Call Me 'Possessive'

By -DeadRoses-

74.1K 2.8K 262

"Hey! Wait up! We've been socializing for a while, you know that right?" He hummed in response and continued... More



2K 98 20
By -DeadRoses-

* T.O.B.Y pov *

This past week has been absolutely glorious, I missed school because of my "injury" and I hung out with Luke at his house since he was suspended. Though he was busy with work stuff, it was still fun to be beside him. When he finished work, we cuddled up on the couch and watched movies. He would play with my hair, shower my neck in kisses, and run his thumb along mine whenever we held hands. It was a dream that unfortunately ended yesterday. But, it gave me so much energy that I woke up at 7 and I've been laying down thinking about it since.

Also, I've been thinking about how slow we've been moving since we got together. Like, before we had phone sex, we almost kissed like 4 times, and we've cuddled. Now that we started, we still havent kissed. But, I'm afraid to rush him, but fuck I want some physical affection, and with a man like him by my side? I've been craving it.

I sat up out of frustration before looking over to my desk to see his hoodie on my chair. I smiled widely before getting out of bed and shuffling over to it. Picking it up and pulling it to my chest, it smelled of candy apple and Old Spice, which is really arousing my senses. The fabric soft on the inside and still has a warm welcoming to it. I bit my lip and set it down before grabbing my phone to see he text me.

From: Sex God
Wanna go out today?

Hell yes I do! But I wanna see how far his limits go. So I simply replied.

To: Sex God
As n a d8?

By the time he finally replied I finished getting ready for the day.

From: Sex God
Open the door.

I furrowed my eyebrows but complied. Trudging out of my room and over to the front door before slowly opening it. My heart stopped and jaw dropped the moment I saw him. He wore a black muscle tanktop and gray baseball pants that amazingly hugged his legs in the best of ways. A baseball cap tugged on his head flattened his usually perfect hair, with a bouquet of lilies and roses in his hand.

"I-Is that for me?" I asked snapping out of my gaze.

He shook his head slowly "No, it's for your mom," he replied causing me to nod my head slowly and avert my gaze from him.

His lips suddenly pressed against my cheek softly as a chuckle escaped him.

"I'm just kidding, it's for you," he grinned causing me to blush.

I'm surprised I managed to squeak out a thank you.

"You might want to change into something comfortable," he noted causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"What's wrong with this?" I asked gesturing to my leather jacket and skinnies.

"We're going to be active today, sweetheart. I want to show off what's mine to a couple of old friends,"

I blushed profusely and looked down, I'm display-worthy to him? Awwwww!

"I only have sweats and jeans; and no work out shirt," I pouted. He laced his fingers with mine and gently grabbed my chin and lifted it till our eyes met.

"Don't pout, I have spare pants just for you, and you can just wear a plain tee shirt," I nodded my head and bit down on my lip before pulling him towards my room.

"Don't forget to grab your bat," he noted causing me to stare at him curiously.

"Didn't I promise you we'd play baseball one day?"

I honestly thought he forgot about that. But, I can't lie and say I wasn't bouncing off the walls excited. He one, remembered and two, wants to play an actual game of baseball.

"Do you have a hat?" He asked me as I stripped down to my boxers.

"Only to flatten this beauty? I don't think so," I sassed. He rolled his eyes and left my room causing me to pout and sit down on my bed. A couple of minutes passed and he came back in with baseball pants and of course, a hat. I gave him a cheeky smile silently thanking Jesus, he didn't leave me.

"Hurry up bad boy, I don't want to be late," he said handing the clothes to me. I nodded and pulled on the pants to see they fit me perfectly. I smirked and turned my back to him before looking back.

"Do these pants make my ass look big?" I asked biting my lip and batting my eyes innocently. He simply stared, shifting slightly before looking away from me. Score one for me, I cheered inwardly before going to my dresser and pulling out a  shirt. Arms snaked around my waist and pulled me close to his body causing me to gasp.

He ran his hands along my waist before lowering to my hips causing my breath to hitch.

