the way" Billy said to Jake. Then Jake take it's hand gun and start to walk ahead of them.

They walked and headed towards the second floor of the police headquarters, the three of them remained alert for some possible undead that lurks the place. They took a long hallway which is very quiet and saw some empty inmate's quarters.

"Where did all the prisoners go?" Tanya asked.

"They might let them escape for safety purposes" Jake answered.

"Or they might have been turn into zombies" Billy added.

"If that happens then we might be in trouble in here" Tanya said as she saw one of the cell was teared open like some kind of a monster who tries to force inside.

"If we can find a way out here then we could be safe" Billy said.

"Here we are the control room" Jake said as they arrived in a place of metal door.

"No keys in this?" Billy said. Then Jake type a digit numbers on the door and it was unlocked. "There got it" he said to Billy then they entered the room. Once they got inside, they saw a lot of documents scattered on the floor and some computers will left open. 

"Your right about this Jake, someone kept some of the doors locked" Billy said as he go directly on one of the computers.

"They have done for reason, to trap anyone or avoid coming in" Jake replied.

"Might be both, but we can automatically opened those doors if I can hacked the system" Billy added.

"Can you do that?" Tanya asked looking amazed how fast Billy's finger in typing on the computer keyboard.

"Well baby this is my expertise" he answered.

"But what if we were wrong in opening those locked doors?" Tanya asked him.

"We have no choice we have to find a way out of here" Billy answered her.

"Billy's right we just have to take some chances and find a safety route" Jake agreed.

"There I've done it, two of the doors in the first floor are unlocked as also in the second floor." Billy said with relief. "And not only that I have found something interesting in here" He added as he opened a certain application in the mainframe.

"It's the surveillance camera of this building!" Jake said.

"Let's take a look" Billy said as he scanned all the possible videos being recorded.

"Some are empty and some are cameras have not recorded anything or might be it was destroyed" Billy said to them.

Then they have seen something in the monitor a guy wearing an RPD uniform talking to a police officer who is bloody wounded. "That was the guy we saw on the first floor he's dead" Tanya said. "And wait here's another one." Billy said as they saw footage of a girl wearing a red leather jacket running towards the corridor holding a hand gun.

"Is that your sister?" Jake asked Tanya.

"No, that's not her" she replied, although she's still hoping to find some footage of her sister.

"So there's also some survivors here, maybe we can help each other out" Jake said to them.

"Yes, but we might not be sure if they are still inside in this building footage shows this was recorded an hour ago" Billy answered looking at the monitor.

Then they are suddenly Stan when a footage appeared of a huge, tall creature dress all in black wearing a black hat and it's face is pale as white and it destroys the camera.

"Hey that's the creature that attacked us in the Raccoon Auditorium" Tanya said horrified. "So it's the one destroying those cameras" she added.

"Might be one of Umbrella's BOW" Billy suddenly said.

"BO What?" Jake asked him confusingly.

"What you didn't know all the humors, the one behind it all" Billy asked.

"No? what are you talking about?" Jake asked him.

"It's Umbrella the corporation who is responsible for all of this, those undead, those monsters, Umbrella is behind this" Billy answered in distress.

"So it's true, what my sister is been talking about, she told me about the a report she have read an incident in Arklay mountains a month ago, about the T-virus" Tanya said to him.

"What the hell is this T-virus?" Jake asked as he's the only one who does not have any ideas of what they are talking.

"Hmmm... Umbrella a corporation who seems to have no control of this things, well the truth is, they have unleashed this nightmare on this city" Billy answered him looking in Jake eyes with fear.

"What the hell they did do, and I know you have some ideas about those undead" Jake asked.

"Everyone thinks Umbrella is up for all the good stuff, especially in health care but in their hidden agenda they do the worst things, genetic experimentation and viral weaponry" Billy answered. "Research and development that's what they call it, the T-virus is one of their major medical breakthrough but they didn't know it's worst effect" Billy continued. " Someone have might unleash the virus purposely, causing this events, this infections" Billy added.

"What happened to this infected?" Jake asked him.

"Even in death, the T-virus, continues to regenerate the body, and causes to amplify strong electrically charges to the brain" Billy answered.

"Do they still have memories in them?" Jake asked.

"Maybe a little, or no memories at all" Billy sadly answered. "What remains in them is one of the basic human needs" he said.

"And what is it?" Tanya asked.

"THE NEED TO FEED!" Billy answered and Tanya gasped looking horrified. "The infections can spread faster more than the corporation have expected, you see one scratch and one bite, you'll become one of those undead" Billy added.

"How can this thing be stopped?" Jake asked.

"By hitting a direct trauma to the head or at the spine" Billy answered.

"That's comforting we all need to shoot them in the head" Jake said with a smirk.

"So what about those BOW like the things we saw and we have encountered?" Tanya asked Billy.

"They are called Bio Organic weapon or BOW Umbrella have done a lot of experimentations, like injecting the t-virus directly into a living tissue and manipulating it further, this BOW are more dangerous than the zombies, and this BOW's are used by Umbrella to search and destroy those who opposed them and everyone that knows about their hidden agenda" Billy answered.

"People like us?" Jake said.

"Yes and people like Us, the STARS members" Billy said to him.

"So my sister is in great danger also, why is Umbrella doing this?" Tanya said.

"Because the surviving STARS members from the Arklay Mountain incident have known the secrets of Umbrella and a hidden report or Intel spread like rumors to all STARS members" Billy answered.

