Avenging Him

By bat91988

50 10 8

Five years ago, half the world's population disappeared into dust. Bucky Barnes was one of them. Decisions ar... More

Moments Later
Five Years Later

It's a Long Shot

12 3 5
By bat91988

In the morning, Violetta was rushing around the kitchen to clean up the mess from breakfast. Marsha had the kids outside playing in the yard. Violetta had the kitchen window up to hear the children in the yard. She looked up at the window. Steve's car drove into the driveway. The car parked besides Violetta's van and Marsha's car. Violetta watched as Steve and Natasha got out of the car with a strange. She knew who it was by remembering his face. The face was familiar to the one, she saw on the screen five years ago at the Compound. Scott Lang. Steve, Natasha and Scott entered into the house. Violetta began to wipe down the kitchen table with a wet cloth.

Natasha saw Violetta wiping down the kitchen table. She walked over to the other petite woman."Violetta, you may want to sit down for this." Natasha told Violetta.

Violetta looked at Natasha. "It's been a long time since you came out of your cave." She replied when she sat down on the kitchen.

"Hibernation is better than anything right now." Natasha sighed. She looked over at Scott. "We have something to tell you, Violetta." She said, turning her head to the other redhead in the room.

"Alright, I'm all ears." Violetta accepted.

Scott walked over to Violetta. He heard some of the stories about her from Natasha and Steve. "We are going to time travel." He announced to Violetta.

Violetta just glanced over at Scott. "And how are you going to do that, Ant-Man?" She asked him.

"Well, a time heist." Steve corrected Scott. Even he thought the idea was crazy, but it could happen.

"We are going back in time to get the Infinity stones before Thanos collects them in 2018. We are going to use the Quantum Realm." Scott explained. He sat down on the kitchen chair. "We have to figure out what points of time to get each stone." He said.

Violetta listened to Scott. "Time travel is very difficult to handle. You would have to get a scientist to help you. Plus, you would have to figure out where in time to get each stone before five years ago." She replied. Violetta sat down on the kitchen chair besides Scott.

Natasha sat besides Violetta in a chair. "We hope it will bring back those who we lost five years ago." Natasha added.

"Bruce may help you." Violetta hinted about Bruce. "I don't know about Tony. He's enjoying his family life." Violetta told them about Tony.

"I guess Tony and you are still talking to each other." Steve mentioned.

Violetta sighed. She glanced over at Steve. "Yes, we are talking. I'm like a sister to him. We knew each other since I was born. Remember my dad worked for SHIELD for years." She told Steve. Violetta leaned back in the chair.

"I did see that a lot with him and you when we weren't on a mission." Natasha remembered. "Do you have coffee made?" She asked Violetta since she was getting thirsty.

"Yes, I do." Violetta answered. She pointed her finger to the coffee pot on the stove. "It's  not Kerig coffee, but it's the next best thing in this house. I have to get K-cups in the afternoon." She told Natasha.

"Thank you, Vi." Natasha said gratefully. She  got up from the table. Natasha poured herself a cup of coffee into a clean cup from the counter.

Violetta looked at Steve. "Who else is going to be a part of the time heist?" She asked.

Steve sighed. "I need your help to locate Bruce and Tony." He told Violetta.

Violetta shook her head at Steve. She wanted the best for Tony, Pepper and Morgan. Tony had a quiet and normal life from being a superhero. Plus, there wasn't a major problem in five years. She hadn't talked to Bruce in awhile. Before she could speak to Steve, Violetta saw Marsha come in with Rebecca and Grant from outside. Grant was crying. Rebecca had her arms crossed to her chest. Marsha was talking to them in Russian. Rebecca was talking back to her grandmother in Russian.

"Mommy, Rebecca pushed me on the ground again." Grant toddled on his sister to his mother.

"I did not." Rebecca protested. "You tripped over my foot." She replied. Rebecca rolled her ocean blue eyes.

"Liar!" Grant called out Rebecca.

"Mom, what happened?" Violetta asked Marsha.

"Grant tripped over Rebecca when they were playing by the swing set." Marsha explained to her daughter. "I got it. Come on, kids." She told Rebecca and Grant.

Rebecca and Grant followed their grandmother to upstairs. Violetta sighed as she looked at Steve, Scott and Natasha in the kitchen. Steve put his hand on his hip. Natasha sipped on her coffee cup. Scott was looking for something to eat. Violetta watched Scott around her kitchen. She had so many questions to ask Scott about the Qualm Realm. Although she through Scott had been snapped five years ago, Violetta wondered how he got out of the realm. Minutes later, Marsha came back down with Grant and Rebecca. The young children hugged Steve and Natasha. They stared at Scott.

"Mommy, who is he?" Rebecca asked her mother. She beamed at the mystery man in her home.

"This is Scott Lang. His superhero name is Ant-Man." Violetta answered her daughter's question. "He is staying with Uncle Steve and Aunt Natasha for awhile." She said to the five year old.

Scott kneeled down to Rebecca's level. "Hi Rebecca, I met your uncle and your aunt back in Germany a few years back with your daddy." He told her. Scott could not help to look at her blues eyes. They were so much like Bucky's eyes. Her hair was red as her grandmother and mother's hair.

