Superman's Daughter (Young Ju...

By hikari46

137K 3.1K 772

A girl named Kathleen Kent is the daughter of Superman. Her powers are completely different from him except s... More

Characters of the Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Special Chapter: Valentines Day
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Author's Note
Special Chapter: Young Justice Live Show
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

15.3K 274 88
By hikari46

*Kathleen P.O.V*

I told the Justice League about the vision that I have today and they will just act as if they didn't know what will happened next.. since they defeat them in easily

not to mention today is the day where I met Robin A.K.A Richard 'Dick' Grayson, Aqualad A.K.A Kaldur, Kid Flash A.K.A Wally West and Speedy A.K.A Roy Harper

I sense that Martian Man Hunter, Red Tornado, Batman,Aquaman,Flash, Green Arrow and the side kicks are here

suddenly I hear what the person said "and of course our library... Athena there here" I stand up and face them so the other's won't know that I'm blind

I replied "I already sense it, Martian Man Hunter"

"why is she here? in the first place?" it was Speedy

"my father brought me here and leave since he has something to do" I shrugged

"who are you anyway? I never met her or us"

"um... actually I met her.. and she is the daughter of Superman" it was Wally voice since he knows my codename and doesn't know my powers aside from super hearing and super strenght

I can feel that he approach me and give a hug.. I chuckled and hug him back

"since when did Superman had a daughter?" it was Robin voice

"Superman hide his daughter ever since Kathyrn died -" I cut Batman's said

"when my mother give birth to me and father hide me since he wanted to protect me"

"she's correct" for some reason I could feel that the Justice League especially my father is hiding something important to me

"make yourselves at home" it was Flash

Wally pull from the hug and put me on his shoulder while he holds my waist for avoid from falling

"as usual light as a feather Athena... Flash couldn't tell me that your here ahead of us" said Wally

I replied "I just wanted to surprised you and my father left me here doing nothing except taking a nap" I could hear he chuckled

"what is your real name? if you don't mind me asking" said Robin

"since I trusted you guys.. my real name is Kathleen"

"I should call you Kathy then" I frowned at my nickname

"father is the only one who called me that Kathy"

"you'll get wrinkles for that dear Kathy" I sigh and look away

suddenly I get a vision


"ahh... Athena.. get more D.N.A from her! she's one of the strongest in Justice League"

I was screamed in pain as everyone calling my name


suddenly someone broke it and the pain stop someone catch me and place the person hand on my cheek

"Athena? please... talk to me" it was Robin voice

~Vision Ends~

"!" I snapped out

I was being place on the ground as someone hold my hand

"Athena are you alright?" it was Wally who hold my hand and talk to me

I replied "ye-yeah.. why?"

"your in deep thought what's wrong?"

I never let anyone show my vision when I was in danger

"I'm just nervous that's all" as I laugh nervously

I could tell that Wally couldn't buy it since I'm a terrible liar.. I approach Batman and the others

"your right the ice villians are attacking us on the same day, Athena" it was Batman voice

I replied "the question is why would they attack on the very same day?"

"recognized Batman 02"

"Aquaman 06"

"Flash 04"

"Green Arrow 08

"Martian Manhunter 07"

"Red Tornado 16"

"Athena 00"

"that's it" it was Speedy as we turn around

"you promised us a real look inside, not a glorified back stage pass" I mentally sigh

"it's a first step.. you've been granted access few others get" said Aquaman

"oh, really? who cares which side of the glass were on?"

"Roy, you just need to be patient" said Green Arrow

"what I need is respect... they're treating us like kids worst like side kicks.. we deserve better than this" as no one could answer it "your kidding right? your playing their game?why? today was supposed to be the day,step one in becoming full-fledge members of the League"

"well, sure.. but I thought step one was a tour of the HQ" said Wally

"except the hall isn't the League's real HQ" our eyes are wide opened as Speedy knows the Watch Tower "I bet they never told you it's just a false front for tourist and a pit stop for catching zeta beam teleporter to the real thing, an orbiniting satelite called the Watch Tower"

I could sense that the League are staring at Green Arrow minus me.. instead I look down and scratch my neck.. I'm sure Wally will ask me for this

"I know, I know, but I thought maybe we could make and exception aside from Athena" I could sense that Batman is glaring at him "or not"

I replied "why am I included again?"

