Red Eye Deku

By Hanx1590

273K 3.6K 4.9K

Izuku is a late bloomer who gained his quirk after a year. Izuku now has an optic blast quirk similar to a mu... More

Izuku : Origins
Izuku: Origins Part 2
The Start of a heroic journey - Part 1
The Start of a heroic journey - Part 2
The Start of a heroic journey - Part 3
Entrance Exam - Introduction
Entrance Exam - Part 2
Entrance Exam - Part 3
Entrance Exam Part 4
New Series!!
Red Eye Deku Holiday Special
Entrance Exam - Aftermath
Meeting Momo Yaoyorozu
The Encounter (Izuku meets Eri)
Eri Midoriya
The First Day
Battle Training Part 1
New Story
Battle Training Part 2
Battle Training Part 3
Announcement (Warning: Spoilers)
Battle Training (Side Chapter)
Battle Training Part 4

Izuku's Day Off / Welcome To Class 1-A

10.8K 135 216
By Hanx1590

Meanwhile -

It was eerie and quiet at the Toho publishing firm. Everyone already went home a few hours ago. However, there was still someone in the building working on a news article.

A  reporter was sitting at her office, drinking a cup of dark coffee while typing away on her laptop.

The reporter, Sawamura Eriko, was busy typing away on an article that she was working on for tomorrow's paper.

Bags started forming under her eyes as she leaned closer into the screen.

Sawamura: (stammering) A-a-a-a-almost done, hee, hee, hee.

Sawamura's fingers started to bleed from all the typing she did all afternoon.

After adding the finishing touches, Swamaura pressed the save button before leaning back on her chair.

She didn't know where the pictures came from, but by the time she came back with the cameraman after recording the fight between Izuku and Overhaul, Sawamura found a few snapshots of Izuku and Eri at the hospital with a letter attached explaining, what happened.

Sawamura: I wonder what I should call it.

Sawamura made a dramatic pose.

Sawamura: Red Eye Dekiru created - A symbol of hope and a new -

Sawamura paused.

Sawamura: No, that's too -

*Makes a sour face.

Sawamura: Geez, I got to take some time to think this through.

Yup, tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

The next morning -

Izuku let out a yawn as he rubbed his eyes sleepily, he reached out to his bedside table and put on his aviator sunglasses.

Izuku noticed Eri sleeping on his stomach with both her hands curled into his nightshirt.

Izuku smiled at the cute sight as he grabbed his phone and took a picture.

The loud click, stirred the little girl awake as she looked up at Izuku with a smile.

Eri: Good morning, papa.

Eri nuzzled into Izuku's stomach.

Izuku smiled as he ruffled his daughter's hair.

Izuku: Good morning, Eri.

Izuku slowly got out of bed while carrying Eri in his arms, who was snuggling deeper into Izuku's warm embrace.

Izuku could hear his mother snoring across the hall, so he quickly tiptoed to the bathroom with Eri hugging his neck.

Izuku grabbed Eri's red toothbrush as he gently began to clean Eri's teeth.

Izuku: Say, Ah.

Eri opened her mouth and gave Izuku an Ah.

Izuku: Say E.

Eri clenched her teeth and gave Izuku an E.

He then poured some water into a plastic cup before handing it to Eri.

Izuku: Rinse, please.

Eri grabbed the cup from Izuku and poured the water into her mouth, swished it, then spit it into the sink.

Izuku rinsed out the toothbrush, as he carried Eri to the tub.

Izuku turned on the faucet while heating the water with his quirk.

Izuku: Let's get your hair nice and clean, okay?

Eri nodded.

Izuku: Can you tilt your head down a bit?

Eri nodded as she tilted her head into the tub.

Izuku placed his index finger into the water, making sure it wasn't too hot for Eri.

Izuku nodded in approval before gently scrubbing Eri's hair. He then grabbed some shampoo from the bathroom sink and began messaging Eri's scalp.

Eri felt ticklish, as Izuku's soft skin tickled her scalp.

After rinsing out the shampoo, Izuku grabbed a towel and dried Eri's hair.

He then took Eri to the kitchen and placed her on top of the counter as he brought out a frying pan, a spatula, a box of pancake mix, and a bag of chocolate chips.

Izuku poured some water into a ceramic bowl with the pancake mix he then went to the refrigerator and took out a carton of milk and poured at least two cups of it into the bowl before gently stirring it.

Eri stared in awe as she saw Izuku cook.

After pouring in the chocolate chips, Izuku stirred the batter and poured it onto the frying pan.

The delicious smell of pancakes filled the kitchen as Eri's mouth began to water.

