Touch of Hellfire (Original V...

By princess_leah_organa

617K 13.9K 2.9K

Heather Gilmore is Rory Gilmore's twin sister, who is one of Stars Hollow's most loved along with her sister... More



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By princess_leah_organa

I helped Rory smooth out the shoulders on our snow-woman, while Mom worked on the face. "How does this look?" Mom asked us.

"Not very mouth-like," Rory told her. I took a quick glance at Mom's masterpiece. "Yeah, it's sort of tilted to the side."

"Well, I intended to do that, gives her a unique expression, it's either that or Mrs Potato Head lips," Mom told us.

"We're not gonna win anyway," Rory muttered cynically. "Look at that!"

She pointed over to a snowman that literally looked like it was sculpted by Michelangelo!

"It needs to be destroyed," I grumbled. "I hate it with every fibre of my being."

"Okay, while someone handcuffs Heather to the gazebo stairs, we work on our masterpiece," Mom joked.

I shot my mother the death stare. "So, both of you have a school break coming up, what do we do?" Mom asked us.

"Movies, relax, homework," Rory listed. I put the wig on our snow woman. "How come you have homework and I don't?" I wondered.

"Stuff for the paper," Rory sighed. "One word, it's a French city and a raging lunatic."

"Hmm, that's hard," I chuckled. "Give me a clue."

Rory laughed. "Sounds like ferris."

"Oh, Paris," I mumbled. "The machine."

"Oh, come on!" Rory complained. "They're power buffing it now!"

We looked over at it. "Can I destroy it, please?" I asked Mom. "In your dreams," she told me.

"We can do this," I said. "Absolutely," Rory smiled. The head suddenly fell off our snow-woman. "Coffee?" Rory asked us.

"Please!" I sighed.


Friday Night Dinner. Complete silence for some bizarre reason. Me and Rory shared the awkward glance every now and then.

Rory cleared her throat which thankfully prompted Mom to speak. "So, what are your travel plans, Dad?"

"Hmm?" Grandpa muttered, being obviously derailed from his train of thought. "You usually travel this time of year," Mom pointed out.

"Yeah, it was the Bahamas last year," I spoke up. "Yes, that's right, it was," Grandpa muttered. "You said the Bahamians were nice and that it was fun," Rory added. "Yes, they were nice," Grandma mumbled.

"So, what are your plans?" Mom repeated her question. "We aren't going anywhere this year," Grandma told us. "Oh..why not?" Rory asked her. Grandma just looked at Grandpa and didn't answer the question.

"Well it can be really nice to stay at home too, you can do fun things that you wouldn't have time for," I added. "Like charades," Mom piped up.

"We'll see," Grandpa murmured. "We'll see," Grandma mumbled. "Would you all excuse me? I have to make some calls, say goodbye before you leave, would you?" Grandpa said, getting up.

"Yeah, sure Dad," Mom answered him. Once he left, Mom turned to Grandma. "When is this awfulness with work gonna end?"

"I don't know, the man is so sensitive," Grandma told her. "He reads so much into every little perceived slight."

"Like that one time, ages ago, when he put on weight and bought a new suit to cover it up and asked us how he looked. I said fat," Mom muttered

Grandma just stared at her. "Okay, that was a poor example," Mom sighed.

Rory looked at me and gave me a look saying....awkward!


"But I've got thirty pounds of aged beef! Trays of trout! Mountains of prune tarts!" Sookie ranted. She and Mom were hosting this event at the inn and it got cancelled.

"I diced pumpkin until my hands turned orange!" Sookie exclaimed. "There's nothing we can do," Mom sighed. "Can't believe they got snowed in," Rory lamented. "All that work and extra stuff we hired," Mom complained. "But they paid for it already, so we didn't lose any money."

"We could still do it, the four of us," Sookie suggested. "It'll be like the Shining, instead we're stuck with Rune," Mom joked.

"You guys want anything else besides coffee?" Luke asked us. That's when it hit me.

I have a brilliant idea. Scratch the evil, for now, I'm a genius!

"Hey, Luke, you eat right?" I asked him. "Well, obviously," Luke looked confused as it was the first thing I said all night. "And Jess eats too, right?" I was starting to get excited.

"Lorelai, is she alright?" Luke pointed at me. "I think she's inviting you to dinner," Mom laughed. "Come on Luke," I begged him. "There'll be food, decorations, music, it'll be fun!"

