By isha_mhaske

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What happens when someone whom you used to call as 'bestfriend' turns out to be someone who you never thought... More

Author's Note 1
2.5 ROYAL?!
Announcement 1
Announcement 2
40.OH GOD!
48.OH MY MY!
Author's Note 2


109 8 10
By isha_mhaske

White Horse

~Taylor Swift

Say you're sorry
that face of an angel
Comes out just when you need it to.
As I paced back and forth all this time.
'Cause I honestly believed in you.
Holding on
The days drag on.
Stupid girl,
I should have known,
I should have known.

That I'm not a princess,
this ain't a fairy tale.
I'm not the one
you'll sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell.
This ain't Hollywood,
this is a small town.
I was a dreamer before you went
and let me down .
Now it's too late for you,
And your white horse,
to come around.

Maybe I was naive,
Got lost in your eyes.
And never really had a chance.
My mistake ,
I didn't know to be in love,
You had to fight to have
the upper hand.
I had so many dreams,
About you and me.
Happy endings , now I know!

And there you are on your knees,
Begging for forgiveness,
begging for me.
Just like I always wanted
but I'm so sorry!


Chapter 38 : FAITHFUL?



"Seriously Isabella, I didn't expect you to hide this from me" he scoffs

"Babe?" Jess asks

"Jess!" he exclaims and rushes towards her .

"Are you okay ?" he asks

"Now I'm okay " she says

He hugs her and then he turns to me ,

"Isabella , didn't you think this was important to inform me ??"

"Ro I know . I was going to "

"But what Isabella?!"

"Listen Ro "

"Were you so blinded by Marvin that you lost it? "

"What are you saying ?" I ask immediately

"Babe " Jess calls him

"Wait . Let me talk to her first",
he replies to her

"I went to college and then I got to know from Ben what happened with Jess !
And that you were also there enjoying with Marv .
Thankfully , you at least got her here with you .
Just because you guys don't like each other much , doesn't mean you don't help her out !
She is my girlfriend Bella for God's sake! I didn't expect this from you "

"Roy listen to me " Jess now stands up , knowing now the matter's gone out of hand and tries to calm him down.

I bite my lip and then say ,

"Royal , you think of me so low and we call each other bestfriends !
I understand why are you so worked up but at least think about what you are saying.
Anyways , you guys talk . I'll wait downstairs "

Jess sends me a pitiful look .

"It's fine Jess . See ? He cares for you more than you realise .
He loves you more than he loves his bestfriend " I say

Even when it's anything but fine !

"She was not in her right senses but you were !
You could have called me then and there , but no you had your  perfect date , that you must have forgotten to do so . I'm really disappointed!"

Hearing that , I just left straightaway .

The only one who's disappointed in here is me .



What the hell did I say!
I decided to talk to her about it but no, I lost my calm ! , Royal thought.

" What did you do Royal ?!"

" What?"

" Why did you act like this in front of her ?"

" Because she was wrong . She could have informed me about you but did she ? No , she didn't ! "

" I don't see where she went wrong . Because if it wasn't for her ,
I wouldn't have been safe "

" I'm glad at least she gave you place to sleep and Ben was there to drop you guys but that idiot also didn't say anything to me about the events .
I ended up slapping him too "

" Let's not talk about Ben right now .
At least ? Who told you whatever happened last night and what did the person tell you exactly ?"

" Ben and Marvin "

" Clearly both of them weren't there when that happened . They told you and you even believed them? "

" I trust Ben "

" Marvin has no clue about yesterday's event , he left early .
Ben came after the show was over . Fed and Beca left from the club so they also have no freaking idea .
Only your bestfriend and by your actions , I don't even think she is your best friend anymore, was there .
She saved me Roy"

" Saved you? "

" Babe you blamed her for no reason"

" Please can you tell me what exactly happened last night ?"

" We all were drinking , except Ben because he was supposed to drive us back home. Suddenly Fred and Beca felt horny , they booked a cab and went back to her house .
Ben was busy dancing with someone and me , drinking .
Okay , there was a guy , he offered me a drink and I accepted it "

" Jessica you know better than that ! How can you accept a drink from a stranger?
Not only they start getting wrong ideas but they can also do something worse "

" I admit , my mistake , rather a big one ! I was almost sober until then . But there was something added in that drink , due to which I started feeling weak .
I can't even describe.
It was like I knew what was going around but I couldn't do anything about it . Somehow , I was able to utter a few words ..."

" Then what happened?"

" That guy and his friend took me to a room beside the main club .
I tried to protest , I even clarified that I have a boyfriend and I am not interested . But they just laughed . Isabella heard my voice .
She managed to call the guard but he couldn't be of much help . Because the two men succeeded to knock him down , meanwhile Isabella had already freed me "

" But the two men were still there?"

" Yes . Bella helped me get out of that room , but they caught her .
I tried my best to walk without losing my balance . When I saw the other bouncers , I signalled them to go inside and save her .
Someone , probably the manager , stood by me while I sat down , feeling vulnerable .
The bouncers tied the men down and Bella also managed to escape from their hold. That's when Ben saw me. He came towards me and so did Bella just from the other side "

Royal stood speechless ...

