
By Baily_xx

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Just your basic 'He's the bad boy and she's the girl next door', type of story. Okay, Maybe not. It's more l... More

Chapter 1: Stages Of Sanity
Chapter 2: Walter.
Chapter 3: The Point
Chapter 4: The Bitch And Lies
Chapter 5: Bonding
Chapter 6: She's Gonna Have A B.F
Chapter 7:There's A Dark Side To Everyone
Chapter 8: Mixed Signals
Chapter 9: What A Day
Chapter 10: Me And Dyl. Dyl And I
Chapter 11: Goodbye
Chapter 12: FREEDOM!
Chapter 13: Damn Hormones
Chapter 14: Distractions
Chapter 15: Stars
Chapter 17: Showering
Chapter 18: Figure It Out
Chapter 19: Truth Hurts
Chapter 20: My Sperm Donor
Chapter 21: Just to remind me

Chapter 16: SUCK MY BALLS!

672 32 5
By Baily_xx

Please read.

Firstly, sorry. It's late, again.

The reason I say harsh things in this book, is, that it's just Liz's personality and I do not feel the same way that she does about most things. I just want to make sure that no one takes anything that I say personally.

If anyone is going through some tough stuff, or just wants someone to talk to, do not hesitate to message me. I promise it will get better. Sometimes it feels better to talk to a stranger, I won't judge.

Unedited, I wrote most of this ages ago, but enjoy, and I know it's late but I hope you all had a good Halloween.


Chapter 16: SUCK MY BALLS




There is no way I'm going as anything dressed in here. See, here's the trouble in mental institutions, they never stock up on good Halloween costumes.

About an hour ago, The Bitch announced that we would all be spending our morning activities in the activity room, choosing what to where and then spending out afternoon activities helping organise and decorate the main hall for the part, tomorrow.

So I've been wandering around the activity room for an hour, and I still haven't chosen what to wear.

They have different costumes, some old, some new (all equally as hideous), on racks around the room and the girls are just milling around, looking for the right costume.

Girls. Yep, this is why it's taking all morning, because the patients are being let into the activity room in two groups; boys and girls.

This is so we can try on different outfits, like, as in getting undressed. The boys got to come in before us, because I guess The Bitch and The Blanks figured that the girls would take longer. Which, of course, we have.

But it's not our fault! How could we choose what to wear out of all of this... this ugh?! All of the outfits and costumes in here are unisex, do you know what that means? It means that nothing in here is remotely flattering to the female body.

We don't even have mirrors, so most of the girls have paired up with a partner, so they can tell each other what they think.

Guess who my shopping buddy is?


Yeah, she doesn't give me much insight, really. She just nods when she likes something and shakes her head when she doesn't.

So far, she hasn't nodded once.

Margery turns to me, her face as straight as a pin bored as she displays one of the outfits she's tried on.

I burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the room and bounces off the walls. Margery fights back a reluctant smile.

She stands there, with her arms spread, fully displaying the ridiculousness of the outfit. Okay, so dressing up as a cat for Halloween is common right? It can be cute, it can be slutty, either way, it's a popular costume.

Not this type cat outfit though, no, this is just, well...

The material isn't leather or velvet for one, no it's bushy and tatty and actually looks like some type of fur, and it's a horrible yellowish-brown colour. Like diarrhoea. The hood is too big and it covers the top half of Margery's face. It's nose is scuffed, half of one of the ears is bitten off and one of the eyes is missing whilst the other is hanging from a single thread.

The whole costume over all is wa-a-ay too big. It's in the style of a onesie, but let me just stress this: it is in no way cute! The arms hang too low, like past her knees so she looks a bit of a mix of a cat and orangutang, an ugly one at that. The costume makes her look like she's wearing a diaper because the ass bit is hanging down that low and the tail is nothing but a stub.

So basically this outfit was obviously designed for a seven foot giant with a fetish for cats, and Margery, well, I don't think she has a cat fetish and she's like four foot nothing.

Maybe I'm exaggerating a little.

We carry on searching and Margery eventually settles on wearing some crim reaper outfit, it's a long black, silk dress thing with really long,wide sleeves and it comes with a super big hood and a plastic scythe.

I, on the other hand, decide to go for something much much more simple, and ironic. There's a short white hospital gown, and it comes with plastic broken apart so it's like a brawler on each wrist. Like a crazy person outfit.

I know we don't wear white gowns here, and we get to wear our own clothes, but in hospitals where the real crazy people are, they where them.

