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By daydreamindollie

101K 3.1K 813

ā‰ š‡š€šˆš“š”š’ ā‰ INDEFINITE HIATUS you're a successful hybrid writer and psychologist, who takes in seven hyb... More

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10.2K 347 41
By daydreamindollie

pairing : ot7 x f.reader

genre : fluff ; hybrid!bts au ; moor yoonmin moments ; overprotective taehyung ; cooking mama jin ; over exhausted reader - my loves, please make sure to take care of your wellbeing, yes, work is important but your health always comes first! love you all to pieces!

length : 3.5k

summary : where bts find reader unconscious

A/N : Now!...I know I said I'm on a break but...I've had so many stressful times where I just needed to break away from that type of work and I've found myself writing a scenario...this one in particular bc it feels so relevant to me at this time so...SURPRISE! I hope you enjoy! and I'm so so sorry for the sudden post...but thank you to the sweetheart that requested this!

✚           ✚           ✚

You knew that it was going to be a challenge to provide and accommodate all seven hybrids. One hybrid was more than enough for one person to take care of so seven grown hybrids would warrant being overwhelmed with additional responsibilities.

It was all a matter of positive thinking, however, in addition, to the bountiful amounts of money you were able to save up because of your major success in book writing, newly opened facilities, and services as well as appearances on radio shows, TV shows, and News shows. Of course, you were adamant at remaining as anonymous to the public as possible so there were many precautions that took place before any such interview or appearance was made.

All members of your new family were beginning to get comfortable and familiarise themselves with the idea of being free enough to explore hobbies and interests they never even dreamed of exploring whilst braving it out in the wild.

Each of them, with credit to their individuality, started considering varying pastimes from differing stimuli. Some gained inspiration from social media, the TV, your bookcase, your piano, your kitchen. You introduced them to as many things as possible so that they had options - options that weren't open to them before.

Every time they delved into something new, you couldn't help but feel an abundance of pride and joy. Getting to see them aquaint with varying interests was so heart fulfilling that you felt yourself readying your mind and body to fully commit to them as much as possible. Thankfully, your time was very flexible as you could work from home, however, things still weren't as easy.

You were having to constantly provide and work out certain things for each of them so you're having to always be on your feet. Exhaustion made its gradual climb across your physique and mind but you paid it no attention because it didn't matter. You want to give them the opportunity to experience everything that they have been deprived of; it's what they deserve, it's what everyone deserves.

Seeing your constant support, patience and encouragement for them and everything that they explored, all of them felt the need to say their 'thank you's. They know that it's never going to be enough to verbally express their gratitude so they always lean in and rub their noses into your neck. It was all instinctual and you may never understand but it's what they knew and the extent of their abilities at that moment in time.

As a result of your research and occupation, you knew exactly what they were attempting to do when nuzzling their faces into your neck hence why you ensure that they receive a brief pet of their hair in addition to a big smile on your face each time they pull away. They continually reciprocate with a grin of their own before returning to their activities.

In respect of their comfort, you avoid their ears when petting them but over time they nudge your hand closer and closer with a tilt of their head until you're finally scratching at the base of their sensitive ears. The bright grin on your face isn't enough to convey how happy it made you feel that they were beginning to trust and be comfortable with you.

Taehyung also sees this and isn't afraid to expresses his delight vocally and physically. There's a lot of flailing limbs and cheers of excitement, he even began purring loudly at the sight of you and another member getting along. This is without being prompted by pets or cuddles, which, you know, are the main two things that can elicit such a reaction from him and just goes to show how elated he is.

It's unfortunate that they can't give back all the gifts and opportunities you gave them so, instead, they swore to themselves to pay you back in little ways until they can finally give you something off their own backs. There was no need for them to feel this way, however, as the look of jubilation on their faces was enough for you - that was all the reward you needed.

As everyone gradually gets busy with their new interests and developing pass-times, you get working on your new book. A lot of research is required for this and you're having to partake in many extended calls with other researchers but, thankfully, your previous culmination of studies still proves useful in providing more content to write for in your new book on hybrids.