" Then Ben dropped us here "

" Where was Marvin?"

" Marvin received a call and had to leave early . So their date couldn't even be completed properly .
She had to find her way back home from there . She left her phone in the hostel itself so she couldn't contact anyone .
Yaa , she knew your number but when the situation was controlled , we thought it was best to tell you face to face , because you'll worry "

" Oh , does that mean he lied to me ?!"

"I don't know but what I do know is  I'm just unable to erase that moment , the bad thoughts , like the possibility of what could have happened if ...!" Jessica starts sobbing and Royal embraces her.

" Don't worry . I am here now .
I am sorry , I wasn't there yesterday.
If I had been there , then this wouldn't have even happened "

" It's okay . I don't blame you .
You were worrying about Isabella and I am no longer against her being friends with you .
In fact , I think we might become good friends too "

Royal smiles at that . 

" She consoled me . You made me feel okay again . I'm okay . But she isn't .
I don't think so anyone's there for her . Because yesterday.."

" What yesterday??"

" That guy asked her that if she wants to save me , she should be you know with them and only then they'll let me escape . And she agreed without thinking of the consequences.
I ran , she did too .
She was just behind me , but they caught her . If she hadn't escaped or
if those bouncers hadn't shown up , then I would have been saved but she
.... In that state , I also couldn't save her from being tortured or what not "

Royal's  fist clenches instantly and he gulps hard .

" Those f**kers are rotting in the jail for now "

" I need to go see her " he says

I hate myself! , that was Royal's next thought .

" Sure . I'll be here eating the breakfast "

" Okay" he says and literally runs downstairs .


Seriously Ro?!

Why do you always manage to do something which will hurt me ?

At this point , even my tears are refusing to fall down .

Why do I even try in the first place?

Because he means a lot to you !

He does , but so what ?
He doesn't give a fudge about it?!

Even my self respect has some respect !

Someone taps my shoulder  from behind and I get away immediately .

"Stay away Royal" I mumble

"I'm sorry Izzy!"

"Don't call me that "

"We are back to square one , aren't we ?" he sighs

"It's always the same Ro! "

" What is ?"

" You do something. I end up getting hurt . You apologize and I forgive . You forget about it , I don't "

" Izzy " he whispers

" But not this time !
You do whatever you wanna do .
I am not gonna give a fudge about it , just like you don't give a fudge about me! "

"Frankly speaking I don't know what's happening with me !
I spent last night wondering and worrying about how are you feeling especially after our little argument . Then how is your date going on ! "

I look away , not even interested to know whatever he is trying to say.

"And in the morning I come to know from Marv that you were perfectly fine and you both had an amazzing time , from dancing to 'kissing' .
After that , I came to know from Ben about Jessica n
I got worried sick about her too .
So I think I involuntarily vent the anger out on you and I regret it "

"So Royal you finally came to know that I am not a punching bag ?
Ro I am your bestfriend and if you give me a chance then I'll show you that things can be sorted out positively as well !"

"I am glad , you even called us as bestfriends "

"I am surprised that I said that . Anyways , Ro have fun with your life. And just don't even try to mend our bond"

"Why are you talking like this?"

"Because Ro , out of all the people ,
I know I can trust you and I know you love me .
But after today , my believe just got shattered .
So what if you were angry , you said things which I didn't even expect . Even for a second , you must have thought that maybe there was a reason I didn't disclose it to you sooner , but no.
You took it in a very wrong way !
Also , if something this bad is happened to someone why would I go on continuing my date !
Maybe it's not even a big deal , maybe I'm just over reacting "

"You are not over reacting and it's a big deal "

"And for your kind information , Marvin had to leave early from the club . My phone was left at hostel and after the matter was solved , there was no point in troubling you at that hour so I didn't even call from someone else's cell .
Jessica and I decided that she'll tell you everything when you guys meet today "

"Yaa , she cleared that now "

"Good . Just don't treat her like you treat me . She deserves better than that "

He just stands there .

"She truly loves you , you knucklehead ! So I hope you do the same "

"I care for her too "

" I know that . I even saw that today and I am glad about it . But I am talking about Love right now"

He just stands there without saying anything .

"Now you should go because if you think you can convince me ,
I am sorry that's not happening anytime soon "

"Which means I still have a chance"

I don't reply to that .

Even though
I know deep inside that one day i'll forgive him just like that .

Whatever this is , it's killing me as much as it's killing you !

"I'll leave now . Can you send Jess down ?" he asks

"Yeah . And by the way ?"


"I didn't kiss anyone after that , not even Marv"

His expressions change and
it resembles something I couldn't put a finger on .
Is it happiness or is it sadness or something else ?

Anyway , if this is the case ,
how can I even call our bond as Faithful ?!


Posted on : 4th April, 2020

Word count - 2180

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Thanks for reading ( :

I have no words to describe how grateful I am for having an artistic reader like  the_inkedsoul  ,
Thanks Mrunmayee ❤

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