FAIRY TALES | remaking

By germgyu

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❝ what if, fairy tales are different from real life? ❞ ー in which these characters have a total opposite per... More

0 0 . 2 | SLOTS PART ONE
0 0 . 3 | SLOTS PART TWO

0 1 | START

85 7 9
By germgyu


why should i clean all the
mess when i'm not the one
causing it. ❞

cinderella, 2020.

"kang yooreum!" a loud and high pitch voice shouted her name downstairs. even with her door closed, yooreum can hear the woman's shouting clearly. rolling her eyes, yooreum opened the door of her room. she knew that the woman will have things to let her do when she yelled her name.

"what? i'm upstairs." yooreum shouted back. "shut up bitch." she muttered under her breathe as she held onto her room's doorknob while waiting for the woman to shout back.

"come down now! we have things to let you do!" this time it's not the woman who shouted but one of her uglyass daughters lee hyemi. yooreum can recognized her high pitch voice.

"yeah yeah." rolling her eyes, yooreum closed her room door and walked downstairs. as she went down to the living room, three bitch faces were staring at her as if they were about to break her bones and peel her skins. oh well, it's just a description but that's what yooreum felt.

maybe you think she's gonna be scared of them and do whatever they tell her, but i can tell you that you're wrong. yooreum never scared of them, well basically she doesn't give a shit about this three woman. yooreum leaned against the wall lazily as she gave them a poker face of hers. "i'm downstairs already. what now."

"we have a dinner later night and we're going out to buy dresses and get our hair done." lee hyejung, the other uglyass sister said as lee hyemi showed yooreum a smirk.

ha, like she wanna go to any fancy yet boring dinner. yooreum secretly rolled her eyes. "and then?"

"you'll need to clean the house of course." the woman stood up from the sofa and glared at yooreum.

yooreum glanced around the living room. it's actually looks clean but yooreum pretty sure it isn't in the woman and her stepsisters' eyes. yooreum seceretly rolled her eyes again ; they just want to order her around like she's their maid.

"and don't forget to clean our room as well." lee hyemi smiled cutely and said. yooreum flinched at the sight of her cute smile inside her mind. if you're ugly but you still try to be cute, please say sorry to people's eyes.

talk about their room, it's gonna be a huge work of cleaning because yooreum is pretty sure they mess the room 25 / 8 with all their clothes pile in their bed or randomly threw inside their closet, she even remembered getting some socks and clothes under their bed. basically they just mess up the room every minutes and yet yooreum is the one who clean it up instead of themselves.

screw this life.

"mum we have to leave our hair appointment is at 5pm!" lee hyejung said while grabbing on her purse.

bitch it's just 12pm?!

"oh right." the woman nodded. before leaving the house, she turned to yooreum while giving her a dead glare. "remember, i want everything clean. you get me?"

yooreum frowned. "of course." and she glared at the three bitches as they left the house. yooreum flipped her hair. like she cares about cleaning, she hates them too okay.

doesn't giving a shit about her stepmother and step sister, yooreum just laid on the sofa with nice drinks beside her and cold refreshing air from the air conditioner.

that's life. yooreum giggled as she fished out her phone from her pocket and started scrolling down and clicking in random posts. it was just random scrolling until she see a website newly made for people to hire a cleaner.

yooreum wiggled her eyebrow and clicked into the link of the website and started reading through its description and etc.

our 24/7 is always open for hire!

"interesting." yooreum nodded in amazement. people like her definitely need to hire a cleaner like this. without hesitation, yooreum scrolled for more.







yooreum took a sip of her drinks while waiting patiently for it to load.


"that's fast." yooreum gasped in awe.

fast and efficient in work.

rating : 5 stars

[ accept | decline ]

"woo he got five stars of course i'm accepting." yooreum mumbled to herself as she clicked accept.


yooreum put her phone on the table while she drank her drinks and enjoyed the cold air conditioner that blew right into her face.

"ding dong." her doorbell rang, making yooreum jumped off from the sofa and dashed to open the door.

as she opened the door, a tall and good looking guy with tshirts and jeans smiled warmly at her. "hi! i'm cleaner kim mingyu at your service!"

and now yooreum knew the reason why he managed to get five stars over his rating.

"sooooo, you're the cleaner i hired online? kim mingyu?" yooreum glanced at the guy standing in front of her.

