The Monarchy The Burning Lands

By TickyAnarch

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As an unknown army sweeps across the monarchy destroying one kingdom at a time and burning them to the ground... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Book Two: The plateau Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter SIx
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-SIx
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Capter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Ten

29 0 0
By TickyAnarch

Archibald sits dressed in a suit hearing the voice from the television.

"in other news, the vote for females rights in the monarchy has now been named proclamation 9 naming it the 9th time this issue has come before the wardens and all 8 times before it the vote was unanimous on not giving a woman the right to vote. judging by the progressiveness of the new kingdoms we assume the O'Sullivns and the Shaws being kingdoms who have remained conservative in their views will vote no. however, we are happy to announce this proclamation was brought up by Queen Galvin herself."

Archibald turns his head eyeing the screen as he whispers.


A person walks in dressed in all white and Archibald lifts his head as the young man bows his head and comments.

"I am your Galvin escort, sir-"

Archibald turns his head.

"an escort?"

"yes, no AI's at this meeting all human, and all guards are Galvin. We all have been screened by the Queen herself."

Archibald gets to his feet and walks out following the Galvin but stops in the hall eyeing Salione Crane and she stops staring back at her former lover

"king Archibald..."

"Queen crane..." He bows and she bows her head as well as she whispers

"I hope you vote the right way, Archer..."

Archibald turns his head and she grins up as Archibald asks.

"Which way is that?" the Galvin steps forward.

"I apologize but it is against rules to discuss your voting before the vote. after you can freely discuss but before we like to avoid bribery or other nefarious actions that could tamper with the votes."

the Galvin motions in and comments.

"now please go inside..."

Archibald and queen crane walk into the large chamber and sallione motions in.

"looks like we are first"

"looks like it..." Archibald stares over the woman and she pushes back against the large round table as she asks.

"do you remember the summers on the plateau? the sun, the light rains the way the breeze would hit the wind just right and you could smell the flowers when we were young."

"before the wars you mean?" Archibald asks sounding upset and she nods agreeing with him.

"yes, wars...." She sighs opening her eyes as Archibald gains ground on her and she looks up as she asks outright.

"are you going to vote yes?"

"I don't know-"

"I am the only woman voting on this Archbald, the only one. I need, I need allies or I may very well lose the crane kingdom to some random nobleman..."

she lifts her eyes staring down her former love and sighs to herself as she speaks freely with him.

"they will ceremony me, the elders to some noble prince second born and he will rule the cranes into the dirt"

"or perhaps to glory...." Archibald comments and she lifts her eyes.

"It shouldn't be his to rule..."

"then I guess we should hope for a good vote, my lady..." Archibald nods his head and gets closer but stops inches away as the doors open and a larger group walks inside. the Galvin in all white nods to everyone and leaves the room leaving everyone alone. Alvis steps forward and speaks firmly.

"I am here representing her majesty Galvin and here to read  proclamation 9. this is the 9th time this issue has been taken before the wardens but the first it has been brought before the wardens by the Galvins..." 

Alvis opens a large scrolled paper and reads off the typed words.

"proclamation 9 states that woman should have the absolute right to vote in the monarchy-"

"All women or just the nobles?"

"nobels, of course..." Alvis nods his head sure and the wardens stare him down as he motions to the proclamation.

"if we wish to give the peasants their right then that is always the individual kingdom decisions. today we vote on the rights of a noblewoman to vote or not." Alvis stares around the room and looks to the large board and eyes the timer as he motions out. 

"now we take 30 minutes to discuss then 30-minute break for lunch. then when we come back I will ask if anyone wishes to second this proclamation. after if it is seconded we move to a vote"

Alvis motions to the wardens.

"discuss..." Sallione raises her voice.

"what will this right really do for us, Alvis?" Alvis shifts and Sallione lowers her voice.

"the queen has a motive, doesn't she?"

"she wants to abolish the right to rule" Edmond interrupts and motions to Sallione.

"abolish?" Archibald turns eyeing his brother as his brother stops talking and Edmond nods his head sure of it.

"yes, that seems to be her motive. if enough women are given their right the Queen seems to want to open it to a noble vote."

Sallione glances up eyeing Edmond as she asks.

"she thinks that will go well?"

"she hopes it will." Alvis comments and places down the paper as he glances around the room at the few noblemen and shifts staring down Edmond. the group breaks up and Alvis makes his way to Edmond as he whispers

"are you going to be her second?"

"you aren't?" Edmond asks sounding surprised and Alvis glances around the room as he sates.

"I represent the Galvin vote the first vote. we need a second for this to go forward...."

"and again the Queen asked you to bother me with it?"

"I am sure your wife would appreciate it."

"Hannah will never be the same after the memory wipe. you know the one that Dorian felt was necessary."

"Dorian was strict Edmond. you know if I could have helped I would have."

"But you didn't..." Edmond states and Alvis leans forward.

"it still is the right thing. it is time the monarchy caught up to the plateau."

