College Crush: The Genius Hea...

By Grrrrraciella

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A Novel

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By Grrrrraciella

< Margaux Alexandria Montecielo’s Point of View >

Everyone is busy at the backstage. Every candidate has its own uniqueness of beauty. They are all stunning tonight. My heart was full of excitement that the judges had chosen me to get into what I really wanted—to be beautifully this far.

                Shii, my schoolmate and talented makeup artist, had just retouched my makeup. I love the smoky eyes, pink rosy cheeks and the glossy hot pink lip color he applied. This is it. This is the night that I have been waiting for—to bring home the title.

                “Amazing, Shii, I love it!” I complimented Shii as I’d been seeing him at the mirror. He’s beside me giving a pair of new dangling diamond earrings. I put the pair on.

                “C’est magnifique, voila! J’adore Mademoiselle Margaux”, Shii trying to impress me how he learned basic French last summer, “You’re welcome. I’m sure you will be crowned tonight. It’s so surprising that you made it to the top five. You even outranked the other half Filipino half Aussie candidate. Your most possible hard competitor left is no other than Mikaela Flores”, he added. While Shii’s makeup on me is way better than the other gays, I have no choice but to get in love with this “face paint” masterpiece. But I’m still a little nervous of people’s expectations on me.

                “Thanks. But I’m not going to be overconfident with what you’ve just said”, I told Shii honestly and I started to recap on mind the tips I learned from YouTube about how to ace every Q&A portion. I tried to remember the possible questions about whatever connects to the current events. “Wait, I need to excuse myself. Patty, Patty, let’s go to the girl’s restroom”, I called my best friend Patty. She was busy talking to the photographer who will take my pictures onstage.

                “Oh my Gosh! You made it to the top five! ”, Patty hugged me, “Do your best for the Q & A, huh?”, Patty touched my hand. She noticed it was cold and told me I have to relax because everything will be alright. I’m always starstrucked to anyone who speaks in a British accent, just like Patty.

                I just nodded. We walked out the backstage almost to get through the dim lighting in order to reach the rest room. Patty noticed something I looked away, sure enough on where Patty’s pointing. Oh my God, it’s Hans, my boyfriend of two years, with my popular competitor, Mikaela. To my surprise, they’re clingy to each other.

                “Excuse me, Patty. Stay here and I’ll put some spotlight-y backstage show here”, I told Patty softly. While I walked I made sure my Sapphire evening gown will not make me tripped. I slowly went near Hans, somewhere on the perfect spot. I did my best strut and made my Christian Loubutin heels clink for some sounding attention. Everyone who’s present on our area turned heads to me.

                “Excuse me, honey--”, crawling my fingers through his spine up to his ears, “Seems a colony of ants sharing a not-so secret affair with the two of you, huh?”

                Hans was surprised and blushed. He became uncomfortable. Suddenly, a whore’s voice butted in after the whore decided to give up embracing Hans in a jiffy.

                “Oh, hi! Excuse me. You’re Margaux Montecielo, right? The Miss Congeniality?”, Mikaela on the bitchiest voice.

                “Yeah, of course, you know what I got that award for the seventh time. That’s because according to them I’m friendly. I’m friendly to all people except to all female dogs like you!” , I told her while raising an eyebrow.

                “Pardon. Me? Am I a female dog? W-w-what do you mean?”, Mikaela acted faux innocent.

                “You’re brilliant, aren’t you, topnotcher of the college entrance test in engineering? I hope you get what I really mean.”, I told her immediately.

                “So what are you trying to say?”

                “There are two things I can reason out what really your problems are. ONE. You’re stupid about common sense, even in the simplest things in life. TWO. While you’re, ehem, stunning tonight with your powder blue dress and clowny makeup, you don’t know how to use cotton buds.”, I told her and everybody laughed, “FYI. Bitches are called to female dogs. HANS, CAN YOU PLEASE TELL THIS BITCH THAT I’M YOUR GIRLFRIEND?”, I added.

                “Margaux, give me time to explain. Please—”, Hans who is about to hold my hands said. But I tried to get rid of his hand grip.

                “Mikaela, come here. I know you’re included on the Top Five. Let’s go”, I told her as I started to pull her hair, “Next time, don’t be too clingy on someone who is in a relationship”.

                While I was grabbing her hair painfully, she tried to defend herself. As I release her, I made her tripped. Patty tried to pull me away from the Legal Wife-esque backstage show.

                “Margaux, this is enough. You must not do that to her”, Patty said while she’s pulling me away from Mikaela. I didn’t mind Patty.

                Suddenly, the hair and makeup artist of Mikaela came, Even Shii came.