Izuku placed two pancakes on a medium-sized plate before rummaging through the shelf and taking out a bottle of syrup, he then gently poured it on top of the pancakes.

Izuku lifted Eri with one arm while carrying the pancakes with his other arm.

Izuku placed the pancakes on the table as he situated Eri on a small wooden chair.Eri drooled as she stared at the pancakes.

Izuku picked up a fork and gave Eri some of the pancakes.

Eri took a bite as stars formed in her eyes.

Izuku: How is it? Is it good?

Eri nodded as she took the fork from Izuku and offered him some.

Izuku shook his head, but Eri insisted as she pushed the pancake onto Izuku's cheek.

Izuku opened his mouth, reluctantly as he took a bite out of the pancake Eri smiled, as she nodded.

After cooking his mother's breakfast, Izuku led Eri into a small room next to his bedroom.

When Izuku opened the door, Eri was amazed!!

It was a brightly lit room, with walls littered with movie posters, and shelves full of toys and books. Eri even saw a couple of dolls that she wanted to play with later on.

Izuku looked out onto the streets, as he held Eri in his arms. He situated himself at the piano with Eri sitting next to him. Izuku smiled as he played a few scales on the piano with ease.

Izuku then began to play a piece that he wrote a few nights ago.

*Lee Ru Ma - River flows in you

Eri looked at Izuku with awe.

Tears fell out of her eyes as she looked at her father, admiringly.

Eri: That was beautiful, papa.

Izuku smiled at Eri.

He then played a few notes on the piano as he began to sing.

*Phil Collins - You'll be in my heart


Come stop your crying

It will be alright

Just take my hand

And hold it tight

Izuku's voice was soft and comforting, as his voice made the lyrics come to life.


I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here

Don't you cry

Eri leaned towards Izuku as he continued to sing. Eri immediately knew that the song was about her, as soon as she heard the lyrics.

The song, for some reason, was tugging at her heart. It was as if the song was made specifically for her.


For one so small,

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you,

Keep you safe and warm

This bond between us

Can't be broken

I will be here

Don't you cry

Eri's eyes began to glisten with emotion. The song described the one thing she had ever wanted in her five years of life, someone who can keep her warm and safe. Someone who will protect her, until she was strong enough to face the world.


'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forevermore

You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart


Eri then knew what the song was about, it was Izuku's message to Eri, the way he felt about their current father and daughter bond.


Why can't they understand the way we feel

They just don't trust what they can't explain

I know we're different, but deep inside us

We're not that different at all

Eri felt warm inside as she listened. She had never felt this way before in all her five years of life, she felt love, a love that can't be broken no matter what.


And you'll be in my heart

Yes you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forevermore

Izuku continued to sing, as the melody escaped through the window and into the ears of the passerby.

Everyone who was near the apartment stopped what they were doing as they listened to the song.


Don't listen to them

'Cause what do they know

We need each other, to have, to hold

They'll see in time, I know

Children were now hugging their parents, as they all listened, thanking them internally for all the grateful things their parents have done for them.


When destiny calls you, you must be strong

I may not be with you

But you got to hold on

They'll see in time, I know

We'll show them together

Izuku's emotions grew stronger as he played.


'Cause you'll be in my heart

Believe me, you'll be in my heart

I'll be there from this day on

Now and forevermore

You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart


Eri leaned onto her father's arm as she continued to listen.


Always I'll be with you

I'll be there for you always

Always and always

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

I'll be there


Izuku played the final note as Eri hugged his arm.

Eri: Was that song about me?

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: Do you like it?

Eri nodded with glistening eyes.

Eri: I love it.

Izuku smiled as he held his daughter close.

Izuku: Hey, Eri, you want to hear a secret?

Eri looked at Izuku with a questioning look.

Izuku: That was a song that I just thought of this morning. I wanted to express how much I'm grateful for you to be part of my life.

Izuku hugged Eri in his arms.

Izuku: No matter, what happens, you will always be in my heart.

Tears began to pour out of Eri's eyes as she hugged Izuku. Izuku was the first person that ever treated her with kindness, he rescued her, he gave her a home, and he gave her a family. Eri loved him with all her heart.

Eri: I love you, papa.

Izuku held Eri in his arms.

Izuku: I love you too, sweetheart.

Later that night -

Izuku and Eri were currently in the living room, watching a movie.

The screen showed a teenager who looked like an emo version of Izuku. The boy was currently standing on a parade float singing: Twist and Shout by the Beatles, which was ironically his band in real life.

*Hisashi Midoriya - 15 years old

???: Well, shake it up, baby, now

*Pretend that everyone in the video are your favourite cartoon characters.