"Actually. Your ass looks marvelous in those pants," he whispered into my ear before slapping my ass. Fuck. I may or may not have moaned causing him to laugh.

"Well, I'll keep that in mind," I blushed profusely and slipped on the shirt. Why did he have to do that to me? I can't even look at him! I'm that embarrassed, and to make it worse he's laughing at me.

"Let's just. Let's just go," I mumbled before walking towards my door. He sighed before grabbing my waist, and turning me around, allowing my body to mold with his.

"Look at me Toby," he nearly demanded, though his tone was soft like his sweater, which I intend to keep. I didn't listen, this caused him to grab ahold of my chin and pull it up till I met his soft gaze.

"What's the matter?" He asked gently. Dammit, how am I supposed to be embarrassed or annoyed by him when he does this?

"It's nothing. I'm ju- a little embarrassed," I mumbled looking away from his eyes, but I could still see the grin form on his face.

"You're going to make me embarrassed, if you keep fidgeting right now," he whispered, I furrowed my eyebrows and gasped realizing what he meant. Sorry, not sorry, so what do I do about it? Smirk, look him directly in the eye, and place my hand over his crotch causing his breath to hitch.

"T-Toby, I can't. We're going to be late," he groaned. Aha! Caught him in a moment of weakness!

"Baby, let me fix it. They'll understand," I spoke in my most seductive tone, pressing kisses to his jaw.

"Toby. No, let's go," he firmly stood, catching his erratic breath.

I just blushed before nodding and walking out of my room, grabbing my keys along the way.

The car ride to the ball park was quick, mainly because he drove like a race car driver. Usually from my house it's a 40 minute drive, but it took us 20 minutes.

"How did you not get pulled over? Will you teach me your driving ways?" I questioned as we got out of the car and went to the back to grab the stuff.

He chuckled and shook his head "One day Toby, one day," this only made me grin as wide as Cheshire. We took out our gloves, and bats before he placed the hat on my head.

I pouted "Asshole,"

"You'd like me to be in yours," he retorted. Let's just say, my steps have come to a halt, my face once again turned red, and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Close your mouth Toby, don't want to choke on something now do we?" He quickly winked.

This fucking guy! What happened to shyness?! I like this, he's actually pretty funny. I closed my mouth and ran up to him only to see a field full of guys; fucking hot ones to be exact. One of them saw us and grinned widely before running over.

"Luke! It took you long enough, we were abo- wait. Who's this?" He asked giving me a not so subtle wink and a check over. I have a feeling that today, the blush on my cheeks would not fade away. This guy was hot, about 6 feet, shaggy sandy hair, bright blue eyes, and slight stubble along his cheeks.

A pair of arms snaked around my waist before pulling me close.

"Peter, this is mine," Luke huffed causing me to giggle. My eyes widened and my body stiffened, a giggle? Seriously? Fuck. My. Life. That's all I can say right now.

"I-I'm Toby," I stammered trying to look away.

"He's adorable!" Peter cooed booping my nose.

Luke pulled me closer to him.
"And mine," he growled. Oh, I like this. I like this a lot. Introduce me some more. I wouldn't mind if this was his reaction to everything.

"Fine. Fine, I'll let it go. For now. Let's play ball. Luke you're captain along with Oscar,"

We followed Peter onto the field where the rest of the sex gods were warming up.

"Should we shirts and skins baseball?" Peter questioned wiggling his eyebrows.

Everyone huddled together and shrugged. I nodded happily causing Luke to tighten his grip around me. Burrying his face in my neck whispering 'mine' after every nip at my skin.

"Okay, whoever picks second is our skins then. Hale, Patterson odd or even?" Peter smirked.

"Odd," a hard coarse voice called out.

"Seems like our little man gets skins," Peter chuckled patting Luke's shoulder like he would pat a toddlers. Luke shrugged and crossed his arms to the bottom of his shirt before lifting it up. I don't think I'd ever get used to seeing his body, it's just perfect.

"Seems like young blood has been working out," a guy, who I now know as Joe, commented.