These were very busy times, so much so, that you were beginning to yearn for the days of your blissful 'break'. Relaxation wasn't an option for you, seeing as you wanted to meet your self-set deadlines but you were also extra busy with helping your hybrid family settling in.

Not everyone knows how to cook so you're having to cook the majority of meals. You didn't want any of them feeling hungry in any way, making hearty meals a must but required you to move your writing set-up to the kitchen. It isn't an ideal place to be writing in comparison to your writing station. The two areas had very different uses and getting into your mindset for writing proved to be harder when in the kitchen.

To aid you in your struggle, Jin always offers another pair of hands that you never refuse as he appears to have a talent in handling food like a professional chef. And because you're having to cook on a daily basis on the back of other tasks, Jin is the primary witness to your gradual fall into a state of extreme fatigue. He isn't as quick to pick up on it as he doesn't know what specific illness you were beginning to suffer from but he definitely noticed a difference in your scent.

It began with a slight dampening of your natural fragrance, it didn't seem as strong or as vibrant anymore. The pungent smell of chopped vegetables, meat and spices clogged the air as the two of you prepared dinner but he was so hyper-aware of your state that the tall, broad-shouldered male was able to notice the change as soon as it occurred.

He didn't know how to properly describe the distasteful aroma. It just didn't smell healthy. He wanted to believe that it was just a quick phase that you were going through, however, and that you would be back to your vivacious, state all over again within no time at all.

One particular day, you made to prepare the ingredients for dinner in advance so that you were given the time to nap as you slowly gave in to the stress and strain on your body from having to work overtime so suddenly.

For the longest while, Jin had planned on notifying Namjoon and Hoseok in hopes that they would know better than him. Their counterparts are man's loyal friend (or, in Namjoon's case, related to man's best friend) so he's confident that they've already noticed the changes in your demeanor and, especially, your scent.

As soon as you made your way upstairs with a yawn and an announcement of your quick nap, Jin took large strides out the kitchen and into the living room where he quickly confronts his canine companions.

"There's something wrong with (Y/N) but I don't know what it is. Tell me you know what it is," he tried to keep himself from sounding frantic but the breathlessness of his voice betrayed his intentions.

"I've noticed it but," Hoseok began before making brief, concerned eye contact with the leader of their odd pack.

"We haven't been able to understand why hee scent has changed. My primary hypothesis would be that she's overworking herself, which is understandable," the bear and golden retriever hybrids nod in agreement, "seeing as she's suddenly having to take care of seven other persons. It must be a lot of stress, despite her constant reassurances,"

It's a relief and certainly very telling for the type of person you are; patient and understanding, and always a pleasure to have in someone's life, especially theirs. You're their angel sent from heaven, to give them the second chance at life they never knew they would have the opportunity to have.

The fact that they have yet to pinpoint your issue with confidence was concerning but, at the very least, they have something to go off on. In the meantime, they'll tailor all actions to that.

You were in bed for an hour, trying to doze off but nothing was working, the lavender essential oils you dripped into your aroma diffuser refused to aid you in any way, neither did the freshly washed sheets or the extra soft duvet covers or pillows. Nothing helped and it was incredibly frustrating. Everything left you tossing and turning in discomfort for the entire hour right until your preset alarm alerted you that you needed to cook dinner for everyone.

Groaning, you got out of bed.

As you're walking down the hallway, a sudden wave of exhaustion and dizziness hits you.

Before you know it, the world is spinning and you were falling.

The instant you take the first step out of your room, Namjoon and Hoseok, immediately distinguish the drastic shift in your scent. It was now very sour and very off-putting.

They recognise that scent. It was a similar thing that happened to Yoongi when he would periodically give his share of food to Jimin as a way of ensuring that the male eats enough food to sustain him. This was after they found out that Jimin had been starving himself for Jungkook to be better fed so it was just a domino effect. After a long stretch of time where Yoongi's scent gradually turned sour, the Persian cat hybrid collapsed in exhaustion and being underfed. From then on, the pack had vowed to eat together and share everything equally so that everyone had their fair share of food to eat.