"Are you going to get daddy back to mommy?" Grant asked Scott.

Scott nodded as he glanced over at Grant. "I'm going to try." Scott answered. He noticed both kids had Bucky's looks.

"Mommy misses daddy." Grant mentioned to Scott. He didn't realize this stranger is an Avenger like Uncle Steve and Aunt Natasha.

"We will get him back." Scott declared. He hoped the plan would work. He had some of Hank Pym's particles leftover in his van.

"Thank you, Mister Scott." Grant replied.

Scott nodded at the little boy. "You're welcome." He said.

"I will have a talk with them later, mom." Violetta told her mother.

Marsha sighed as she took Rebecca and Grant upstairs to the bathroom. She grumbled something in Russian. Violetta glanced over at Steve and Natasha. She pressed her pale pink lips together. Scott was waiting by the door. Violetta crossed her arms together. She sighed as her chest moved in and out.

"Tony lives by the lake not too far from here. Pepper and Tony got married after the Avengers disbanded." Violetta told Steve. "They have a daughter named Morgan. Pepper usually bring Morgan over to play with Rebecca and Grant." She said.

"They finally tied the knot." Steve commented.

"Yes." Violetta replied. "I don't know if Tony will help you since you and him are not on the best of terms. As for Bruce, I haven't seen him in years since the Compound."

"I will find Bruce." Natasha told Violetta. She hugged Violetta tightly in her arms. Then Natasha pulled away from her tiny redhead friend. "You need to worry about Nigel, Rebecca and Grant. Keep mom out of trouble." Natasha winked.

Steve, Natasha and Scott left the house. Violetta watched Scott jump when she heard one of her cows mooed. She has seen her friends leave for Tony's house. Violetta went upstairs to check on Rebecca and Grant. Marsha had finished cleaning the muddy mess off of them. Rebecca ran over to her mother. Grant went back down to the woodshed to Nigel. As Violetta picked Rebecca up, she held her little redhead daughter to her side. Marsha began to clean up the bath mess in the bathroom. Violetta exited the bathroom to Rebecca's bedroom. Rebecca wiggled out of her mother's arms.

"Is daddy coming back to us?" Rebecca asked Violetta. She ran over to her bed. Then Rebecca sat on the bed.

Violetta grabbed Rebecca's bow basket off of  the shelf. She sat behind Rebecca on the bed. "I don't have an answer." She replied. Violetta grabbed the hair brush from the basket.

"Mommy, Uncle Steve and Aunt Natasha said they were going to Uncle Tony's house." Rebecca told her mother.

Violetta brushed her daughter's wet red hair with the brush. "How much did you hear about the conversation between us?" She asked Rebecca.

"Some." Rebecca answered.

Violetta sighed. "You are your father's daughter." She said. Violetta brushed the back of Rebecca's hair.

"I am!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"You have some of me in there." Violetta chuckled.

"And Uncle Thor is an alien." Rebecca commented.

Violetta shook her head as she tied Rebecca's hair into a ponytail. "If you only knew the rest of the Avenger story." She whispered to Rebecca. She watched as her four year old daughter jumped off of the bed and ran out of the bedroom.

Later, Violetta was doing a load of laundry when her phone began to ring. She answered the call as she threw Grant's underwear into the washing machine. It was Tony. She shut the washing machine lid. She prayed it wasn't about Steve's visit earlier.

"Hello." She said on the phone.

"Why in the hell you told Rogers, Nat and some guy named Scott to come over?" Tony asked Violetta.

"I figured you needed the company of other people besides Pepper and Morgan." Violetta answered. She turned on the washing machine.

"Fuck sakes, Barnes. I'm retired from this shit. Time travel --" He commented on the phone.

Violetta could hear Tony sigh on the other end of the phone. "I figured Steve and you could hang up your differences. It's only a theory, Stark." She said. Violetta climbed up the stairs from the basement to the kitchen.

"I'm just worried it will --" Tony paused.

"Tony, it will not erase the present or the future. Just think this through." Violetta reassured Tony on the phone. She saw Grant and Rebecca trying to grab the cookie jar off the counter. "I have Irish twins double teaming for cookies. We'll talk about it in a few days." She said as she looked at Rebecca and Grant with her brown eyes.

Tony sighed on the phone. "Sure, I will talk to you later." He replied. Tony hung up the phone.

Violetta hung up the phone. Then she looked at her youngest children at the counter. Nigel came running into the kitchen. Violetta sighed and crossed her arms together. Rebecca and Grant smiled at their mother. Their curiosity had bad timing. For them, they had Super Soldier DNA in their blood. Shuri said, it would not affect Rebecca and Grant. It would make them intelligent, strong and agile like Bucky.

Rebecca grinned. "Can we have a cookie before dinner, mommy?" She asked her mother.

Violetta sighed. "No, you can after dinner. I don't want you spoiling your dinner." She answered her daughter.

"Tried to tell them, mom." Nigel said.

"You, three, need to go back into the living room with grandma." Violetta told her children.

