A Koopa in Remnant

By PangoroGrunt

120K 1.9K 1.6K

Thanks to a plan gone wrong, the entire kingdom of Darkland had been transported to the world of Remnant. Wha... More

Nintendo Cast list
Where To?
An Unexpected Encounter
Bowser vs Alpha Goliath
Father, Where art Thou?
That's Professor to You!!
Return of The Dark
First Day on The Job
Kooptastrophe for Team JNPR
Papa's Son
Iron Crushes Iron
A Perfect World of Fury and Darkness
Locked in a Dusty Old Bird Cage
Promise of Training
A Night to Remember (Valentine's Day Special)
Field Trip
Koopa with Wings
Operation: Mountain Fury Part 1
Operation: Mountain Fury Part 2
Operation: Mountain Fury Part 3
Memories: Team RWBY
Shrowser Strikes Back
News To Bowser
A Raven in a King's Window
Destination: Home
Unexpected Guests
Kingdom Here We Come
Extra: Vacation
The Plan
Bob-omb Battlefield: The Sequel
New Bowser Forms
The Plan is a Go; Unexpected Allies!
The Multiverse Bounty System
Omake 1
Trailer (Second Book)
Chaotic Showdown
Chaotic Showdown 2
Special: King K. Rool
Bowser's Twin Auras (A/N)
Chaotic Showdown 3
Author's A/N
A/N Results
A/N: Remake
(Shout-outs & Honorable Mentions)
DRAFT #1: Elder Princess Shroob Vs. King K. Rool

Big Battle in Vale; Secrets Revealed

2.1K 28 20
By PangoroGrunt

The ground began shaking violently. It only grew stronger, and stronger; yellow shockwaves erupting from the spot Bowser was crushed. Yoob started to elevate a little off the ground. Giant, scaly yellow feet under the foot of the alien hybrid strained as they carried the weight of the rotund reptile.

Suddenly, with a powerful throw, Yoob was tossed high in the air and crashed only a few meters away from where Vale City was. Yoob shook off The surprise and saw a Bowser, just as big as he was.

He didn't have his armor on and his hammer was left behind with the Clown Cruiser. He didn't need it anyway, he'd be able to roast this porkbelly with ease.


Bowser charged forward, his fist at the ready. Bowser punched Yoob straight in the gut, only to find that it did nothing to hurt him. Yoob roared at Bowser and headbutted Bowser in the chest. Bowser staggered back for a bit before he regained his balance.

Bowser used his sliding punch, hoping it would have more of an effect on the alien than his regular one. When his fist came into contact, it slipped off his body, causing Bowser to stumble and fall. Bowser quickly got up, before Yoob shot out his tongue at him and wrapped his arm. Yoob started to spin Bowser around like a top, swinging the Koopa King like a ball and chain. Yoob released his grip from Bowser's arm, sending the Koopa King flying in the other direction.

The Koopa King got up, shaking his head. Yoob retracted his tongue and continued his path to the city, ignoring Bowser. Bowser decided to change tactics.


However, if he did that he would risk burning the city. He already had a bad enough reputation with his students, so that idea was out of the question. Instead, Bowser charged at Yoob, grabbing him and went for a Flying Slam attack. He flew up and did a backflip before he did a body slam that shook the ground violently.

Yoob moaned in slight pain from the attack. Bowser smirked as he might have found a way to beat him. However, Yoob shook him off and jumped in the air. Yoob got into a sitting position and proceeded to ground pound Bowser. Bowser saw it coming and crouched on all fours. Yoob landed but first on the Koopa King's spikey shell and roared in pain.


Yoob's belly began to heal, then inflated to large proportions. The alien belched a purple cloud at Bowser. Seeing the new attack, Bowser covered his eyes and mouth. He quickly got out of the cloud but was met with a tail slap from Yoob. Bowser crashed over to the side, his head ringing from the pain. Bowser got up, as Yoob almost entered the city of Vale.

Bowser had a plan. Granted, a very risky plan but a plan nonetheless. Bowser roared in the air and called down a meteor. The meteor struck Yoob in the side, leaving a huge wound that exposed Yoob's innards. The alien roared loudly and collapsed on his uninjured side. Bowser called another meteor, but it crashed into a portion of the street. The only flaw of this move was that he had little control over them, but enough to were it could hit Yoob.