                “What are you doing to my multi-gorgeous Mikaela? How dare you to mess up her hair do!”, says the gay make-up artist grabbing up Mikaela.

                I butted in, “You don’t know everything, Sir. I tell you, she’s stealing my boyfriend!”

                “I didn’t e-e-even know he was your boyfriend, Margaux”, says the Mikaela whore.

                “Shut up bitch! You’re liar. We’re on the same department. We always see each other. And, as a member of the popular girl clique in school, everyone knows who my boyfriend is, what’s the latest maillot line I endorsed, and what elite group I belong to.”, I told her, “go back to the backstage and leave us alone!”.

                I turned my senses to Hans.

                “And you? You bastard,” I slapped him, “How could you do this to me? Are you planning to take her home and make love with her tonight?”

                “No. It’s not that Margaux. I can explain”, Hans said it to defend himself for sure, “I love you please don’t leave me!”

                “You don’t need to explain Hans.” I started to tear up, “This is too much. You know I loved you so much but, is this revenge? Flirting with someone else? Hans. Two years. It’s been two years. You don’t know how painful it is”

                “But wait. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again”

                “I’m sorry Hans”, I told Hans and I hated him so much that my mascara is already smudged from my eye waterworks, “It’s over.”

                I looked at Hans. I believed before that he’s the true love, but he wasn’t.

                I walked out and tore buckets to release the pain as Patty and Shii are walking after me. I look like the frozen Ice Age Monster who is delving herself from despair. I just discovered it when I reached the mirror of the backstage.

                Shii started to retouch my makeup quickly, “Goodness gracious .Patty, gimme the tissue. Margaux , you look like you’re having black eyes. Oh my gosh Margaux, we’re running out of time!”

                When the retouching is done, Patty and Shii gave me good luck hugs.

                “Remember Margaux to chin up and smile genuinely. Just hold your tears tonight and just continue that on bedtime.  Don’t mind Hans and Mikaela”, Patty reminded me.

                I saw Mikaela at the other end of the backstage. She looked tortured. I gave her a mad stare.

[Q & A Portion]

All candidates were already finished answering their questions. I was the only one left after Mikaela. The hosts called me. They were Julia and Enrique.

“Okay, here we go. Let’s move on to candidate no.8, how are you?”, Enrique said.

“I feel a little bit nervous but when my friends and classmates are keeping on cheering me my nervousness faded away”, I said.

“Alright, so pick your number. And candidate no.8 is picking her number. Here she goes. Your judge is fashion designer Mr. Guji Samaniego of the GS Haute Couture.”, Enrique finally said.

Mr. Guji Samaniego speaking,“Hello, Miss Candidate no. 8. I’ll give you a situation. You have a boyfriend of several years whom you loved so much then one day you caught him cheating. How do you cope up with this?”

What a coincidence! It’shappening to me. Wait, is he doing this on purpose? Phew. Never mind. I have 20 seconds to answer.

“Thank you for that seriously wonderful question. First of all, I have to congratulate all the bitches for a job well done”, I gave a mad stare to Mikaela while I’m hearing the backstage people giggling except Mikaela’s make-up artist, “It’s a fact that there’ll be no man cheating if there’ll be no whore flirting. We beautiful women don’t deserve heartbreakers. We deserve someone who truly loves us no matter what. There are billions of men in the planet, who says it’s hard to find a replacement? Thank you so much and good evening people.”

I felt a sudden relief that at least I made it to the Q & A. I heard people cheering and clapping.

[At the Piano Bar. Victory Party]

                “ CHEERS!”, my family and friends said in unison as they clink the glass wines together.

                “Congratulations! Margaux! We’re so proud of you! Mwah”, my girl clique congratulated me, “Let’s party!”

“Honey, don’t get too drunk, okay?”, my mom said, “Miss Campus Queen, you will be having a morning meeting at the Beauty Pageant Academy”, and my mom left me to talk to the pianist. I proceeded to the table to eat something. Patty, Shii and other from the girl clique like Sophie, Stacey and Sue joined me on eating.

“I heard a juicy gossip that you had a catfight with Mikaela, was it about Hans?”, Sue asked me while she’s drinking a glass of Martini. I can’t believe a boyish fashionista Sue will wear a cocktail dress.

“Yes…She had an argue with Mikaela. She even pulled Mikaela’s hair. But, at the end, she had eye waterworks then her black eye mascara was smudged. I had a hard time to fix on her black eye circles. It’s my fault anyway, I’d left my waterproof mascara”, Shii butted in to explain, “Margaux, you look like Angel Locsin but you don’t have to make drama”.