An orchestra of trumpets moved along with the beat.

???: Twist and shout

The boy bounced his hip along with the music while a group of dancer girls flocked him on the parade float, who were giving the boy flirtatious stares.

Izuku pointed at the boy.

Izuku: You see the boy singing on the parade float, Eri? That's your grandfather, Hisashi Midoriya. He is an actor, businessman, and singer in Hollywood.

Everyone at the parade was dancing along with the music as they all waved at Hisashi.

???: We love you, Ferris!!

???: Ferris, marry me.

Hisashi/Ferris looked at the girls, slightly creeped out.

Izuku shook his head.

Izuku:(thought) Talk about clingy.

Hisashi/Ferris moved along with the music as the dancers all danced at the centre of the float pumping their fists upwards and bouncing their skirts.


Come on and work it on out

Well, work it on out, honey

You know you look so good

A construction worker was dancing on the top of his work station.

A group of high school dancers slowly moved into view as they snapped their fingers and slid to their right.


 You know you got me goin' now

Just like I know you would

Well, shake it up, baby, now

Twist and shout

The dancers were now crowding around, Hisashi/Ferris nuzzling their noses at him.


 Come on, come on, come, come on, baby, now

Come on and work it on out

The high school dancers were looking to their right while bobbing their heads.


You know you twist, little girl

You know you twist so fine

The camera showed a girl bouncing her butt as it zoomed out to reveal Inko Midoriya in her teens.

Izuku covered his eyes, he did not need to see that.


Come on and twist a little closer now

And let me know that you're mine, woo

Everyone clapped along with the music while a group of businessmen started doing the robot.

Everyone in the parade was dancing as well, enjoying Hisashi/Ferris's little show.

Schoolgirls were twerking, babies were bobbing along, and the high schoolers were dancing their butts off. The office workers were all bobbing along with the music, while the senior citizens were weakly waving their canes while doing the wave. Soon the entire crowd made their way to the parade, stopping all the rides.


Ah, ah, ah, ah, wow

Baby, now

Twist and shout

Come on, come on, come, come on, baby, now

Come on and work it on out

You know you twist, little girl

The girls were now trying to reach out towards Hisashi/Ferris Bueller, as the crowd danced along.


 Come on and twist a little closer now

And let me know that you're mine

Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now

Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now

Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now

Ah, ah, ah, ah

Hisashi/Ferris ended the song, as the drummers played a grand finale. Hisashi/Ferris then proceeded to collapse into the arms of the dancer girls who caught him but not before smooching him all over his face.

Hisashi/Ferris made a face, while wiping away the kissy marks on his face.

Izuku and Eri, both let out a laugh when they saw Hisashi's funny expression.

Eri: Grandpa, is so funny!!

Eri was laughing so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Izuku couldn't help but chuckle along as he wiped away a tear.

Izuku: Yeah, I know.

Izuku stared at the monitor as the infomercials came on.

Izuku: (thought) Man, that guy sure knows how to make people smile.

Izuku was about to turn off the TV when his mother burst into the room, scrabbling on all fours.

Inko: Izu-Izu-Izu-Izu-Izuku!! It's here.

Inko held out an envelope with a red seal on it. He grabbed the letter from Inko and saw that it was from U.A, which could only mean -

Izuku: My test results!!

Izuku opened it as quickly as he could.

A small metallic disk fell out of the envelope with a soft plop. Eri began poking at it a little, before a beam of light shot out of it.

The Midoriya trio let out a yelp in response, before noticing that it was a hologram, showing the number one hero, All Might!!

All Might:( boom) I am here as a projection!!

Izuku: (startled) All Might?!! Wait, a minute!!

Izuku looked at the envelope that he just tore.

Izuku: This is from U.A. isn't it, so why is All Might - 

All Might: (booming voice) Sorry for the wait Midoriya, I had a lot of paperwork to finish for the past few days, so I didn't have the time to contact you.

All Might let out a cough before bowing towards Izuku.

All Might: Sorry about that.

Izuku, Eri, and Inko stared in shock as All Might continued.

All Might: If you are wondering why I'm announcing the entrance exam results to you, young Midoriya, it is because I came to this town to work in U.A.

Izuku&Inko:(simultaneously) Wait, All Might is working at U.A?

All Might nodded, before noticing a small hand at the bottom right corner of the screen, telling him to wrap up the recording.

All Might: Hm, what is it?

All Might, looked, appalled.

All Might: Wrap it up?!! But there is something that I need to tell him -

The hand started making weird and rapid gestures, as All Might stared off-screen, in shock.

All Might: (surprised yell) I have to do, how many?!! 

