Luke X Reader

By worldzqueen

3.7K 159 36

Allison Caren Solo is Han Solo's little sister. You are both on Tatooine looking for weapons to sell but an o... More

The Start of it All
Oh Men...
Mixed Emotions, Clear Image
Small steps
Sunday Morning
Hard choices
Lil Note❤️
Love Birds
The End of The Darth Era
Home Sweet Home
The Prep of A Lifetime
THAT Night
Drunk in Love
Oh Baby No
Unwanted visitor
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Fight Fight Baby
The Question
1 Year Later
The end

Sand monster

138 7 0
By worldzqueen

Oh boy this isn't going well. You were waiting next to Jabba. He decided to execute Luke, Han and Chewwie. You saw Luke outside. He was about to jump into some huge monsters mouth. Leïa was worried too. It's scary to see someone you love get executed in front of you. It's heartbreaking. A guard was pushing Luke closer to the edge. He looked at you and winked. Somehow, you felt that everything was gonna be fine and that he was going to be okay. Jabba yanks your chains. You hate this and so does Leïa. A guard pushed Luke to the edge and he jumped. For a second you thought of the worst. But he surprises you by coming right back up. R2 threw him his saver and he began to fight off the guards. You give Leïa a evil genius look and she knows what you have in mind. You both grab your chains and throw them around his fat neck. You pull as hard as you can until he stops moving. Jabba is dead. You both run onto the deck. Luke was fighting some more and some more and yeah more fighting. Then you have an idea. You've always wanted to do this but never had the chance or the clothes. What are you doing Alli? Something fun...What? You approach one of the guards.

- Hi there~
- H-Hello.
- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to fall on you like that...
- It's fine really umm I better-
- Help me up will you?
- Sure ok.
- Wow you're really cute.
- Um thanks i-i-i better um..
- Can I tell you a secret?
- I don't... You know what sure sweetheart.
- Okay, you say going closer to his ear.

You slowly lean nn closer to him, like really close. You feel Luke glaring at you furiously. You don't care for now. Something totally badass is about to happen.

- I've got ur gun sweety~
- What?

You shoot him and he died.

- Sorry sweet pea but um you should know it's dangerous to treat a girl so ignorantly.

You go back to fighting, well more like shooting since you know have a blaster. Now you can go have some fun too.

- Was that really necessary?
- Yes Luke.
- Don't do that I- You shouldn't do that.
- Calm down jelly boy.
- Jelly boy?
- Yeah jealous, jelly, jelly boy.
- Yeah right I'm not jealous.
- Sureeeee.

A few minutes after fighting you climb into a ship, grab the droids and go back to base.

~ time skip to base ~

You and Luke were alone. Just the two of you. Single. It's an awkward silence until Luke brakes it.

- I'm not jealous.
- Really Luke?
- Yeah I wasn't.
- Okay then.
- Fine.
- Luke?
- I just don't care about you... I mean-
- What..?
- Alli I didn't-
- No you did! Just stop okay! I actually like you okay?!
- If you liked me then why would you seduce a man like that?
- Oh come on Luke! I was just getting his gun.
- Yeah right with all the body pressing and sexy gestures.
- Luke I was only doing it for his gun.
- I don't believe you.
- Luke that's what the girls do in movies and I wanted to try it that's all.
- This is not a movie Alli! ( it's a book dah )
- I know that.
- Then why?
- For fun.
- Just for fun??
- Calm down Luke.
- No I won't!
- Luke please..
- Just shut up!!
- Why?!
- Because you're always with Leïa and I thought you liked me. Every time you have some time to spare you go to her. You always think of her, even when you're sleeping next to me on freaking Dagobah!
- Alli Im-
- Sorry? Yeah I am too. Sorry I spent so much time with someone that has no interest in me.
- Alli wait! ALLISON!

You left. You couldn't take anymore of this fighting. You wanted to have fun but you also wanted to make him jealous. You screwed up bad. Why do I have to be so dawn stupid! Why do I do everything wrong! Han finds you. You explain to him what happened and as you predicted, he toke Luke's side instead of yours. You understood him and you felt like an idiot, a jerk even. You wanted to go apologize to Luke so you left Han. You walked for a while but then you found him. You got closer to him. He was with Leïa. You were a few inches away from him. He was talking to her about something.

- So Yeah that's what I want Leïa.
- Me too.

What were they talking about? They got closer and closer.

- Luke?

He didn't hear you.

- Luke.

He still didn't hear you.

- Luke!

He heard you and turned around. Your eyes were full of tears. He tried to explain what he was doing but you had enough.


That's all you said then you walked away.  You went to your room where Luke had followed you. You don't even bother answering your door. Alli listen. No leave me alone and go back to Leïa. No Alli listen please. What? Open the door first. No. Alright then. Hurry up. Allison I just wanted to tell you that shes important to me she really is but you mean more to me every morning I miss seeing you in my arms and I miss you hugging me from the back and you making me laugh I miss everything of you I just don't want to lose you to anything or anyone especially anyone. What are you saying? I'm saying that I want you all of you everyday and every night Alli. You mean that? Yes I really really do. I'm not easy. I know. I'm really complicated. I know that too. I get angry easily and make bad decisions. I know that too. And you still want me... Yes I do your good and bad. You get up and open the door. Luke is standing there with tears from his eyes. You wipe his tears with your thumb. You lean in and kiss him and he kissed you back. This went on for about an hour. Every minutes getting more and more intense.

Hope you liked it gn sweets

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