"Well.." Luke muttered. "We should invite everyone!" I exclaimed. "Everyone we know and like and they can stay in the inn! All the empty rooms will be full!"

"Heather, that's brilliant!" Sookie cheered. "Luke, spread the word," Mom ordered. "I haven't agreed to anything," Luke pointed out.

He sighed. "Eight o'clock?"

"Seven," Mom corrected him.


I worked with Mom on the RSVPs. "Bad news, Tessa can't come," I told her. "Aw, why?" Mom pouted. "She's gone to New York for Christmas and told me she's choosing our future Columbia apartment to hide in for four years," I laughed.

"Ah," Mom muttered. "So, when's the open day?"

"Not for another while," I told her. "Ah, I'm looking forward to it, we're gonna make our travel routes and everything."

Mom grinned and looked back at her ledger. "So, put Luke in sixteen with Bootsy?"

"Well, Jess is coming, so, where will we put him?" I asked Mom. "You decide," Mom giggled.

"With Miss Patty," I laughed. "Evil!" Rory announced as she came into the room. "Relax, I'm not that cruel, I wouldn't do that to the poor guy," I laughed.

Rory sat down and went through the Christmas card stack. "Who's the ugly baby?"

"That's your second cousin, Stan's," Mom told her. "Poor baby," I chuckled. "That's not the ugliest one," Mom pointed out.

"Oh, God!" Rory exclaimed once she saw the baby. She froze once she laid eyes on a card. "What's up?" I asked her. "Dad," she told me and handed me the card.

I looked at the picture to see Dad, a pretty woman and a dog. "So, that must be Sherry then," I mumbled. "Dog's cute."

"She's pretty," Rory commented. "Hezzy, why is thirty one empty?" Mom asked me.

"Well..." I looked at Rory. "Rory thought..."

"Evil!" Rory shouted.

"Okay, WE thought," I said. "Maybe a depressed man and his wife could stay there?"

"Grandma and Grandpa," Rory finished. "Seriously?!" Mom sighed. "It could cheer him up," Rory mumbled. "Come on, Mom," I pleaded with her.

"Okay, I'll pencil them in, but they're gonna say no," Mom told us. "We're not hoping that because that would be bad karma," I pointed out.

"New Years Resolution, I want you two to promise me you'll be more self absorbed and cynical," Mom pointed at us with her pen.

"No promises," I smirked. "Evil!" Mom yelled after me.


The big night finally arrived and Rory and I were in charge of welcoming the guests. We both wore nice dresses, Rory's was a bronze colour with a nice black leaf design and mine was dark green with the..exact same design. "How's Sookie?" we asked Mom.

"Brown paper bag mode," Mom told us. "Right on schedule," I commented.

"Hey, dolls!" Babette greeted us. "Hi!" Mom waved at them. "Welcome," I said to them. "Are we the first ones here?" Morey asked us. "Yes, actually," Mom told them. "Oh, don't freak out," Babette scolded him. "He hates being the first anywhere. Hurts his street credibility, apparently."

"Well, Charlie Parker was late to everything," Morey argued. "Oh, forget him for two minutes," Babette sighed. "Well, you guys are in room eight," I told them, handing Babette the key. "All ready."

"Thank you, doll," Babette smiled at me. "Come on, Morey, we can be late for dinner, if that makes you feel better."

They left and Lane came running up to us. "Hey, Rory. Hey Heather," Lane gave us both a quick hug. "Did you dodge Mrs Kim?" Rory asked her. "Lane!" Mrs Kim called her. "So no," I whispered to Rory. "Can't wait for my wedding night," Lane grumbled cynically. "Hi Mrs Kim," I greeted her. "I'm glad you guys could make it, you guys are in room twelve."

"Thank you, Heather," Mrs Kim said to me. "Thank you for inviting us, Lorelai."

"My pleasure," Mom said politely. "Do you need help with your stuff?"

"This is my stuff," Mrs Kim told her, in a matter of fact tone. "Don't need any more stuff. People have too much stuff!"

"I agree," Mom mumbled. Mrs Kim walked off with Lane. Suddenly, Paris walked in. "Crap," I muttered. "Why tonight?" Rory moaned. "She had to bring it tonight."

"She's not human," Mom whispered to me. "Hi," I greeted her. "Hey, Heather. Rory, here's everything.."