All Might slapped his temple, comically.

All Might: 30,000!! What the heck are we running here, the army?

All Might regained his composure.

All Might: My apologies, I had to do a 100,000 of these yesterday, so I'm a little exhausted. I'll get right to the point, you passed the written exam with a perfect score of 100% while, passing the practical exam with a score of 500600 points, breaking the previous high score for the entrance exam. That means you passed!!

Izuku, Inko, and Eri stared at the screen in silence, before letting out a cheer so loud that it nearly shattered every glassware at a 5-mile radius.

Izuku, Inko, and Eri: Hurray!!

Inko began to do a little victory dance.

While Izuku and Eri danced around the room.

All Might: There is one more thing that I need to show you before I sign off. Please take a look.

All Might held out a remote as he pressed on a couple of buttons as a small TV screen appeared on his left.

The TV screen showed none other than, Ochako Uraraka walking into the room.

Ochako: Um, hello there, Mr. Mic?

Ochako was looking towards, Present Mic who was standing before her.

Present Mic: Yes, how may I help you?

Ochako looked at the pro-hero, before letting out a gulp.

Ochako: Um, the boy with the red aviator sunglasses, you know the cool-looking boy who saved all of our butts back at Battle Centre B?

Izuku directed his attention back to the hologram.

Izuku: It's Uraraka!! Is she talking about me?

Ochako looked around nervously before tightening her grip on her bag.

Ochako squeezed her eyes shut as she blurted out what she wanted to say.

Ochako: I owe him my life!! He saved me from the zero pointers and healed me when I got injured!! I want to repay him, if possible, I was wondering if he can get some of my points.

Izuku's eyes widened Ochako was willing to sacrifice her points, for him?!!!

Ochako clenched her fist.

Ochako: I want to make sure that he gets accepted here. He deserves it more than anyone else here today. Onegaishimasu.

Present Mic let out a chuckle.

Ochako: Don't worry about a thing. The boy passed with flying colors, and so did you. Go home for the day, you must be exhausted.

Present Mic patted Ochako.

The screen came to pause as the hologram went back to All Might.

All Might nodded as he turned off the monitor.

All Might: Despite having a powerful quirk, your actions spurred others to act(Inko and Eri already know about Izuku's connection with All Might and One for all since this Izuku hates to lie or keep secrets from his own family).

Izuku smiled.

Izuku looked at the small monitor, which showed Ochako's bright smile.

Izuku: (thought) Thanks, Uraraka, that means a lot.

All Might: The entrance exam is not graded on only villain points.

All Might pressed a couple of buttons on the remote again as the screen came back to life.

Present Mic: That boy is lucky to have a good friend like you. I guarantee that you two already made your place here.

All Might paused the screen as he walked in front of the monitor, showing off his large muscular arm.

All Might: There are also hero points.

The screen switched to a dark room where a single hand was holding up a sign that read: 10.

All Might: And they're given by a panel of judges, it's the other basic ability that we in U.A. look at. Izuku Midoriya, 510000 points!! Ochako Uraraka, 300 points!!

All Might reached out his hand towards the screen.

All Might: Come, young Midoriya. This is your hero Academia.

The three Midoriyas let out a cheer as they all danced around the room.

Izuku: I did it, I passed, I passed.

Eri: Daddy is going to be the best hero ever!!

Inko: I'm so proud of you, Izuku. I'm so happy. 

Inko let out a waterfall of tears as she hugged both Izuku and Eri.

Both Midoriyas sweatdropped at the sight of Inko filling up the living room with gallons after gallons of tears.

Izuku:(shouting) Mom!! You're flooding the apartment!!

The Next Morning -

Inko: Do you have your tissues?

Izuku:(annoyed) Yes.

Izuku helped Eri tie her shoes as he grabbed her lunch bundle and placed it in his backpack. He had to wake up super early to cook both of their lunches since U.A. doesn't serve lunch until next week.

Inko: Your handkerchief?

Izuku: Yes.

Izuku turned towards Inko.

Izuku was wearing a grey school uniform with a red tie, green shoulder blades and green pants. While Eri was wearing a yellow dress with an All Might themed hoodie.

Tears rolled out of Inko's eyes.

Inko: (thought) My baby is all grown up.

Izuku was about to reach the door handle when Inko called out his name.

Izuku turned around.

Izuku: What is it, mom?

Inko looked at Izuku with a grin.

Inko: You look so cool, just like your father when we were in high school.

Izuku blushed a bit.

Izuku: Thanks, see you after school, mom!!

Izuku lifted Eri onto his shoulders before dashing out the door.

Izuku: Let's go Eri!!