"Go on Oscar. Pick your bait,"

He looked over all of us and set his eyes on me before chuckling deeply. It reminded me of the Dirty Bubble, to be honest. He pointed at me.
"I want him,"

I nodded and walked over to his side, only to see Luke basically murdering Oscar with his eyes. His jaw clenched and his breath became heavy. He puffed out his chest and looked amongst the crowd and pointing at an adorable looking guy.

He had the cutest puppy dog face, olive skin, thick black hair with blonde highlights. As he walked over, off went his shirt and damn, his tattoos were nice on his body. Contrasting perfectly with his skin. It went with pointing on and on for a couple of minutes till we decided we don't want Peter on our team. He pouted about this and shrugged off his shirt.

Shirts were up to bat first, and honestly I'm really afraid to bat. Mainly because my boyfriend is pitching, I could even see that Oscar was nervous under his big, bad facade. I stood in the pit with my bat, definitely not prepared to go up next.

I mean just watching him do his trial pitches, why isn't he in major league?

"He isn't in major league because of his job Toby. He's really busy, I'm surprised he actually came to our game. He usually is at home going through paperwork and files to keep his properties in tact and his business stable. He even has a meeting today, but I guess he cancelled it," Michael explained to me.

"He really needs a day off. He's still 20 for fucks sake, and in high school! Wait. Why is he in high school?"

"He had to drop out when he was in Junior year because of- personal problems," he answered causing me to pout. Maybe he'll tell me later.

"It's funny, because he had so many dreams, but he just never got to live them,"

"STRIKE! BATTER OUT!" shit. I tightened my grip around my bat before walking from the pit to the plate.

Tapping the bat against the opposite end of the home plate before gripping it tightly. I stared at Luke, watching as he flexed his forearm, clenching and unclenching his right fist, his left holding the ball as if it were a delicate feather. Then his eyes, still from a distance you could see the hidden soul behind the near emotionless gaze. One who has seen so much in the span of 20 years.

"STRIKE ONE!" fuck. Focus Toby, stop staring at him. Think of something you absolutely hate. Ms.Montgomery, I definitely hate her with a burning passion. She got closer to Luke before I have, and I mean sexually of course.

"STRIKE TWO!" god dammit.

"Focus Toby! Come on!" They yelled.

"You can do it. Do it for young blood. Prove to him that you're capable of something!" Michael yelled at me causing my blood to turn cold. I am fucking capable of doing things! Luke pulled up his leg and dropped it down quickly, as he outstretched his arm and released the ball. I glared at the speeding ball before swinging the bat as if I was going for a mailbox.

Click. Right when I saw that ball fly, I dropped the bat and ran as if my life depended on it. Watching out as they threw the ball to third baseman. I booked it and slid onto the plate barely at the knick of time. I would've been fine if I didn't feel the sharp pain against my waist as I slid. Maybe I should've tucked in my shirt. The others are screwed. "SAFE!" Manny yelled. I caught my breath before standing up and quickly tucking in my shirt.

"Nice hit kid. Nice hit," Mario congratulated me I smiled and nodded at him in appreciation. Looking over at Luke, who smiled softly at me before looking at the next batter.

After an hour of playing and only in the 7th inning, we had ourselves a crowd cheering for each team. Oh, and we're tied 6-6 which, in my book is freaking great! Hell, I'm freaking hot and the side of my shirt is clinging to my side.

"Does anyone wanna call a break? It's fucking hot and we need more water," Peter huffed, we nodded and confronted Manny about the decision (which he pouted over). I nodded and stood up from the bench and began walking to the pitchers mount where Luke stood. That was until I squeaked when someone's hand grabbed my ass.

"Nice game out there babe," Peter winked. I have no clue what the hell happened after that. All I know is a really nice pair of lips are smashed against mine.

"Ugh, fine Luke. Fine! All yours, I get it! I get it." Peter groaned. Oh, so thankfully Luke's lips relaxed against mine after a hard couple of seconds.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed myself onto my tippy toes. He pulled back and took a breath to speak before I shook my head and pecked his lips again.

"I'm all yours," I smiled before falling flat down on my feet again to stare up at him.

To say today was a good day is completely wrong. Today is a perfect day.

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