I decided to walk away and help Mom greet the guests. I just put on a smile and handed them their keys.

Dean walked in with his little sister. "Hey, Dean," I smiled. "Hey, Heather," he smiled. "Clara, this is Rory's twin sister, Heather. Heather, this is Clara, my little sister."

"Hey, Clara, I love your dress," I told her. "Thank you," she smiled. He looked back to see Jess and Luke walk in. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah, sure," I agreed. "Something wrong?"

"I didn't know Jess was gonna be here," Dean mumbled. "What happened?" I wondered. "He got into this big fight with someone during school, I tried to break it up, then he started in on me and tried to whack me," he explained.

Jess gave Dean a wave, not the 'hi, nice to see you' wave, more like the 'oh, you're here, great' wave. The sarcastic kind. "Rory got kidnapped by Paris, if you're looking for her," I told Dean. "Thanks," he said. "Nice to meet you, Clara," I smiled. "You too," she said.

I walked over to Jess. "Well, well, look who it is. John Bender himself."

"Ha, ha, very funny," Jess rolled his eyes. "Nice dress."

"Oh..thanks," I mumbled, blushing a little. "Nice to see you, Heather, thanks for inviting us," Luke said. "I know you're planning my murder inside your head," I smiled. "Wow, you are psychic," Luke rolled his eyes.

"Well, you called me evil a couple of weeks ago, evil and psychic are never a good combination," I smirked, handing Luke the key. "See you guys later."

Rory came rushing over to me. "So, Paris is staying," she told me. "And wants to discuss the Franklin on the carriages."

"So, you're ditching me," I sussed out. "I'll buy you the thing of Mega Stuff Oreos," Rory tried to bribe me. "Done," I agreed.

"Uh, oh, Mr and Mrs Fun Sponge," Mom whispered to us as Grandma and Grandpa were heading over. "Hello, girls," Grandpa greeted us. "You all look particularly lovely this evening."

"Thanks, Grandpa," me and Rory said in unison. "Thanks, Dad, you guys look nice yourselves," Mom added.

"Well, the occasion called for it," Grandma told us. "The air is crisper here than Hartford, it's wonderful."

"You guys are in room thirty one, best room in the house," I said, handing Grandpa the key. "I'll see you in a bit," he went ahead.

Once he went off, we all turned to Grandma. "He's been like that for two days."

"It's like a switch flipped," I muttered. "I don't know why," Grandma explained. "But thank, God, I'm taking the credit."

Once everyone got settled in, they all came down to the reception to mingle. Rory was with Dean and Lane. I was pretty bummed Tessa wasn't here, Mom told me that she heard from Mrs Sinclair, telling me that Tessa was going to call later that night about New York. Jess looked back at me and nodded at me to come over. I walked over to him, Paris and Luke. "Couldn't leave you all Tessa?"

"She's out of town," I explained. Paris gave me a small smile and I returned it. "I never asked..are you going to Harvard, like Rory?" she asked me.

"I'm gonna head to Columbia," I told her.

"Everyone, everyone!" Mom announced. "First of all, I'd like to welcome you to the first annual and probably-never-to-be-held again-because-Sookie's-on-the-verge-of-a-nervous-breakdown Bracebridge Dinner."

"I'm fine," Sookie told us. "I'd like to thank Mother Nature for snowing in the Trelling Paper Company in Chicago, so I could throw this great party for all my friends instead. It's a very special night," Mom added. "And since I don't get to eat unbelievably strange food with my friends every day, my daughters, Rory and Heather, have arranged a little surprise, outside as we speak, is a line of horse-drawn sleighs and everyone gets a ride, line up, two per sleigh, no cuts, no buts, no coconuts."

Rory went over to Paris. "Sorry, Heather," Paris muttered. "It's okay," I told her. "We can go in the morning and eat those Oreos," Rory offered. "I like that option," I smirked and went to get my coat from the hook.

"Hey, Michel, did any phone calls come in for me yet?" I asked him. "No, you expecting a call?" Michel asked me. "Yeah," I told him. "Well, if someone asks for you, I'll let you know," he reassured me. "Thank you," I mumbled.

Once I went outside I found only one sleigh. "That it, miss?" the driver asked me as I climbed up. "I guess I'm alone," I mumbled, starting to cover myself with the blanket.