"yeap yeap!" mingyu flashed her a grin. "now, can i go in and start the cleaning?"

yooreum smiled and nodded. "sure why not."

mingyu took his tools and went into the house.

"so, basically you just need to clean the living room, kitchen, and the first and second room on upstairs. just leave the third room. that's it." yooreum leaned against the staircase as she took glances at mingyu for rolling up his jeans.

"why leave the third room though? i thought i'm suppose to clean the whole house?" mingyu asked as he rolled up his shirt sleeve and made it like a sleeveless shirt.

that's one fine muscle he got there. yooreum gulped at the sight of mingyu's arms. "third room is my room. i don't need anyone to clean it."

"why not. i'm good in it." mingyu pouted. "especially if it's your room, i could clean it more passionate."

"ohhh okay. that sounds like a pickup line, but thanks, no, it doesn't work on me." yooreum chuckled. "should you start now, mr cleaner."

"it's mr. kim mingyu not mr.cleaner but whatever." mingyu shrugged and started cleaning the living room with the tools he brought while yooreum started sitting on the sofa watching some variety show.

for the first time, mingyu's cleaning was having a bunch of small chuckles surrounding him. he turned to look at yooreum, who was so immersed in her variety show. cute. he thought and he went back cleaning.

while doing the cleaning, mingyu saw the photo frames placed on top of the table, he took a glance of it but only saw a fat woman with 2 girls standing behind her, both smiling brightly but not as pretty as her mingyu thought.

"no offence but why aren't you in the photo?" mingyu asked carefully.

yooreum looked up from the tv and smiled. a smile that doesn't came from her heart. "because i'm not a part of the family."

mingyu felt like his heart just dropped seeing her smile like that.


i could sleep with you
hugging me tightly.

sleeping beauty, 2020.

knock knock. a knock on the table. "hey, sleeping beauty. time to wake up." a deep voice that made goo jihae immediately wake up from her small nap.

"sorry mr.jung but you know i have insomnia and couldn't sleep in night." jihae gave out a small shrug and smiled at her professor.

"you know what, you should really go and see the doc, to see what cause you that." her professor mr.jung whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear. he gave her a small pat. "you can't just let it off like that."

"i know, i'll think about it." jihae nodded.

"anyway, back to topic. i won't be coming for class starting tomorrow as i'm taking a small holiday. but i found my favourite student, a senior who had graduate few years ago, to come and teach you guys." mr.jung's eyes sparkled at the mention of the senior.

"your senior, is a really special guy. he is gifted by the god for the ability of his skills and talent in instrument! let's not forget about his music arrangement, he was mr.park's favourite too." mr.park is another professor for music arrangement class and he is popular for his strict lessons. surprise to hear that someone was mr.park's favourite student though. thought jihae, even though she is also one of mr.park's fav.

"anyway, have fun learning from him. i wish to see the growth from you all after i come back." mr.jung smiled. "and now, let us welcome him!"

the door opened and a guy with blonde hair stepped in. he looked small and shy but he definitely gave out a powerful aura that made people listen to him immediately.

"hello, i am lee jihoon. let's have a good start together." the guy, lee jihoon gave everyone a small nod.

kind of a cool guy. jihae commented in her mind. not as cool as woozi though. she smiled as she scrolled through woozi's instagram to see that he will be releasing a new song soon.

omggg senpai is releasing a new song soon!! jihae squealed hard in her mind and decided to comment under his post.

"lee jihoon, is also the well known producer that produced a lot of popular songs, woozi!" mr.jung introduced with a loudass clap.

something dropped on the ground with a loud thud. it was jihae's phone but she did not notice it. all her mind was only lee jihoon = woozi.

lee jihoon, her soon to be professor ( technically just for a few weeks) is her favorite producer, woozi.

jihoon stepped down from the stage and slowly walked towards jihae. jihae couldn't even process her brain and there was jihoon picking up her phone and smiled when he saw his instagram page on the phone and the comment section with her unpost comment saying WOOZI I LOVE YOU LET ME MARRY YOU in big caps.

"oh fuck." jihae cursed under her breathe. and now he knows that she is his hardcore fans.


heyoo im remaking this af
into a fanfic and yes again
im torturing myself by ft
all 13 members haha

and each of them will
have their own lovelines

still no idea about the girls
name except for this two pairs
so perhaps yaall could
leave a comment of the girls name
for the members? :))

woops just realized that the part
for jihoon slots isnt like what i
written in the slots part before
my bad haha

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