“Margaux, it’s okay to defend yourself for your own safety but stepping on other’s foot is a big no-no. You pulled Mikaela’s hair, but, what happened? You’ve lost Hans, I mean, nothing happened even better”, Patty gave a good advice.

“ I’m sorry. But I was the real victim!”, I explained.

“Hmm. I guess you had the right decision to break up with him. I believe you can find another.”, Sophie said, who is in pink flowery dress. She swang away her auburn hair.

“All I want to say is forget the bad vibes. And just celebrate your Miss Campus Royalty Queen victory”, Stacey said. She’s wearing low pigtails always and I find it cute.

Suddenly, my dad announced something.

“Baby Margaux, can I request you to play the piano? Please?”, my dad requested proudly. As a sign of respect I stood up and walked through the place on where the piano is, “let’s clap our hands for the Miss Campus Royalty Queen Margaux, my lovely daughter!”. And the people clapped.

[Ex-BF Memory Spring Cleaning]

                 “Goodnight Honey”, my mom kissed me goodnight. Now I’m fresh after a light night bath, I breezed my way to my bed and started to check my Facebook. I blocked already Hans and changed my status to single. I deleted our photos when we’re together. I started to ditch all the stuff he’d given me. From flowers to necklace, anything from him should be thrown away just to forget him.

[Next day; School Cafeteria]

                After I went from the beauty pageant academy, I went immediately to school cafeteria to eat and to see Patty and Shii at the same time. Then, later, we will be having our classes in Engineering Mechanics I. As of now, we’re making the lunchtime to slowdown. I mean to enjoy the entire lunch break.

                We decided to eat while Shii is busy looking at the printed pictures of the pageant. And hearing him commenting I look like a celeb sounded cliché.

                It’s good to know that a lot of people recognize me. Some students had fall in line to have a picture and autograph. I felt flattered with it.

                Then later when the fans are gone,

                “Hey, are you okay, beauty queen?”, Shii asked me. I shook my head.

                “Is it about Hans again?”, Patty asked. I nodded.

                “It was too much, Patty, Shii.”, I started weeping, “He didn’t even told me earlier that he likes Mikaela. It was so silly to know that I’ve been this innocent.

                “Shhh… Stop. Stop. Wipe your tears, Margaux. You’re a public figure now. Would you like to hear people gossiping nasty rumors about you?”, Shii reminded me. Like other people who’ve been through with this, it takes a lot of days to move on.

                I wiped my tears. Another batch of strangers began to approach me for the same requests. It’s quite tiring. Talk about multi-tasking that I have to control my emotions for a while.

                Suddenly, a pack of fourth year students sat with us. They look familiar, especially Carl Ivan Montenegro who won the Campus King title. They are the faces of Math Wizards like going to the national quiz bees and everything. Announcement boards are filled with their recognition and even the campus’ social media. Yeah, they’re too genius that they even have to recap their Hydraulics before eating lunch. I’m sure it’s a Hydraulics quiz. I’m good in listening on what they’re talking about. Seems they love to hold their pens and sci-calculators first, huh?

                An Ejay Falcon look-a-like Math wizard gave me a wink and a smirk. OH MY GOD. No doubt, he’s Tyler Jerome Guidicelli. Everyone knows him because he’s the brainiest of the rest. I paused for a while to lose the sight of him as I gazed through my notebook. Perfect. I might pass this poem sooner or later to the Literary Editor. I closed the notebook and kept it in my bag.

                I checked the Math whiz if he’s still staring at me. OMG. He winked and smirked at me for the second time. I felt embarrassed with it. Act like he doesn’t exist, Margaux. When pretending he doesn’t exist seems to fail, I rather wish to disappear into a tiny butterfly.

                “Oh my gosh, did you see that, Margaux? Tyler Jerome winked at you?!”, Shii whispered to me and gave me a nudge. Okay. I know. He’s genius, cute and etc. He’s not my type! And besides, I don’t believe in romance anymore.

                “Gosh almighty wind. He likes you. Give it a try. It’s like bye Hans and hello to Tyler”, Patty said, “A quick time to move on.”

                Hello Patty? What kind of ‘try’ you’re talking about? Try flirting on him? I’m not a ‘Mikaela Flores’, you know. I don’t even have a million of guts to do that to a rude womanizer. Oops, who I am to judge? Sorry. I can’t help but I don’t see him as a brainiac, but a maniac.

                Tyler Jerome’s friends teased him, except for Carl Ivan who didn’t do anything but to check his hair at his mini mirror.

                I felt embarrassed with the teasing.