Once the sleigh stated moving, the whole thing rocked as Jess suddenly jumped onto it. "What the.." I exclaimed. "Two per sleigh, you were breaking the rules," Jess smirked. "You could've hurt yourself," I pointed out.

"I live on the edge," Jess told me as he was putting on his gloves. "How come you were fighting with Dean?" I asked him. "Aw, geez, he told you?!" he complained. "Why would your sister's boyfriend go to you?"

"Because I'm the only person you talk to in this town, I guess," I mumbled. "I wasn't after Dean," he told me. "He jumped in, there was another guy."

"Yikes, who pissed you off?" I asked him. "Chuck Presby," he admitted. "I would've been on the sidelines cheering you on," I laughed. "What did he say? I can kill him, I've been plotting his murder since the sixth grade."

Jess bit his lip and didn't answer. "That bad? Okay, I'm gonna kill him."

"He didn't say anything bad to me about me," Jess confessed. "He...said some stuff about you and he was being such an asshole, calling you really bad things and I couldn't take it, so, I sucker punched him."

"How hard?"

"Very, think I might have broken his nose."

"Thank you..for defending me," I smiled. I gripped his hand tightly and we interlocked our fingers. "That's good," he said, pointing at the array of snowmen. "Your snowman, snow-woman actually."

"You know which one is ours?" I asked him. "It has the most personality," he told me. "Looks like Bjork."

"It's what we were going for," I told him. "Really?" Jess asked me. "Yeah, but the one on the end is gonna win," I pouted. "It's so overdone," Jess commented. "You should win."

"Thanks but unless that blasphemy to snowmen and women is destroyed, there's no way," I sighed.

"So, that guy from the other week, the one you got coffee with..he your boyfriend?" Jess asked me. "No, no, God no," I rambled. "He's an acquaintance, I'd rather chew on glass."

"Good," he mumbled very quietly under his breath but I heard him. I bit my lip and I felt my cheeks turning red. "Okay, you have to study Shakespeare..right?" Jess asked me. "Yeah," I told him. "If you had to choose one...which play would you study?" he wondered.

"Hamlet," I told him. "You know the Lion King is based on that?"

"It isn't," Jess was gobsmacked. "It is!" I insisted. "Think about it for a sec."

He was quiet for a second, while trying to play it out in his head. "Oh, come on!"

I burst out laughing. "Evil!" he sighed. I smiled. "You like getting called evil?" Jess asked me. "It's more of a term of endearment," I told him. "Who else calls you evil?" Jess wondered. "My mom, Rory, my dad..sometimes, Luke, Andrea, Tessa, Sookie, Michel and now you," I told him. "The list just keeps on getting bigger."

I realised that we were still holding hands, so I took it further and rested my head on his shoulder. He didn't try to shrug me off, he let my hand go and wrapped that arm around my shoulders. "It's freezing," he noted. "No doubt about it," I commented.


I was sat opposite Luke and Jess for the dinner and beside Paris and Miss Patty. "Quiet, please, everybody, I want a picture," Mom said. "Cheese!"

She took a picture of us all. "Now the moment we've all been waiting for, the Bracebridge Dinner!"

"Hold it!" Sookie yelled. "Just one minute."

"Which will start in one minute," Mom told us. "Lorelai," Miss Patty called Mom over. "Who's the silver fox in the tight knee socks?"

"Claude, divorced and on the market," Mom told her. "He's one of the regular servers."

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Mrs Sinclair is on line one," Michel told me. "Thanks," I muttered, getting up. "Everything okay?" Mom asked me. "Tessa," I told her.

I ran to the reception and picked up the phone. "Heather!"

"Hey Tess, how's New York?" I asked her. "Good, I've got lots of info, the apartments in New York the rent is okay..twelve hundred bucks a month, those are the cliched ones."

"Part time jobs in shops in Times Square pay a good bit, I believe," I told her. "I completed my other calculations, including TV bills and stuff like that, electricity, that's covered until we get full time jobs after we graduate," Tessa informed me. "So, just the rent?" I clarified taking it down on a sticky note. "Go on."

"I had a look around and Hezzy, it's lovely and not too far from the university, which is close to Central Park, we need Metro Cards for transport, like the subway, my mom said she'll take care of that, did I do good?"

"Amazing, we'll do more research while we're there for the open day...when is it?"