"This is far from catching up..."

"certain things Edmond are outlawed in the monarchy for a reason. the plateau is where life happens but the monarchy is where the wars are fought, where crucial victories or defeats are had..." Alvis states coldly and lowers his voice.

"This isn't about right or wrong this is tradition and for the safety of the last humans."

Edmond shakes his head.

"barbarianism, brutality, murder. Alvis, there are better ways"

"I don't disagree but things won't change overnight. the Queen she has smaller objectives give her a little now so we can take a lot later..."

Edmond takes a deep breath and goes to open his mouth but the timer goes off interrupting their conversation. Alvis looks back as he sighs and motions to the doors.

"lunch" a few guards come in escorting Alvis out and into a private room. He walks up to a window eyeing the view of the plateau and leans forward staring out the window at the beautiful sight as a robot nearby begins speaking.

"The construction of the plateau began a year before the great war occurred. people paid millions some even billions to the Galvins to stake their plot of land. the demand became so intense for land that the Galvins expanded their claim to the monarchy" Alvis glances back at the robot off to the side and the robot speaks firmly.

"that is the history, my lord.." The robot nods his head to his master and Alvis keeps staring out as the robot's eyes glow bright blue and he informs his master.

"Sir we are getting a direct line from the private Galvin channel.." the robot turns his head and the tv turns on showing a view of Galvin burning. Alvis steps forward as the robot comments.

"a few minutes before jets were reported flying over Galvin. they dropped bombs, sir..."

"how many?" Alvis asks voice shaking and the robot turns back concerned as he states firmly.

"all of them, sir.."

"who, what clan?"

"Sir, the only people that have such technology are the Galvin's themselves..."

"we bombed ourselves?" Alvis says not believing what he heard and the robot nods his head sure of his calculations.

"yes, that is what my calculations insist.  the order for the bombs came from Galvin"

"which Galvin?"

The robot eyes shift as he calculates and assumes.

"our guess would be the king himself-"

"ruck?" Alvis says not beliving the robot and the robot turns as he states.

"no one else could order a jet attack. no other clan has access to it. it is a show of Galvin power met to be used at will against any clan the Galvin's wish"

Alvis stares down the tv screen and the robot motions to him.

"We have blocked all media access to Galvin. plateau broadcasting will not be able to know or see this..."

"good I want repairs underway as soon as possible. have any Galvin guards who remain guard our entrances. no travelers in or out till repairs are done and complete memory wipes of the jet attack-"

the robot eyes blink and he shifts to his lord and shakes his head.

"I cannot.... my functions are limited by order of the king..."

"since when?"

the robot turns to his master as he finishes his words.

"just a few minutes ago. it seems the new king has finally cemented his place on his throne..." 

Alvis motions his hand and the tv shuts off as the robot asks.

"What should we do?"

"remain quiet, we go through with proclamation 9  and then we return to Galvin and survey the damage..."

"you are worried about young lady Galvin?" the robot asks turning his head and Alvis shifts in place as he comments.

"more worried for this kingdom especially under Ruck..."

"you have doubt about our true king?"

Alvis shifts realizing what he said and corrects himself sounding nervous.

"No, no of course not. the true king is Ruck. I just wish to be by my brother's side..." Alvis lies quickly realizing he cannot deny the true king and the robot nods his head as he states.

"that is acceptable..." the robot turns and motions forward to the door.

"you should finish the vote..."

Alvis steps out walking to the main door and it opens. he walks in slowly remaining calm not showing his worry and reopens proclamation 9 announcing it.

"We are here to decide if this proclamation will go through for voting. as of today, I ask does any man in this room second the motion to vote on the law to allow all noblewoman within the monarchy their right to vote..."

Alvis glances up at no one moving but stops hearing Archibald as he raises his hand and speaks.


"the O'Sullivan's?" Alvis turns his head surprised and Edmond raises his hand as he speaks.

"I as well..."

"both, O'Sullivan's..."Alvis sounds confused as he speaks and turns his head commenting.

"you realize what this will do for the O'Sullivan kingdom?"

Archibald turns his head and stares down Alvis as he nods sure of his stance.

"This isn't just about us or our kingdom. this is about what is right for the future of the monarchy..."

Edmond nods agreeing as he comments.

"I second my younger. there are many fine queens in this monarchy and they should not have to be married to rule their own..."

"We are not voting on if a woman should have the right to rule. let me iterate again this is if woman, noblewoman within the monarchy should be allowed to vote..."

"I already said I second it..." Archibald sits back and Edmond nods his head and comments.

"and I second his second..." Archibald grins and Edmond shrugs his shoulders as Alvis sighs and motions to the people in the room.

"then wardens, male warden of course..." Alvis shifts eyeing sallione and she turns her head upset at the Galvin but Alvis shrugs and continues.

"you can all now vote on this matter..."

Alvis sits back eyeing the wardens around him and folds over the proclamation awaiting their responses. 

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