"cause your one of us" Kid Flash, Aqualad,Robin and Speedy are look at me surprisingly I guess

"I can't believe you said that to him" I sigh

"your not helping your cause here, son.. stand down or-" said Aquaman as he was being cut off by Speedy

"or what? you'll send me to my room? and I'm not your son! I'm not even his.. I thought he was my partner, but not anymore"

Speedy throw something and I couldn't know what the object is

"guess they're right about you 3.. your not ready and by the way, Athena" I look at Speedy

I replied "yes?"

"I know everything about you... especially your curse" I paled

"Kath..." as Wally whispered at my name

"did Green Arrow or Kid Flash told you about it?" in a stern tone

"why don't you ask them?" I could sense that his presence is already gone

I look at Green Arrow and said "why?" in a angry tone

"he was curious about you, Athena and -" I cut him off

"save it for your excuse" as I rub my temples

suddenly I hear the computer turned on

"Superman to Justice League. there's been an explosion at Project Cadmus. it's on fire" it was my father voice

I stay put and sit down on the ground

"I've had my suspicious about Cadmus... this may present the perfect oppurtunity to in-" Batman was being cut off

"Zatara to Justice League. the sorcerer Wotan is using the amulet of attan to blot out the sun. requesting full League response" it was Zatara

"Superman?" said Batman

"it's a small fire local authorities have it under control" said my father

"then Cadmus can wait.. all League's rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates Batman out"

I stand up and face with them.. I sense that Aqualad,Kid Flash and Robin are with me

"stay put" said Batman

"what, why?" said Robin

"this is a League Mission" said Aquaman

"your not train.. unlike Athena here" said Flash

"since when?" said Wally

"I meant your not trained to work as part of this team"

"there will be other mission when your ready" said Aquaman

"but for now, stay put" said Batman

"Athena.. we know that your in deep thought what's wrong?"

I replied "well... I see another vision about Cadmus and it's not a big deal" more like a big deal to me since I'll be hurt most

"Athena.. why don't you stay here and get a plenty of rest since your having a mission last night with Zatara" said Flash

"I will thank you for your concern"

the Justice League members are already left since I felt it

"when were ready? how are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like-- like sidekicks unlike Athena here.. she already been a HERO of her own" said Wally

I replied "please.. don't make me compare to you guys... it makes me feel bad" I sigh

"my mentor, my King, I thought he trusted me"

"he did trust you Aqualad... when I was having a mission to Aquaman.. he told me about you and proud to have a person like you" as I give him a reassuring smile

"but what did Speedy said about the curse?" in a curious tone

"you and Robin can be trusted...... Kid Flash you owe me something" as I glared my brother

"aww.. you know you love me younger sister" said Kid Flash

"since when are you two are siblings?" said Robin

"ever since I met her and take good care of Athena" as Kid Flash wrap his arms around my shoulder to pull me close

"that's when you form a bond?"

"precisely.. about the curse well... Athena can I?" I nod "well... Athena is blind ever since she was born"

"what!? how come!? if she is blind, how come that Kathy is one of the members in League?"

"is that related to curse?" as Aqualad ask

I replied "yeah... my father told me that someone put a curse on me and these red eyes... represent that I was blind person" as I smile sadly

I was wearing my costume.. my hair turned into purple as my eyes turned into purple... two big red ribbons side of my hair each sides. my lower part is with black stockings and black doll shoes... Sophia is the one who described for being the Athena... since when did the Goddess have purple hair?

"then how come your eyes are not red?" Robin ask a question

"that's because to hide my identity and this is not my true form" I shrugged and flipped my hair

"I have a better question, why didn't we leave with Speedy?" no one could answer that question since Speedy somehow jealous at me that I become a member with them while he don't

"what is Project Cadmus?" Aquald ask as I froze then relax

"Athena you know!?" Kid Flash said

I replied "I do know but, you can search it"

"why!?" he whinned

"I'm too lazy to explain it" I shrugged

"are you sure about this?" Robin ask me

I nod and don't care if they hack it

*Robin P.O.V*

it's hard to imagine that Athena- I mean Kathy is blind... the question is how did she make it to the Justice League team? she dodged the question on the last part that I ask her. yet what kind of vision? does Kathy has a vision?