Like where H.B must be now...

I shake the thought out of my head with a smile at Margery, lifting the outfit up on it's hanger for her to look at. I wiggle my eyebrows and she smiles and rolls her eyes.

Personally, I think it's the perfect outfit.

A loud whistle sounds, signalling the end of the girls choosing time. I hear a few girls groan, obviously not yet found the right costume.

I feel bad for them, I really do, because if you didn't choose a costume in time, then The Blanks choose one for you.

Imagine it.

We walk out of the activity room in a single file line, and we pass the boys who are queuing up to go in, as we do.

I spot Mason about ten people before I come up to him. He seems to notice me as well, 'cause he's grinning like a madman when get to him.

Grinning like a madman. Oh.

"What did you choose?" He whispers as I walk past him. A Blank glares at us to stop talking, so as I'm walking away I spin around to face him.

I swirl my index finger by my temple, cross my eyes and then finally point to myself in a wink.

Hopefully he gets that I'm trying to tell him that I chose a crazy person costume and not trying to seduce him a weird way.

To be fair, you can never we sure these days.

The rest of the morning drags painfully slow after the costume choosing, and it turns out that the boys and girls have different lunch times today, do to the activities. It's strange sitting at lunch with just Margery again. I mean, I know used to do it all of the time but now so used to either Mason making stupid jokes and me laughing at him or sometimes yelling, it all seems too, I don't know, quiet? Yeah, compared to what lunch is usually like, it seems way to quiet.

Margery doesn't seem to notice the difference, she just continues to read her book. Today it is... Pride and prejudice? I'm sure she's already read that one about a bazillion times.


After lunch, all of us girls are herded into the Activity Room., to do the decorating for the Halloween party. The Bitch is taking this whole thing very seriously because people apart from The Victims, are coming.

She wants to fool everyone's parents and family members into thinking that've put their beloved Hopeless Cases into a well adjusted, perfectly functional correctional facility.

P'ha. You'd have to be blind to think that this place could be anything but hell.

Each Victim got three tickets that we sent out to our closest relatives, and they got to fight among them to get the lucky (or, unlucky) chance to come.

I didn't have a choice but to send my mom her tickets. She probably won't turn up.

The Bitch hosted a New Year's party on the first year that I got here. I had only been here about two months with no visitation so far and I was so looking forward to seeing my mom, as much I hated her.

I just needed to see someone who I knew from my old life.

I spent weeks preparing for it. We get a monthly allowance from our parents, but the institution only allows enough for the necessities. So I'd used my allowance from the past two months and I had bought a special outfit, so I could look nice.

I even bought so cheep makeup that I had to hide from The Blanks. It had some foreign brand name so when it was on my delivery cheque they couldn't realise what it was, they though it was just more clothes.

Do you know how much effort it is trying to do your makeup nicely in the dim reflection of a smudged window? It's very difficult.

I waited for like a full two hours, all dressed up and excited, but she never turned up. I cried all night, like ever night before that for the past two months. It didn't hurt because it was just like every other night, it because I thought there might the slightest chance that it could be different.

Trust me, it was pathetic. Like a hormonal teenage girl who was stood up at prom. By her own mom.

Oh, Jesus. It makes me depressed.

I sit there cutting away at (no, not my wrists) the piece of black fabric that a Black threw at me. When I first started snipping away at the fabric, I was going for it to look like a spider but it look more like a... piece of shit?

No, a piece of shit would look better than this.

Not that I think shit look good or anything. I think it looks disgusting. Kind of... shitty.


On a scale of one to ten, how funny am I? It's like break-the-scales kind of funny.

Oh, someone actually did break the scales.

We had a our weekly weigh in yesterday and Dahlia stood on and the scales broke! Hahahaha, seriously, she's like a hundred stone or something.

I would feel bad, but she's annoying and a Suicidal so I don't care. Oh, and there's the fact that I'm a heartless bitch.

Or so I've been told.

Margery sits next to me, carving a pumpkin. It looks freaking amazing. It's a zombie face and it totally looks like the guy from ward four.

I think he fancies Margery because he keeps winking at her. Then again, he may have a twitch, it's a common around here.

Anyhow, I guess Margery painting a hideous zombie version of him is her own special way of telling to back off.

When I offer to tell him for her, she blushes and flicks a piece of pumpkin guts at me. I put it in mouth and eat it.

I grimace at the taste and she rolls her eyes.

