By isha_mhaske

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What happens when someone whom you used to call as 'bestfriend' turns out to be someone who you never thought... More

Author's Note 1
2.5 ROYAL?!
Announcement 1
Announcement 2
40.OH GOD!
48.OH MY MY!
Author's Note 2


97 10 8
By isha_mhaske

~ Selena Gomez

Different inflection
when you say my name.
Kiss me,
but your kiss don't taste the same.
Is it real or
am I going out of my mind?
Curious 'bout the company
that you keep.
'Cause I hear you talking 'bout her
in your sleep.
And now you've got me talking
'bout her in mine.

Ooh and I bet she has it all.
Bet she's beautiful like you,
like you.
And I bet she's got that touch.
Makes you fall in love,
like you.

I can taste her lipstick and
see her laying across your chest.
I can feel the distance every time
you remember her fingertips.
Maybe I should be more like her,
Maybe I should be more like her.
I can taste her lipstick,
it's like I'm kissing her, too.
And she's perfect!

How does she touch you?
Can I try it, too?
I know you're twisted,
but baby, I'm twisted, too.
I wanna know how she could
make a man lose his mind.

With the smell of her perfume,
I could love her too,
like you, like you.
And I can almost hear her laugh,
Curving on her back for you,
for you .


Chapter 34 : JESSICA!


I wear sandals ,
knowing all too well that if
I wear heels , I'll end up falling on
my butt cheeks !

I rush downstairs after checking up on myself one last time .

"Hey , you didn't receive my call "

"Yaa I was talking to Lucy and then I came down directly "

"That's why I called you again" he says and opens the door for me 

I get in the car and mumble a thanks 

"You called again?"


"Wait , let me check " and then I recall that after talking with Lucy ,
I actually threw my phone on the bed and forgot to keep it back in my side purse.

" I forgot my cell! "

"Do you want me to turn around ?"

"No , it's okay . It's not like I'm gonna need my phone as of now "

"Okay then. Did I mention you are looking hot "

" Hot? " 

" Yeah" he says

" Thank you "

Someone called me hot for the very first time!

That's something new .


" So here we are! "

"What's this place?"

"You'll see " he says while extending his hand .

I follow his steps while our  hands are joined  .

He pushes  a door where in it's written in bold letters ,
'Enter at your own risk' . 

My eyes widen at the scenerio .

It's not a typical hangout spot  , but a freaking high class club .

Music is blasting , some of them are dancing while the others are  just hanging around .

Looking around , all I could think was ,
' This is definitely where I don't
belong ' .

The feeling that I don't fit in sinks in and it's bad but the thought that calms me down is the fact that I'd rather stay away from these places. 

"Let's go " he grins and pulls me along with him , directly to the middle of the stage . 

"Dance!" he yells over the music and starts moving with the beat 

I look around , at first I thought the people will greet me with their weird and uncomfortable stares.
But I realise most of them are just minding their own goddamn business and having what they call as 'fun' .

I don't know why but this is not my kind of fun , but dancing is so I do exactly that .

I try to picture just me and Marv there and the songs playing in the background .

After a few seconds of awkward dancing , I finally relax and give in completely with Marv by my side .

I internally thank him that if it wasn't for him , I would have just preferred being in my loop as usual .

When we feel kinda sorta tired , we settled down .

Marv had beer while I drank chocolate shake . 

"Thank you" I shout 


"I said thank you "

"My pleasure" he says and  I smile 

I continue sipping my drink and look around the place .

It's really extravagant . 

Out of nowhere , I recognise some people !

To be specific , it's Jessica , Rebecca , Ben and Fedrick dancing together .

To be honest, Jessica is looking really stunning today . Obviously , Ro will like her over me .

My next thought is to leave the place right away but then I'm like why should  I ? 

I really hope Royal's not here .
I have no energy to pretend that things are going alright between us !

"I wanna look around " I say

"Okay " he agrees and we go to the other side , just looking around .

He again takes my hand in his .

After a while , we dance again .

But this time , slow music is playing so it's more like romantic .

I can't help but think that me and Ro haven't danced for quite some time now .

Marving is just about to turn me around when he stops in the middle .

"I have to take this " he says while taking his phone out of his back pocket which I didn't realise was buzzing .


I go and stand in the corner while he continues talking on the phone outside the club area .

After few minutes , he rushes towards me .

"What happened ?" I ask , looking at the disappointed look on his face .

"An emergency ! I need to go back ."

"Oh , anything serious?"

"I don't know exactly . I'll let you know "

"Do you want me to come along?"

"No , it's okay . I'll be fine .
Please can you find your way home ?"

"Yeah no problem"


"It's alright " I say and he kisses my cheek before leaving !

It's past 11 right now .

And I think it's better to use washroom before I try to find my way back home .

Toilet was on the other side of the club so I had to walk until there .

I passed a few rooms as well .

After peeing , washing my hands and adjusting my hair , I come out of the washroom .

I could only see a human or two on this side and I expected a few to be in the rooms doing what not .

I walked straight ahead .

The sound of music was fairly low in here .

I was near to a specific room and so I managed to hear few words ,
"I have a boyfriend" .

That voice sounded familiar but then again who would be here ?

Just as I continued going further ,
I recalled that Ro's frds were here too .