It was a similar scent, yes, but yours varied in potency. Yours became sour so suddenly that the scent you emitted was more formidable than that of Yoongi's, which, naturally, rang louder alarm bells within both canine's heads.

Upon coming to the entrance of the hallway and seeing your collapsed form, they shout your name in worry, only to worry further when it elicited no response from you. It, however, warned everyone else in your big house of your worrisome state, bringing them all to the frightening scene of your limp form on the floor.

At the sight of you, Jimin gasps and curls into Yoongi, who does his best in calming the male down despite his own shock at the situation. Thankfully, he can find comfort in consoling his dongsaeng so he quickly gets over the shock and makes sure to connect gazes with the eldest of the pack. Action needs to be taken quickly.

Jungkook just stands frozen in place, not knowing what to do or how to process what was happening around him. You seemed perfectly fine an hour or two ago while you were teaching him how to use your professional video camera. Like always, you were smiling and happily exploring things with him. Was it his fault that you were in this state? Had he been asking too much of you recently? Was he too selfish?

Seeing the maknae's struggle to process everything, Namjoon steps towards him and encases him in a reassuring embrace. Words of comfort and reassurance is mumbled into the hair of the sweet, shivering bunny who, thankfully, began to lean into the wolf as he attempts to calm his shaking frame.

Taehyung, due to being with you the longest, instantly began to whine and growl, unsure of whether to worry for you or hunt out the scum that did this to you. Instinctually, he pushed everyone aside so as to drop to his knees beside you and take your form into his arms, growling at anyone that dared approach you, his ears standing to attention as the fur on his tail stood as feisty spikes. It was his way of threatening anyone that dared approach your vulnerable state. It doesn't take him long to realise, however, that he was being irrational and that you needed appropriate help. Just being held by him did you no bit of good, either.

"S-sorry, Jin-Hyung,"

"It's alright Tae but can you please take her to her bedroom? We can start figuring out what to do as soon as she's laying comfortably in bed," the tiger nods with his ears pressed down to cap over his hair. He takes a moment to nuzzle his nose into your cheek before getting up with you in his arms and making his way to your room.

Fortunately, your quarters weren't too far away so the pack of hybrids were quick to set about improving your state as soon as possible.

"I remember my previous owner telling me that if her husband ever faints that I have to..." Jin moves to tuck a pile of pillows under your legs, "keep his feet elevated above heart level," everyone sighs in relief around him at the notion that he knows what he's doing, "we already know that she's breathing just fine and without a struggle so that's okay,"

"But Hyung..." the youngest utters in concern, "Noona's face is starting to turn really red," his shaky voice conveys evident concern enough but his blown-out doe eyes also channeled his distress into a gaze dominant with apprehension but also conviction for helping you feel better.

Jin takes a moment to examine you again and test your temperature with his hand as the others stand stiff with trepidation, "It's okay, I'm sure it's just a common cold," everyone exhales a sigh of relief.

They know exactly what to do with a cold and immediately get to work.

Jin heads straight to the kitchen so as to cook dinner as planned. As soon as you wake up, he can bring your strength back by feeding you good food is his primary plan of action. As he does this, he also asks Namjoon to look up any additional recipes that can help you recover quicker, immediately reaching for one of the many cookbooks you have on a nearby shelf.

Namjoon, on one hand, is filled with worry for you but he is also ecstatic that one of the main new skills you were able to teach him further in can be put to good use.

Jin, together with Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon, whose only allowed to read out the recipe but never touch any cooking utensils or ingredients, work to cook up a deliciously warm dinner for everyone but the recipes they use are primarily tailored for aiding your current fragile condition.

The three youngest stay by your side. They were told to keep your head cool with a small wet towel and keep an eye on you so that, if anything happens while you're asleep, one of the three can alert the others whilst the remaining two stay with you.

Jimin handles wringing out the small towel and constantly replacing it every half hour as Jungkook plays gentle music from the stereo you taught him to operate whilst Taehyung brings you into a warm embrace, wrapping his entire body around your petite frame as a way of keeping you safe from all evils surrounding you.

✚ ✚ ✚

Once you were well-rested, you wake up to seven worried faces. It came as such a complete surprise that you gasped in fright, missing their sighs of relief.

