Werewolf In Harlem

By NaughtyxNature

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She was being watched. She new it for sure. It had been going on for weeks now. She could feel every nerve in... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Eleven:
Please dont hate me😣
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
A/N Help!!!

Chapter Ten:

4.4K 265 83
By NaughtyxNature

A Small shift

Liz was getting nervous. The way Dave flew outta there lord knows what he was gonna do. It was obvious they way Max behaved really pisses him off. He told her he wouldn't do anything dumb, but that didn't mean he wouldn't. She did not want him to go to jail.

Finally he walked in looking completely normal. It took everything in her not to yell or smack the hell outta him. It night time now and he left mid day. That was too long to just be "blowing off steam".

"David," she said calmly. "It's been seven hours. Where have you been?"

"Don't worry. I told you I wouldn't do anything stupid."

"That don't mean you didn't."

"Just trust me okay?"

"Yeah okay." She did trust him. He always kept it a band with her so why wouldn't he now. Of course he didn't tell her everything, but she respected his privacy just as he sometimes respected hers. Even though he could be a little pushy.

"Let's just go lay down."

He grabbed her by the hand and led her to her room. Any other girl would've told his ass to sleep on the couch, but she realized following his lead was so much better.

He closed the door behind them and removed his jewelry sitting it on her dresser. Then he immediately ripped off his shirt. His body was immaculate! Tatted all over his muscular chest and arms. Some scattered on his abs. She knew he was a big man, but this was something else entirely. And then the nigga stripped out his shoes and pants. So now he was standing in the middle of her room with nothing but boxers and socks. She knew she was staring hard but didn't care one bit.

"Off." He said patting her leg.

He obviously wanted her to take her pants off and she happily obliged. Sliding then down her legs she watched him admire every movement. She was already turned on from seeing him now she was turned on from him seeing her. That look in his eyes was dangerous and she waited to see what he would do next. When he turned to flick the light switch she could see him rising beneath his boxers. Her mouth watered at the thought of what that could do.

He laid her down on the bed then cuddled behind her so they were spooning. She could feel him pressed against her and almost moaned out loud. And when he kissed the back of her neck...? She fucking melted.

"Goodnight mamas." He said.

Goodnight? The fuck he mean goodnight? So he just wanted to lay here half naked and go to sleep? Like his dick wasn't on swole and her shit wasn't on wet wet? Bullshit.

So instead she wiggled a little pretending to get comfortable, but obviously trying to get his attention. There was a need coursing through her having him so close like this. She was begging him like dog to satiate it. A deep grunt was all he gave so she tried again.

"No." He said.

"David..." she sounded like a whiny baby, but dammit who cared!

"Uh uh. Go to sleep."

"But - "

"Sleep, Melissa."

She sucked her teeth and tried to scoot away from him, but he just pulled her back. Taking a deep breath she stopped fighting and relaxed into his arms. He was exceedingly hot and if it wasn't so soothing she would've thought he had a fever and taken him to the hospital. But all it did was lull her to sleep.

David realized he had made a huge mistake. He lay there next to her listening to her snore trying so hard not to wake her back up and give her what she wanted. What he needed. East was running around rampant in his mind from being so close to her. His thighs on the back of her thighs. His dick nestled right between her cheeks. Her neck exposed and just begging for him to sink his teeth into.

"Mark! MARK!"

Not yet. Calm yo ass down!

"Mark. Please?! Need to mark!"

East never begged for a damn thing. It just shows how out of control things are going. He had to calm the both of them down or shit was going to go way left. Out of instinct he laced his fingers with hers. He thought this would rile them up more, but luckily this was enough. He snuggled his face deeper into the nape of her neck inhaling her delicious scent. It was just enough to finally get them to rest.


The next morning Liz woke up alone in her bed. She had hoped to see the sunshine bounce off his lovely skin, but that dream was shot down. Clanging from outside her door at least let her know he was still here. Dragging herself from the bed she made her way to the kitchen and this sight was better than the naughty one she had last night.

