I Could, I Should, I Will

Por writingsbydrea

18 2 2

This is a short story about a young girl named Naomi that spends her day trying to decide her future. Enjoy 😁 Mais

I Could, I Should, I Will

18 2 2
Por writingsbydrea

One day a little girl named Naomi was sitting in her room dreaming about what she wanted to do in life. Many ideas crossed her mind, and as she wrote them down she quietly said them aloud to herself.

"I think I'll start gardening," she said and she began to imagine her garden filled with delicious fruits and vegetables. "I can grow peaches and pears. I can plant tomatoes and peppers!" she exclaimed. "I could, I should, I will" she mouthed.

Naomi instantly had another idea and quickly wrote it down in her journal. "Maybe a blogger?" she questioned. "I can write reviews about food and books," she stated to herself. Naomi knew she loved reading books and talking about them too, so she put a tiny yellow star next to that idea. "I could
,I should, I will" she whispered.

As she moved her pencil down the page, she began to write the words voice actor. "Being silly in front of people can be intimidating," she said to herself. As the words left her mouth, her hand followed in almost crossing out the idea, but something stopped her. "What's the worst that could happen? I'm pretty sure a lot of people get a "kick" out of being someone else." she implied jokingly. Naomi reached for her flame red marker, and wrote the words "I could, I should, I will."

It was almost time for dinner and Naomi knew her mother would be calling her soon. "Just a few more minutes and dinner will be ready!," her mother shouted from the kitchen. "That's it!" Naomi bellowed. "I can become a chef."
She started doodling cake slices, and muffins on the bottom of her new blank page. Naomi even attempted to draw a plate of spaghetti noodles with big hearty meatballs. One of her sketches depicted her in a chef coat and hat in front of her own restaurant. "Wouldn't that be amazing," she marveled as she scribbled the words "I could, I should, I will" in the margins.

Naomi didn't want to keep her mother waiting downstairs, so she placed her journal on her nightstand and dashed to the kitchen. "Just set the table sweetheart and I'll bring the food," her mother instructed. While setting the table, Naomi began to think about her parent's careers, and the sacrifices they made everyday. "Do you like being a botanist mom? Does dad like being a teacher?" Naomi asked. "Of course! Your father and I love our jobs, and we respect the amount of work that goes into staying within our fields. My work with plants and your father's work with students can be the same in a way. The love and dedication we put into those working hours means a lot. However, do you know what our favorite job is?" Naomi's mom quizzed.
Naomi waited a moment and processed what her mother was asking. "Being the parents of Zeus and Naomi is our favorite job. You and Zeus are like the water for my plants. You both are nourishing and vital to our lives."

After dinner, Naomi went back upstairs to get ready for bed. After tucking her little brother into bed, Naomi's dad came by to read their nightly story. As her dad was looking for a story, he noticed the sparkling aqua blue journal sitting on the nightstand. "Hello, what do we have here?" he inquired. "It's my journal daddy of all the jobs I'm going to have," Naomi answered. "From the looks of it you have quite a lot to look forward to, but your missing a job," her father said. "What job is that?" Naomi asked. Her father grabbed a pen from his pocket and flipped back to the first page of her journal. When he finished writing his words, he turned the notebook around and said, "Don't ever forget to just be you." Naomi took the pen and right next to her father's words she wrote "I could, I should, I will."

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