Forbidden Acts

By FerretDream

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✧ EMPIREVERSE ✧ Dream is the ruler of the Sun kingdom however every day drags by as he mourns for the loss of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
For the future.

Chapter Seven

753 34 15
By FerretDream

Chapter Seven: Too Late

✦ At the Sun Kingdom ✦

Warning: this chapter mentions intendancy (briefly), if you are not comfortable with mentions of sex/sexual actions please do not proceed. 

It had been two weeks since Cross was assigned the mission of infiltrating the Sun Kingdom, and so far it has been successful. Well, mostly successful, there was a small issue. Cross had convinced himself that he is in love with the Sun Kingdom's emperor.

Cross was pacing back and forth in the room he was residing in, he had previously decided that today was the day he would tell Dream his feelings towards him! He came to this abrupt reason that he had romantic feelings towards Dream due to the likely chance he could be called back to the Moon Kingdom at any time. There was no chance to drag his feet, he had to act and act fast! No hesitation can be tolerated!

The routine knock could be heard from a maid to call everyone down for breakfast.

When Cross came out of the room, Dream was walking slightly ahead of him. The emperor was wearing the usual formal uniform and his hood up, he had plenty of meetings today so he will be busy. After seeing Dream in his attire Cross decided that he won't do it yet, and instead leave it off to the end of the day. Perhaps bring Dream to that beautiful room Chara had told him about! Wouldn't that be perfect?

As Cross was thinking, Chara butted in, "Are you sure that's a good idea Cross?" He asked as Cross followed Dream to the dining table. The table was empty due except two plates for Dream and Cross, sadly everyone else on adventures currently.

After Chara said that Cross paused, a hand on the chair he was about to sit in and his posture was like a statue, stuck in motion. His stance wasn't centered so he took another step forward to keep balance, once he was stable he glared at Chara who was floating next to him. "Is there something special about -" Cross stopped himself, glancing over to Dream before looking back over to Chara who shrugged. Cross didn't even bother to finish his sentence, instead he started a new sentence saying "If it holds importance then we should leave it alone." After he said that he pulled his chair away from the table and sat down. Cross didn't want to disturb something special that Dream created, it didn't feel right to him.

Chara gave him a look as if he was stupid before he explaining himself, "it's a locked room... of course he doesn't want people to be in there." He grumbles, staring at Cross with a slight frown.

Cross glanced over his food then looks over at Dream then Chara, luckily Dream was talking to the butler about business stuff. After confirming that Dream was distracted Cross whispered "Alright alright, I guess just bringing him to the forest" he paused before his breath hitched. Gasping as he connects the dots, "maybe where we met." He said happily, thinking back to those moments from a few weeks ago was already foggy due to the chance of getting hit on the head as he was escaping from Dust.

While Cross was thinking back to when he met Dream, Chara butts in. "That could work, but wouldn't the garden be better?" He suggests, Chara was trying to get away from the original idea of the locked room as much as possible but make it easy to guide Dream elsewhere. As the silence in Cross' head continues he gave a subtle nod. Despite Cross' cold and calm outer shell, he was freaking out internally. After another pause of silence Chara spoke up again "how about you think about what you will say to him." He suggested. Despite Chara and Cross not always seeing eye to eye, Chara cared about Cross and occasionally did things in Cross' best interest.

Cross sighs somberly and rubbed his forehead in frustration, he had no clue what to say. He couldn't say something like 'Hey, I've only known you for a few weeks but I love you!' That's a joke! It's stupid!

On the other hand Dream finished talking to the butler and has been watching Cross talk to himself for a little bit now. At first it was more like waiting for him to finish so he could talk to Cross but after a while Dream realized he couldn't talk with Cross, at least during breakfast. Dream had a sad expression and he was finished with his breakfast, so Dream decided it would be best to go and get some paper work done and so he quietly left.

When Dream left Cross took the time to eat and then head up to his room once more. Just like this morning Cross was once again pacing in circles. He couldn't keep his mind off of what he needed to say, it had to be perfect. He needed the perfect time to confess in the perfect place. All of it needs to be perfect since Dream was an Emperor after all! Cross' mind wanders to a dark place, making it more somber than it truly was: he was somebody chased out of the enemy kingdom and was a burden staying in this castle.

As Cross continues to pace, Chara grew increasingly annoyed, "Okay! Cross!" he began talking and he took a deep breath. Chara was floating in front of Cross pointing his first finger at him like a nagging mother, his other hand resting on his hip as he leans closer to Cross. "Cross, just go do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams and just- do it!" he yelled leaning back and clenching his hands in a fist.