                “Miss Beautiful, can I take a picture with you?”, Jerome went beside me. As a public figure, I have no choice but to please everyone. I smiled—it’s an impish smile, of course.

[The School Paper Assignment]

                I received a text message from the Editor-in-Chief of the school paper I belong. It’s about a task regarding the Home Coming of the Ultimate Math Wizard. My task buddy will be the Campus Royalty King Carl Ivan Montenegro. I almost forgot that Ivan was also included on the staff.


                I’ll be interviewing the maniac. How does it feel to interview a Tyler Jerome Guidicelli? I don’t care if he’s genius. I won’t even dare to look at him.

                Ivan and I met somewhere in school to talk about the task. Girls are always starstrucked to see the Campus Royalty King at the school grounds. Some shout. The majority are Ivan’s dying hard fans—including Shii. We’re always mistaken to be a couple when people seeing us together. I wasn’t even starstrucked on Ivan. Yuck. Some says he looks like Ivan Dorschner. I say he looks like Jimmy Neutron. Whatever. He’s only fair-skinned that makes him gorgeous—they say. Some girls envy me because I’m with Ivan. What’s the big deal? Dear Ivan’s dying hard fans; I’m not interested on Ivan. He’s all yours and be forever obsessed. Even you, Shii, he’s all yours.

                Since Carl Ivan is included in Tyler Jerome Guidicelli circle of friends, it’s not hard to find Jerome. We asked permission to have an important interview. Tyler Jerome is staring at me in the most awkward way. If it’s not only my task to do this, chances are I already escaped from this task. I wish the Editor-In-Chief can give me another task but I have no right to complain coz I’m a newbie.

                I, Ivan and Jerome went to the library for the interview. Carl Ivan and Jerome are always friends. Ivan is more pro on what to do. He’s leading the task.

                Suddenly, Ivan’s phone rang.

                “Hello? This is Carl Ivan. Oh, hi Mr. Guji Samaniego…I can’t come for the photo-shoot. No, I’m busy finishing tasks for the school paper. Can you please pick for another model? Okay. I understand. I’m sorry. I’ll be there. Okay, I’m sorry for what I’ve said. Ok, fine, I’ll be there. Bye”, Ivan’s received call terminated, “Sorry guys, I have to go. The modeling agency just contacted to have an urgent photoshoot today. I’m sorry Jerome, bro, for the inconvenience. Margaux, please start the interview for him. The paper is due today. Don’t fret. Here are the guide questions”, Ivan said.

                “B-B-But. I’m not a pro here.”, I stammered and started to worry a lot.

“I’ll be back an hour and a half or less. Bye”, Ivan bid a goodbye.

Jerome and I were left alone sitting at the Periodical Section of the Library. God, please help me. I DON’T WANT TO TALK WITH THIS MANIAC PLEASE?

“Are we going to start, Campus Royalty Queen? We’re running out of time”, Jerome said.

“Will you please j..j..just w..w..wait” , I said.

“Are you okay? You look like you’re afraid of me”

“Of course not. I’m not afraid of you. Don’t be too assuming!”

“You look like a scaredy cat. Promise I won’t harm you.”

“Shut up. I’ll report you to the librarian.”

“Calm down! Later you won’t be on the mood on making the write up”

“And, you, what do you know about writing? What do you only know: sine, cosine, tangent? Solving equations and a lot of analyzing?” Don’t talk like you’ve been through working on a school paper?

“Excuse me. You’re too mean. And, don’t you know there’s a gigantic signage? OBSERVE SILENCE.”

“Okay fine. We’ll start. Even if I’m already talking about the interview, this is not a passport for you to be close to me and have a freedom to wink me in a maniac way, ok?”, I said.

“I can’t believe this beauty queen will call me a maniac”, Jerome said, “I think you’re overacting. Ah, it’s only a ‘wink’ at the cafeteria, and then you’ll tell me automatically I’m a maniac?”

“Sorry. A lot of maniac guys do it that way. Just like womanizer singers on the Tube.” I said, “I know you’re the genius heartthrob with mulato skin in this campus but I felt stripping off with your stares.”

Jerome smirked. I admit he’s cute every time he smirks but still it annoys me.

“What so funny”, I said.

“I can’t believe this. She’s too—ugh, crazy.”, Jerome murmured.

“Can you please repeat what you’ve just said?”, I asked, pretending I didn’t hear what he’d just said just to make it clear.

“I said. You had a lot of talking. Let’s start the interview”, Jerome said. Obviously, he lied.

I used my Galaxy Note 3 for the recording. I reminded him that formal interview is about to start. I want everything to be formal. Okay, alright I played like a real news reporter on TV. Everyone knows about his TV exposure after his victory. He gets to be interviewed in Ellen DeGeneres show, Oprah, the rest of the local magazine shows.