He was there still in only his boxers and socks cooking her a breakfast that smelled absolutely scrumptious. That sunshine she wanted to see so bad glistened off his body while his muscles flexed and danced as he stirred whatever was in that pot. Her heart thumped from how beautiful he looked.

"Good morning." He said over his shoulder.

"Good morning. What'chu cookin'?

"It's a surprise."

"You know, I don't usually let just anybody in my kitchen."

"Good thing I ain't just anybody."

"Good thing, huh."

She nearly cut off Max's head when he tried to cook something in her kitchen. He wasn't a bad cook either. It's just that it was her safe space and she hated when it was messed with. Just another sign that David was meant to be in her life. How much so, she had no idea, but she was willing to figure it out.

He made them blueberry pancakes, fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, cheese grits and turkey bacon. She had realized that he stayed away from pork a while back and he told her he was Muslim and gave it up a long time ago. The only difference between their plates were the four pieces of scrapple and two pieces of fried bologna on hers. He must really pay attention to the shit she be blabbing on about. He sat the hot bowl of King syrup next to him and handed me the bottle of Mrs. Butterworth.

They ate in a comfortable silence only glancing at each other when the other wasn't looking. Both not knowing what to say and neither feeling the need to. Both were feeling something they never had before and happy with it. One still wary of the consequences this would have for the other.

An almost fully dressed Dave watched Melissa as she scrambled around her room getting ready for class. He made sure to be up early enough to make her something to eat but had totally forgot to wake her up in time. It was too enjoyable watching her sleep. She was definitely a snorer and sometimes a talker. He could barely sleep cause the shit she said made him laugh. At one point in her sleep she said something about French toast which gave him the idea to cook her breakfast. Unfortunately she was all out of vanilla extract so he decided to go with blueberry pancakes.

She wasn't necessarily running late, but she wasn't on her usual schedule either. One thing he noticed was that while the rest of her house was clean her room was borderline big-sty. She kept no food or dishes, but there was wigs and perfume bottles scattered around her dresser. And don't even get him started on the piles of clothes just...everywhere. Silently he thanked Allah because she was beginning to look a little too perfect for him. She was probably too busy to even care what her room looked like as long as everything else was spick and span.

"Ok, I'm not running too late so I'll be able to make it on time. Barely."

"My bad, mamas."

(A/N: bitches love bein called "mamas"🤣.... it's me. I'm bitches lol)

"No. It's fine. I enjoyed our time together."

"That's good cause it ain't over yet." He got up putting his jewelry back on and his shoes.

"Huh?" She look cute as hell with her backpack on both shoulders like a true nerd, he laughed to himself.

"I'm goin' to ya classes too. Duh."

"Sir, you are not a student and you stand completely out. You can't come."

"Shiiddd. Watch me."

She only chuckled at his audacity and followed him out the front door. Once they were outside he let her lead the way. The weather was starting to get warmer so it was a beautiful day out. Liz practically beamed back at the sun shining on her face. Maybe it was a little bit more than the sun that had her so happy. Last night could've went a couple of different ways. Some better than others. But even just being snuggled in his arms had her giddy with joy. He was something else.

One hundred percent something else. He used his masculine charms to get into each of her classes without a hitch. Of course the hating ass bitches whispered and tried to get his attention. Luckily for her he was too busy distracting her from learning. Little touches and caresses to whispering corny jokes in her ear. She had to smack him a few times to get him to stop. He did eventually, but promised repercussions for putting her hands on him. Something she was looking forward to.

What came as a surprise to her was that Max was nowhere in sight. Not in any classes or trying to stop her to apologize again. Dave must've really scared him. She guessed he decided to give up - at least while Dave was here.

"Girl, that man is beyond fine." Star told her.

"Ain't he though."

He was sitting right next to her and they hadn't even bothered to whisper. Like the rest of the girls in the classroom they were blatantly ogling him. He sent a saucy wink their way and they dramatically swooned fanning themselves.

"Oh my, my, my, Ms. Liz. That man is hotter than a July summer in Atlanta!"

"I do concur, Ms. Star. I. Do. Con...cur."