"Late April? Early May? Date hasn't been confirmed," Tessa told me. "We are getting in, hopefully I'm getting that scholarship and you are getting in because you are a genius, gotta go, Applebee's, bye!"

She hung up. I went back into the dining room and Jackson announced my tardiness. "Why is thou tardy?"

Everyone looked at me. "I hadeth a conversation, on the phoneth," I said. "With whom?"

"Lady Theresa, of the house Sinclair," I answered him and I sat down. "Impressive," Jess chuckled. "I made it up as I went along," I told him.

The soup was served and Jess and Luke just stared at it. "What's the white stuff?" Luke wondered.

"Rosemary foam," I told him. "And the green?" Luke asked me. "Parsley, I think," I mumbled. "You know this, why?" Jess asked me. "I saw Sookie making it and she told me," I laughed.

Mom came over to me a little later. "What did Sydney Bristow report?" I handed her the sticky note. "We're gonna do more in April or May," I told her. "That's when the open day is."

"You're going to New York?" Paris asked me. "Yeah, for a day to see around the university," I told her. Our desserts were put in front of us.

"So, how's the Franklin going?" I asked Paris. "Uh, good," she answered me. "After the project, Professor Anderson was telling me that the music made our scene really authentic, we were gonna get a B but thanks to you, we got an A."

I smirked at Jess. I felt a tap on my shoulder to see a panicked Rory. "What's going on?" I asked her. She leaned down to whisper something. "Grandpa is retired and didn't tell Grandma!"

"Shut the fridge! Seriously?!" I gasped. Rory nodded.


"It's always nice to end a big festive meal with a big festive pall hanging over the room," Mom mumbled. "Most people didn't notice," Rory reassured her. "Yeah, I guess Bootsy singing Hotel California accompanied by spoons drew the attention away," Mom sighed.

"Did Grandma and Grandpa say anything to each other for the rest the night?" I asked Mom. "No," Mom told me. "Yikes," I muttered.

"You guys want the one by the window?" Mom asked us. "Yeah sure," I mumbled. "Ah!" Rory exclaimed. "Ugly baby!"

I looked to see the picture of the ugly baby from earlier and shuddered. "Mom!" I whined. "The baby is stalking us," Mom lied to us.

"I'm so sorry, baby," I pouted. "Any word from Dad recently?" Rory asked Mom. "There may have been a call," Mom mumbled. "May?" I clarified. "Things have been hectic, building a snow-woman, ugly baby gag," Mom rambled.

"Mom!" Rory whined. "Okay, he called!" Mom exclaimed. "He called and invited you, it isn't too late to go, he called and invited you both, there you go! I'm sorry, I didn't tell you."

"He invited us over?" Rory clarified. "Yes," Mom answered us. "Why didn't he invite us himself?" I wondered. "He's pretending to be considerate by running it past me first," Mom grumbled.

"Or actually being considerate," Rory interjected. "Why didn't you tell us? He's probably waiting for our answer and holding off making plans."

"Because I have dibs on this time of year with you and Heather, not him, me! It stinks! He put me in a difficult position! We were gonna watch a lot of movies and I was gonna invent a drinking game out of how many times we call Heather evil over the holidays and I hate the idea of you two not hanging out with me but with your stupid stepmother!" Mom ranted.

"You're calling Sherry our stepmother?" I raised my eyebrow. "There is something wrong with that woman," Mom grumbled.

"You don't even know her," Rory pointed out. "I think you're jealous of Sherry."

I widened my eyes. "I am not," Mom denied. "Your territory has been threatened by her but compromises can be struck," Rory told her. "Like?" Mom wondered.

"We can call you Mom and we call her Mommy Sherry," I suggested. "Evil!" Mom exclaimed.

"We can be with you on Labour Day and her on Memorial Day," Rory added. "Okay, that's enough," Mom rolled her eyes. "We need to find out if she's Jewish..what about Hanukkah?" I asked Rory. "If she isn't, Mom can convert to Judaism," she told me.

"Okay, stop," Mom mumbled. I lay down on the left side while Rory took the right. "Are you guys gonna go?" Mom asked us. "We'll have to think about it," I mumbled. "You have to because you know it's killing me and you want to torture me?"

"I just don't know if I want to," I admitted. "Same here," Rory mumbled. "Nice of him to ask though because we are rooting for Dad."

"I was a little possessive," Mom mumbled. "And totally jealous of Sherry," I piped up. "You are an evil child," Mom chuckled. "I know," I murmured in content.