A loud whistle sounds. Julie, one of the nymphomaniacs, smiles flirtatiously, flicks her hair and turns to see where the noise came from, as if some one were whistling at her. You'd think someone had shit on her hand by the way her face drops when she realises that it wasn't.

I have to hold back a laugh.

"Right, everyone listen up!" One of The Blanks shouts. He's small, muscly, has a crew cut and a big mouth. "We are about to let the boys come in and help you ladies set up for the party. And that's all you'll be doing, setting up for the party. If I see any flirting or fondling of any sort, I'll make you all drop and do a hundred!"

I couldn't drop and do one, never mind one hundred. And what about Dahlia? As soon as she drops, an earthquake will occur.

Actually never mind an earthquake, the world will split into a massive hole and we'll all be sucked into it.

Actually, no we won't. Only me. Yep, I'll be sucked into the fiery depths of hell for being such a fucking bitch.

Wait, what did the little guy just say? The boys are coming?

The boys are coming? The boys are coming! THE BOYS ARE CO-

But, anywhore! That means that Mason is going to be in here. While I'm in here. Doing art activity together.

I look down at my 'spider', let out a hiss and throw it at some girl who turns and stares at me with round eyed at it hits her in the head. I quickly reach over and snatch up her masterpiece picture of a witch, just as Mason comes to stand next to me, towering over Margery and I.

The girl who I stole the picture from gives me a shocked look and goes to say something, I quickly shut her up with 'I will rip out your eyeballs and feed them to your grandma." look.

Mason ruffles my hair as he sits down and he gives Margery a kiss on the cheek. I stare at him wide mouthed.

"What can I say, I've always liked her better." He shrugs.

I pout slightly and punch him in the arm, Margery doesn't look at all phased.

Mason grabs a pair of safety scissors (we're not allowed the proper ones, too much damage can be caused. In fact, any of the dangerous people got kicked out.) and a yellow fabric.

He looks down at 'my' piece of work, and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"Wow, Bliss. That's actually pretty cool." He picks up the piece of paper and runs his hand over the detailed outlines of the witches face.

I give him a nonchalant shrug.

"Yeah, it's okay." I lean closer to him, eyeing the girl that is holding my former piece of art. "Much better than that shitty artwork!"

Mason looks to where i mean and then looks back at me, he smirks. Taking the picture out of my hand, he leans over and gives it the other girl who blushes and says thanks as she hands him mine.

He drops my shitty blob in my lap. I growl at him. Yes, growl.

"Down, boy." Mason wags a finger in front of my face and pretends to give me a stern look.

I narrow my eyes at him.

"I hate you."

"Love you too."

Stupidly, I blush and turn away from him.

He's such an asshole. I feel like killing him. Or kissing him. You know, they're pretty much the same thing.

He's still grinning at me. I ignore him.

Gotta keep my head in the game, anyway. And by 'the game', I mean all this cutting out.


I grimace in disgust at my (kind of) reflection in the window. Ew. Like, I'd it even legal to be that hideous?

Or fat? Or hideous?

Did I already say that? Ah well, you'll have to forgive me, I'm not all there. Yeah, you'll have to forgive me.

Like, you don't get a choice. Don't make me get my hammer out...

As for my hideousness, I can totally deal with it today, because it's Halloween. So if anyone screams and is like 'WHAT IN THE NAME OF SATAN'S DISTURBINGLY BRIGHT UNDERPANTS, IS THAT?!' And I can just be all 'yo, dude, chill. It's just a costume.'

When really it's just my face with a bite of black face pant smudged around my eyes and my hair back combed to the max. What? I'm going for the mental patient look, I might as well go the whole hog and exaggerate the common stereotype of what a crazy person looks like.

But in actual fact, if I wanted to go as a mental patient, I could have just dressed up as myself. Or anyone here.


A Blank walks down the hall towards me, smiling at me politely the whole while. I ignore her and her annoying click-clack footsteps and go back to growling at me reflection in the mirror.

Margery soon joins me.

Not the growling, just the staring at her reflection. I can't help it, the laughter doesn't stay held in long.

I guess it turns out that a Blank had reserved the grim reaper outfit, so they had to choose a costume for her.

Guess what it is? IT'S THE CAT!

Someone, probably one of The Blanks, has painted her face so it's the same colour as her costume and gave her whiskers.

She looks ridiculous.

"You know," I clasp my hand on her shoulder. "If having a phone was allowed in this place, I would be totally taking a picture of you right now. And uploading that picture to every single social media there's is."

She glares at me, shrugs my hand off her shoulder and hisses at me, like a cat. I grin at her devishly.