Bowser called another meteor, hitting Yoob in the back of his head. His core was exposed but it was slowly healing and closing up. Bowser took a deep breath and unleashed an inferno of hellfire at the downed alien.

Bowser's attack directly hit Yoob's core, instantly killing the alien hybrid as it exploded into a pile of purple goo and spores. Bowser lit the area on fire so the spores won't spread and create Shroobs. If Yoob was here then so where the Shroobs, and if they were here, so was their leader.

"I HOPE THOSE KIDS ARE HAVING MORE FUN THAN I AM!" Bowser said as he marched into the city.

Vale City

"This isn't working! There's too many of them!" Weiss cries out as she stabs another Creep.

"Ruby!" Blake called for him as she smacked an Ursai away with an uppercut from Gambol Shroud's sheath. "If you've got a plan that could deal with this all at once, now would be a good time to use it!"

"Really good to go!" Yang repeated. "Got anything?!"

Blocking a swipe with his brush, Jr grunted as he knocked another Beowolf away. "Uh... Yeah! Anytime Red, I'm almost out of paint!"

Ruby looked around and saw a large, familiar shadow looming over the horizon. Jr saw it too and nodded at Ruby with her nodding back.

"Yeah, but it might be too risky!" Ruby said.

"Whatever!" Blake barked. "If it can help us get rid of them faster then it's all the better!"

"...Alright!" Jr responded as he backed up into the middle. "Weiss, boost me and Sprout into the air with a glyph. Everyone else, follow us. This is going to get a little...big."

Each of the other girls bore him confused looks as they defended against once more wave of Grimm, with Yang and Ruby blasting themselves onto a rooftop while Blake shot jumped to follow them. With Weiss and Jr left alone, the snow girl swiped her finger up, generating white circles underneath the both of them. Sprout followed, spinning his leaves like a helicopter to gain altitude. As Weiss jumped back to join the rest of the group, they wondered what Ruby and Jr had in mind.

"So, what kind of plan do you think is gonna-" Yang was about to ask but was cut off by a mini earthquake.

They looked over and saw Bowser in his giant form walking up to them. The height of the building made it easier to communicate with Bowser as he got closer. Bowser got close to them, his large about blowing wind at them


"We need you to crush all of the Grimm on the ground!" Ruby said in a loud voice.

Bowser looked down and immediately knew what he had to do. He walked away from the group and got ready to smash them.

"Kick their butts, Papa!" Jr cheered

"You mean stomp on them!" Blake retorted.

Sprout jumped in Ruby's arms, tired from all the fighting he had done.

"Good boy." Ruby said and started rubbing his head.

As Bowser roared to the whole of Vale, Bowser stared down at the now ant sized Grimm. Before he lifted his foot, he slowly glanced off, seeing several Bullheads and Atlesian airships flying in. Narrowing his eyes, he quickly rose a hand up to signal them to not come closer. It didn't take long, but the reinforcements quickly ceased their activity.

"NOW THEN...IT'S BOWSER TIME!" Bowser roared

Lifting one of his legs up, he smashed it onto the floor, rupturing several parts of the concrete floor and sending off dozens of Grimm to their deaths. Bending down and grabbing two Alpha Ursai, he smacked his hands together to create a black and white ball of mush, before throwing it down at another group of Grimm that were nearby.

"BWHAHAHAHA!! EVERY TIME I GO GIANT, I FEEL LIKE I'M PLAYING IN ONE OF THOSE OLD MOVIE SETS..." He chuckled, before feeling a tingly feeling against his chest. Looking to his side, three giant Nevermores, the same sized as the one he fought against the Alpha Goliath, started to barrage him with feathers.

"What the hell." Yang shrugs. "At this point, I can never guess what kind of form he may turn into. He doesn't seem to be having another hidden attack at lea-"

"-Yang, shut your mouth! You're gonna jinx us again!" Weiss hissed.

Hearing the caws of the large Grimm, as they flew back around and started to fire off feathers, Bowser took aim and swatted the second one away with his left hand. Now remaining as the last survivor, the Grimm roared in anguish as it circled back, this time blindly flying straight at Bowser. Unfortunately for the avian-like Grimm, Bowser merely smirked as he slapped his hands between it. As it twitched while floating for the meantime, Bowser roared at the sky and a meteor fell from above. It struck the Grimm as it got crushed and burned into ashes.