During the interview was like a getting-to-know sesh in disguise. While I am forcing myself to sound nice on the recorder, I realized he’s also a human who fails sometimes but keeps on working hard to become an engineer. During his trainings for Math tournaments, his trainer discovered he’s a fast learner that he can use division at first grade and can solve trigonometric functions at third grade. He’s down to earth the way he tells stories about the downside of being too genius: Grade school teachers get annoyed easily when he’s correcting them gently. He even admits his penmanship was bad. For him, getting to the top of the world is grabbed from a mix of hard work, consistent studying, luck and Divine Providence. Some of his hobbies make him also one of the ordinary people: playing video games, chess, basketball, and drawing, playing guitar, photography and robotics. Focusing on the international Math tournament, he enjoyed staying at India. According to him, the tournament was kinda tough. He’d been surrounded by different people of different races: black, yellow, brown & white. The questions are tough. U.S., China and France are the toughest competitors but still he won the championships. He thanked everyone who supported him, especially his family and friends.

                He tells me that he’s lucky to have the right friends. He felt needed when it comes to studies. More than that, he enjoys being with them.

                I decided to pause the recorder for a while.

                “Now, it’s my turn. Tyler Jerome Guidicelli will be having an interview with the campus’ newest Beauty Queen Margaux Montecielo”, Jerome trying to make fun of me.

                “Are you kidding me, again?” I said.

                “Actually, I have to apologize.”

                “Nope, I have to apologize. I’m sorry for being mean. I don’t have to be mean for someone who’s better than me. I can’t even outrank you when it comes to Math”

                “No. Don’t say that.”

                “But, that’s the truth. I can’t deny that. And besides, I’m such a dummy when it comes to Engineering Mechanics I.”

                “Uh hmm, is it Statics? If you don’t mind I can tutor you every day whenever I’m free. Don’t worry, I won’t expect anything in return”, Tyler offered me.

                Now, this is real embarrassing. I fought with him then he did nothing but to make revenge. Who knows? I can ace Math because of him.

                “Okay. So, when do we start?” I asked Tyler Jerome.

                “We can start tomorrow Wednesday. Uhm, I think this is a sign of peace offering.  Friends?” he said.

                “Friends”, I shook hands with him, “Nice to meet you Tyler Jerome Guidicelli”

                “Can I have your number?” he said.

[Later at home]

                I’m glad that I’ve found a new friend today. It’s a little bit peculiar that someone famous on news media is the person you’ve just personally met a while ago. I’d watched him on a local TV news program after I had finished all of my assignments. I went to the dining area to have a quick midnight snack and I’ll just go back to my studying area to work on my article.

                I pressed played the recorded conversation I had with Jerome. At first, I can still remember how I forced myself to sound nice. It will be humiliating to someone who will listen on it if we kept on fighting while having an interview. Sometimes, it helps to fake to sound nicely and then you’ll realize it becomes reality that to sound nice is already going real.

                Jerome’s voice proclaims a lot of humility. The way he says everything on the interview doesn’t sound boastful.

                Something is to read between the lines, at least.

                My phone beeped.  I received a text from him. It says:

                See you tomorrow. Goodnight.

                Wow. He’s still awake up to this moment. Why he’s still up until this moment? I knew right. He waited for the midnight local TV news program ‘coz he’s so excited to see himself onscreen.


[Next day]

                Jerome said I have to meet him at the library now. But before that, I checked myself first at the restroom. BB cream blush and lip color are musts. Then, I hurriedly went at the library.

                I saw Tyler Jerome.

                We went in. He asked me to put out my books and my 991 ES Plus Casio Scientific Calculator. A notebook and a pen are included of course.

                “So, what part of the subject you find difficult?” he asked. As we converse, I make sure we won’t be noisy at the studying area of the library. When he asked, I felt embarrassed on it. I won’t even dare to say that I didn’t entirely understand everything. Within that ‘everything’, I understand some of it—just some of it. When I didn’t reply, he just discussed the most important attitude in solving. He said never let the day end without practicing even a single math problem. Everyone who’s taking an Engineering course shall have a talent of analyzing. While he’s saying that, he releases those words as caring as possible without a lot of sugarcoating if you know what I mean. I realized also that he had long eyelashes [and a real man like him doesn’t wear false eyelashes]. He had no pimples, just a clear face. His nose is beautiful. He had almond eyes. He’s good-looking too—I wonder why he hadn’t joined the pageant. He always looked good and now I understand that there are also nerds who don’t need eyeglasses, braces, and argyle printed vests plus tucked in shirts.