"Good to know you're getting into character."

The Blank that passed me before, comes hurrying down the hall, now sporting a witch and a wand. She swirls the wand in my face as she passes, giggling as she does.

It takes every inch of my will power to not snap the stupid stick and shove it down her throat and watch her choke, but still, I manage it.

See? Ha, and The Bitch says I'm not good with controlling my anger!

The Blank continues to walk away from Margery and I. When she's about halfway down the hallway she spares a quick glance at her watch and stops suddenly with a little 'oh!' and spins to face us.

"Girls! It's ten to seven! You'd better hurry up and get to the Activity hall, Dr. Knight wanted all patients there for twenty to! The guest are getting let in at seven, so be quick!" With that she goes tottering down the hall again.

I give Margery a 'you ready for this?', she just rolls her eyes.

We walk swiftly to the Activity room and burst through the doors. It turns out everyone else is already there.


The Bitch gives us an exasperated look as we pass, but continues of with her not doubt mind numbingly boring speech as we join the crowd of people facing her.

Whilst The Bitch goes on and on (and on) about how are we are supposed to behave whilst guests are here and all the other rules, I scan the crowd, looking for Mason.

He's surprisingly hard to find among the masses of witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, dead cheerleaders, zombies and ... tampons? Wow, that's well- uh, I don't, that's, erm-yeah, why?

The Bitch ends her if speech and announces that she's gonna go and put on her costume (I thought she was already wearing it) and some of The Blanks we're going to let the party guests in.

All of a sudden, I get nervous. My heart starts beating fast and my palms get all sweaty my eyes dart to each individual face as unfamiliar people starting to flood into the room.

Fifteen minutes later and I my breathing calms, i unclench my fists and relax. She isn't coming, I don't what was worried about.

I stand with Margery as her mothers rushes over, dressed in an Abraham Lincoln costume, beard an all, and gives her a big kiss. On the mouth.

Margery has a facial expression that says it all.

"Hello baby! How have you been darling? Daddy couldn't make it, he's away on work." Her mother pulls her into another embrace and squeezes her tightly. Margery just stands there, stiff as a board, with a panicked expression on her face.

I let out a loud laugh, a big mistake, because Margery's mother turns her attention to me.

"Oh, hi there! Are you Margery's friend? I'm Margaret, her mother!" She exclaims, pulling me into my own hug.

Margaret and Margery?

Margery gives me a 'tell me about it' look.

"Hi." I wriggle my way out of her grasp. She doesn't see to notice my discomfort, in fact she carries on coddling both Margery and I, pinching our cheeks and patting our heads a lot.

It's weird, 'cause I forgot that I'm five years old.

Oh, wait, no I'm not. Don't touch me, whore.

Clearing my throat awkwardly, and excuse myself. Margaret squeals, almost starts crying and gives me a kiss on the cheek as I go to walk away, and Margery's eye's tell me that she'll never forgive me again for this.

I grin and wink at her as I go, giving her the thumbs up.

I wander around the room, looking for Mason. Since I'm unaware of what he's dressed up as, it's kind of hard to pin point him.

The large room is Guam packed with people, chattering, walking around or dancing. The patients from the full on crazy ward (AKA the real Nutjobs), aren't allowed to come to the party, and neither are their relatives.

To be fair, it sounds cruel but it's just a safety precaution. Wouldn't want them to go wild and accidentally massacre everyone, would we?
My eyes catch Mason's in crowd, with his hair slicked back and he's wearing glasses, but I can't see the rest of his outfit, because people standing in the way.

I go to rush forward, but someone in front of me moves out and I see who Mason is talking to. The Bitch.

They're not just talking, it looks like they're arguing, animatedly. It's not unusual to see a Victim arguing with The Bitch, it's just the way they're arguing. He's stood so close to her, which is usually not allowed, for the threat of assault, in fact, on of the security guards should be dragging him away by now.

What's even more strange, is the fact that she looks fine with it, actually, she's arguing back. Now, that's definitely not allowed.

I stare at the, frowning. Mason lets out what looks like a frustrated sigh and rolls his eyes upwards. Bringing them back down, his eyes catch mine.

I immediately look to the ground, feeling as though I'd intruded on something way too personal for my liking.

I make my way to the beverages table. No alcohol, of course. Rubbing a red plastic cup (with little spiders painted on it), I look over the variety of choices of punch.