"OH YEAH! ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST!" Bowser grinned at the pun he made. That only served to shut Yang and Weiss up once again, with their jaws dropped slightly as the blonde jinxed the group for the umpteenth time, both of their eyes twitching all the while.

As Bowser continued on with his rampage, from afar, another Bullhead containing Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood approached. While Glynda was completely astounded by the sheer size of the Koopa King, and Ozpin interested to new levels. Even though they saw him do it once before, it was still amazing to watch. However, Ironwood was...

"He has a giant form?! Blasphemy! He's more capable than any Kingdom by himself!" He yelled with eyes widened.

Throughout Vale, people were shocked, people were in awe, some were happy, and others were worried. For certain others, this was the probably the life-changing moment of their eyes, while for other groups, was a sudden stab into the back for whatever plan they had.

On another rooftop, Cinder and company watched with shocked expressions. Emerald wiped her eyes several times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. Mercury was scared. Scared of what Bowser could do, but not nearly as much of what Antasma did.

Cinder on the other hand...

"Roman had initiated the plan days earlier than planned... But at least we've gotten crucial knowledge. You're such an amazing character... Aren't you, Bowser Koopa?" she smiled deviously as Bowser returned to perform his Grimm extermination duties.

Vale City

Bowser began to glow white again, reverting back to his original size, and came crashing down. He didn't fall as bad as before, so he was once again getting the hang of it. Team RWBY, Sprout, Jr, and Zwei sighed, all of them sitting on the edge of Beacon's landing platform, overlooking the City of Vale from across the lake. It was now sunset, with only a few hours until night.

"Well, we did it." Yang stretched her arms.

"We did it, yep." Blake nodded in agreement.

"If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm gonna be seriously disappointed." Weiss however huffed as little as she folded her arms. The rest of the team gave her half-joking looks in response. "What?"

"Weiss, a two-headed snake literally crushed a bakery. I wouldn't count on it." Yang argued with a chuckle.

"Well, it's not as bad as the destruction I caused...still gotta work on the issue of the environment around me." Bowser chuckled sheepishly as he scratched his head.

"You're telling me!" Ruby giggled. "That was AWESOME! You were all giant and big and gargantuan and...and..."

"That's just synonyms for large, sis." Yang rolled her eyes while smiling. "But that was pretty...shocking to say the least. THAT METEOR THOUGH!"

"Most certainly. I never would've thought you could do things like that in your giant form." Weiss turned to Bowser.

"Admittedly, it was pretty cool to see you fight like that, but I think we should talk about the elephant in the room." Blake said, getting everyone on track.

"What elephant?" Jr asked, not getting the metaphor.

"They mean they want me to explain myself and what Fawful meant." Bowser said.

He turned to face the group.

"And I will, but it might be better if I told everyone, so I won't have to repeat the whole story." Bowser suggested.

Ozpin's Office

Everyone gathered in Ozpin's office to hear the Koopa King's explanation. Those present were Team JNPR, Team RWBY, Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, and Bowser. Sprout and Jr left to let the adults talk. Bowser wore his teaching attire, with Jr wearing a similar outfit, but without the glasses.

"We'll start off with a simple interrogation. Just tell us your name, age, and date of birth." Glynda said instructed.

"My name is Bowser Koopa, I'm 69, and I I was born in 1951." He answered.

Everyone's eyes widened at that. The Koopa King was 69 years old!? Even Ozpin was surprised. He looked so young for a turtle monster.

"You're 69 years old!?" Nora gasped in disbelief.

"Yep." Bowser replied nonchalantly.

"What's your secret?" Ozpin asked.

"Simple, Koopa's age way differently than humans do. I'm 69 in human years, but in Koopa years, I'm 40." Bowser explained.

"So how old is Jr?" Ruby asked.

"In human years he's 18, but in Koopa years he's around 8-9." Bowser said.

"We're getting off topic. Next question: What was your occupation before you came here?" Glynda asked.

"I'm a Father, King, Architect, Racer, Sports Player, Battle Tactition, Magic User,-" Bowser started listing

"- Conquer." Ironwood interrupted.

Bowser looked at the general.

"How did you know that!? I didn't tell anyone!" Bowser said.

"No, but he did." Ironwood said and a large yellow caterpillar came in from the elevator along with Winter.