I was typing something on the computer it says 'access denied'

I replied "heh. want to bet?" as I hack the computer

Kid Flash said "whoa! how are you doing that?"

"same system as the bat cave"

'access granted'

"all right... project Cadmus Genetics Lab here in D.C.. that's all there is, but if Batman's suspicious, maybe we should investigate" as I told them

Aqualad said "solve their cases before they do. it would be poetic justice"

"hey! they're all about Justice"

Aqualad sigh "but they told us to stay put"

Kathy said "you could break the rules, Aqualad besides... if you guys stay put.. who knows what will happened if we didn't investigate it"

Kid Flash said "wait, are you going to Cadmus? because if your going I'm going... wait stay put Athena your father will kill me for this!" he look so pale like K.F seen a ghost!

"if I stay put... I'll throw you Away from the Hall of Justice for staying here" in a serious tone. who would have thought that she could be mean sometimes

"you can't be serious"

"I am serious as always" she shrugged

Aqualad said "just like that we're a team on a mission?"

I replied "we didn't come here for a play date" I look at Kathy

Kathy said "you guys lead the way and don't ever think that I'm a fragile girl"

I approach her and carry her in bridal style... I could have sworn she blushed furiously not to mention.. Kathy is light as feather

K.F said "you said we didn't come here for play date and no touching my sister"

he snatch my Athena.. woah.. did I just said my Athena!? I just only met her today! I mean she looks pretty and calm person at the very young age... yet it is not her true form? what was that supposed to mean?

*Kathleen P.O.V*

my chibi person known as Sophia is hiding from my hair since she's the one who told me where I could go. one of my father's God Daughter is the one who gave me Sophia since were look alike I guess.

I sense that Wally is saving the two person that is about to fall since Sophia told me

one of the person said "that's Flash Boy! and Athena is here!?"

"it's Kid Flash! why is that so hard?" it was Wally since I have super hearing

'Kathleen, Wally is about to fall down... in front of your their is a window opened where the 2 guys are about to fall a while ago' it was Sophia.. she can telepathy through me only and ability to look computers or electronic devices by scanning them

I replied 'I'm on it' I fly and used my super strenght to pull him up

"thanks.. Athena" said Wally

I replied "your welcome Kid Flash" as I closed eye smile at him

I sense that Robin is doing something on the computer while Aqualad came inside

he said "appreciate the help and Athena you were able to help Kid Flash" in a surprised tone

I replied "the air told me where Kid Flash is and I help him out" as I made a lie

'Athena, he's right next to you and smack his head.. now' said Sophia

"that's not-" I cut Kid Flash as smacking his head "ow!" he knows about Sophia and I wanted my team to be surprised

"remind me never let Athena on a bad side" said Robin

I chuckled and shook my head... suddenly I sense something

'Sophia lead me out of this room now' I have a bad feeling about this

'step forward 4 times' as I step forward 4 times

'next' as I wait for his reply

'turn left and I see something' I turn left

'well?' as I wait for her reply

'it's closed'

"that's strange.." as I whispered myself

"elevators should be lock down" I sense that Kid Flash is next to me

"there's something wrong on the elevator"

I feel someone touch my hand and it was Robin.. his arm is so warm.. but, I was sad that he let go... but why?

"Athena is right... thought so this is a high speed express elevator.. it doesn't belong in a two-story building"

'Sophia... check something about the Cadmus and keep me update' I need to find a way were no one could take my D.N.A the question is how?

'I'm on it but... what about your father?' I mentally sigh.. father is going to kill me for breaking the rules since I'm getting used to his scolded

'just keep me posted okay?'

'understood, Kathleen'

I snapped back when someone is opening the elevator

"and that's why they need an express elevator" said Robin

"Athena.... um.." said Kid Flash

I replied "I can fly"

I fall down and wait for them to arrived

'Kathleen.. Bruce already know that Dick is hacking the computer and they will come' I mentally sigh

'who else?'

'your father and he went on rage when you left with them'

'an over protective father as always' when will he ever learn that I need to make my own decision?