I heard a knock on the door and Mom went to answer it. "I need a new room," I heard Grandma's voice. "What?" Mom mumbled. "I can't stay in that room," she grumbled. "There are no more rooms Mom," Mom told her.

"Well, I'll go home then," Grandma sighed. "It's late," Rory pointed out. "And dark," I added.

"And the roads are icy," Mom told her. "You can't drive."

"I'm not going back to that room," Grandma insisted. "So, I'm guessing you and Dad had it out?" Mom sussed out. "We haven't spoken since dinner," Grandma admitted. "I'm so upset, I don't know where to begin. I couldn't take being around him anymore. What he did is inexcusable, not letting me know he left his job?!"

"You take my bed, Mom, I'll sleep on the floor," Mom offered. "I'm just a burden," Grandma murmured. "No, you're not," Mom said.

"Okay, thank you," Grandma mumbled. "Can I use the mirror in the bathroom for a second?"

"Yeah," Mom said. "I'll use the one out here." Me and Rory sat up and we noticed that Mom and Grandma were doing the exact same thing. The exact, movements and all!

"Behold, our future," I whispered to Rory. "Good night," Mom muttered. "Goodnight," Grandma said. She lay down for a second but got back up. "I'm going for a walk."

"But it's late," Rory protested. "I'm not tired," Grandma said and she left. "Does that mean I can take the bed back?" Mom wondered.

I nestled my head into the pillow and I closed my eyes.


"Hey," Rory shook me to wake me up. "I read your sticky note."

"The stuff Tessa told me?" I murmured. "Yeah, you looking forward to it?" Rory asked me.

"Yeah, we're gonna make our own short movie," I told her. "Ooh, can I join?" Rory asked me. "You're the camerawoman then." I told her.

"What's it about?" Rory asked me. "Murder in a small town, ooh, you wanna be the dead body?" I asked her.

"Yeah," Rory smiled. "So who's gonna be in it?"

"Well I'm the detective and you're the victim, I'll cast Lane, maybe Dean or Jess."

"Careful, don't put those two in the same scene," Rory warned me. "So, any update on the Jess and Heather love story?"

"Shush," I scolded her. "We had a nice time on the sleigh."

"He went on the sleigh with you?" Rory smiled. "Jumped onto it, while it was moving," I explained. "There may have been hand holding."

Rory squealed. "Shush," I muttered.

We went downstairs. "Maybe ask Paris if she wants to be in it, I'll ask Andrea," I suggested. We went downstairs and Jess and I exchanged that look. He gave Rory a friendly nod.

"Now," Rory picked up a bag. "Oreos to dip in Nutella, let's go."

"Yes!" I cheered and we ran outside. We leapt onto the sleigh. "Back in a bit," Rory called to Mom. "I'll drag our bags home, have fun!" she called back.

"What's wrong?" I asked Rory once she didn't speak after a minute. "Do you think Dean gets jealous of males?" she asked me. "Please be honest, don't lie."

"You mean humans, right?" I laughed at Rory's choice of words. "Yes," she groaned. "Answer the question!" 

"Okay, well, I'd like to bring up the whole Romeo and Juliet rehearsal thing," I muttered. Rory sighed. "Why, who's he jealous of?"

"Jess," she told me. "But I don't like him like that, I'm rooting for you and Jess, we've never exchanged a conversation that lasts more than two minutes."

"Dean is jealous of Jess?" I raised my eyebrow. "When Jess smiled at you, I think that Dean thought he was looking at me," she sighed. "But..he was looking at me," I told her. "Oh, Ror."

"I know, I'm worried something bad will happen," she sighed. "Well, you're allowed to have friends who are males," I told her. "Didn't Jess get jealous of Tristan?" Rory asked me. "But Jess and I aren't together," I clarified. "Yet," Rory smirked opening the Nutella.

"Keep me updated, okay?" I asked her. "Thanks, Hezzy," Rory mumbled. "That's what twins are for, prying into each other's personal lives."

"Oh, my God!" Rory gasped, pointing at the square. The snowman, that was sculpted by Michelangelo, got destroyed.


"I had nothing to do with it, I swear!" I put my hands up in mock surrender.

That's when it hit me.


"But I think I know who did," I smirked. Me and Rory continued stuffing ourselves as the sleigh kept moving.

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