I turned around and stood near the door of that room where in I heard the voice initially .



I heard muffled noises and I knew something was wrong .

Deja vu!

I slightly peeked in the room to check what was going on .

My eyes widen when I see
someone was trying to tie the wrists and the other person was trying to block the noise of none other than .....


One look at her and anyone could figure out she was intoxicated .

Thankfully , she was still conscious ,
considering the fact that she was atleast understanding what the hell was going on .

Where are her friends? Ro? Anyone ?

Nope !

I had to act fast .

Looking at the two men , both of them were kinda healthy .

There was no way I could take them down without me being at the other end as well .

I ran a bit farther to be face to face with a bouncer .

"There's these two guys trying to molest a girl in there " I yelled

"Where ??"

"Come with me " I say and ran again , followed by that hulk .

"In that room" I point and this man barges in the room swiftly .

Both of the men who have now successfully tied Jessica down get alert and look at the bouncer .

"We have booked this room for tonight " , one of them say .

I slowly enter the room from behind

"Do you guys have her consent ??" ,
The bouncer asks , to which Jessica slightly shakes her head .

"Yes" the other man clearly lies !

I come forward and now everyone in the room notice my presence ,
Jess's eyes slightly widen .

A flash of relief washes over her face but then again it is replaced by the dizzy look .

"And who are you ?"

" Her friend and I'm taking her with me " I say sternly and rush beside Jess to free her hands .

Me , who always had problems with tying and untying knots , suprisingly manage to do it with ease in a situation like this .

The bouncer manages to block the guys who are desperately trying to get to us .

Just as Jessica is out of the bounds , one of the guy manages to escape from the hold of the bouncer and appears in front of me .

"Don't make this worse" he warns me

"Whatever you are doing is wrong "',
I say trying to act as stern as possible , but inside  I was scared , scared like never before !

"Leave and we'll act like nothing happened " He tells me

"I'm going with her! "

He eyes me from top to bottom and then again from bottom to top , his gaze makes me wanna reap his eye balls off !

He smirks and says ,
"If that's what you want then i'll let her leave . But you will have to stay instead "


"Are you crazy ??" Jess whispers from behind , once she gets rid of the cloth which was initially stuffed in her mouth .

I can handle myself way better in this situation .

Thanks to my 24 hour 7 sober state .

The both men get together and manage to knock the bouncer down !

Meanwhile , I carry Jessica out of the room .

Just as I walked a few steps farther ,
I was pulled roughly back .

"Run" is what I say but her vulnerable state prevented her from going any faster .

But this man abides by what he says and lets her go away while dragging me with him .

I try my best to escape but his grip is stronger and painful !

" You bitch" he snarls

My heart is beating faster and I can't think of what will happen next .

That bouncer kinda sorta helped us but he is himself in pain right now !

What can I do ?

He starts dragging me quite violently, which makes me scream,
" Aah! "

Royal I need you!

Just as his arms get near my mouth ,
I bite it with all the force .

His immediately reflix is to get away from me and mine is to run away .

I see two more bouncers rushing towards me and I point at the room from which I narrowly escaped .

They both go there and I rush to find Jessica , who's settled on the floor beside a worker .

"Do you know her ?" that person immediately asks

"Yes , she'a a friend of mine "

" Okay . Take care of her . She doesn't seem to be in her conscious state "

"Yaa "

"She way trying to say something but she nearly fainted .
She managed to muster words like 'save' , 'in the room' and then pointed in the direction from where you came .
So I asked the guards to check "

"Thank you very much " I say and then finally sit beside Jess

"You okay?" I ask and she nods her head , which is a good sign .

She's at least responding . Her eyes are wet already .

"Where are your friends?"

"Fredrick and Beca ... left . Ben ... I don't ... know",
she says ,her voice desperately low .

"Can you stay here with her for a moment ?" I ask the person

"Sure" he says and I go back to hell ,
I mean the haunted room , I mean from where I came .

When I peep into the room , I see that the two guys are tied to the chair now .

One bouncer is on phone while the other is keeping an eye on these two bastards .

The one whom I called initially is also looking out for them .

After his call is over , he turns to me and says ,

"I have informed the police , they'll be coming anytime now "

"Thank you"

"No , we must thank you "

I manage to return a faint smile .

I go back to where Jess is and there I see Ben .

"I'm so sorry . I couldn't find you and you weren't picking your calls either " he says and all I wanted to do is punch him in the gut for leaving her fudging alone .

"Do you know what could have happened to her if we hadn't found her ?" I shout

"I was carried away . I'm sorry !"

"I'm taking her with me "

"I brought my car . I'll drop you guys back to hostel if you want "

"Okay "

I forgot my cell and I never regretted it this much ...

After the police arrive , they see Jessica's conditions and someone does her check up .

They arrest the men !

They ask me to get Jessica home and let her rest , so I do just that .


Posted on : April 3rd , 2020

Word count - 2200

I know the song's not exactly suitable to the theme but I'm trying to find one
until then this is 'perfect' .
Haha .

And to those who wonder about the songs mentioned , lemme tell you ,
I write the chapter first and
then think of the song which suits the theme and not vice-versa  🎶

But I must also admit ,
songs do inspire me ♡

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