Torn Apart

By SanderStalker

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Two brothers They loved each other more than anything Two brothers They were inseparable Two brothers They... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

625 51 54
By SanderStalker

Trigger warning: Slight injury, slight blood warning

A few days later all the paperwork has been filed and the changes had been made. Remus now found himself staring at the prison that he would spend six hours at everyday, five days a week. It was newer building than his old school. It looked cheerful and welcoming. Remus hated it. He sauntered in and made his way in the direction he assumed would be the office.

“Oh! You must be the new student.” The man at the front desk said. “Remus, correct?” 

“The one and only,” Remus replied exasperated.

“Well it is a pleasure to meet you. I am the school counselor Emile Picani. Do you, how do?” Emile said enthusiastically. 

“Uh, what?” Remus said confused. 

“That’s just my silly way of ‘saying how do you do?’” The bubbly counselor explained. 

“ fine.” Remus replied caught slightly off guard. 

“Alrighty here is your schedule, and a map, and if you could sit down there I called for a fellow student to show you around. He will be here soon.” Emile intructed. 

“Fabulous.” Remus said with zero enthusiasim. He walked to the chairs, he looked over his shoulder at Emile pointing at the chairs to make sure he had it right. Emile smiled and nodded. Remus smirked, nodded and walked out of the room. 

“What just happened?” Emile said perplexed at the odd behavior. 

“Hey Dad!” Emile turned to see his son Patton walk into the room. “You said there was a new kid you wanted me to show around?” 

“Yeah,” Emile said looking at the door the boy had just walked out of.

“Well, where is he?” Patton looked around frowning slightly not seeing anyone else in the room. 

“He just walked out.” Emile explained. “Even though I asked him to wait for you.” 

“Maybe he is an independent eager beaver who wanted to find his way on his own.” Patton said. 

“That’s a thought he was awfully rude about it.” Emile said but shrugged it off. “Here Pat, this is his schedule. Go make sure he made it to his class.” 

Patton took the paper and saluted his dad with a goofy grin then headed out of the room. 

“Hmm, lets see… Remus Duke, he should be…” before he could figure it out the bell for lunch started ringing. “Oh dear, well I’ll check after lunch. 

Patton made his way to the cafeteria where he spotted Roman talking to Logan. Patton skipped over and sat down next to his friends. “Hi kiddos!” Patton said cheerfully. 

“Patton, I will stress once again we are both several months older than you.” Logan said not for the first time. 

“Leave it alone specs you know he will never change. And we like it that way.” Roman said throwing his arms around each of his friends shoulders. Much to Logan’s annoyance. “So Pat, how was the new kid?” Roman asked. Patton had mentioned it to the others that morning. 

“I don’t know he wasn’t in the office when I got there and I haven’t found him yet.” Patton explained. 

“Well perhaps we should split up and look for him. Being in a new environment, it would be best having a guide sooner rather than later.” Logan stated. 

“Good point Logi. Sound okay with you Ro?” Patton asked. 

“A damsel in possible distress how can I deny that.” So the rest of lunch the group split up to look. 


Remus wasn’t sure where he was, but he didn’t care according to his schedule he was at lunch right now. He decided to use this time to find his class.  He had been walking aimlessly for a while when the numbers on the doors of the classrooms started looking closer to the right one. So he kept moving in that direction. He rounded a corner and slammed into someone both parties falling to the ground hard. 

“Oh, goodness. I’m sorry kiddo, didn’t see ya there.” A boy with round rimmed glasses and a blue T-shirt said as he offered a hand to Remus.  Remus ignored it and stood up. The other frowned in confusion. “You okay?” He asked. 

Remus rolled his eyes, “100% peachy keen.” 

“O...okay. So did you have any luck finding him?” Blue boy asked. 

“Finding who?” Remus asked really lost at this point in the conversation. 

“You know the new kid, also when did you change your clothes?” The other asked. 

“I changed my clothes this morning when I woke up, and I am the new kid so I have no fucking clue what the hell you are talking about.” Remus spat with venom very annoyed. He didn’t like being confused. 

“Oh, goodness my bad. You look just like my friend Roman and…” Patton didn’t get to finish his statement because he was now pinned against the lockers. 