Red, blue, orange, or green? I decide to stick with the Orange one. At least I can pretend it's orange juice and not the liquidised sedatives it most probably is.

Gotta keep this crowd calm.

"Leave it to you, to pick the boring option."

I turn to Mason, who is stood behind me, frowning in disapproval. I stick my tongue out at him and then take a sip of my drink, assessing his costume.

He's wearing a long white suit coat, with a blue shirt beneath it and a black tie and black trousers. His glasses have got tape on the Middle bridge and he hasn't got a hair out of place.

"What are you supposed to be?" I tilt my head, perplexed.

He lets out an over exaggerated sigh and shakes his head at me.

"Right, so you're supposed to be a Mental patient?" He says, rolling his eyes a little.

I laugh.

"Yeah, duh. Mine is obvious."

"Yeah, yeah. Who do you know who usually wears smart clothes, annoying glasses, thinks they're all that, hangs around mental institutions and always has that patronising look on their face?"

I purse my lips and think about it for a couple minutes. Mason watches me, smirking slightly. And the idea clicks.

"The Bitch!" I exclaim, practically jumping. "You're a psychologist!"

He laughs at me enthusiasm, and I giggle too, embarrassed at how excited I am that I got it right.

"Just call me Dr. Sexy." He bumps my with his hip. "See, you're crazy and I'm supposed to fix you. We match."

I blush but scoff.

"I don't need fixing."

"I know."

He leans in to give me a long kiss and I feel a buzz of adrenaline spread throughout me. Like I'm drunk from the essence of him.

We pull away and I give him a lazy grin.

The music cuts off and everyone turns their attention towards the stage where The Bitch climbs the stairs and stands on stage.

She's dressed as an angel. Ugh.

Personally, I think she would have been better suited to be the devil. Then I could have shoved that pitch fork up her shitter.

The Bitch smiles out at the crowd and leans closer to the mic.

"I hope you're all having a good time so far?!"

The crowd cheers, half-heartedly. I just smirk and look to Mason, expecting to see a similar look on his face, but, surprisingly, he glaring viciously at The Bitch.

I know the feeling.

"I just wanted to introduce the band that will be playing this evening! All the way from Salt Lake City, they offered to come down here and play for Halloween!" She exclaims, excitedly, everyone cheers again. "So, everyone put your hands together for... The Crusaders!"

The room erupts into clapping and (yes, of course) more cheering as four dudes with similar, dark, hang-y haircuts and black leather jackets, make their way on stage.

They all look around their early twenties and two of the four are O.K looking, I guess. They're obviously deuces though, I mean it's a Halloween party and they're not even in costumes! Pfft, just 'cause most of the room is of a questionably mental capability, doesn't mean that we don't care about the effort!

Then, again, if I had a choice, I wouldn't have dressed up.

The band starts to play, or if that's what you can call it. It's really just a lot of bashing of drums, bad, harsh strumming of the piano, stomping about the stage, and screaming into the mic.

Kind of hard to dance to, so Mason and I just jump up and down and shake or heads about.

We earn a lot of really weird looks, and me whipping my head about is causing a head ache. On the bright side, it's a freaking hilarious.

Mason starts doing an into quite dance movie, which includes him waving his hands above his head crazily, doing jazz knees, going cross-eyed and running up to unfortunate people and screaming 'SUCK MY BALLS!' In their faces.


Yup, there, ladies and gentlemen, is my boyfriend.

Lucky me.

I clutch at my stomach, crying I'm laughing that hard as Mason runs up to some woman, screams in her face, and she hits in the arms and runs away to tell her husband.

Turns out her husband is a buffed up version of The Terminator and he looks like he's going to stamp on Mason and then eat him.

So, of course, Mason forces me too run around the room with him for like twenty minutes hiding from said Terminator.

We end up in the corner of the room, farthest from the stage, half crouching behind a very large tinker bell.

Wow, I didn't know the cast of Peter Pan were going to be on, Obese: A Year To Save My Life?

"Go out there and fight him like a man!" I grumble to Mason, my back aching from standing in the awkward position I am.

Mason looks at me like I have two heads.

"Are you Insane? He's crush me!" He shakes his head, obviously shocked.

I roll my eyes.

"Firstly, maybe and secondly, that's what you get for being an Asshole, deal with the consequences." I cross my arms and stand up straight.

Mason hisses through his teeth and grabs me roughly, trying to pull me back down. I kick him and pull away.

He stands up, huffing.