"A-are you feeling better, Noona?" Taehyung instantly asks in concern, wanting the additional reassurance of your wellbeing.

"Y-yeah..." you mused after briefly shaking the surprise out of your body, "What happened, can I ask?" You watched them share a look before all turning to Jin as if waiting for a sign or for letting him take the lead of the situation.

"We can tell you later but for now, please eat," you wanted to press for answers but lacking the strength to, you obliged by eating whatever Jin cooked up for you. Surprisingly or rather, unsurprisingly, Jin proved to be just as capable of whipping up a delicious meal to the likeness of a professional chef. Of course, his talents didn't pass you and you were more than eager to endlessly compliment the brown bear.

At first, he accepted all the praise but as you continued, he gradually got flustered to the point of tucking his brilliantly red face into the shoulder of that pack's Alpha. This caused everyone to chuckle and indulge in a weightless, lighthearted atmosphere. It was what they needed after stressing over your condition so intensely for the last few hours.

The sweet bear didn't let it pass, however, that he had help from the rest of the Hyungs, which lead you to compliment them as well and driving them into conveying the same reddening of the cheeks. The only difference was that they were better equipped for handling your compliments than Jin.

In due time, they explained your state and didn't fail to outwardly express their concern for you.

"You really scared me, Noona," Taehyung whined as he nuzzled his nose into your neck with a purr of worry.

"Me too, Noona," Jimin whimpered, whilst leading your hand into petting at his flattened-down ears. With a soft giggle, you complied without a second of hesitation whilst mentally noting down that you have to build a resistance to the munchkin's pleas as soon as possible if you can even think about standing a chance against any potential begging for future happenstances.

"And me!" Jungkook also takes the chance to lunge forward and have you give him pets. Naturally, you succumb to their need for attention, unaware of the glaring males standing behind them.

"You brats! This isn't a competition for her attention," Yoongi hisses, catching everyone by surprise.

"Yoongi's right boys," Namjoon enforces as Jin gently tugs the maknaes back in order to give you room for air.

It doesn't take too long, however, for hypocrisy to befall the room as the hyungs are soon found practically on top of you, whining for pets and attention similar to the makanes that glare on at them. The instant you make eye contact with the three that were forced to leave you be, you couldn't help but laugh aloud.

"I'm so sorry for worrying everyone," you take the time to smile at each and every one of them, "and I'm sorry for being such a burden but thank you for caring for me and being there when I needed you," their chests visibly puff out in pride as you hold back a chuckle.

"It's no problem at all!" Hoseok begins, "After all that you've done for us, know that we'll be there for you through everything!" reciprocating the retriever's golden grin, you reach up to pet him lovingly but not before kissing your fingertips and pressing them against his cheek. You take a moment to cup his sweet face before continuing to pet him, happily grinning at the jubilant wagging of his tail but the embodiment of sunshine is quickly pulled away with accusations of hogging you all to himself.

Staring on at the ruckus they were causing in your room, you smile but speak up before they could accidentally cause greater injuries on each other, "Thank you once again, you guys. And I promise I'll never neglect my health ever again. I just..." they stare on at you with wide, curious eyes and with all their ears stood to attention, "I really just wanted to focus on you so that you're given all the opportunities you deserve and need to foster and cultivate your learning so that you become greater people. All I really want-"

They engulf you in a tight embrace.

All I really want is the best for you...

You didn't need to say anything more. They're so grateful to you. To have met someone so selfless and kind and generous and...a gift to their lives, you're their savior and the light that'll show them the way. They have no doubts about ever not trusting you. They've only had you in their lives for the later part of a once dismal month but they're assured of your permanent belonging within their odd pack.

Their hearts are warm and soft smiles overwhelm their faces.

In their hearts, they promise to always show their gratitude to you with the intention of advancing your trust in them. They know the high chances of already having all of your trust but they are greedy with the need for your approval and acceptance. They want you to love them and cherish them the way they've always wanted and craved to be cherished.

Now that they were given the chance to be loved (by you), they aren't ever going to let you go and will ensure that you know how important you are to them and their pack every single day.

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