“Roman! Roman Prince and he looks like me!” Remus shouted his eyes filled with uncertainty and the smallest amount of hope. 

“Uh, y-yes.” Patton stammered out genuinely afraid. “Can you let me go?” 

“Where is he? Where can I find him!” Remus said not dropping Patton. 

Patton’s eyes darted around looking for an escape. Remus got frustrated and shook Patton's shoulders, unfortunately in his desperateness he shook too hard and hit Patton's  head against the lockers. 

Patton cried out in pain. It was only then did Remus realize what he was doing. He could feel the other boy’s body shaking in his grip. Remus immediately dropped him and Patton crumpled to his knees still shaking as he pressed his hands to the back of his head. 


He hurt someone. Remus hurt someone. He had promised never to hurt someone. Sure he would cause fights, but he never fought back. He didn’t want to be anything like his father. He may act like a smug asshole, but he wasn’t. 


“I’m sorry! I didn’t... I wasn’t... please... '' Remus reached out to the boy he had just met who was now crying fearfully. The boy flinched away at the movement. 

“Patton!” Someone screamed and Remus turned to face the person only to be met with a fist, which sent him to the ground. Remus looked up to see a very angry mirror glaring at him. But when the mirror eyes met his the mirror went from anger to shock. 

“Roman? Is that you?” Remus asked excitedly scrambling to his feet forgetting everything that was done before.

“Uh, yes.” Roman stated. Remus quickly rushed forward crushing a very confused Roman in a hug.

“It’s you! Oh my god! I never thought I would see you again. I mean I always hoped, but I never thought it would actually happen.” Remus was so excited. After all these years he finally found the one thing that had given him hope. The thing he could hold onto during his worse nights when the world looked the most bleak. The nights he just wanted everything to stop, but he couldn’t just stop because he had to find Roman and he had done it, and he was in his arms. He never wanted to let go. 

It took Roman a minute to register what was happening once he did he pushed his doppelganger off of him. “What are you talking about?” 

“It’s me Roman! Its Remus.” Remus said desperately. Roman just gave a blank expression no recognition on his face. “It’s me!” Remus screached. 

Patton whimpered, from his spot on the floor. He really hated arguing and his head was pounding the loud noises didn’t help. Roman’s head snapped to his friend. He quickly placed his body between Remus and his friend. A threatening look coming to Roman’s face. 

“God fucking Damn it Roman! It's Me! Your twin brother! It’s me!” Remus felt like he was gonna cry. 

Suddenly recognition flashed in Roman’s eyes, “Oh, right… Remus, um” Roman was very stuck for what to say. He tried to think back to the little boy buried in his memory, but it was so long ago. He knew that Remus existed, but he never really expected to run into him.

“You aren’t happy. Why aren’t you happy?” Remus asked, seeing the uncomfortable look on his brother's face. This was a good thing they would finally get to be together, just like they used to. 

“R-roman” Patton had just pulled his hand away from the back of his head to see a red sticky substance on his hands. His head had gotten cut on an unfortunately sharp door hinge on one of the lockers. Patton felt himself getting light headed. He was one of those people who were not good with blood. Roman took off his jacket and placed it over Patton’s blood stained hand so his friend couldn’t see it. He could buy a new jacket.

Remus felt his blood run cold and Roman’s ran hot with fury. He didn’t care who this person was. Brother or no he had hurt his best friend. He stood up from Patton and walked over to Remus before grabbing him by the collar and shoving him against the lockers. 

“Stay away from us. I ever see you near Patton again and I will not hesitate to end you. And stay the Hell away from me.” Roman growled dangerously in Remus’s face. Remus was frozen. Roman shoved off of Remus and bent down next to his sobbing friend, attempting to console him. Remus didn’t move. How could he, he had just ruined everything. Roman glanced up to see that Remus hadn’t moved. “Didn’t you hear me? GO AWAY!” 

Something snapped inside of Remus. He started laughing, a cold dead laugh. It was maniacal and crazy. It made Patton sob louder and Roman to shudder. “Oh Wromin you don’t wike wittle ole me, do you? That’s too bad. Ah, well I’ll see ya around. I can guarantee it.” Remus sneered before walking away. The bell for the end of lunch rang and the halls were flooded with kids Remus getting lost in the crowd. Roman quickly got Patton to the nurses office. 

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