The Things With Wings

By park_haengjin

147 10 0

Maybe we were tied up together with strings and supporting one another. It wasn't easy to trace this web of s... More

1. Us
2. We are his home.
3. You saw mom?
4. So this is real
5. Here we are again
6. How did we end up here?
7. Change the same day

8. Find you

11 1 0
By park_haengjin

I look around as I walk down the empty street.Where the hell are you Jungkook?

I saw on Joon's phone last reality that Jungkook called him from a tradicional Korean restaurant, once I called them back they were quick to tell me that a random drunk guy was crying trying to call this number but no one answered.

My heart aches when I picture Jungkook in such situation. I need to find him.

I've been walking for hours, I can see the moon already as this street gets darker making me quite scared to walk alone and nothing related to him has captured my eyes yet. As I'm about to rest on a bench I see what I've been looking for the whole day.

Jungkook walking down the street and for a few seconds looks me in the eyes. He doesn't seem to realize it's me because in the exact same second two guys try to start a fight with him

Jungkook stops and sighs as if he already knows what's about to happen.

One of the guys starts cursing at him and the other one tries to be more aggressive.

I'm scared, I don't know what to do. In an act of stupidity I start to deal the number of the police station and run in their direction.

"I HAVE THE POLICE ON THE PHONE" I scream as I get closer to them showing my phone screen "Leave him alone, now"

They laugh and look at each other nodding " You're lucky a girl came here to save you otherwise you might've ended up dead"

I try to look angry but I feel my knees and my arms trembling as I keep looking at them in the same position.

"You really think I'm scared of you?" One of them walks in my direction "A girl like you shouldn't walk alone around here"

I try my best to keep my shit together but I'm so scared of him that I want to cry.

He takes my phone out of my hands and smashes it onto the floor"Police what?" He laughs "Do you have an idea of what a man like me can do to a girl like you right now?" I see something shine under the moonlight. He points his right arm at my direction so I can fully see the blade in his hand.

"Y'all like to walk around as if you own this place" He spits "You don't"

"GET AWAY FROM US" Jungkook shouts scaring me as he literally jumps on him trying to keep me away from this whole situation.

Before I can even think about doing something the other guy is quick to stab his back with a sharp knife.

Jungkook falls on the floor painting everything around him in red.

I panic and once they walk in my direction I hysterically scream blacking out.

I'm looking for Jungkook again but at least now I know where he's going to appear.

As I see him walking down the street again I decide to stay where I am.

Maybe that whole situation happened because of me so perhaps I should see what is going to happen before I make a move.

As I thought, everything happens exactly the same way but without me.

They punch him and I decide to call the police again but this time without any of them knowing.

I hide in the dark and whisper everything they need to know. They can hear these guys shouting and Jungkook screaming in agonizing pain so they immediately see that I'm telling the truth.

I hug myself as I sit on the floor. I close my eyes and try to erase from my mind all the noise I'm hearing from them.

Every single time they hit him I feel my heart sink and I try my hardest not to look but I can't. I open my eyes and there he is coughing blood.

I hear sirens and I've never felt this relaxed my entire life "Fuck" those cowards curse before running away.

"Jungkook?" I finally run in his direction I push him by the arm to the dark place I was before so the police doesn't find us.

"Finally, please help me" He cries in pain "I've been living this day over and over again."

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't find you sooner" I cry with him.

"I tried to solve everything but instead I got stuck in this looping where I keep dying."

"How did you put yourself in this situation? What the hell happened?" I ask but he keeps avoiding eye contact with me.

"Honestly" He sighs "It doesn't matter" He straightens his body and puts his hood on his head " You need to help me"

"But how?"

"I have no clue" He looks around "There must be a way"

We both find ourselves in silence trying to find an answer to solve this whole situation.

What can I do to take him out of this?

For a while all I can think about is how Namjoon had the answer this whole time and somehow had the ability to reject Jungkook's call.

Something lights up my brain and I realize the obvious.

If I find him before night time I'll change his whole day so maybe -just maybe -I can actually take him out of this.

"Ok I might have a plan." I say "I'm not sure if it's going to work but at this point I don't think we have much to lose"

"I'll do whatever"

"So, what if I find you before you even walk down this street? If that doesn't do anything maybe I'll try to find you even before you call me for help?"

"Sounds like a plan" He smiles"Thank you, You're treating me better than I ever deserved"

"Not true" I laugh slapping his arm lightly


"Oh my God I'm so sorry that was so stupid to do" I panic

He starts laughing and I decide to join him

"Oh come on Joyce. I'm a dick" he keeps laughing as I roll my eyes.

I'm happy we're able to find somehow some light humor in this fucked up reality.

"Come on let's do this shit again." I laugh "TAKE THREE"

Ok, here we go again.

Jungkook told me his whole trajectory through the day so I'd be able to find him.

It doesn't surprise me when I see him walking around near a bridge in front of me.

Who hurt you like this Jungkook?

I run around trying to find a way to get near him before he actually crosses the bridge.

The exact same moment he sees me, he stops. Once I get closer to him I smile.

"Hello there" He says casually

"Let's go home, Kookie."

"Holy shit that was cringe"

This day is the day before my date with Namjoon so I'm not surprised when I receive the same text from him.

"Are you perhaps free to go on a date with me tomorrow?😉"

"I'd love that💜" I answer him praying to do everything right so I don't have to live tomorrow for the third time. "What the fuck happened to this picture btw?" I ask him again just like last time.

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