"A Wiggler?" Bowser asked confused.

"Aww, it looks so cute!" Ruby and Nora gushed.

Though they wouldn't admit it, Weiss and Blake thought it was cute too. Jaune was a bit freaked out at the size of it, leaving Pyrrha and Ren staring with wide eyes.

"I can see you wouldn't remember me, but I won't ever forget what you did." Wigg said.

"I've done a lot of things buddy, so your gonna have to be specific." Bowser said.

"How about ruining my garden!? Or pulling out my Giga Carrot!? Or hurting me because you are it!?" Wigg said getting angry.


Wigg's body turned from yellow to red in an instant, matching the Koopa's anger.



They were staring so hard a line of electricity connected their

Wigg calmed down and turned back into his normal color.

"It doesn't matter now! I told the general and that nice Winter lady all about you and your crimes." Wigg said.

Winter went up to the desk laying out a copy of all of his recorded crimes:

Attempted murder
War crimes
Mass destruction
Animal cruelty
Forced confinement
Attempted forced marriage
Attempted global hegemony
Attempted universal hegemony
Attempted Fungicide

"Fungicide?" Jaune read.

"Basically the Mushroom Kingdom's citizens are mushroom people called Toads." Wigg elaborated.

"What does hegemony mean?" Ruby asked.

"It means leadership or dominance over others." Ren said.

"Or in his case, tyranny!" Wigg said.

"BUTT OUT OF IT, BUG!!" Bowser yelled.

"Settle down, everyone." Ozpin said, gesturing them to do so.

"Now, without further interruptions, next question: What was your plan before your stay here?" Glynda asked.

Bowser thought it was strange how she was the most calm, despite his crimes being listed out for everyone to see. But deep down, he knew she was angry and hurt. He had that effect on people when he lied.

"My original plan was to transport my kingdom to the Mushroom Kingdom's castle, but a spell gone wrong transported me here instead. After hearing that there were four kingdoms here, I decided to go with that plan still. I would infiltrate this place and learn the secrets of huntsmen training, to improve my army." Bowser replied, his face a sad expression.

He looked over at the others as he talked. Yang was angry, obviously. Weiss and Blake felt betrayed and we're also angry. Jaune looked like he wanted to say something, but rather he didn't. Pyrrha and Ren gave disappointed looks. Nora looked like she wanted to use his shell as a chair. However, Ruby looked... conflicted, almost hurt. She hugged Sprout's pot close to her, and Sprout gave the Koopa King a nasty look.


They all looked at him, surprised he had more to say.

"I gave up on it." He said.

Everyone looked dumbfounded at that statement, especially Wigg. He wasn't expecting that the great King Bowser would quit.

"Gave up!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GAVE UP!!?" Wigg yelled, his body turning red.

"It's exactly how I said it, Bug Brain. I gave up on it." Bowser said.

Bowser decided to get this over with. He turned to face the group.

"Look, I didn't continue with the plan because...well...because I got attached to this place." Bowser admitted. "Being here in this place, teaching and training you kids, and the mission we went on, it changed me a bit. Spending time with you guys made me feel something I haven't felt before in a long time..." Bowser said.

"And what would that be?" Ozpin asked curiously.

"Complete." Bowser replied.

The whole room went quiet. No one spoke a word, though Wigg had a look of complete bewilderment.

"So my plan for vengeance...is ruined." Wigg stated.

Ironwood was in the middle of a dilemma. He didn't know what to do in this situation. He could arrest him, but he didn't have enough evidence to convict him. However, Ozpin made a suggestion.

"Mr.Koopa, if you would please be so kind as to wait outside, we must discuss something private regarding you." Ozpin requested.

"Yeah, sure thing old man." Bowser said and left the room.

Ozpin directed the attention of everyone towards him.

"So, anyone wish to share their thoughts about Bowser?" Ozpin asked.

To be continued

I'll admit it's not the best ending I could have done, but I wanted to get this chapter over with. Maybe sometime in the future I'll fix it but I'm just really tired. Also, Bowser is indeed 69 years old. I made some changes to his character based on some new information. He's 8'7 and 800lbs, was born in 1951, etc. To learn more, go check out Bowser's Timeline on my page (Has been deleted). I'm PangoroGrunt saying see you whenever and switch to cable.

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