Cross froze for a moment and his face contorted, cringing for a moment before he began laughing. One of his hands resting on his forehead as he laughed. "When you say it like that.." he trailed off, lifting his head and tipping it back "I would prefer to keep Dream, Dream." He snickered at the pun before waving his hand as he looked at Chara. "However, on a serious note. I do think it would be better to keep dreaming than have it in reality." He spoke, questioning his words as he looks at his hands gently balling them up in a fist. The urges he had to hold the other truly meant to be daydreams?

Chara was shocked of how willing Cross was to let go of this, was their determination that weak? There had to be a way to have Cross reflect more on this and make him more determined. The corners of Chara's lips widened and pulled into a smirk as his mouth opened, "don't you want to fuck Dream? Why don't you do it?" He asked. Leaning back as he floated in front of Cross as if he was in a recliner. His sinister smile never left as he describes a very intimate sex scene, making Cross imagine it in his head as Chara preceded his narration.

Cross tries stopping him, only able to stop him with his own words. "Chara stop!" He growled, mortified that a child with supposedly the body and mind set of a twelve year old was saying these things. "No way I'm doing that." He said pointing a finger at Chara, his face purple with embarrassment and anger. Honestly, the idea had crossed his mind but he doubted that they could do something like that. Especially since Dream was the emperor, and Cross came from the enemy kingdom.

Cross snapped out of his somber thoughts as Chara continues to tease him, "I've heard that Dream loves kids!" The sly smirk on Chara's face was difficult to describe other than a child who can do whatever they like. Chara's face lights up as he gently tapped his fist into the palm of his other hand, "I bet!" he spoke seriously, his voice powerful as if he had an evil plan. "I bet those maids could make a sexy outfit for you that Dream could wear, especially since they like you so much." Chara spoke proudly of their plan as they drifted forward, resting a hand on his shoulder. Chara was now behind Cross, gently massaging both of his shoulders as they whispered to the side of his head, "it would show his ass, all for just you to see-" Chara paused glancing the other up and down quickly to gage how affected he was before leaning closer. "His soul would pound to the beat of yours as the magic formed~" Chara finished a hand caressing Cross' chest where the soul rests below it.

It took Cross a moment, he was completely flustered from what the other said. A bet huh? Cross' head drops a little, "a week's worth of chocolate." He decided, making this bet real and valid as his eyes met with Chara's, he currently had power so why not extend it? He rolled his shoulders so Chara was no longer touching him and Cross faces them. "And!" He took a deep breath since he was a little worked up "and, if I win then you aren't allowed to eat any chocolate for a month!" He grinned, Cross couldn't resist a bet or any challenge.

Chara watched Cross, Chara needed to decide what they should win, "I get to control the body whenever I please." To him this is a huge gain since Cross keeps him away most of the time and Chara cannot do things that he wants to do. Chara proudly cleared his throat and extended a hand to Cross to shake. "Then its a deal, if they make a outfit - I win, if they dont - you win." Chara seemed pumped for this deal, if he can get control over the body it would be amazing, and he gets to see Cross act like an idiot.

Cross was oddly confident in this deal, his confidence was shown by the smirk spread across his face. "Alright, I'm not sure what Dream is doing but I'm sure if we walk around enough we will run into those crazy maids." He spoke confidently before he took a moment to reflect on his actions and he realized that he messed up pretty bad. When he reflected on himself he realized that Chara knew something he didn't, Chara wouldn't had made a deal like that unless they had the upper hand. Cross approached the door and bitterly squeezed the handle, he then takes a deep breath to calm down. When he opened the door and stepped out Connor was passing by, Cross glances over to Connor before heading down the hall with a fastened pace.

Connor looked back at Cross and sighs as he realized the other was up to something, however he turns away and heads the opposite way to continue his job.

Soon Cross approached the end of the hallway, it led to stairs that went to the first floor. At the bottom of the stairs was Dream with a few other people, they were all talking amongst each other and didn't realize the invader at the top of the stairs.

Seeing the other's markings of the Sun Kingdom made him remember, he was an invader to them! He stood at the top of the stairs, his fingertips tracing the moon mark over his face. Cross pondered for a moment if he should pass them just to freak them out or avoid them all together.

Dream soon dismissed the group of people by clapping his hands together and holding them up to his cheek "alright! I'll see you all next week, I'll talk to the small east village soon." He spoke calmly - summing up what they spoke about quickly and efficiently to get them out faster. As Dream led them out the door, Cross decided he didn't need to speak to Dream now. Cross was looking for those crazy maids, and honestly - Cross knew he lost their bet. They are called the 'crazy maids' for a reason.

Dream's arms tiredly rested to his sided after he waved everyone goodbye. Once they were out of eye's sight Dream turned around after closing the door and clapped his hands together. In a frenzy of a group of maids rushed to gather around Dream, with a unison bow they said "we are proud to serve you master!"

