One night

By gawdtillerr

56.1K 1.5K 144

Kalin and Myles fanfic More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Not an update
Part 40
Not an Update sorry
Part 41
Thank You

Part 31

1K 29 4
By gawdtillerr

Myles POV

Me and Destiny walked into Adrianna's room to see how she was doing. When we walked in i saw my baby with a cast on her leg but she was smiling. "Hey babygirl" i smiled. "Hi poof" she laughed. "D-destiny the girl.." Adrianna looked down ad fiddled with her fingers. "It was T-Tiffany" i looked at Destiny and she looked like she was about to cry. "Who's tiffany babe?" i asked and she looked up like she was about to cry. "We went to middle school together and she bullied me all through out 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. She called me fat, jealous, stupid, retarded, any word you can think of that's what she called me. Until one day i had enough with her she was telling everyone who i had liked and so i chased her and choked her and yeah.. then it got even worse after that and i cut myself later on and one day i accidentally cut too deep and i was about to die but then my mom found me and call 911" i was now crying on my hands because i feel so bad that se went through all of this and i hurt her really bad once. "I-I'm so so sorry baby" i pulled her into a hug. "Its ok you didn't know" she took her hands and put them on my face "I love you young cheeseburger" she said and i smirked "I love you too Mrs.Cheeseburger" i kissed her "umm.. PDA!" destiny said covering her eyes. "go to your boyfriend oh sorry your fiancé!" i said. i turned back to Adrianna "so when can i get out of this place?" she asked. "they said you can go whenever you want" she smiled. "Have i ever told you that your smile brightens my day?" she started blushing "Yes a lot of times" i laughed "OK well by the way.. your smile brightens my day" i whispered in her ear. "Can i visit my baby bro?" she asked i nodded my head and helped her up. We walked right next door.

Adrianna's POV

We walked over to Kalin's room which is right next to mine. "Hey neighbor!" i said and he looked confused. "My room is right next to yours" "OH! cool" he said. "So how are you feeling?" i asked him he tried to sit up a little but i could tell it was a struggle. "I'm ok besides my leg hurting like a bitch!" i nodded "same here" i lifted up my leg his eyes wided. "what happened?" he asked. "That bitch shot my leg" he clinched his teeth. "Did you find out why she wanted me?" i shrugged "Did you and tiffany know eachother?" i asked. "We went to high school and dated for a while but i broke it off because she was obsessive.. wait how did you know her name?" kalin asked raising one eyebrow. i turned around and looked at destiny then back at kalin and let out a sigh. " We went to middle school together me, destiny.. and tiffany she bullied me through out 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. She would call me fat, jealous, annoying, stupid, retarded, any word you can think of she called me. Then one day i had enough because she went around telling everyone who i liked and i chased after her and choked her and a couple people came over and it took a while to get me off of her. Then it got worse after that then i had enough i started cutting until one day i cut too deep and my mom called 911 so yeah.. That's how we know her" i felt tears rolling down my cheek. "I'm so sorry shorty" i looked and smiled. "So when can you come out?" i asked. "They said i can go when i want to so i guess that means now!" we all cheered and we got us signed out. "Ok well im starving! so lets get some in-and-out then head back to the house and relax" i said. We grabbed our food and drove back to the house, Myles and I sat on the couch and ate all cuddled up. "So what's up" he said with a mouthful of food. i was laughing so hard the i fell off the couch "Are you ok!" he asked pulling me up. "Yeah i'm fine" i said laughing. This is a perfect day besides the Tiffany thing it was actually fun.

A/N- Hey guys thanks for reading my book! I have 1.4k reads! Anyways, Adrianna is me but my name is Kaylan so yeah. Everything about tiffany bullying Adrianna in middle school is true. She would always call me fat and i did almost kill myself one day. but something in my mind told me "it's not worth it" just think. If you kill yourself your parents would fall into bad depression, your best friends might kill them selfs to be with you, some boy that liked you will never like anyone ever again. So if you ever need any help i'm here i've been there and done that. I know it hurts but life gets better so just don't do it. Stay strong <3

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