                “Are you listening, Margaux?” he asked again.

                “Yes, of course.” I told him.

                “Okay. If you’re not fond of solving, I think you better start today. Some says do that at the first 21 days so you will be used to it. I think it will work. I guess I have to teach you from the very start. We need to recap the basics: rectangular coordinate method, moment about a point, moment about an axis until we reach the topic about trusses, methods of members, joints and sections”, he said

                So he started teaching me. I didn’t let him to spoon-feed everything because I should have the urge to help myself, too.

[Months and days had passed]

                Every time he’s about to end tutoring me, he did nothing but to insert a short note between the pages of the Engineering Mechanics book. All these notes are still kept with me. I even wrote a date at the back of each so I’ll remember when I received the note. Every note is always discovered when I’m already home.

                The first one was: You can do it

                Next is BELIEVE

                Then, DREAM

                Then, Have faith

                The more the days pass, the more the words start to become many. My favorite one was this:


                More than the notes, we’ve become closer and closer. We’re more comfortable with each other. Every day I’m more dedicated in studying.

                Before final exams, Jerome gave me a test. Most of it is about trusses.

                When I’m done answering, he checked the paper I answered.

                “Hmm. You’ve improved now. You’re now ready for final exams.” He said.

                All I felt was a sudden relief.

[Results Day]

                Rumor has it. The majority says 57 out of 112 students passed the subject. Crossed-fingers, I wasn’t completely confident to pass. All I knew was I gave a hundred and one percent on studying.

                I am with Jerome to see the results. The people clumped in that made us find it hard to see the result. Good thing I’m wearing heels to see it more.

                MONTECIELO, MARGAUX ALEXANDRIA Andres ……………………        1.7

                “Did you see that Margaux? You passed!” Jerome said.

                “I passed! I passed!” I said. Being a lot happy made me hug him, he lifted me and suddenly we subtly twirled away. We paused at motion. “Thank you”, I lip synched.

                As I moved away from him, I realized our eyes are the closest.

                He blushed.

                I blushed.

“Um, I’m sorry.” I separated from him, “I better go”.

But deep inside, I really liked that moment.

[Months after, it was Valentine’s Day]

                I found a piece of note between the pages of my Strength of Materials textbook. And it says:


                I’m clued in that it was Tyler Jerome again. I know his penmanship—that bad penmanship.

                I became excited that I went to the veranda at 3pm because it would be Jerome.

                Suddenly, I saw Sophie, who also include in my girl clique, going downstairs and she’s too fast running that she didn’t notice my existence; she looks disappointed. Anyway, I should proceed to the stairs.

                When I came to the white veranda, I saw a different person. I saw someone who is a lot higher than Jerome. When that person turned, it was Ivan. His palm is on his forehead. It seems something wrong is going on him ‘coz his crooked eyebrows say so.

                “Oh, hi Ivan, what are you doing here”, I said.

                “I just want to be here.” he said while hiding something.

                “Uh, ok.”

“And you, what are you doing here?”

“I’m waiting for someone. He said we will meet here. Wait, I think you’re hiding something. What’s that?”

                “U-u-umm actually—”, Ivan stammering, “I was about to give this to you. Happy Valentine’s Day”, he gave me a bouquet of roses. Wait…wait… I know what’s on the note was Jerome’s penmanship. Suddenly, I saw a robotic Japanese Spitz dog dressed like a cupid. I’m about to say it’s cute but Ivan interrupted me.

                “Will you be my girlfriend?” Ivan said.

                I was shocked on his question. Instead, I ignored him and just focused on observing the robotic Japanese Spitz. But the robot dog I’ve been eyeing decided to just go away from me this sad. It saddens me to have that dog be away from me.

                “Will you be my girlfriend?” Ivan asked again. I remained silent. He said silence means yes. He grabbed my hand and he told me that from this day he’s my boyfriend. I can’t utter anything. I was always shocked.

                “B-b-but”, I said. Wait. Wait. This is so unfair. I can’t get rid of this lie.

                “No buts. Ssshhh”, he touched my lips and let me shut up.

[Summer Camping]

                Everyone knows I’m in a relationship with Ivan. My friends and all of his friends are happy for us. But, deep inside I’m not happy.

                Ivan invited me for a camp with his friends. The graduation day is fast approaching. I said I won’t be comfortable if I’ll be the only girl for that adventure. So he permitted me to invite my own circle of friends, the girl clique, Patty and Shii.