Dream watched them and rolled his eyes playfully as they joked around - being dramatic as always. "Please clean the meeting room, I have another meeting soon." He requests looking around to each of the maids and smiling at them.

Cross was still exploring the halls, he ended up in areas of the castle he has never been before. Due to Cross not being familiar with his surroundings... he ends up lost. However, Cross was in luck! The maids were coming Cross' way and were talking amongst themselves, not even considering Cross wants their assistance. They kept mentioning some type of ball, a gathering of sorts, where rich people flaunt themselves to only marry other rich people.

One perks up and chimes in happily, "I cannot wait to have most of the citizens here in the castle for one night! It will be so romantic!" She spoke clapping her hands together and pressing her cheek to the back of her hand. Another speaks up, in a more bitter tone "it's been years since we had one, when he left."

Cross stepped back to listen to their chatter, the first question that came to mind was- a ball? Cross' second question was 'who is this he' they are talking about? Then he remembered his plan, this was his chance! Cross spun around to head towards the maids and took a few steps forward which grabbed their attention.

The maids stopped in a row and bowed in unison "yes young sir?" They spoke standing up again as if their actions are all tied to the other. They stood professionally and one asked, "how may we assist you?" The eager group of maids awaited his answer.

Cross was surprised by their yearning anticipation and odd unison, however what they were speaking about earlier peaked his interest. First Cross clears his throat and asked "what's this talk about a ball?" He asks rocking on the heels of his feet anxiously. Cross' face became a light tint of purple thinking about this ball and it being the perfect opportunity to tell Dream!

The maids broke their unison to look at each other before they proceeded to giggle. One could calms herself for the most part and began to speak, "It's going to be the most beautiful party in the world! Everyone will be so kind to each other and enjoy the evening! Emperor Dream is going to get as many people from the kingdom as he can to come! So he can-" the maid was interrupted by another as they individually squeal different versions of 'he is so kind', or 'he is so sweet'. Soon the original maid tries to continue, she had lost her place so she starts again to explain the ball; "everyone gets fancy and -" she pauses to grab the hem of her skirt as she dances around carefully. As she dances she continues to speak "everyone dances and dances all night long! Oh-" she pauses again and stops dancing as she is lost in thought for a moment. "I also think this ball is to find a husba-" she slowly trails off as the other maids look at her like 'wtf'. They all knew Dream preferred men over women but if he were to do be with a man, sadly he would be executed so the maids had to do their best to not have it leave the castle. "Oh- right right - a wife! Since many other princes and princesses will come, it would be lovely to get wed to other royalty!" She panicked before slowly calming down, "it will be so great!" She swoons clasping her hands together and rocking side to side.

Cross listened to this all, by the end the color in his face has faded to nothing. Dream was hosting a ball to find a partner?! This is horrible! Cross began to internally panic, he was too late to be with Dream, had Connor seriously lied to him? What chance did he have anyway? He was a stranger from the Moon Kingdom! Just like the maids said, Dream was just being nice.

All of his negative thoughts stopped when a maid squeals "but you two would be so cute!" The others join in, wrapping their arms around themselves as they twist their bodies back and forth. They were currently fan-girling over the idea of them being together. Suddenly a maid who wasn't accounted for pushes Cross into a dim-lit room, the maids swarm in before locking the doors. Cross steps back a few times and nearly trips over a raised part of the floor. Before he could fall some maids helped to guide him on top of the mini platform. "We need to measure you." One states pointing at his clothes "strip your clothing." They order, Cross only allows this since he assumed it has to do with something about this ball. He slowly takes off his clothes and once he is completely stripped they begin to measure him. It felt like they were taking hours especially they were giggling then speaking a strange language Cross has never heard before.

Cross waited patiently until the doors suddenly blew off the hinges and in the doorway, stood Connor and Dream. Dream had a look of relief wash over his worry-stricken face before he turned yellow at the sight of Cross being bare-bones. Dream turns away and has his back now facing Cross as Connor stepped inside. "My lord!" The maids called out in unison and rushed to Dream's sides to apologize. Once Connor got close enough he grabbed Cross' clothes and handed it to Cross, whispering "where have you been? Don't you remember what I said? Dream was worried sick about you!"

Cross could only grumble as he got dressed, before snarkily saying "I can't do anything without getting a lecture huh?" Despite his witty come back, he meant this as a joke.

"Are you dressed?" Dream asks as Connor gives Cross the death glare, "yes he is.." Connor responds in Cross' place. Dream turns around and went up to Cross and hugged him tight.

When Connor glared at Cross for the second time now, Cross froze in place but he slowly wrapped his arms around Dream. "I'm sorry Dream." Cross spoke softly as his gaze went from Connor to Dream. "I know that you worry a lot, I should have given you a warning." Cross honestly spoke gently gliding his hand up and down Dream's back.