'be careful Kathleen, you have many enemies ahead of us'

'great just great.. anything else?'

'were on the underground and be careful'

'I will' as we end our conversation

the Justice League will kill me for this.. letting them go when I was about to rest

*Robin P.O.V*

I stop at S.L. 26 as Athena is next to me "by passing security.. there go!" as I hack it

Aqualad opened the elevator.. I hold Athena hands and walk in silently then stop

"welcome to Project Cadmus"

Kid Flash run quickly as we catch up on him

"Kid! wait" as Aqualad whispered

we stop as Aqualad,K.F and me watch the huge like elephant is walking

Athena said "what did you see?"

I replied "huge monster"

"no.. nothing odd in here"

"G-gnome" as Athena whispered

I replied "what is G-gnome?"

"we shouldn't let anyone see us especially the G-gnome" in a serious tone

"o-okay" I never ask her anymore question

*Athena P.O.V*

"okay.. I'm officially whelmed" said Robin

all I ever hear is electric? and Robin will always hold my arm why?

"this is how they hid this massive underground facility from the world.. the real Cadmus isn't on the grid it generates it's own power with these things.. must be what they're bred for" said Kid Flash

I replied "I was surprised that you are smart when it comes to this even though your an idiot" in a surprised tone

Robin snickered at my comment

"is that a compliment or an insult?" Kid Flash ask me a question

I replied "both I guess.. the name Cadmus is one of the clues. the Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragons teeth into the Earth" as I leaned my head on Robin's shoulder

"and this Cadmus creates a new life, too" said Robin "let's ask our Athena since she knows the Cadmus"

"well... first of all the one you call themselves are monster... they are Genomorphs.. they have super strenght, telepathy,razor claws.. these are living weapons"

"since when did you learn it?"

"father record his voice then I listen every lesson and learn it well"

"they're an Engineering an army, but for who?" said Kid Flash

"umm... guys their is something else! Project Kr.. ugh! the files triple-encrypted.. I can't-" said Robin

I sense that someone is coming!

"don't move!" it's Guardian! "wait. Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Athena?"

"at least he got your real name right" said Robin as I chuckled and shook my head

"I know you. Guardian, a hero" said Aqualad

"then what are you doing here?" said Kid Flash

"I'm a chief of security. you're tresspassing, but we can call the League and Athena... I'm very disappointed in you even though your one of the League's member" said Guardian

"I don't care if I'm a member or not all we ever wanted is to find some answers, Guardian" in a stern tone

"stubborn as usual Athena"

"I'll just leave that comment.. you really think that the League's including myself gonna approve of you? breeding weapons?"

"weapons? what are you -- what have I--ugh.. my head.. take them down hard" I narrowed my eyes

"yeah.. he was being manipulated... stand back"

I put my two fingers on my mouth then blew as I froze them

"you blew an ice!? I never seen you an actual battle before! Athena" said Kid Flash

I replied "get used to it! Kid Flash attack on the right side! Aqualad on you left! while I attack on the center! got it!?" as I explain my plan

"on it!"

'Athena there are 20 G-gnome ahead of us.. used your ice powers to freeze them' said Sophia

'got it, keep me update'

'as you wish Kathleen'

I raise both of my arms.. rotate on clockwise then push them using my ice powers

'the G-gnome are already frozen Kathleen'

I'm glad they freeze suddenly I sense that Robin is carrying me in bridal style.. as we head who knows where.. he stop and put me down gently

Robin said "your good at battle let K.F and Aqualad handle it"

I replied "are you sure about this?"

"yeah.. I'm sure" I could tell he shrugged and hack into something

I sense that K.F is next to me

he said "way to be team player, Rob. and Athena you left us!"

I replied "I was being captured by wonder boy in here" in a blunt tone

"it's boy wonder, my dear Athena" said Robin

"wonder boy for me.. don't make me change my mind"

'Kathleen the elevator is opened.. Dick hack it and get inside step sideward on your left then get in'

'I'm on it'

I do as what she said and get inside on the elevator

"are you really blind Athena?" said Robin

I replied "yes I am, why?"