They both spoke in their best southern bell accent. He shook his head at their theatrics. He was used to this kind of attention, Liz was sure of it, but they were something else.

"Y'all ain't shit." He chuckled.

"Ain't our fault you were sent straight from gangsta heaven." Star said.

Liz knew the affect he had on the opposite sex - from personal experience. So it wasn't odd that he had been the center of attention throughout the day. What she didn't appreciate the way these thirst buckets were looking at him. Like they were ready to jump him and devour him at a moments notice. And if the bitches kept looking like that she was gonna have to jump on they ass.

That thought shocked the fuck outta her. They weren't together or even fuck buddies. Yeah they spent the night together, but that didn't mean he was hers. She was getting real territorial over this nigga already. And she knew she was a goner once she realized he didn't give two fucks about these other girls. He was either joking around with them or paying attention to the teacher. And that made her heart swell with pride. Which confused her even more.

So when it was time for him to go her heart fell to her feet. She really enjoyed having him around and wished he could stay longer. She told him this, unfortunately he had to get back home. He had a job which needed his attention even with Chris there to oversee everything.

"Imma be back soon. At your graduation and shit."

Graduation? That was months away. He thought that was soon?

"That's a long time, David." She pouted.

He bit his lower lip - shit that made her knees turn to jell-o. He grabbed her by her waist with one hand while he held his bag in the other. She knew what was coming and had no intentions on fighting it. Something she craved deep in her soul from the moment they met. And when their lips met her jell-o legs nearly gave out on her. The warm softness of his lips was better than she imagined. He had given her pecks here and there, but they were nothing compared to the pure passion of this kiss. She had never felt something so electric.

She barely heard him drop the bag on the floor. He enveloped her in both of his enormous arms. She reciprocated by throwing hers around his neck deepening the kiss. All thought and reason escaped her. Her body moved in sync with his of its own volition. A throaty growl vibrated between the two and she was unsure who it even came from. They melded together so gracefully she couldn't tell either of them apart from the other.

Before she could tear their clothes off - which she had every intention on doing - he pulled away. She sighed unhappily parting from his lips. If he keeps getting her hot like this only to tell her no, she was going to...something. She don't know what she was going to do, but it was gonna be bad. She knew that for sure.

"Damn." He said. She made a noncommittal grunt in response.

I think he swallowed my vocal chords.

"You can't be kissin' me like that, baby."

"Kiss you like that?!" Oh, there they were. "Nigga, you kissed me first."

"Tomato potato. That shit was fire though." He still held her tightly in his arms and she made no move to release herself. And why would she?

"Yeah, it was."

"I should leave before I do somethin'...dangerous."

"Danger is essential." She smirked.

"Stop playin' with me."

"Nah, you the one who keep gettin' me all horny and shit, but don't wanna do nothin' 'bout it. Now imma have to handle this myself since you leavin' and all."

She knew she was pushing his buttons and she liked it. And there was this look in his eyes. Something so primal it froze her in that spot. She could just tell by that look that he wanted to do nothing but the worst things to her. God help her she would let him.

"Melissa, I'm tryna be a gentleman and keep myself in check. If I do the shit I wanna do to you we wouldn't leave here for a week. And it wouldn't just stay in the bedroom."

She shivered as images of what could be flitted through her brain. All the ways he could take her and make her his. Everywhere in her tiny little abode. They went to the deepest part of her, the stuff most people feared and how easily he would fit into that role. She was losing it right now not able to say a word.

"What's goin on in that head, baby. By the look on your face, I can only imagine."

Still she couldn't speak. What would she say? "Fuck work, fuck school, and come fuck me"? What she was feeling was too much for her to handle right now. She wouldn't say it was moving too fast, but she would say it was too strong. She always felt connected to him. This was just something she had never felt before and she had no idea how to handle it.

"I will call you when I make it, iight?"

All she could do was nod and watch as he left her standing in front of a closed door. And it was obvious to her that the further away he got the lonelier she felt again. It's was like every piece of her was craving his presence and she was at a complete loss as to how to deal with it.

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