A jarring situation

By Reallywierdguy

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This is a Male reader x Giantess story You are a rather normal human being whos looking for a little excitmen... More

What The F*&@ just happened?!
Good Boy
The lady
Little authors note
A little time with Altea
The light at the end of the tunnel
The good news
Goodbye(Chapter not a goodbye message)
The Family
Poor little guy
Are you ok?
The thought Maze
The long way down
The blues
"Robin are you ready?"
Into the unknown
The cave

"Oh No"

10.4K 36 6
By Reallywierdguy

Your eyes are groggy liked fogged windows as you slowly open them. The ground feels hard and unforgiving as you feel around for a second. After adjusting to the rather bright light, your eyes widen as you realize where you are
"Oh no.."
"No no no"
You start to panic as you jolt up and walk forward putting you hands on the glass. You look around to see a complete see through cylinder with some sort of lid covering it, You also notice a sticker on the other side of the glass.
You squint at the writing, unfortunately its backwards for you but you can just make it out.
"Likes and dislikes?"
You read out in your head. You shake your head in disbelief that you are in a small mason jar. The impact of the situation is heavy on your mind. When suddenly, "thump" "thump" you hear massive booming noises each one louder than the last almost as if something is getting closer.

A massive shadow casts over you. You gulp and slowly turn your head until you come to eye contact with Robin, who has her the top of her head pressed against the little jar you are currently being held in. It startles you as you back into the wall and spread your arms, like you are trying to pull yourself as far away as possible. In other words your utterly terrified.

You terrified expression matched with your tiny state seem to conjure some sort of concern in Robin.
"Awww, don't be afraid little guy"
She says with concern.
You stood your ground as your breathing got heavy. Your eyes darted from left to right for some sort of escape plan. But nonetheless no plan was possible right now.
"Y/N, Hellooooo~"
She says in a playful tone as she taps the glass. The loud clicks shake your being as you shut your eyes like its a bad dream.

"Well are you gonna say anything cutiepie?"
She asks with a smile
You find courage in you to speak up
"R-robin, W-what happened to me"
You ask
She giggles
"Whats so funny"
You ask concerned
"Its your voice, it sounds so squeaky and cute" she says as she holds her hands up to her cheeks.
"Robin this isn't funny, I'm a little freaked out right now" you say with a little attitude in your voice.

"Alright, alright, I guess i should explain"
She says.
Explain? You thought to yourself, this wasn't her doing was it?.

You braced for the explanation.
"You see my little cutie, I'm a witch, I know what your thinking, wait those don't exist well, surprise we do! And lots of other monsters to although I'd rather not go into detail right now"

You cant believe what you are hearing, but than again you are 3 inches tall sitting inside a glass mason jar, so its not impossible to believe. Robin continues

"Anyway, I run this lovely little shop over the internet for other creatures, and obviously I sell humans, Mostly for pet use. So the other day when I was looking for candidates, I saw you my little munchkin. A vampire lady who I'm good friends with placed an order for someone who fit your description. So all I had to do was get you to my place. And then boom shrink you a bit"

This only made you feel worse as you slid down the wall of your glass prison. You started to hyperventilate.

Robins smile turned to panic as she noticed you keel over. She gasped as she popped the top off your jar and gently picked you up between her thumb and forefinger. You started to struggle and panic, shaking violently in her grasp.

"Whoa, Calm down pet, its ok"

You wanted to scream at her with all your might, but knowing how small you are and how big she is you didn't want to risk getting hurt by her. That still didn't stop you from kicking and hitting her finger.

"Hey stop it"
She said
She said again with a little more agitation
She yelled, As she did her grip tightened for a split second nearly crushing your tiny figure.

The pain you felt after was enough to send you to tears, and you definitely  stopped after that. A few tears rolled down your cheek as you looked at her with a terrified expression.
She gasped
"OMG!! I'm so sorry sweetheart!!!"
She said as she rubbed you head with her finger.
"Are you ok little one?"
She asked
You didn't reply. All you could do was stare in fear. Luckily you didn't think anything was broken. So you knew you were ok, but the shock from the yell and pain was still wearing on you a bit.

"Here, Back into your little jar for now"
She said cautiously putting you back in.
"I'll have to make it up later I have to leave, but here"
She puts some form of food in the little tin bowl and a water bowl in there for you as well.

" I'm gonna leave this tv on for you so you don't die of boredom"

It was in some cartoon channel you liked. I mean on the bright side she listened to your interests.

"Ill be back in a few hours pet, I promise I'll make it up to you later tonight"

She smiles one last time with a slight  sadness and regret in her eyes as she shuts the door.

You stand in your jar and look out, she seemed to move you closer to the window. you press your head against the glass and look down, you see all the way down to the pavement. You back up and sit down defeated in your jar and sigh. You take a bite of whatever she put in that tin.

"Thats not bad"
You say.

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