Little later -

Izuku managed to arrive 20 minutes early then he anticipated, so he decided to relax at the courtyard with Eri.

Izuku: Wow, we made it here earlier than expected.

Eri nodded as she hugged Izuku's fluffy hair.

Eri: Papa's hair is so soft.

Izuku chuckled when he saw Eri's cute expression as she used his hair as a pillow.

The students that were on campus were eyeing the Midoriya duo as they walked through the gate.

???: That's him, the boy that trashed Battle Center B.

A boy whispered to his friend, the said boy looked at Izuku then remembered the news from the day before.

???: Isn't he the guy who defeated Overhaul on TV two days ago?

The students also noticed Eri nestling on top of the optic blast user, using his hair as a pillow.

???: So that's the little girl he adopted, huh?

???: Wow, she's pretty cute

Hearing this, Izuku abruptly turned around clearly, surprised. This would normally be the time where people would start to get suspicious of Izuku, but for some reason, it seems as though they already know about his relationship with Eri.

Izuku: (thought) Wait, how do they know that?

Izuku walked up to the two boys.

Izuku: Excuse me, but how do you know ---

Izuku was cut off when someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind.

Izuku turned around to see a girl with black hair, dark blue eyes, wearing a blank expression.

Izuku and Eri yelped when they noticed the girl.

Izuku: (thought) Where the heck, did she come from?!!

The girl didn't say a word. Instead, she held up a newspaper towards Izuku.

Izuku quickly read the headline.

Izuku: (thought) Seriously? How could they possibly know about that?

Izuku let out a sigh.

Izuku: Thanks, Ms -

???: Yui Kodai.

There was an awkward pause.

???: Thank you, Ms. Kodai.

???: Call me, Yui.

The girl blushed before walking away.

Izuku: (thought) Weird.

???: He looks so cool. He seems like a good guy too, I mean I heard that he fought against Overhaul, to protect that little girl.

One of the girls said as Izuku and Eri walked by.

???: He is both mature and responsible. I wonder if I should confess my feelings to him?

A girl said, her index fingers touching each other nervously.

???: Maybe, we should tie him onto the ground and take advantage of him.

The last one said, making lewd hand gestures. Izuku quickly covered Eri's eyes before she noticed.

The girl's companion slapped her repeatedly across the cheeks.

???: Not in front of the kid, you idiot!!

Izuku sweatdropped. 

Izuku and Eri continued to walk on when suddenly a girl with a tall lean figure jumped out of nowhere and peered into Izuku's face.

???: Ah, so you're the new kid that everyone is fussing about.

Izuku jumped back out of surprise and shock.

Izuku: Where did you come from?

???: Oh, silly me, where are my manners? I'm Nejire Hadou, a third-year.

Izuku: My name is Izuku, and this is my daughter, Eri.

Everyone in the courtyard stopped what they were doing as they all stared at Izuku and Eri.

Nejire slapped both of her hands on her cheeks as she stared at the two with star-shaped eyes.

Nejire: Oh my gosh, so you guys are the people from the Overhaul incident.

Izuku calmly nodded.

Nejire: I see, I see. Just like how the article described it.

Izuku stood there awkwardly.

Eri tugged on his sleeve, as she looked at Izuku teary-eyed.

Eri: Papa, people are staring at us.

Izuku noticed that Eri didn't like the attention.

Izuku: (thought) So much for relaxing out in the schoolyard.

Izuku turned towards Nejire.

Izuku:(thought) Well, since she knows the school better than I do, I should probably ask her where Class - 1A is.

Izuku: If you don't mind, can you tell me -

Nejire quickly finished his sentence.

Nejire: Where Class 1-A is?

Izuku's eyes widened.

Izuku: (thought) Wow, she must be psychic.

Nejire turned around.

Nejire: Follow me.

Nejire skipped down the courtyard, as Izuku and Eri followed, slightly taken back by the girl's optimism.

Izuku: (thought) I swear, this girl's optimism is way worst than Isabella's cuteness.

Izuku remembered the girl that fell in love with him when he was attending Kindergarten in the States.

Izuku was only four years old at the time when he first met the girl. She had black hair tied in a ribbon, with two large eyes with long eyelashes, a triangular nose, and wore a pink dress whenever she came by. Izuku remembered how she always greeted him with her catchphrase, "Whatcha doing?" and how his old friend and rival/ Phineas Flynn would act all jealous of Izuku for stealing his crush's attention.


Izuku was sitting in the cafeteria with Lee when Isabella approached them.

Lee: Oh look, here comes the future, Mrs. Midoriya.