"it's hard to tell your blind and it looks like you know where we headed"

'that's because I told Kathleen' I chuckled at Sophia's answer.. Dick didn't know nor Kid Flash does since Sophia could only telepathy on me.. not to mention she always hide on my hair no one still notice it until now

I replied "I just hide it being a blind person.... Aqualad will be here now"

I sense that Aqualad is running towards us.. I used my telekinesis to stop G-gnome as Aqualad made it inside and the elevator is closed

"we're headed down?" said Aqualad

"dude, out is up" said Kid Flash

"excuse me? Project Kr. it's down on sub-level 52" said Robin

"this is out of control.. perhaps-- perhaps we should contact the League" said Aqualad

I replied "contact them and were being scolded by the mentor and the rest then they will blame me for not stopping you guys"

"we will defend you, Athena"

"believe me Aqualad.. I've been worse"

'Kathleen...' in a worry tone

'don't worry.. I'll be alright and go out and hide yourselves when one of the enemies put me on tube okay?' I just don't want her to be in danger

'but- I can protect you.. Kathleen'

'you can't protect me and your like my younger sister to me Sophia... please just do it okay?'

'I understand.. just be careful' as we end our conversation

as we heard the elevator stop.. Robin grab my arm as we run

I told Robin "why are you holding my hands?"

Robin said "cause you'll be doing Damsel in distress" I roll my eyes

"as if that's going to happened, wonder boy"

I sense that Aqualad and Kid flash are behind us

"which way?" as Aqualad ask

"yeah.. bizarre- looking hallway one or bizarre-looking hallway two?"

I closed my eyes where Project Kr is.. then I opened my eyes

"hallway two, where we could find Project Kr is all about" I guess Robin and Aqualad are surprised except for Wally since he knows I'm a sensory type

'Kathleen... Project Kr is Super man's clone' what!?

'how?' in a surprised tone

when Sophia is about to speak we have company!


the person is telekinesis! when I was about to attack.. someone is carry me on bridal style.. this heart beat belongs to Robin!

Robin put me down and doing something

"I disabled the door.. were safe" said Robin

"were trapped" said Aqualad

somehow the heart beat is so familiar it's like my father is here or his clone

"uh guys. you'll want to see this" said Kid Flash

"whoa" said Robin

I replied "um.. what is going on? what did you guys see?" I hold Robin's hand as I see then mentally gasped... that's my father clone!? it looks like him.. the question is why did they make a clone?

"big K little r the atomic symbol for krypton. clone?" said Kid Flash

"Robin, hack" said Aqualad

"oh, right,right" said Robin I guess he hack into information "weapon designation Superboy, a clone force-grown.. in 16 weeks! from D.N.A acquired from Superman" in a surprised tone

I replied "stolen from father"

"no way the big guy knows about this" said Kid Flash

"solar suits allow him to absorb yellow sun radiation 24/7" said Robin

"and these creatures?" Aqualad ask

"Genomorph gnomes, telepathic, force-feeding him an education"

"and we can guess what else. they're making a slave out of, well, Superman's son.. Athena did you have a brother?" as Kid Flash ask me a question

I replied "if I have... I already told you about it.. but I have no siblings at all" I smile sadly I really wanted to have sibling but, my mother died

"now.. we contact the League" said Aqualad

'Sophia, can you contact my father?' as I ask her a favor

'I can't it's pretty deep down and my powers somehow prohibit me doing something' they have sealing powers in here?

'go and report my father about this' in a serious tone

'okay, Kathleen' she jumped and leave silently

"no signal" said Robin

I replied "were in too deep literally"

"this is wrong" said Kid Flash

"we can't leave him like this"

hey may knock me out because I see what will happened to me.. especially he will get my D.N.A

"set him it" said Aqualad

I sense that Robin set him free.. then Superboy punch someone it was Aqualad

Robin and Kid Flash are stopping Superboy

"whoa! hang on, Supey!" said Kid Flash

"were on your side" said Robin

I replied "they are right" Superboy knocked out Kid Flash

"I don't wanna do this!"

"Robin let go! let me handle this!" I run and kick Superboy on the stomach to make him fly away

"Athena, look out!" I move and punch him on the chest

"we are trying to help you! Superboy!"

Superboy grab my throat

"Athena!" I grab his arm when he was in pain then throw at me.. as I was being knock out

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