"My sister is right all along that's why she's determined to finished the ceremony and become a member to fight Umbrella" Tanya said.

"Beat Umbrella? I think no one can defeat them, not for now" Billy said with a smirk.

"How about other than being a STARS member why do you know all this staff?" Jake asked Billy looking directly on his eyes as if he wants to convey the truth.

"My sister used to work for Umbrella she's a researcher and a Geneticist" Billy replied. "But when she found what Umbrella was doing she want out, and until now I don't know Umbrella got her, so that's why I'm investigating on my own" Billy added.

"So if we are in great parell why can't we get outside and let's not waste time looking for an escape plan?" Jake asked Billy.

"You know how dangerous if we will go back to the front gates, and it's safer here inside so that we can also hide" Billy said to him.

"To hide? From where? There is no safe place here in Raccoon city not now" Tanya said.

"Trust me it's still safer here" He answered.

"With that BOW entering the building? I don't think so" Jake said.

"No there's worse than that creature!" Billy said horrified.

"What do you mean?" Tanya asked him.

"There is another one more horrifying than what you saw, it's huge and scary, I think its Umbrella's perfect Bio weapon." Billy answered with fear. "It wants the entire STARS member, and it killed two of my friends as we were heading our way here" Billy continued.

"Do you have any knowledge about this monster you were saying?" Jake asked him.

"No, I hope my sister is here maybe she would have some answers, but one things for sure about that creature it's unstoppable" Billy replied.

"Look! It's Ellaine! She's alive!" Tanya said happily as she saw in the monitor footage of her sister running towards a long hallway. "I told you Jake she'd make it and she's with Rupert one of her trusted friend" Tanya added.

"Your sister is really a STARS member" Jake replied.

"That's right and we have to find they might be here all along waiting for me" Tanya said.

"Like I said this footage is an hour ago we might not know if they find a safe route" Billy said to her.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go find our way out, I must find her, and I need to see her so that we can get out of here, she's waiting for me, I know she is" Tanya said with full of hope as she saw her sister running and making their way across some police that had turned into one of the undead.

"Hang on a second, there's a charting of a map in here in this building, who would have thought this place is somewhat huge" Billy said as he found a blueprint of the map of the building.

"Can we figure it out which our way out?" Tanya asked.

"The second floor might have an escape route it also has a fire exit maybe we can all go in there" Jake said.

"How about the doors on the first floor might be a good route, it shows an arsenal lobby" Billy said.

"Might be where we could find some police vehicles, but I'm not so sure, if we could open it from the inside" Jake told Billy.

"Maybe we can try an access this somewhat like hidden door, I got it it's underneath the statue" Billy said. "Have you tried that way?" he asked Jake.

"No, but an instances it might a safer way, but we need damn keys to open it" Jake said.

"Then where could we find it?" Billy asked.

"I don't know might be on those rooms where they kept the files or in the chief office" Jake answered.

"But why not if we will try the other route first?" Tanya interrupted.

"Another great idea but then again we might not know the danger that lurks there so we need to find out" Billy said.

"What do you mean, we need to split up?" Jake asked, like it was a very bad thing to do.

"Yes, hell we are, I think that should do the trick, you'll take the first floor, I'll go looked for the damn keys and the lady here can go to the second floor" Billy suggested.

"That's not the best idea I disagree!" Jake said looking at Billy.

"Jake maybe he's right, we got to do this, otherwise we don't have any choice, and those doors could be our way out" Tanya agreed.

"Or those doors might serve our death" Jake replied.

"No man we are prepared for this, we can make it, or else those things will come for us" Billy said to Jake.

The three of them went back to the first floor to prepare their selves on the planned route they will take in. Jake, opened the bag which has loads of guns and ammos which he have taken on a gun store owned by his friend which sadly become one of the undead and was killed by Tanya. He took the shotgun, and put some shot gun shells on it and after cloaking it up he took a glock 19 hand gun and threw it to Billy. "Where did you get these things?" Billy asked. "It's a long story" Jake replied. "You might need that" he added and he threw the hand gun bullet to Billy. "Nice!" Billy uttered

"Here Tanya, take this" Jake said to her and handed her a rugger GP 100 hand gun.

"You know I don't use gun and I'm satisfied with my katana" Tanya said to him.

"I know your good with your sword, but you'll need this one way or another, I don't got your back when we will all be separated, I want you to protect yourself" Jake said to her.

"Okay if you say so" Tanya took the hand gun getting worried about what will happen to their journey.

"Flash lights ready?" Billy said to them and the three of them tested the flashlights they have found in some of the desk.

"Alright if we will going to find something a safe route, let's meet up here, if more than an hour and I will not get back here or any of us, consider yourself lucky and escape to the safest route, our survival is our priority here" Jake said to them, and Tanya and Billy nodded in agreement. "Okay then, let's find a way out of here" Jake said and he went to the closest door on the first floor, without looking at his company, and Billy just smiled to Tanya and headed to the opposite door, and Tanya just took a deep breath and went to the second floor all by herself.

Tanya afraid and nervous took the way of the staircase and went on the second floor of the building. She lighted her way holding a flash light for the area seems to be dark and does not have any lighting at all. "You can do this Tanya" she said to herself. She continued to walk through the dark corridor and again she took another detour and saw a hallway with a fire exit. "Yes, this seems to be easy" she said happily. But as she was about to come closer to the fire exit she heard something. Like there was something crawling and scratching at the ceiling. She was frozen in fear and she directed the flash light to the ceiling and Tanya was shocked in horror as she saw a very horrible creature.


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