"Fine. How about you go out there and tell him to piss off." He challenges, and then he nods, as though agreeing with himself. "Yeah, that might work. Do that facial expression you do where you look like you want to rip my balls off and feed them to me, and he'll totally crap his panties."

Craps his panties?

He wait, is he calling me a hench? I glare at him, furrowing my eyebrows and squinting my eyes.

"Hey, there's the look!"

I ignore him, and my eyes light up as a thought pops into my head.

"Where's your family?" I wonder, stepping towards him.

Masons, previously worried expression turns to shock and his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline.


"Well, it's just guest were allowed to come, and, you know, and no one has came to see you? What, are you not loved?" I half joke.

Honestly, I know it's not supposed to, but I'm intrigued. He wasn't there at Visitors day, which everyone has to go to, and now no one is here to see him.

Is it too cheesy to admit that I kind of had the fantasy of meeting his parents, like a normal couple.

Not like that could ever be.

"Guess not." Mason shrugs, looking to the floor to avoid eye contact. I take it to that I'm making him uncomfortable.

I smile at him, kindly. Which, by the way, is not something that comes naturally to me.


He looks back up at me and returns the smile. Only his is way hotter. And it sort of melts my heart.

He's got the type of smile that makes a thousand different images, futures and possibilities into your head. I can imagine hugging him, kissing him, being with him in general, I can imagine a normal life, I can imagine a wedding, but only a small one because we wanted to keep it to the family, I can imagine him pulling some stupid face at me as I all up the aisle, the weddings low budget and my dress was his mothers and her mother's, but it doesn't matter, it's still the best day of my life. I can imagine getting the positive pregnancy test, running out of the bathroom and jumping into his arms. I can imagine a little, wriggling, pink bundle in my arms, with Masons eyes, his nose and his smile. His everything. I can imagine talking and sitting with him, old and weathered, on a porch on a summers day, watching the great grandkids run around the yard, still clutching at Mason's hand.

Wow, for a girl who doesn't believe in love, that's pretty darn incredible.

Mason and I wander around, making fun of people, throwing nibbles at them, avoiding The Terminator, and dancing a little bit more.

Once, when we passed by the stage and the lead singer of The Crusaders winked at me and blew me a kiss, Mason got all protective and possessive (it was really cute) and when I told him to shut up and stop being stupid, he got in a mood and didn't speak to me for a full five minute.

It was hilarious.

His spirits soon lift though, as The Bitch gets on stage again and quickly gives us another small announcement and then let's the bad continue to play. She tells us about the photographer who is stood by the door and is taking free photos if anyone wants one.

Mason nearly wee's himself with excitement.

"Ugh, do we have to?" I whine, as he grips my hand and tugs me towards the photographer.

Mason grins, elated.

"Yes! This is one of my favourite things to do!" He continues to pull me.

"What is?"

"Getting pictures of myself!"

Of course.

We walk up to the photographer, completely taking over another couple's turn. They glare at us sulkily, but with one glance at my 'look', as Mason likes to call it, they quickly change their expressions.

The photographer positions us I front of the decorations. We stand close to each other, smiling at the lens of the camera.

"Three, two, one, say cheese!"

Just as the camera flashes, Mason grips me harder and brings his face to mine. I think he's going to give me a kiss on the cheek, but when I feel something hot a wet on my cheek, I realise that's not what it is at all.

The photographer takes the little square picture out of the cameras printer, wafts it a couple times, hands it to Mason and tells us to move along.

I chase Mason around the room, trying to get the picture from him, and screaming at him for licking my face.

Licking my face?!

Our gallivanting is cut short as the music stops and we are told that the party is over. Looking around, I realise that the room is much emptier than it was at the beginning of the night, half the people having left.

Patients say goodbye to their parents as boys get bearded towards through one door and girls through another.

I look up at Mason expectantly.

He laughs and leans in to give me a sweet kiss. I turn it into some toothy mess as I can't help myself from grinning and laughing.

A Blanks shouts at us to get a move one.

"Good night, Bliss." Mason says, giving me one last peck and pressing something into my hand.

He walks away from and I turn to head back to my own ward.
I look down at the picture in my hand as I walk.

We would have already looked stupid for what we wearing, but oh no, Mason just had to go and make it better. Mason is midway though licking my face and looks like he is thoroughly enjoying it, and I am pulling what must be the ugliest facial expression I have ever seen in my life. My face is all scrunched up and my eyes are wild as it's obvious Im trying to recoil away from Mason.

I go to sleep that night with a huge grin on my face.

And yes, I know it's cringy as fuck.

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