One by one, Nigel, Rebecca and Grant went back to the living room with Marsha. Violetta began to get dinner ready. It was going to be late meal. She had a busy day with the Avengers and her own children. As she turned towards the stove in the kitchen, she saw a picture of Bucky in his army suit on the shelf by the sink. Violetta was missing her true love in life. James Buchanan Barnes was the love of her life and the father of her three beautiful children. She knew deep down, Steve's plan had to work.

The following day, Violetta had Rebecca with her at supermarket. Violetta was grocery shopping for the next two weeks before her next paycheck. Rebecca was looking at the produce shelf. Strawberries, watermelon and white grapes lined one side of the shelf. Vegetables lined down the other side. Rebecca grabbed a whole honey dew of the shelf. She carried the melon over to the cart.

"Mommy, can I have this for a snack tonight?" Rebecca asked her mother. She held the melon over her head.

"Yes, you can. Also, you will have to share with Nigel and Grant too." Violetta answered her daughter. She took the melon from Rebecca and put it in the cart.

"I know." Rebecca told her mother.

While they were walking down the cereal aisle, Violetta noticed a man walk into the store. He was wearing an orange hoodie. His hands were concealed in his hoodie pocket. Violetta sensed something shady about the man. There had not been much crime in the town in the last five years. She searched around the store for people. There was an elderly couple and the cashier. She thought about their safety. Then she realized Rebecca's safety.

Violetta knelt down to Rebecca's level. "I need you get to safety. Mommy has to fight a probable bad man." She whispered to her daughter.

Rebecca nodded. "Mommy don't get hurt." She whispered back to her mother.

"I promise, I won't." Violetta said. She glanced around the store for a safe spot for Rebecca. She found a table with a cloth over it. "I want you to hide here." Violetta told Rebecca as she points at the table.

Rebecca smiled. "Okay." She replied. Rebecca ran over to the table. She got under the table.

Violetta sneaks over by the checkout line. She watch the man come over to the cashier. The only thing she had on her, it was the shocking disks from Shuri. Five years ago, Shuri made the disks before the battle. Violetta took a couple of cases when she fought in the battle. The man positioned himself in front of the cashier. He slowly began to pull his hands out of his hoodie pocket.

"I want the money in the cash register. Open it!" He told the cashier.

The cashier opened the cash register with the key. She began to pull the money out the slots in the register. "It's all I have. Everyone does electronic cash with their debt or credit cards now." She said. The cashier handed the money to the man.

Before the man could say anything to cashier, Violetta jumped out at the man from her hiding spot. He fell forwards towards the cashier before falling down on the ground. He didn't realize Violetta was on top of him, trying to hold him down. Violetta saw his gun in his left hand. She tried to reach for it. The man pushed her off of his back. She flew off of his back.

The man stood up from the store floor. "Who are you?" He asked Violetta.

Violetta rolled over onto her side. "Someone, who, takes down bad guys." She answered him. Violetta jumped up to her feet from the floor.

He grinned at the redhead. "Are you Black Widow?" He asked her. The store robber smirked. "Or Scarlett Witch. Wait... Scarlett Witch disappeared five years ago."

Violetta kicked the robber hard in to his chest. She saw him fall backwards into a pyramid of sweet pea cans behind him. "No, I am not Black Widow or Scarlett Witch. I am a mother. Also, I am the wife of the Winter Soldier." She said walking over to him.

He smirked. "Who are you then?" The robber asked Violetta. He jumped back up onto his feet. The robber made his way to Violetta.

Violetta got into crouching position. She watched the man come over to her. Her heart was pounding inside of her chest. She let a breath escape her mouth. They began to run towards each other. Violetta swinged her arm around the man then slam him on the floor. The man grabbed her leg. He pulled her leg. Her body came tumbling down on the floor. It knocked the breath out of her lungs. The cashier dialed 9-1-1 on her cellphone. Violetta jumped up by throwing her hands on the floor. The man threw himself at Violetta. She tossed him down on the ground. As she pinned him to the floor with her knee on his lower back, Violetta heard sirens outside of the store.

A police officer by the name of Theodore came into the store. He saw Violetta kneeling on the robber's back with her knee. Theodore nodded as he took the robber's hands and handcuffed them behind his back. Violetta went to find Rebecca in the store. The little girl crawled out of her hiding place. Theodore came over to the mother and the daughter.

"I want to say thank you." Theodore told Violetta.

"You're welcome." Violetta replied. She put her hand on Rebecca's shoulder.

Theodore walked away from Violetta and Rebecca. Violetta watched as the police began to do their investigation in the store. She grabbed her cart to finish grocery shopping. After she checked out with her groceries, Violetta took Rebecca home. While she was driving back to the farmhouse, Violetta glanced back to Rebecca in her car seat.

"Never tell Grandma about this." Violetta said in Russian.

"I won't." Rebecca told her mother in Russian.

Violetta smiled at Rebecca. She turned on the radio to listen to music on their drive back to the house. Rebecca was singing a song in Russian. Those lessons from Marsha were paying off. Of course, it was from one generation of Checkov women to another generation of Checkov women.

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