Dream balls his hand into a fist and gently hits Cross' chest as he looks up at him "you should've!" The maids began to giggle and whisper to each other, 'this is the closest Dream has been with someone since Connor and.. him.' Once those words were said, Connor glares at the maids before clearing his throat so they would behave again. They all bowed slightly - whispering generic apologies.

Cross looked down at Dream with a sympathetic smile, "I will next time." He spoke calmly, Cross had forgotten about the bet. Nothing was more important than the person in front of him right now. Cross gently rested his hand under Dream's chin before gently gliding his finger across Dream's cheek. When he did so, he realized that Dream's cheek was quite warm to the touch and he had a heavy tint of yellow to it if he were to take a closer look.

"You promised!"

The tender moment is snatched away as Chara appears and yells at Cross for forgetting the deal. Cross' shoulders tense as he flinched, his hand is pulled away from Dream's face.

"Excuse me-" Cross spoke stepping away from the loose emperor's grasp and leaves Dream standing in the doorway as Cross steps farther into the dark room. "I know we promised but," Cross hesitated for a moment looking behind himself at Dream who was patiently waiting. "Look-" he groans for a moment before continuing "I will die a horrible death if I do that." He honestly spoke rubbing his forehead and shifting his weight to each of his feet occasionally.

"You should have thought about it more before making a promise." Chara hissed bitterly and turned their back to Cross like a spoiled kid.

Cross was frustrated, however Chara was right, Cross should've thought it out more. "Fine." He sourly said in defeat.

Dream clears his throat before turning away "I should go, my next meeting should have arrived by now." He said before leaving the room to the hallway.

Before the maids could leave too, Cross waved the maids over. When the maids came over to him they all bow in unison again asking: "what may we do for you?" Before straightening themselves out and standing up again.

Cross' gaze shifts to the side as he clears his throat and his cheeks became warm, "do you have," he paused for a moment to tightly swallow his pride. "Do you have a spare outfit?" He spoke clearly however it was hushed to a quite voice. He used one of his hands to gesture to what the maids were wearing, he was hoping they would understand what he meant by this.

They took a moment to look at their own outfits then look at each other before they broke out into giggles. "Of course, what size do you need?" The maids sneered, they have never thought that this Moon Kingdom knight would ever want to wear something like that.

Cross face stretched to show how uncomfortable and displeased he felt, "it's for Dream." He clarified honestly before snickering "honestly I don't think I can pull that look off." He said with his charming attitude. He glances over to Chara with an expression that said 'I told you so' since these maids were so loyal, there is no way they would dress Dream like a doll, right? Cross once again felt confident in his answer and stood proudly before a squeal broke all of his previously thought knowledge.

"Yes!" They happily squealed holding each other's hands to contain their excitement. "Reminds me just about this romance novel I was reading!" One spoke happily, cuing another round of excited squeals. One separates from the group to face Cross again "would you like to give it to him or shall we?" She asks as everyone else awaits his answer.

Cross mentally face-palmed, he should had expected this from them. "I'll do it." He spoke confidently since the ball was coming up, there was nothing for Cross to lose!

"We have plenty of styles to choose from!" One spoke stepping forward too, "so much to discuss." Another whines cupping her cheek with one hand.

Cross clears his throat and never glanced away from the wall he was staring at as he spoke "which one is more revealing?" He coughs out raising his hand to his mouth to muffle what he was saying. He is already embarrassed enough, why not enjoy himself a bit?

"Good choice sir." She smiles writing it down on a notepad she retrieved out of a pocket in her skirt. She had plenty of plans for this dress! "We will get it to you! Stay here!" She spoke handing the note to one of the maids and that maid took off!

Soon there was a maid that came back, she held the dress to herself to show, if Dream were to wear this - when he would bend down his ass would be exposed. Along with that the neckline was pretty far down.

Cross' face was extremely purple once he took a good gander at it, his face became a darker shade of purple the more he looked at it. Not only could he not stop looking at it but imagine Dream wearing such an outfit.

Chara cackles with laughter "are you having fun?" They asks looking over to Cross who only hummed as a response but Cross finally took his eyes away from the dress to glare at Chara.

Cross approached the maids and carefully grabbed the dress with a embarrassed 'thank you'. As Cross left the room he stuffed the dress in his coat and went to the direction of his own room after asking for a maids help.

Once Cross and Chara were alone, Cross spoke up again "this sounded like a better idea in my head." Cross' tone made it clear he was humiliated and nervous for the not so distant future.

Chara laughs again, tipping his head back as he said "too late now silly!"

Cross winced and groaned, in the process of rubbing his forehead, "the worse part of this is that you're right." He scoffs, he was now regretting choosing this outfit for a kingdom's emperor.

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