Izuku quickly grabbed his textbook from his bag and used it to cover his face.

Isabella: Hiya, Izuku. What'cha doing?

Isabella stared at Izuku with flirty eyes.

Izuku: Izuku's not here right now, please leave a message after the beep. Beep.

Isabella: My sister rented a videotape I thought you might be interested in seeing.

Izuku hesitated.

Izuku: He left you just missed him.

Izuku pointed towards the exit.

Isabella pushed down his textbook and looked at him in the eyes with a grin.

Isabella: Godzilla goes to college.

Izuku stared into Isabella's eyes before looking at Lee.

Lee: Woah, that's the one where Godzilla scarfs down UCLA.

Lee's eyes twinkled.

Izuku: Yeah.
Izuku turned back to Isabella.

Izuku: When can we borrow it?

Isabella leaned in close to Izuku, much to his discomfort.

Isabella: You can't borrow it, silly. It's my sister's tape. She says I can't let it out of my sight.

Izuku gave in.

Izuku: Okay, when should we come over to your house?

Isabella: Our VCR is broken, so I'll have to come over to your house.

Isabella touched Izuku on the tip of his nose. Izuku let out a blush.

Isabella: Sam also says that she wants to tag along.

Lee choked on his macaroni.

Lee: What?!!!!

Izuku cut him off as he gave Isabella his answer.

Izuku: Alright, how about four o clock?

Isabella: Four is good for me. That'll give me enough time to go home and get ready.

Izuku and Lee eyed the girl suspiciously.

Izuku: "Get ready?" For what?

Isabella smiled.

Isabella: Get ready to get the tape, of course. That's all, bye.

Isabella went back to her table. While Sam, who was sitting beside her, blew a kiss at Lee.

Lee shuttered.

Phineas stormed into the cafeteria with his tray and stood next to Izuku.

Phineas leaned in with a mildly annoyed look.

Phineas: You maggot.

Izuku looked confused.

Izuku: Huh?

Phineas: All these years, pretending to be my close friend. All so you can get to her.

Izuku: Her?

Izuku turned back to Isabella who had hearts in her eyes.

Isabella lets out a sigh, as she clasped both her hands together and placed them on her right cheek.

Izuku grew a tick mark.

Izuku:(thought) She's doing it on purpose.

Izuku turned back to Phineas.

Izuku: Who? Isabella? No way, man. I mean she is cute and beautiful and everything. But she is your woman, not mine.

Isabella looked a little glum. But perked up when she realized that Izuku thought that she was cute and beautiful.
Phineas: Oh don't lie. The whole school is talking about you two. Including Lee and Sam.

Izuku and Lee and made a face simultaneously.

Izuku and Lee: Say what?!!
Phineas leaned in closer.

Phineas: It must be nice to have a harem of your own. Like how you both got: Max, Wendy, Jenny, Laura, Tina Kwee, Kanna Kamui, Rom, Ram, Hope, Jessica, Denise, Gwen Tennyson, Courtney, The other Gwen, Dawn, Anko, Michelle, Kendall etc.etc.?

Izuku: Look, we ate a couple of brownies and I sang her a few songs so what? Besides she's only coming over to see a movie with us -

Phineas: With Sam in tow? Just like your trip to Acapulco?

Izuku let out an exasperated sigh when he realized where the conversation is going.

Izuku: Yes, and say what now?

Izuku turned to Lee suspiciously.
Lee: I embellish.

Lee shrugged.

Phineas: Do you care about her? Or are you doing this to humiliate me?

Izuku let out a sigh.

Izuku: She and I are only going to see a movie, that her sister got. Besides Isabella likes you, dude.

Izuku: (thought)It's either that, or she's trying to find herself a harem of her own.

Lee stood up from his seat and wrapped an arm around Phineas's head.

Lee: Hey, Phineas. Do you want to play walnut?

Phineas looks at Izuku.

Phineas: Your bodyguard can't be with you 24 hours a day, Midoriya. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Phineas turned towards Lee.

Phineas: I got two words for you, antiperspirant.

Lee let out a laugh.

Lee: That's three words.

Lee paused when he realized he got it wrong.

Lee: Dang it.

End of flashback.

Izuku swore that girl's, cuteness, was unbelievable. It was enough to even put Kanna Hashimoto to shame.

Izuku quickly shook his head.

Izuku: (thought) Get your mind out of the gutters, Izuku Midoriya. Now is not the time for a flashback.

Izuku and Eri followed Nejire down a narrow hallway, as they finally stopped in front of a giant door that had 1-A painted on it.

Izuku and Eri stared at the door with dinner plate eyes.