                Of course, boys and girls are separated when it comes to tents. My own circle of friends and I get to know Ivan’s circle of friends. I know Jerome is included there. How is he? Is he okay? Is he alright? It’s so awkward that Jerome seeing Ivan and I together.

My favorite part is the bonfire sesh. That happened after a whole day of swimming. I remained to wear two-piece swimsuit throughout the night but I decided to add a pair of shorts. Everyone in my own clique wears the same style as mine like it’s our own uniform. Shii sported to wear the same.

We toasted hotdogs and marshmallows for our night snack. While eating hotdogs and marshmallows, we decided to play truth or consequence. I know I love the bonfire sesh but not this time. Sue becomes the it. When she asked by the game master between truth and consequence, she dared to say consequence.

“Wow, now Sue, I ask you to kiss Tyler Jerome within one minute. On lips”, the game master said, the game master, who is included within Ivan’s circle of friends, said.

Patty and Shii turn heads to me. I looked to lose the sight of Sue and Jerome together. I saw them kissing together just before my eyes. If I’m not only beside Ivan now, I wished to be beside Jerome instead.

“Excuse me Patty. I will go to my tent.” I told Patty and I noticed Sue and Jerome terminated on kissing.

“Margaux….Margaux….” Patty chased me.

“I’m okay. Leave me alone. I just had a mild headache,” obviously I lied; there’s nothing mild on a headache.

I went to my tent. As I reached the tent, I zipped it out so that they’ll lose the sight of me. I started sobbing and ate Ferrero Rocher as my comfort food.

I missed the times every time Jerome and I were together.

[Next Morning]

                I was the first person of this big group to wake up early. I noticed Jerome. Jerome and I are the lone people this morning.

                I built enough courage to confront him. I went near him.

                “Jerome…” I told him as he turned to me, “I will ask you something. Can we talk in private?”

                He nodded.

                We went somewhere a little bit far. We found a boat so we sailed on it.

                “I want to confess something. I like you”, I said.

                “Are you okay, Margaux? Why are you telling this to me? You’re in a relationship with Ivan, remember?” He said.

                “I’m sorry. I’m just saying the truth. I got jealous when you kissed Sue. I just want to tell this to you before you graduate. I don’t love Ivan. I love you.”

                “Sorry Margaux. I can’t give you back the kind of love you’re giving me. I’m sorry.”

                “Is it Sue?”

                He nodded.

                I started weeping. “Really? Congratulations. I think you’re match made in heaven. You’re so funny. You didn’t even inform me. So, it’s Sue, since when?”

                He didn’t reply.

I continued weeping, “I guess I better go”, I can’t take this anymore. I escaped from the boat. All I did was to sob and sob. When I escaped the boat I saw Sue running towards us. Lucky her, she always seemed happy.

“Hey Hon. Hi Margaux.”, Sue said happily and kissed Jerome on the cheek. I quickly removed my tears in order not to look pathetic.

“Uhm, hi Sue”, I said.

“Oh my gosh guys, you’re so early birds you know. I didn’t catch the sunrise today. Anyway, the breakfast is ready. Let’s go.” Sue said while she’s wrapping her arms around Jerome.

Damn, I hate to see this. I feel like I’m dying.

[Same day in the afternoon]

                I was all alone in the tent enjoying some siesta time but I decided to read a good John Green book. Suddenly, Ivan went to me. He tried to seduce me. He tried to kiss me. He kissed my lips and neck and took his shirt off. What’s going on right now is I really don’t like. Instead, I decided to defend myself with all my might. I pushed him away and slapped his face.

                “Ivan! Would you please stop?” I shouted.

                “But you’re my girlfriend now. I have the right to do that you”, he said.

                “I don’t like it. And who told you that I’m your girlfriend, your hallucination?”

                “I said before that silence means yes, right?”

“Mark my word, Ivan. First of all, I didn’t reply even a word on your question. You forced me to agree with you. Secondly, I don’t like you. I like somebody else.”

 “I don’t care what you say. You’re mine and you can’t break up with me.”

He resumed on kissing me hardly and put his beach shorts off. I kept on shouting for him to stop. But he didn’t.

Suddenly, someone put away Ivan from the tent and punched him.

It was Jerome.

They punched each other.

But the punching is too much that they had already forgotten their friendship.

I told them to stop.

“Stop! Both of you stop!” I told them.

Sue rescued her boyfriend.

“Ivan, I want to make our breakup be official. I’m sorry. I’m tired”, I told Ivan. And I escaped the beach with Patty and Shii. I left the girl clique because they wanted to stay with their newly met guys instead.

[Three Months later]

I received a letter.