Izuku & Eri: (shouting comically) This is class 1-A? Why is the door so freaking huge?

Nejire let out a goofy smile.

Nejire: I guess this is where we part ways. Good luck, Midoriya!!

Nejire disappeared around the corner.

Izuku: (thought) Seriously though, I can't tell if she is being too optimistic or weird.

Izuku looked at Eri, who was nervously glancing at the door.

Izuku: This is it, Eri, I don't know who or what is going to greet us on the other side. But just let me know if you feel uncomfortable, okay?

Eri nodded.

Izuku beckoned to the door.

Izuku: Care to do the honors?

Eri nodded, as she grabbed the door handle and slid the door open only to whimper when she saw what was on the other side.

???: Don't put your feet on the desk!!
A tall boy, with blue hair, shouted as a sandy-haired boy gave him a shit-eating grin.

???: Ha?

Izuku noticed that it was Tenya and Bakugou. Izuku rolled his eyes.

Izuku: (thought) Oh boy, here we go again.

Tenya: Don't you think it's rude to the upperclassmen and the people who made that desk?

Tenya pointed angrily towards Bakugou who had his feet on his desk.

Izuku let out an angry sigh of annoyance. Typical Bakugou, Jesus Christ, just how stupid is he?

Katsuki: Nope. What junior high did you go to you, side character?

Tenya was appalled by the boy's rude attitude.

Tenya: I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida.

Katsuki: Somei, so you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you.

Tenya backed away in shock.

Tenya: Crushing?!! That's cruel. Do you truly aim to be a hero?

Eri hid behind Izuku's arm, in fear.

Izuku grew a tick mark on his forehead, as he quickly lowered his backpack and brought out a pair of sound-canceling headphones. He gently propped the headphones onto Eri's ears, as he carried her towards the pair.

Izuku: (angrily) Oi, Bakahatsu. I would appreciate it if you won't cause a scene so early in the morning. You've made my daughter cry, jerkface.

Katsuki glared at the little girl that Izuku had in his arms. He then smirked at the optic blast user.
Katsuki: So you finally did it, huh? I knew you would show your true nature. Looks like your cockiness got the better of you huh, Deku?

Katsuki pointed at Eri.

Katsuki: You knocked up, side ponytail and had yourself a kid didn't you? Wow, that is low.

Tenya already knew that Katsuki is lying. He already read the article, about Izuku's heroism, and how he adopted Eri. Iida just couldn't believe how low Katsuki will go to insult Izuku

Izuku grew a tick mark.

Izuku: For your information, this is the girl that I saved from Overhaul a few days ago. Her parents abandoned her, and Overhaul picked her up and did painful experiments on her. I adopted her because she deserved a good home and a family. What kind of a heartless bastard would I be if I ignore the pain that Eri had gone through, huh?

Tenya nodded.

Tenya: I concur, Katsuki your rude attitude is -

Katsuki let out a shrill laugh. Izuku glared, as he held back the urge to clobber Katsuki in the face.

Tenya glared at Katsuki too. He only met the guy, and he already knew, Katsuki Bakugou is a moron and an a******.

Katsuki: That's total bull, you are just putting up an excuse, just so -

Katsuki got cut off when an enlarged fist flew out of nowhere and smashed Katsuki in the face.

Izuku and Tenya backed away as Katsuki flew to the back of the classroom, face planting against the wall.

Izuku turned around to see Itsuka standing behind the pair with one of her hands enlarged.

Itsuka:(growling) I swear, that asshole needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.

Katsuki fell onto the floor, unconscious.

Everyone in the classroom stared at the orange-haired girl who had a tick mark on her forehead, 

Itsuka deactivated her quirk and stared at everyone in the classroom.

Itsuka: Alright, people listen up, I know that most of you already know who the little girl is, but I'm still going to say it anyway. This kid over here -

Itsuka pointed at Eri who was currently hugging Izuku.

Itsuka: Is the girl that Izuku saved from Overhaul. She is an orphan who got kidnapped by Overhaul and had experiments done on her. After saving her, Izuku thought that the right thing to do was to adopt the girl and raise her as his daughter. He is a kind and noble soul, who would risk his own life to save an innocent girl and give her a home of her own. So don't get any funny ideas, or you will be hearing from me, got it?!!

Everyone in the class nodded.

???: So you're the guy who defeated Overhaul? That is so manly!!

A boy with spiky red hair shouted as he stood from his seat.

???: Nice to meet you, my name is Eijirou Kirishima.

Izuku shook Kirishima's hand.

Izuku: Nice to meet you.

A pink-haired girl with horns  went up next.

???: My name is Mina Ashido, it's nice to meet you, Izuku.