Dear Margaux,

                When you joined the pageant that was the first time I saw you. You’re always cute. Long wavy locks, tantalizing eyes, lovely fuchsia lips, and you’re hot because you’re independent most of the time. I already liked you before, everything about you except for the fact that you’re hanging out with Hans.

                I was at backstage helping Ivan to bring the tuxedo suit. I saw you having an argument with Mikaela Flores and how you fought with Hans. I saw how you slapped Hans because you’re so much hurt. I wished that night that I should be your boy. I can promise that I will never hurt you.

                But then we’re not close yet. I giggled on your answer because I was one of the witnesses of your catfight with Mikaela, and I hoped that I’ll be your next guy after you’ve said “there are billions of men on the planet, who says it’s hard to find a replacement.

                I felt to be the luckiest guy ever when you’ve interviewed me. I was starstrucked like at least I’ve chatted with a beauty queen. You’re so mean that time but I was glad we ended up as friends.

                I was always excited when every late afternoon comes because we will meet each other at the library. My day will never be complete if I haven’t seen you in a day.

                Those times were the best times of my life. I liked the way you hugged me at the corridor. I’m proud that I’ve become part of your success

                I went late for our meet up during Valentine’s Day. I was about to give you the robotic Japanese Spitz dog I made myself. But when I saw you’re with Ivan, I was hurt. I walked out and used my remote control to escape the robot dog from that area, thinking that I’ve no chance for you and besides you’re always rumored to be a good match.

                During the camp, I was completely jealous when you’re with Ivan. I hate the way Sue kissed me. I was forced to be with her. I wrote to you just to say I love you and I’ve never genuinely loved no one else but you. She had set me free and she said I have to follow my dreams first.

                                                                                                                                                                Sincerely Yours,

                                                                                                                                                                Tyler Jerome


Why only now Jerome? Why only now? I wish you had the guts to tell me what you really feel before. I wish you have enough courage to confront me about anything you feel for me. Please. If you only know, I will always say yes.

[Five years later]

                All I knew was the audience are cheering and clapping for me.

                “She is today’s most beautiful woman in the universe. Representing the Philippines, our Binibining Pilipinas grand winner turned Miss Universe, Miss Margaux Alexandria Montecielo”, the host of a talk show welcomed me.

                “Thank you Phoemela and The Buzz for having me here”, I said.

                “Congratulations and you brought home the most prestigious tiara ever.”

                “Thank you”

                We talked about my journey to bring home the title. We started to tackle about when I started joining pageants, the ups and downs, pros and cons of being busy with the catwalk rehearsals and at the same time studying for the Civil Engineering Board Exam. Later, Phoem asked about my lovelife.

                “So how’s your lovelife?”Phoem asked “Are you single or in a relationship?”

                “I’m single”, I said.

                “Since birth?”

                “Um, no, actually I experienced to be in a relationship, too.”

                “Ahh. Can you tell how were your past relationships going?”

                “I better not to tell. You know the common issues about men. Some can’t be just loyal to one. Some just wanted to do the untimely “s” if you know what I mean”

                “Aah, so, does this mean if-there’s-no-truelove-there’ll-be-no-forever thing?”

                “I still believe in forever.”

                Phoem asked me who I’m referring to. I said who Tyler really is. I tackled about everything about him. I told about our story.

                “Speaking of, we have a special guest tonight. He is taking now a Ph.D at the Harvard University. He’s also the former topnotcher of the nationwide Civil Engineering board exam. Please welcome Engr. Tyler Jerome Guidicelli”, Phoemela welcomed the Tyler Jerome I used to know.

                When he went by I was surprised. He walked in with the same mannerisms I used to know. He’s wearing functionally and a lot of classy corporate but not in the boring way. He’s still a gorgeous guy.

                “Uhm, should I say a happy reunion?” Phoemela said. The audience is shrieking about romance.

                “Thank you guys for having me here. Actually, I declared a temporary leave from my work just to have time for here”, Jerome said.

                “Aww. That’s so sweet. Anyway, what are you going to say to Miss Margaux?” Phoem said.

                “Hi”, Jerome talking to me in the sincerest way, “I’m back.”

                “Yes, Jerome, you’re back”, I replied back with a little nervousness on me.

                “Did you miss me?” he said.

                “Of course, I miss you. I miss everything about you. It’s been five years”, I said those words in the gentlest way.

                “Do you still love me?”

                “I still do love you.”

                The show had played a romantic background music that made the audience shouting about romance.

                “Do you still believe in forever?”

                “But, forever is just a word. Something I’d only heard about”


                “But now you’re always there for me. When you say forever, I believe”.

                The audience ordered us to kiss.

                And so, little by little, we did.  


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