Mina slapped Izuku on the back.

Mina: And don't worry we already know about the fight and you adopting this little cutie.

Mina looked at Eri while pinching her cheeks, much to Eri's displeasure.

Mina: Man, she is so cute!!

Izuku: Uh, nice to meet you too.

A floating school uniform made its way towards the Midoriya duo.

???: Aw, she's so cute. You two, look good together. My name is Toru Hagakure by the way.

Soon the entire class introduced themselves to Izuku and Eri.

???: My name is Hanta Sero. Glad to meet you.

???: My name is Yuga Aoyama, I think we have met before, no?

Yuga waved his midsection, to the displeasure of everyone in the room.

???: The name's Rikido Sato. If you like I can give Eri some of the sweets I brought to school today.

Izuku looked at Itsuka with a smile on his face.

Izuku: Thanks, Katsuki was being a jerk again.

Itsuka smiled back.

Itsuka: Anytime.

???: Oh, Izuku, Itsuka looks like we're in the same class together!!

Ochako Uraraka walked in with Tsuyu behind her.

Tsuyu: Ribbit, good morning, Izu.

Izuku: Good morning to you too, Tsu-chan, Uraraka-san.

Tsuyu noticed Bakugou lying on the floor.

Tsuyu turned to Izuku.

Tsuyu: What happened to him?

Kendo: He was insulting Izuku again, so I gave him kicked his butt.

Kendo turned around and started walking to the door.

Izuku raised his eyebrow.

Izuku: Wait, where are you going?

Kendo chuckled before turning to her friends.

Kendo: I'm actually in Class 1-B. I only stopped by because I heard Katsuki in the other room.

Izuku, Ochako, and Tsuyu all had saddened expressions on their faces. Kendo patted them on the shoulder.

Kendo: Hey, it's not like we won't be able to see each other. We'll hang out during lunch, oh, and I hope you guys all brought your lunches since we won't be getting any food until next week.

The three friends nodded.

Ochako: It's still a little sad that you aren't in the same class as us.

Kendo laughed.

Kendo: Like, I said, it's nothing to worry about, see you guys later.

And with that, Kendo left the room.

The class heard heavy footsteps coming towards them as they all turned around, to see Katsuki walking towards them with an expression that read, bloody murder.

Izuku gave Katsuki a menacing glare.

Izuku: (growling) Don't even think about it.

Katsuki immediately sank away, while clicking his tongue.

He'll deal with the stupid Deku some other time.

Tsuyu noticed the sound-canceling headphones on Eri's ears.

She gently removed them before tickling Eri's chin.

Tsuyu: Hello again, Eri-chan.

Everyone awed at the sight of Eri giggling.

???: If you're here to socialize then get out.

Everyone turned in shock and surprise as they saw a scraggy man in a yellow sleeping bag lying out on the hall.

Everyone (except Izuku, Katsuki, and a kid with red and white hair):(yelling comically) What the hell, is that thing?

Eri yelped out in shock as she clung onto Izuku. The man looked towards the two Midoriyas, clearly puzzled.

???: Why is there a kid here? This isn't preschool, you know?

Everyone stared at the strange man, clearly loss for words.

???: Oh I see, I remember from today's PTA meeting and the newspaper. You're the brat that defeated Overhaul a few days ago, correct? So that's the kid who you adopted after your fight, huh?

The man gave Izuku a hard glare.

???: Don't ever do that again, you should know by now that using your quirk out in public, is against the law.

Izuku was about to retort, but the man cut him off.

???: Anyways class is about to start so everybody, go to your seats.

Everyone immediately obeyed as they all found a spot to sit.

The man entered the classroom as he took off his sleeping bag.

???: It took you eight seconds before your quiet.

The strange man made it to the middle of the classroom.

???: Time is limited, you, kids are not rational enough.

Izuku observed the man before him.

Izuku: (thought) He must be a teacher here. But I've never seen a hero who looks so tired before.

Eri: (whisper) Papa, who is he? He looks like he hasn't slept in ages.

???: Alright, I guess introductions are in order, my name is Shota Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher. Yoroshiku.

Everyone sweatdropped.

Everyone:(thought-shouting)This guy is our teacher?

Rikido: (thought) Are we sure, he's not a homeless dude looking for shelter?

Hanta:(thought) He looks gloomy.

Mina: (thought) Are we sure, he's not homeless?

Toru: (thought) His face looks like a combination of Junichi Okada, Hirofumi Arai, and Tetsuji Tamayama.

Aizawa: Anyways.

Aizawa brought out a tracksuit from the podium.

Aizawa: Put these on and go outside.

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